blob: cd7e60619db1997a882ea0ac4246530f29206723 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE.
* Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (
* (C) 1997 Torben Weis (
* (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qptrvector.h>
#include "render_box.h"
#include "render_flow.h"
#include "render_style.h"
#include "misc/khtmllayout.h"
namespace DOM {
class DOMString;
namespace khtml {
class RenderTable;
class RenderTableSection;
class RenderTableRow;
class RenderTableCell;
class RenderTableCol;
class RenderTableCaption;
class RenderTable : public RenderFlow
enum Rules {
None = 0x00,
RGroups = 0x01,
CGroups = 0x02,
Groups = 0x03,
Rows = 0x05,
Cols = 0x0a,
All = 0x0f
enum Frame {
Void = 0x00,
Above = 0x01,
Below = 0x02,
Lhs = 0x04,
Rhs = 0x08,
Hsides = 0x03,
Vsides = 0x0c,
Box = 0x0f
RenderTable(DOM::NodeImpl* node);
virtual const char *renderName() const { return "RenderTable"; }
virtual void setStyle(RenderStyle *style);
virtual bool isRendered() const { return true; }
virtual bool isTable() const { return true; }
int getColumnPos(int col)
{ return columnPos[col]; }
int getColumnWidth(int col)
{ if(!actColWidth.size() < col) return 0; return actColWidth[col]; }
int cellSpacing() { return spacing; }
Rules getRules() { return rules; }
QColor bgColor() { return style()->backgroundColor(); }
void startRow();
void addCell( RenderTableCell *cell );
void endTable();
void addColInfo(RenderTableCell *cell, bool recalc = true);
void addColInfo(RenderTableCol *colel);
void addColInfo(int _startCol, int _colSpan,
int _minSize, int _maxSize, khtml::Length _width,
RenderTableCell* _cell, bool recalc = true);
void recalcColInfos();
// overrides
virtual void addChild(RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild = 0);
virtual void print( QPainter *, int x, int y, int w, int h,
int tx, int ty);
virtual void layout();
virtual void calcMinMaxWidth();
virtual void close();
virtual void setCellWidths( );
int getBaseline(int row) {return rowBaselines[row];}
virtual void position(int x, int y, int from, int len, int width, bool reverse, bool firstLine, int);
virtual void calcWidth();
virtual int borderTopExtra();
virtual int borderBottomExtra();
void closeRow();
void setNeedsCellsRecalc();
void recalcCells();
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual void dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind = "") const;
* For each table element with a different width a ColInfo struct is
* maintained. Consider for example the following table:
* +---+---+---+
* | A | B | C |
* +---+---+---+
* | D | E |
* +-------+---+
* This table would result in 4 ColInfo structs being allocated.
* 1 for A, 1 for B, 1 for C & E, and 1 for D.
* Note that C and E share the same ColInfo.
* Note that D has a seperate ColInfo entry.
* There is always 1 default ColInfo entry which stretches across the
* entire table.
struct ColInfo
span = 0;
start = 0;
int span;
int start;
int min;
int max;
RenderTableCell* minCell;
RenderTableCell* maxCell;
khtml::LengthType type;
int value;
RenderTableCell* widthCell;
void recalcColInfo( ColInfo *col );
// This function calculates the actual widths of the columns
void calcColWidth();
// calculates the height of each row
void calcRowHeight(int r);
void layoutRows(int yoff);
void setCells( unsigned int r, unsigned int c, RenderTableCell *cell );
void addRows( int num );
void addColumns( int num );
RenderTableCell ***cells;
class ColInfoLine : public QPtrVector<ColInfo>
ColInfoLine() : QPtrVector<ColInfo>()
{ setAutoDelete(true); }
ColInfoLine(int i) : QPtrVector<ColInfo>(i)
{ setAutoDelete(true); }
ColInfoLine(const QPtrVector<ColInfo> &v) : QPtrVector<ColInfo>(v)
{ setAutoDelete(true); }
QPtrVector<ColInfoLine> colInfos;
void calcColMinMax();
void calcSingleColMinMax(int c, ColInfo* col);
void calcFinalColMax(int c, ColInfo* col);
void spreadSpanMinMax(int col, int span, int min, int max, khtml::LengthType type);
int distributeWidth(int distrib, khtml::LengthType type, int typeCols );
int distributeMinWidth(int distrib, khtml::LengthType distType,
khtml::LengthType toType, int start, int span, bool minlimit );
int distributeMaxWidth(int distrib, LengthType distType,
LengthType toType, int start, int span);
int distributeRest(int distrib, khtml::LengthType type, int divider );
int maxColSpan;
QMemArray<int> columnPos;
QMemArray<int> colMaxWidth;
QMemArray<int> colMinWidth;
QMemArray<khtml::LengthType> colType;
QMemArray<int> colValue;
QMemArray<int> rowHeights;
QMemArray<int> rowBaselines;
QMemArray<int> actColWidth;
unsigned int col;
unsigned int totalCols;
unsigned int row;
unsigned int totalRows;
unsigned int allocRows;
unsigned int totalPercent ;
unsigned int totalRelative ;
RenderTableCaption *tCaption;
RenderTableSection *head;
RenderTableSection *foot;
RenderTableSection *firstBody;
Frame frame;
Rules rules;
RenderTableCol *_oldColElem;
int _currentCol; // keeps track of current col for col/colgroup stuff
int spacing;
short _lastParentWidth : 16;
bool incremental : 1;
bool collapseBorders : 1;
bool colWidthKnown : 1;
bool needsCellsRecalc : 1;
bool hasPercent : 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RenderTableSection : public RenderContainer
