| Test basic behavior of RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack() |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS pc.getSenders().length is 0 |
| PASS sender = pc.addTrack(audioTrack, stream) did not throw exception. |
| PASS sender is an instance of RTCRtpSender |
| PASS sender.track is audioTrack |
| PASS promise sender.replaceTrack() rejected with TypeError: Not enough arguments |
| PASS promise sender.replaceTrack(null) rejected with TypeError: Argument 1 ('withTrack') to RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack must be an instance of MediaStreamTrack |
| PASS promise sender.replaceTrack({}) rejected with TypeError: Argument 1 ('withTrack') to RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack must be an instance of MediaStreamTrack |
| Test mismatching track kind |
| PASS promise sender.replaceTrack(videoTrack) rejected with TypeError: Type error |
| PASS promise sender.replaceTrack(audioTrack2) fulfilled with undefined |
| PASS Track successfully replaced |
| PASS sender.track is audioTrack2 |
| Sender should still use old track (audioTrack) id in negotiation. |
| PASS offer created |
| PASS offer.sdp.indexOf(audioTrack.id) is not -1 |
| PASS offer.sdp.indexOf(audioTrack2.id) is -1 |
| Stop sender, and try replacing the track |
| PASS promise sender.replaceTrack(audioTrack2) rejected with InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): The object is in an invalid state. |
| Create a new sender |
| PASS sender = pc.addTrack(audioTrack2, stream) did not throw exception. |
| Close pc and try replacing the track |
| PASS promise sender.replaceTrack(audioTrack3) rejected with InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): The object is in an invalid state. |
| End of promise chain |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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