| Test that caption preferences change notifications work |
| |
| RUN(internals.setCaptionDisplayMode('AlwaysOn')) |
| RUN(internals.setCaptionsStyleSheetOverride('video::cue { color: blue; background-color: yellow; }')) |
| RUN(internals.settings.setShouldDisplayTrackKind('Captions', true)) |
| |
| EVENT(canplaythrough) |
| |
| RUN(video.currentTime = .5) |
| |
| EVENT(seeked) |
| |
| ** Track should be visible, cue should be styled appropriately. ** |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks[0].mode == 'showing') OK |
| EXPECTED (getComputedStyle(textTrackDisplayElement(video, 'cue')).color == 'rgb(0, 0, 255)') OK |
| EXPECTED (getComputedStyle(textTrackDisplayElement(video, 'cue')).backgroundColor == 'rgb(255, 255, 0)') OK |
| |
| ** Remove the video from the document, add it back. ** |
| RUN(video.parentNode.removeChild(video)) |
| RUN(document.body.appendChild(video)) |
| |
| ** Change caption display mode to generate a notification. ** |
| RUN(setCaptionDisplayMode('ForcedOnly')) |
| |
| ** Track should not be visible. ** |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks[0].mode == 'disabled') OK |
| |
| |