blob: 3bad27817fe3eba42c34b35541e00f7841429891 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Anders Carlsson <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Google Inc.
# This file is part of the KDE project
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package CodeGeneratorV8;
use File::stat;
my $module = "";
my $outputDir = "";
my @headerContent = ();
my @implContentHeader = ();
my @implFixedHeader = ();
my @implContent = ();
my @implContentDecls = ();
my %implIncludes = ();
my @allParents = ();
# Default .h template
my $headerTemplate = << "EOF";
This file is part of the WebKit open source project.
This file has been generated by DO NOT MODIFY!
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Default constructor
sub new
my $object = shift;
my $reference = { };
$codeGenerator = shift;
$outputDir = shift;
bless($reference, $object);
return $reference;
sub finish
my $object = shift;
# Commit changes!
sub leftShift($$) {
my ($value, $distance) = @_;
return (($value << $distance) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
# Uppercase the first letter, while respecting WebKit style guidelines.
# E.g., xmlEncoding becomes XMLEncoding, but xmlllang becomes Xmllang.
sub WK_ucfirst
my $param = shift;
my $ret = ucfirst($param);
$ret =~ s/Xml/XML/ if $ret =~ /^Xml[^a-z]/;
return $ret;
# Lowercase the first letter while respecting WebKit style guidelines.
# URL becomes url, but SetURL becomes setURL.
sub WK_lcfirst
my $param = shift;
my $ret = lcfirst($param);
$ret =~ s/uRL/url/;
return $ret;
# Workaround for V8 bindings difference where RGBColor is not a POD type.
sub IsPodType
my $type = shift;
return 0 if $type eq "RGBColor";
return $codeGenerator->IsPodType($type);
# Params: 'domClass' struct
sub GenerateInterface
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $defines = shift;
# Start actual generation
my $name = $dataNode->name;
# Open files for writing
my $headerFileName = "$outputDir/V8$name.h";
my $implFileName = "$outputDir/V8$name.cpp";
open($IMPL, ">$implFileName") || die "Couldn't open file $implFileName";
open($HEADER, ">$headerFileName") || die "Couldn't open file $headerFileName";
# Params: 'idlDocument' struct
sub GenerateModule
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
$module = $dataNode->module;
sub GetLegacyHeaderIncludes
my $legacyParent = shift;
die "Don't know what headers to include for module $module";
sub AvoidInclusionOfType
my $type = shift;
# Special case: SVGRect.h / SVGPoint.h / SVGNumber.h / SVGMatrix.h do not exist.
return 1 if $type eq "SVGRect" or $type eq "SVGPoint" or $type eq "SVGNumber" or $type eq "SVGMatrix";
return 0;
sub UsesManualToJSImplementation
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $type eq "SVGPathSeg";
return 0;
sub AddIncludesForType
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule(shift);
# When we're finished with the one-file-per-class
# reorganization, we won't need these special cases.
if ($codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($type) or AvoidInclusionOfType($type)) {
} elsif ($type =~ /SVGPathSeg/) {
$joinedName = $type;
$joinedName =~ s/Abs|Rel//;
$implIncludes{"${joinedName}.h"} = 1;
} else {
# default, include the same named file
$implIncludes{GetImplementationFileName(${type})} = 1;
# additional includes (things needed to compile the bindings but not the header)
if ($type eq "CanvasRenderingContext2D") {
$implIncludes{"CanvasGradient.h"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"CanvasPattern.h"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"CanvasStyle.h"} = 1;
if ($type eq "CanvasGradient" or $type eq "XPathNSResolver") {
$implIncludes{"PlatformString.h"} = 1;
if ($type eq "CSSStyleDeclaration") {
$implIncludes{"CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.h"} = 1;
