blob: dd4105e1195b50c333914c7fd5df1df12dfa8d1b [file] [log] [blame]
$title = "DOM (Document Object Model)";
<h2>DOM (Document Object Model)</h2>
<p>The Document Object Model (DOM) is a <a href="">standardized</a> software interface that allows code written in JavaScript and other languages to interact with the contents of an HTML document. The Document Object Model consists of a series of classes that represent HTML elements, events, and so on, each of which contains methods that operate on those elements or events.</p>
<h3>Get Involved!</h3>
<li><a href=";component=HTML%20DOM&amp;component=XML%20DOM&amp;resolution=---">View bugs in the HTML DOM and XML DOM component in Bugzilla.</a>
<li>If you find a DOM bug in the <a href="">latest nightly build</a> of WebKit, please <a href="../../quality/reporting.html">file a bug report</a>.
<li>Development discussions take place on Freenode IRC in <a href="irc://">#webkit</a>.