blob: 6adc5720a87cc99dbfa965c39937b94580581155 [file] [log] [blame]
This page tests cached access to getters and setters. If the test passes,
you'll see a series of PASS messages below.
<pre id="console"></pre>
(function() {
if (window.testRunner)
function log(s)
if (this.document)
document.getElementById("console").appendChild(document.createTextNode(s + "\n"));
print(s + "\n");
function shouldBe(a, aDescription, b)
if (a === b) {
log("PASS: " + aDescription + " should be " + b + " and is.");
} else {
log("FAIL: " + aDescription + " should be " + b + " but instead is " + a + ".");
(function() {
var o = {
x_ : 0,
y_ : 0,
get x() { return this.x_; },
set x(x) { this.x_ = x; },
__proto__ : {
get y() { return this.y_; },
set y(y) { this.y_ = y; }
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
o.x = i;
shouldBe(o.x, "o.x", i);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
o.y = i;
shouldBe(o.y, "o.y", i);
function testGetter(o) {
var result;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
result = o.getter;
return result;
function testProtoGetter(o) {
var result;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
result = o.getter;
return result;
function testProtoChainGetter(o) {
var result;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
result = o.getter;
return result;
shouldBe(testGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0}),
"testGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0, newProperty: 0}),
"testGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0, newProperty: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0, newProperty2: 0}),
"testGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0, newProperty2: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}, count: 0}),
"testProtoGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}, count: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}, count: 0, newProperty: 0}),
"testProtoGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}, count: 0, newProperty: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}, count: 0, newProperty2: 0}),
"testProtoGetter({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}, count: 0, newProperty2: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoChainGetter({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}}, count: 0}),
"testProtoChainGetter({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}}, count: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoChainGetter({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}}, count: 0, newProperty: 0}),
"testProtoChainGetter({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}}, count: 0, newProperty: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoChainGetter({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}}, count: 0, newProperty2: 0}),
"testProtoChainGetter({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }}}, count: 0, newProperty2: 0})", 10);
function testGetterBigObject(o) {
var result;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
result = o.getter;
return result;
function testProtoGetterBigObject(o) {
var result;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
result = o.getter;
return result;
function testProtoChainGetterBigObject(o) {
var result;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
result = o.getter;
return result;
shouldBe(testGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}),
"testGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9})", 10);
shouldBe(testGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0, newProperty: 0, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}),
"testGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0, newProperty: 0, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9})", 10);
shouldBe(testGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0, newProperty2: 0, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}),
"testGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL'}, get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, count: 0, newProperty2: 0, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}, count: 0}),
"testProtoGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}, count: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}, count: 0, newProperty: 0}),
"testProtoGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}, count: 0, newProperty: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}, count: 0, newProperty2: 0}),
"testProtoGetterBigObject({__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}, count: 0, newProperty2: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoChainGetterBigObject({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}}, count: 0}),
"testProtoChainGetterBigObject({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}}, count: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoChainGetterBigObject({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}}, count: 0, newProperty: 0}),
"testProtoChainGetterBigObject({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}}, count: 0, newProperty: 0})", 10);
shouldBe(testProtoChainGetterBigObject({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}}, count: 0, newProperty2: 0}),
"testProtoChainGetterBigObject({__proto__: {__proto__: {count: 'FAIL', get getter(){ return ++this.count; }, a:1, b:2, c:3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9}}, count: 0, newProperty2: 0})", 10);
(function() {
var o = {
x : 1,
y : 1
function getX(o)
return o.x;
function setX(o, x)
o.x = x;
setX(o, 2);
setX(o, 2);
o.__defineGetter__("x", function() { return 3; });
o.__defineSetter__("x", function(x) { });
shouldBe(getX(o), "getX(o)", 3);
setX(o, 2);
shouldBe(getX(o), "getX(o)", 3);