blob: f71c830ed58923a08e0a412dd76fefbef562186f [file] [log] [blame]
description('Test RegExp#flags accessor');
debug("property descriptor");
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExp.prototype, 'flags');
shouldBe("descriptor.configurable", "true");
shouldBe("descriptor.enumerable", "false");
shouldBe("typeof descriptor.get", "'function'");
shouldBe("descriptor.set", "undefined");
var flags = descriptor.get;
shouldBe("/a/g.flags", "'g'");
shouldBe("/a/.flags", "''");
shouldBe("/a/gmi.flags", "'gim'"); // order is specified, happens to be alphabetic
shouldBe("new RegExp('a', 'gmi').flags", "'gim'");
shouldBe("", "'gi'");
debug("non-object receivers");
shouldThrow("", "'TypeError: The RegExp.prototype.flags getter can only be called on an object'");
shouldThrow("", "'TypeError: The RegExp.prototype.flags getter can only be called on an object'");
shouldThrow("", "'TypeError: The RegExp.prototype.flags getter can only be called on an object'");
shouldThrow("", "'TypeError: The RegExp.prototype.flags getter can only be called on an object'");
debug("non-regex objects");
shouldBe("{})", "''");
shouldBe("{global: true, multiline: true, ignoreCase: true})", "'gim'");
shouldBe("{global: 1, multiline: 0, ignoreCase: 2})", "'gi'");
// inherited properties count
shouldBe("{ __proto__: { multiline: true } })", "'m'");
debug("unicode flag");
shouldBe("/a/uimg.flags", "'gimu'");
shouldBe("new RegExp('a', 'uimg').flags", "'gimu'");
shouldBe("{global: true, multiline: true, ignoreCase: true, unicode: true})", "'gimu'");
debug("sticky flag");
shouldBe("/a/yimg.flags", "'gimy'");
shouldBe("new RegExp('a', 'yimg').flags", "'gimy'");
shouldBe("{global: true, multiline: true, ignoreCase: true, sticky: true})", "'gimy'");