if ($type eq "Plugin" or $type eq "PluginArray" or $type eq "MimeTypeArray") {
# So we can get String -> AtomicString conversion for namedItem().
$implIncludes{"AtomicString.h"} = 1;
sub AddIncludesForSVGAnimatedType
my $type = shift;
$type =~ s/SVGAnimated//;
if ($type eq "Point" or $type eq "Rect") {
$implIncludes{"Float$type.h"} = 1;
} elsif ($type eq "String") {
$implIncludes{"PlatformString.h"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"SVGAnimatedTemplate.h"} = 1;
sub AddClassForwardIfNeeded
my $implClassName = shift;
# SVGAnimatedLength/Number/etc.. are typedefs to SVGAnimtatedTemplate, so don't use class forwards for them!
push(@headerContent, "class $implClassName;\n\n") unless $codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($implClassName);
sub GetImplementationFileName
my $iface = shift;
return "HTMLCollection.h" if $iface eq "UndetectableHTMLCollection";
return "Event.h" if $iface eq "DOMTimeStamp";
return "NamedAttrMap.h" if $iface eq "NamedNodeMap";
return "NameNodeList.h" if $iface eq "NodeList";
return "XMLHttpRequest.h" if $iface eq "XMLHttpRequest";
return "${iface}.h";
sub GenerateHeader
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name;
my $className = "V8$interfaceName";
my $implClassName = $interfaceName;
# Copy contents of parent classes except the first parent or if it is
# EventTarget.
my $hasLegacyParent = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"LegacyParent"};
my $conditional = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"Conditional"};
# - Add default header template
@headerContent = split("\r", $headerTemplate);
my $conditionalString;
if ($conditional) {
$conditionalString = "ENABLE(" . join(") && ENABLE(", split(/&/, $conditional)) . ")";
push(@headerContent, "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n\n");
push(@headerContent, "\n#ifndef $className" . "_H");
push(@headerContent, "\n#define $className" . "_H\n\n");
# Get correct pass/store types respecting PODType flag
my $podType = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"PODType"};
my $passType = $podType ? "JSSVGPODTypeWrapper<$podType>*" : "$implClassName*";
push(@headerContent, "#include \"$podType.h\"\n") if $podType and ($podType ne "double" and $podType ne "float" and $podType ne "RGBA32");
push(@headerContent, "#include <v8.h>\n");
push(@headerContent, "#include <wtf/HashMap.h>\n");
push(@headerContent, "#include \"StringHash.h\"\n");
push(@headerContent, "\nnamespace WebCore {\n\n");
push(@headerContent, "class V8ClassIndex;\n");
push(@headerContent, "\nclass $className {\n");
push(@headerContent, <<END);
static bool HasInstance(v8::Handle<v8::Value> value);
static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> GetRawTemplate();
if ($implClassName eq "DOMWindow") {
push(@headerContent, <<END);
static v8::Persistent<v8::ObjectTemplate> GetShadowObjectTemplate();
push(@headerContent, <<END);
static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> GetTemplate();
friend class V8ClassIndex;
push(@headerContent, "}\n\n");
push(@headerContent, "#endif // $className" . "_H\n");
push(@headerContent, "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n") if $conditional;
sub GenerateSetDOMException
my $indent = shift;
my $result = "";
$result .= $indent . "if (ec) {\n";
$result .= $indent . " V8Proxy::setDOMException(ec);\n";
$result .= $indent . " return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n";
$result .= $indent . "}\n";
return $result;
sub IsNodeSubType
my $dataNode = shift;
return 1 if ($dataNode->name eq "Node");
foreach (@allParents) {
my $parent = $codeGenerator->StripModule($_);
return 1 if $parent eq "Node";
return 0;
sub HolderToNative
my $dataNode = shift;
my $implClassName = shift;
my $classIndex = shift;
if (IsNodeSubType($dataNode)) {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
$implClassName* imp = V8DOMWrapper::convertDOMWrapperToNode<$implClassName>(holder);
} else {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
$implClassName* imp = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<$implClassName>(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, holder);
sub GenerateDomainSafeFunctionGetter
my $function = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $classIndex = shift;
my $implClassName = shift;
my $className = "V8" . $dataNode->name;
my $funcName = $function->signature->name;
my $signature = "v8::Signature::New(" . $className . "::GetRawTemplate())";
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"V8DoNotCheckSignature"}) {
$signature = "v8::Local<v8::Signature>()";
my $newTemplateString = GenerateNewFunctionTemplate($function, $dataNode, $signature);
$implIncludes{"V8Proxy.h"} = 1;
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
static v8::Handle<v8::Value> ${funcName}AttrGetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::AccessorInfo& info) {
static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> private_template =
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = V8DOMWrapper::lookupDOMWrapper(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, info.This());
if (holder.IsEmpty()) {
// can only reach here by 'object.__proto__.func', and it should passed
// domain security check already
return private_template->GetFunction();
HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
if (!V8Proxy::canAccessFrame(imp->frame(), false)) {
static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> shared_template =
return shared_template->GetFunction();
} else {
return private_template->GetFunction();
sub GenerateConstructorGetter
my $implClassName = shift;
my $classIndex = shift;
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
static v8::Handle<v8::Value> ${implClassName}ConstructorGetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::AccessorInfo& info) {
v8::Handle<v8::Value> data = info.Data();
V8ClassIndex::V8WrapperType type = V8ClassIndex::FromInt(data->Int32Value());
if ($classIndex eq "DOMWINDOW") {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
DOMWindow* window = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<DOMWindow>(V8ClassIndex::DOMWINDOW, info.Holder());
Frame* frame = window->frame();
if (frame) {
// Get the proxy corresponding to the DOMWindow if possible to
// make sure that the constructor function is constructed in the
// context of the DOMWindow and not in the context of the caller.
