blob: f6dc49f8ad107bdc02d8105ab00e9ce991293924 [file] [log] [blame]
<div id="div1" contentEditable="true">foofoo</div>
<div id="div2" contentEditable="true">foofoo</div>
if (window.layoutTestController)
output = "";
// Test 1: Verify that a header at the beginning of inserted content is preserved.
div = document.getElementById("div1");
text = div.firstChild;
window.getSelection().setPosition(text, 3);
document.execCommand("InsertHTML", false, "<h1>bar</h1><div>baz</div>");
expected = "foo<h1>bar</h1>bazfoo";
actual = div.innerHTML;
if (actual == expected)
output += "Success\n";
output += "Failure. Result was: " + actual + ", should have been: " + expected + "\n";
// Test 2: Verify that a header at the end of inserted content is preserved.
div = document.getElementById("div2");
text = div.firstChild;
window.getSelection().setPosition(text, 3);
document.execCommand("InsertHTML", false, "<div>bar</div><h1>baz</h1>");
expected = "foobar<h1>baz</h1>foo";
actual = div.innerHTML;
if (actual == expected)
output += "Success\n";
output += "Failure. Result was: " + actual + ", should have been: " + expected + "\n";
document.body.innerText = output;