blob: 1f4a7ed8be1e37d6494ea6bcb2d2a096384add4f [file] [log] [blame]
cdumez@apple.come5738072020-06-26 23:32:36 +00001
darin@apple.com82d21b62020-09-27 06:30:38 +00002PASS idl_test setup
3PASS idl_test validation
4PASS Partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope: original interface mixin defined
5PASS Partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope: member names are unique
6PASS Partial interface Window: member names are unique
7PASS Window includes GlobalEventHandlers: member names are unique
8PASS Window includes WindowEventHandlers: member names are unique
9PASS Window includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope: member names are unique
10PASS Window includes AnimationFrameProvider: member names are unique
11PASS Window includes WindowSessionStorage: member names are unique
12PASS Window includes WindowLocalStorage: member names are unique
13PASS WorkerGlobalScope includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope: member names are unique
14PASS Crypto interface: existence and properties of interface object
15PASS Crypto interface object length
16PASS Crypto interface object name
17PASS Crypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
18PASS Crypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
19PASS Crypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
20PASS Crypto interface: attribute subtle
21PASS Crypto interface: operation getRandomValues(ArrayBufferView)
22PASS Crypto must be primary interface of crypto
23PASS Stringification of crypto
24PASS Crypto interface: crypto must inherit property "subtle" with the proper type
25PASS Crypto interface: crypto must inherit property "getRandomValues(ArrayBufferView)" with the proper type
26PASS Crypto interface: calling getRandomValues(ArrayBufferView) on crypto with too few arguments must throw TypeError
27PASS CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface object
28PASS CryptoKey interface object length
29PASS CryptoKey interface object name
30PASS CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
31PASS CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
32PASS CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
33PASS CryptoKey interface: attribute type
34PASS CryptoKey interface: attribute extractable
35PASS CryptoKey interface: attribute algorithm
36PASS CryptoKey interface: attribute usages
37PASS SubtleCrypto interface: existence and properties of interface object
38PASS SubtleCrypto interface object length
39PASS SubtleCrypto interface object name
40PASS SubtleCrypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
41PASS SubtleCrypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
42PASS SubtleCrypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
43PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation encrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource)
44PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation decrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource)
45PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation sign(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource)
46PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation verify(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource, BufferSource)
47PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation digest(AlgorithmIdentifier, BufferSource)
48PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation generateKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)
49PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation deriveKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)
50PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation deriveBits(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, unsigned long)
51PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation importKey(KeyFormat, (BufferSource or JsonWebKey), AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)
52PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation exportKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey)
53PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation wrapKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier)
54PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation unwrapKey(KeyFormat, BufferSource, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)
55PASS SubtleCrypto must be primary interface of crypto.subtle
56PASS Stringification of crypto.subtle
57PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "encrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource)" with the proper type
58PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling encrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
59PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "decrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource)" with the proper type
60PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling decrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
61PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "sign(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource)" with the proper type
62PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling sign(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
63PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "verify(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource, BufferSource)" with the proper type
64PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling verify(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource, BufferSource) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
65PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "digest(AlgorithmIdentifier, BufferSource)" with the proper type
66PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling digest(AlgorithmIdentifier, BufferSource) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
67PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "generateKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)" with the proper type
68PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling generateKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
69PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "deriveKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)" with the proper type
70PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling deriveKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
71PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "deriveBits(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, unsigned long)" with the proper type
72PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling deriveBits(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, unsigned long) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
73PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "importKey(KeyFormat, (BufferSource or JsonWebKey), AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)" with the proper type
74PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling importKey(KeyFormat, (BufferSource or JsonWebKey), AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
75PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "exportKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey)" with the proper type
76PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling exportKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
77PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "wrapKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier)" with the proper type
78PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling wrapKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
79PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "unwrapKey(KeyFormat, BufferSource, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)" with the proper type
80PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling unwrapKey(KeyFormat, BufferSource, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError
81PASS Window interface: attribute crypto
82PASS WorkerGlobalScope interface: existence and properties of interface object
cdumez@apple.come5738072020-06-26 23:32:36 +000083