return V8Proxy::retrieve(frame)->getConstructor(type);
if ($classIndex eq "WORKERCONTEXT") {
$implIncludes{"WorkerContextExecutionProxy.h"} = 1;
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
return WorkerContextExecutionProxy::retrieve()->GetConstructor(type);
} else {
push(@implContentDecls, " return v8::Undefined();");
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
sub GenerateNormalAttrGetter
my $attribute = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $classIndex = shift;
my $implClassName = shift;
my $attrExt = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes;
my $attrName = $attribute->signature->name;
$implIncludes{"V8Proxy.h"} = 1;
my $attrType = $codeGenerator->StripModule($attribute->signature->type);
my $attrIsPodType = IsPodType($attrType);
my $nativeType = GetNativeTypeFromSignature($attribute->signature, 0);
my $isPodType = IsPodType($implClassName);
my $skipContext = 0;
if ($isPodType) {
$implClassName = GetNativeType($implClassName);
$implIncludes{"V8SVGPODTypeWrapper.h"} = 1;
# Special case: SVGZoomEvent's attributes are all read-only
if ($implClassName eq "SVGZoomEvent") {
$attrIsPodType = 0;
$skipContext = 1;
# Special case: SVGSVGEelement::viewport is read-only
if (($implClassName eq "SVGSVGElement") and ($attrName eq "viewport")) {
$attrIsPodType = 0;
$skipContext = 1;
# Special case for SVGColor
if (($implClassName eq "SVGColor") and ($attrName eq "rgbColor")) {
$attrIsPodType = 0;
my $getterStringUsesImp = $implClassName ne "double";
# Getter
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
static v8::Handle<v8::Value> ${attrName}AttrGetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::AccessorInfo& info) {
if ($isPodType) {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName>* imp_wrapper = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName> >(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, info.Holder());
$implClassName imp_instance = *imp_wrapper;
if ($getterStringUsesImp) {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
$implClassName* imp = &imp_instance;
} elsif ($attrExt->{"v8OnProto"} || $attrExt->{"V8DisallowShadowing"}) {
# perform lookup first
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = V8DOMWrapper::lookupDOMWrapper(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, info.This());
if (holder.IsEmpty()) return v8::Undefined();
HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
} else {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = info.Holder();
HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
# Generate security checks if necessary
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CheckNodeSecurity"}) {
push(@implContentDecls, " if (!V8Proxy::checkNodeSecurity(imp->$attrName())) return v8::Undefined();\n\n");
} elsif ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CheckFrameSecurity"}) {
push(@implContentDecls, " if (!V8Proxy::checkNodeSecurity(imp->contentDocument())) return v8::Undefined();\n\n");
my $useExceptions = 1 if @{$attribute->getterExceptions} and !($isPodType);
if ($useExceptions) {
$implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1;
push(@implContentDecls, " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n");
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"v8referenceattr"}) {
$attrName = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"v8referenceattr"};
my $getterFunc = WK_lcfirst($attrName);
$getterFunc .= "Animated" if $codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($attribute->signature->type);
my $returnType = $codeGenerator->StripModule($attribute->signature->type);
my $getterString;
if ($getterStringUsesImp) {
