blob: 28ba01920fabc490bbf877052476bb9489b4c864 [file] [log] [blame]
<title>CSS3 media query test: media query testing transition feature.</title>
<link rel="help" href="" />
<style type="text/css">
@media (-webkit-transition) {
#a { color: green }
@media (-webkit-transition: 1) {
#b { color: green }
#c { color: green; }
@media (-webkit-transition: 0) {
#c { color: red }
<p id="a">This text should be green if running in a build of WebKit with transitions.</p>
<p id="b">This text should be green if running in a build of WebKit with transitions.</p>
<p id="c">This text should be green if running in a build of WebKit with transitions.</p>