| ; Installer script for wxWebKit for wxPython |
| |
| [Setup] |
| AppName=wxWebKit |
| AppId=wxWebKit |
| AppVersion=<<VERSION>> |
| AppVerName=wxWebKit <<VERSION>> |
| AppCopyright=LGPL |
| DefaultDirName={code:GetInstallDir|c:\DoNotInstallHere} |
| AppPublisher=wxWebKit Project |
| AppPublisherURL=http://wxwebkit.wxcommunity.com/pmwiki/ |
| AppSupportURL=http://wxwebkit.wxcommunity.com/pmwiki/ |
| AppUpdatesURL=http://wxwebkit.wxcommunity.com/pmwiki/ |
| UninstallDisplayName=wxWebKit <<VERSION>> |
| UninstallFilesDir={app}\Uninstall |
| |
| Compression=bzip/9 |
| SourceDir=<<ROOTDIR>> |
| OutputDir=win-installer |
| OutputBaseFilename=wxWebKit-Py<<PYTHONVER>>-<<VERSION>> |
| DisableStartupPrompt=yes |
| AllowNoIcons=yes |
| DisableProgramGroupPage=yes |
| DisableReadyPage=yes |
| |
| [Files] |
| <<FILES>> |
| |
| [Messages] |
| WelcomeLabel1=Welcome to the wxWebKit for wxPython Setup Wizard |
| |
| [Code] |
| |
| program Setup; |
| var |
| PythonDir : String; |
| InstallDir : String; |
| |
| |
| function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; |
| begin |
| |
| (* -------------------------------------------------------------- *) |
| (* Figure out what to use as a default installation dir *) |
| |
| if not RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, |
| 'Software\Python\PythonCore\<<PYTHONVER>>\InstallPath', |
| '', PythonDir) then begin |
| |
| if not RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, |
| 'Software\Python\PythonCore\<<PYTHONVER>>\InstallPath', |
| '', PythonDir) then begin |
| |
| MsgBox('No installation of Python <<PYTHONVER>> found in registry.' + #13 + |
| 'Be sure to enter a pathname that places wxPython on the PYTHONPATH', |
| mbConfirmation, MB_OK); |
| PythonDir := 'C:\Put a directory on PYTHONPATH here\'; |
| end; |
| end; |
| InstallDir := PythonDir + '\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\'; |
| Result := True; |
| end; |
| |
| |
| |
| function GetPythonDir(Default: String): String; |
| begin |
| Result := PythonDir; |
| end; |
| |
| |
| |
| function GetInstallDir(Default: String): String; |
| begin |
| Result := InstallDir; |
| end; |
| |
| begin |
| end. |