$getterString = "imp->$getterFunc(";
$getterString .= "ec" if $useExceptions;
$getterString .= ")";
if (IsRefPtrType($returnType)) {
$implIncludes{"wtf/GetPtr.h"} = 1;
$getterString = "WTF::getPtr(" . $getterString . ")";
if ($nativeType eq "int" and
$attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertFromString"}) {
$getterString .= ".toInt()";
} else {
$getterString = "imp_instance";
if ($nativeType eq "String") {
$getterString = "toString($getterString)";
my $result;
my $wrapper;
if ($attrIsPodType) {
$implIncludes{"V8SVGPODTypeWrapper.h"} = 1;
my $getter = $getterString;
$getter =~ s/imp->//;
$getter =~ s/\(\)//;
my $setter = "set" . WK_ucfirst($getter);
my $implClassIsAnimatedType = $codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($implClassName);
if (not $implClassIsAnimatedType
and $codeGenerator->IsPodTypeWithWriteableProperties($attrType)
and not defined $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Immutable"}) {
if (IsPodType($implClassName)) {
$wrapper = "new V8SVGStaticPODTypeWrapperWithPODTypeParent<$nativeType, $implClassName>($getterString, imp_wrapper)";
} else {
$wrapper = "new V8SVGStaticPODTypeWrapperWithParent<$nativeType, $implClassName>(imp, &${implClassName}::$getter, &${implClassName}::$setter)";
} else {
if ($implClassIsAnimatedType) {
$wrapper = "V8SVGDynamicPODTypeWrapperCache<$nativeType, $implClassName>::lookupOrCreateWrapper(imp, &${implClassName}::$getter, &${implClassName}::$setter)";
} else {
$wrapper = GenerateSVGStaticPodTypeWrapper($returnType, $getterString);
push(@implContentDecls, " void* wrapper = $wrapper;\n");
} elsif ($nativeType ne "RGBColor") {
push(@implContentDecls, " $nativeType v = ");
push(@implContentDecls, "$getterString;\n");
if ($useExceptions) {
push(@implContentDecls, GenerateSetDOMException(" "));
$result = "v";
if (IsRefPtrType($returnType)) {
$result = "WTF::getPtr(" . $result . ")";
} else {
# Special case: RGBColor is noncopyable
$result = $getterString;
if (IsSVGTypeNeedingContextParameter($attrType) && !$skipContext) {
my $resultObject = $result;
if ($attrIsPodType) {
$resultObject = "wrapper";
push(@implContentDecls, GenerateSVGContextAssignment($implClassName, $resultObject, " "));
if ($attrIsPodType) {
my $classIndex = uc($attrType);
push(@implContentDecls, " return V8DOMWrapper::convertToV8Object(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, wrapper);\n");
} else {
push(@implContentDecls, " " . ReturnNativeToJSValue($attribute->signature, $result, " ").";\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " }\n\n"); # end of getter
sub GenerateReplaceableAttrSetter
my $implClassName = shift;
$implIncludes{"V8Proxy.h"} = 1;
" static void ${attrName}AttrSetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name," .
" v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::AccessorInfo& info) {\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " INC_STATS(\"DOM.$implClassName.$attrName._set\");\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " v8::Local<v8::String> ${attrName}_string = v8::String::New(\"${attrName}\");\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " info.Holder()->Delete(${attrName}_string);\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " info.This()->Set(${attrName}_string, value);\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " }\n\n");
sub GenerateNormalAttrSetter
my $attribute = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $classIndex = shift;
my $implClassName = shift;
my $attrExt = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes;
$implIncludes{"V8Proxy.h"} = 1;
" static void ${attrName}AttrSetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name," .
