| |
| PASS idl_test setup |
| PASS idl_test validation |
| PASS Partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope: original interface mixin defined |
| PASS Partial interface mixin WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope: member names are unique |
| PASS Partial interface Window: member names are unique |
| PASS Window includes GlobalEventHandlers: member names are unique |
| PASS Window includes WindowEventHandlers: member names are unique |
| PASS Window includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope: member names are unique |
| PASS Window includes AnimationFrameProvider: member names are unique |
| PASS Window includes WindowSessionStorage: member names are unique |
| PASS Window includes WindowLocalStorage: member names are unique |
| PASS WorkerGlobalScope includes WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope: member names are unique |
| PASS Crypto interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS Crypto interface object length |
| PASS Crypto interface object name |
| PASS Crypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS Crypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS Crypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS Crypto interface: attribute subtle |
| PASS Crypto interface: operation getRandomValues(ArrayBufferView) |
| PASS Crypto must be primary interface of crypto |
| PASS Stringification of crypto |
| PASS Crypto interface: crypto must inherit property "subtle" with the proper type |
| PASS Crypto interface: crypto must inherit property "getRandomValues(ArrayBufferView)" with the proper type |
| PASS Crypto interface: calling getRandomValues(ArrayBufferView) on crypto with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS CryptoKey interface object length |
| PASS CryptoKey interface object name |
| PASS CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS CryptoKey interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS CryptoKey interface: attribute type |
| PASS CryptoKey interface: attribute extractable |
| PASS CryptoKey interface: attribute algorithm |
| PASS CryptoKey interface: attribute usages |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface object length |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface object name |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation encrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation decrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation sign(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation verify(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource, BufferSource) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation digest(AlgorithmIdentifier, BufferSource) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation generateKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation deriveKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation deriveBits(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, unsigned long) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation importKey(KeyFormat, (BufferSource or JsonWebKey), AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation exportKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation wrapKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: operation unwrapKey(KeyFormat, BufferSource, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) |
| PASS SubtleCrypto must be primary interface of crypto.subtle |
| PASS Stringification of crypto.subtle |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "encrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling encrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "decrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling decrypt(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "sign(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling sign(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "verify(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource, BufferSource)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling verify(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, BufferSource, BufferSource) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "digest(AlgorithmIdentifier, BufferSource)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling digest(AlgorithmIdentifier, BufferSource) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "generateKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling generateKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "deriveKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling deriveKey(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "deriveBits(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling deriveBits(AlgorithmIdentifier, CryptoKey, unsigned long) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "importKey(KeyFormat, (BufferSource or JsonWebKey), AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling importKey(KeyFormat, (BufferSource or JsonWebKey), AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "exportKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling exportKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "wrapKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling wrapKey(KeyFormat, CryptoKey, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: crypto.subtle must inherit property "unwrapKey(KeyFormat, BufferSource, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>)" with the proper type |
| PASS SubtleCrypto interface: calling unwrapKey(KeyFormat, BufferSource, CryptoKey, AlgorithmIdentifier, AlgorithmIdentifier, boolean, sequence<KeyUsage>) on crypto.subtle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS Window interface: attribute crypto |
| PASS WorkerGlobalScope interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| |