blob: 57522dac4a2d9eb54c45703ae2f33052650e8707 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/inspector-test.js"></script>
function test()
let primitiveCases = [
input: `-42`,
type: "number",
value: -42,
input: `42`,
type: "number",
value: 42,
input: `0`,
type: "number",
value: 0,
input: `"String"`,
type: "string",
value: "String",
input: `false`,
type: "boolean",
value: false,
input: `true`,
type: "boolean",
value: true,
input: `null`,
type: "object",
value: null,
let complexCases = [
{ // Plain object.
input: `({a:42})`,
type: "object",
{ // Plain array.
input: `[42, 43, 44]`,
type: "object",
subtype: "array",
{ // JS builtin object.
input: `new Number(42)`,
type: "object",
{ // JS function.
input: `function foo() { return 42; }; foo`,
type: "function",
{ // Native function.
input: `Array.prototype.splice`,
type: "function",
{ // Async function.
input: `async function foo() { return 42; } foo`,
type: "function",
{ // Arrow function.
input: `() => { return 42; }`,
type: "function",
{ // Async arrow function.
input: `async () => { return 42; }`,
type: "function",
{ // DOM object.
input: `window.document`,
type: "object",
subtype: "node",
{ // Symbol.
input: `Symbol.iterator`,
type: "symbol",
{ // Iterator.
input: `[].entries()`,
type: "object",
subtype: "iterator",
{ // Promise.
input: `Promise.resolve()`,
type: "object",
{ // Error (returned).
input: `new Error(42)`,
type: "object",
subtype: "error",
{ // Error (thrown).
input: `throw new Error(42)`,
type: "object",
subtype: "error",
thrown: true,
let suite = InspectorTest.createAsyncSuite("InspectorTest.evaluateInPage");
name: "evaluateInPage.Primitives",
async test() {
for (let {input, value} of primitiveCases) {
let result = await InspectorTest.evaluateInPage(input);
InspectorTest.log(`Checking result of evaluating string: ${input}`);
InspectorTest.expectEqual(result, value, "Expected and actual evaluation result should be equal.");
InspectorTest.expectFalse(result instanceof WI.RemoteObject, "Should not be returned as a WI.RemoteObject.");
name: "evaluateInPage.PrimitivesWithoutUnwrapping",
async test() {
for (let {input, type, value} of primitiveCases) {
let result = await InspectorTest.evaluateInPage(input, null, {remoteObjectOnly: true});
InspectorTest.log(`Checking result of evaluating string without unwrapping: ${input}`);
InspectorTest.expectThat(result instanceof WI.RemoteObject, "Should be returned as a WI.RemoteObject.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(result.type, type, `Type of evaluation result should be '${type}'.`);
name: "evaluateInPage.RemoteObjects",
async test() {
for (let {input, type, subtype, thrown} of complexCases) {
InspectorTest.log(`Checking result of evaluating string: ${input}`);
if (thrown) {
await InspectorTest.expectException(async () => {
await InspectorTest.evaluateInPage(input);
} else {
let result = await InspectorTest.evaluateInPage(input);
InspectorTest.expectThat(result instanceof WI.RemoteObject, "Returned result should be a WI.RemoteObject.");
InspectorTest.expectFalse(result.hasValue(), "Non-primitive evaluation results should not have a marshalled value.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(result.type, type, `Type of evaluation result should be '${type}'.`);
InspectorTest.expectEqual(result.subtype, subtype, `Subtype of evaluation result should be '${subtype}'.`);
<body onload="runTest()">
<p>Testing the InspectorTest.evaluateInPage function.</p>