RenderTableSection(DOM::NodeImpl* node);
virtual const char *renderName() const { return "RenderTableSection"; }
int numRows() { return nrows; }
// overrides
virtual void addChild(RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild = 0);
virtual bool isTableSection() const { return true; }
virtual short lineHeight(bool) const { return 0; }
virtual void position(int, int, int, int, int, bool, bool, int) {}
virtual void setTable(RenderTable *t) { table = t; }
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual void dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind = "") const;
RenderTable *table;
int nrows;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RenderTableRow : public RenderContainer
RenderTableRow(DOM::NodeImpl* node);
virtual const char *renderName() const { return "RenderTableRow"; }
long rowIndex() const;
void setRowIndex( long );
long sectionRowIndex() const { return rIndex; }
void setSectionRowIndex( long i ) { rIndex = i; }
virtual bool isTableRow() const { return true; }
// overrides
virtual void addChild(RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild = 0);
virtual short lineHeight( bool ) const { return 0; }
virtual void position(int, int, int, int, int, bool, bool, int) {}
virtual void close();
virtual void repaint();
virtual void layout();
virtual void setTable(RenderTable *t) { table = t; }
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual void dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind = "") const;
RenderTable *table;
// relative to the current section!
int rIndex;
int ncols;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RenderTableCell : public RenderFlow
RenderTableCell(DOM::NodeImpl* node);
virtual const char *renderName() const { return "RenderTableCell"; }
virtual bool isTableCell() const { return true; }
// ### FIX these two...
long cellIndex() const { return 0; }
void setCellIndex( long ) { }
long colSpan() const { return cSpan; }
void setColSpan( long c ) { cSpan = c; }
long rowSpan() const { return rSpan; }
void setRowSpan( long r ) { rSpan = r; }
bool noWrap() const { return nWrap; }
void setNoWrap(bool nw) { nWrap = nw; }
int col() const { return _col; }
void setCol(int col) { _col = col; }
int row() const { return _row; }
void setRow(int r) { _row = r; }
khtml::LengthType colType();
// overrides
virtual void calcMinMaxWidth();
virtual void calcWidth();
virtual void setWidth( int width );
virtual void setStyle( RenderStyle *style );
virtual void repaint();
virtual void updateFromElement();
void setRowHeight(int h) { rowHeight = h; }
void setRowImpl(RenderTableRow *r) { rowimpl = r; }
void setCellTopExtra(int p) { _topExtra = p; }
void setCellBottomExtra(int p) { _bottomExtra = p; }
virtual void setTable(RenderTable *t) { m_table = t; }
RenderTable *table() const { return m_table; }
virtual void print( QPainter* p, int x, int y,
int w, int h, int tx, int ty);
virtual void close();
// lie position to outside observers
virtual int yPos() const { return m_y + _topExtra; }
virtual void repaintRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool f=false);
virtual bool absolutePosition(int &xPos, int &yPos, bool f = false);
virtual short baselinePosition( bool = false ) const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual void dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind = "") const;
bool widthChanged() {
bool retval = m_widthChanged;
m_widthChanged = false;
return retval;
RenderTable *m_table;
virtual void printBoxDecorations(QPainter *p,int _x, int _y,
int _w, int _h, int _tx, int _ty);
short _row;
short _col;
short rSpan;
short cSpan;
int _id;
int rowHeight;
int _topExtra;
int _bottomExtra;
bool nWrap : 1;
bool m_widthChanged : 1;
virtual int borderTopExtra() { return _topExtra; }
virtual int borderBottomExtra() { return _bottomExtra; }
RenderTableRow *rowimpl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RenderTableCol : public RenderContainer
RenderTableCol(DOM::NodeImpl* node);
virtual const char *renderName() const { return "RenderTableCol"; }
void setStartCol( int c ) {_startCol = _currentCol = c; }
int col() { return _startCol; }
int lastCol() { return _currentCol; }
long span() const { return _span; }
void setSpan( long s ) { _span = s; }
khtml::Length width();
virtual void addChild(RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild = 0);
virtual short lineHeight( bool ) const { return 0; }
virtual void position(int, int, int, int, int, bool, bool, int) {}
virtual void layout() {}
virtual void setTable(RenderTable *t) { table = t; }
virtual void updateFromElement();
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual void dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind = "") const;
RenderTable *table;
int _span;
int _currentCol;
int _startCol;
// could be ID_COL or ID_COLGROUP ... The DOM is not quite clear on
// this, but since both elements work quite similar, we use one
// DOMElement for them...
ushort _id;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RenderTableCaption : public RenderFlow
virtual const char *renderName() const { return "RenderTableCaption"; }
virtual void setTable(RenderTable *t) { table = t; }
RenderTable *table;