" v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::AccessorInfo& info) {\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " INC_STATS(\"DOM.$implClassName.$attrName._set\");\n");
my $isPodType = IsPodType($implClassName);
if ($isPodType) {
$implClassName = GetNativeType($implClassName);
$implIncludes{"V8SVGPODTypeWrapper.h"} = 1;
push(@implContentDecls, " V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName>* wrapper = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName> >(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, info.Holder());\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " $implClassName imp_instance = *wrapper;\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " $implClassName* imp = &imp_instance;\n");
} elsif ($attrExt->{"v8OnProto"}) {
# perform lookup first
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = V8DOMWrapper::lookupDOMWrapper(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, info.This());
if (holder.IsEmpty()) return v8::Undefined();
HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
} else {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = info.Holder();
HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
my $nativeType = GetNativeTypeFromSignature($attribute->signature, 0);
push(@implContentDecls, " $nativeType v = " . JSValueToNative($attribute->signature, "value") . ";\n");
my $result = "";
if ($nativeType eq "int" and $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertFromString"}) {
$result .= "WebCore::String::number(";
$result .= "v";
if ($nativeType eq "int" and $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertFromString"}) {
$result .= ")";
my $returnType = $codeGenerator->StripModule($attribute->signature->type);
if (IsRefPtrType($returnType)) {
$result = "WTF::getPtr(" . $result . ")";
my $useExceptions = 1 if @{$attribute->setterExceptions} and !($isPodType);
if ($useExceptions) {
$implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1;
push(@implContentDecls, " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n");
if ($implClassName eq "double") {
push(@implContentDecls, " *imp = $result;\n");
} else {
push(@implContentDecls, " imp->set" . WK_ucfirst($attrName) . "(" . $result);
push(@implContentDecls, ", ec") if $useExceptions;
push(@implContentDecls, ");\n");
if ($useExceptions) {
push(@implContentDecls, " V8Proxy::setDOMException(ec);\n");
if ($isPodType) {
push(@implContentDecls, " wrapper->commitChange(*imp, V8Proxy::svgContext(wrapper));\n");
} elsif (IsSVGTypeNeedingContextParameter($implClassName)) {
$implIncludes{"SVGElement.h"} = 1;
my $currentObject = "imp";
if ($isPodType) {
$currentObject = "wrapper";
push(@implContentDecls, " if (SVGElement* context = V8Proxy::svgContext($currentObject)) {\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " context->svgAttributeChanged(imp->associatedAttributeName());\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " }\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " return;\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " }\n\n"); # end of setter
sub GenerateNewFunctionTemplate
$function = shift;
$dataNode = shift;
$signature = shift;
my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name;
my $name = $function->signature->name;
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"} ||
$function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"V8Custom"}) {
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"} &&
$function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"V8Custom"}) {
die "Custom and V8Custom should be mutually exclusive!"
my $customFunc = $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"} ||
if ($customFunc eq 1) {
$customFunc = $interfaceName . WK_ucfirst($name);
return "v8::FunctionTemplate::New(V8Custom::v8${customFunc}Callback, v8::Handle<v8::Value>(), $signature)";
} else {
return "v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${interfaceName}Internal::${name}Callback, v8::Handle<v8::Value>(), $signature)";
sub GenerateFunctionCallback
my $function = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $classIndex = shift;
my $implClassName = shift;
my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name;
my $name = $function->signature->name;
" static v8::Handle<v8::Value> ${name}Callback(const v8::Arguments& args) {\n" .
" INC_STATS(\"DOM.$implClassName.$name\");\n");
my $numParameters = @{$function->parameters};
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"RequiresAllArguments"}) {
" if (args.Length() < $numParameters) return v8::Undefined();\n");
if (IsPodType($implClassName)) {
my $nativeClassName = GetNativeType($implClassName);
push(@implContentDecls, " V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$nativeClassName>* imp_wrapper = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$nativeClassName> >(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, args.Holder());\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " $nativeClassName imp_instance = *imp_wrapper;\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " $nativeClassName* imp = &imp_instance;\n");
} else {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
v8::Handle<v8::Value> holder = args.Holder();
HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
# Check domain security if needed
if (($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CheckDomainSecurity"}
|| $interfaceName eq "DOMWindow")
&& !$function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCheckDomainSecurity"}) {
# We have not find real use cases yet.
" if (!V8Proxy::canAccessFrame(imp->frame(), true)) {\n".
" return v8::Undefined();\n" .
" }\n");
if (@{$function->raisesExceptions}) {
$implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1;
push(@implContentDecls, " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n");
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomArgumentHandling"}) {
push(@implContentDecls, " ScriptCallStack callStack(args, $numParameters);\n");
$implIncludes{"ScriptCallStack.h"} = 1;
my $paramIndex = 0;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
my $parameterName = $parameter->name;
if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Optional"}) {
# Generate early call if there are not enough parameters.
push(@implContentDecls, " if (args.Length() <= $paramIndex) {\n");
my $functionCall = GenerateFunctionCallString($function, $paramIndex, " " x 2, $implClassName);
push(@implContentDecls, $functionCall);
push(@implContentDecls, " }\n");
if (BasicTypeCanFailConversion($parameter)) {
push(@implContentDecls, " bool ${parameterName}Ok;\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " " . GetNativeTypeFromSignature($parameter, 1) . " $parameterName = ");
push(@implContentDecls, JSValueToNative($parameter, "args[$paramIndex]",
BasicTypeCanFailConversion($parameter) ? "${parameterName}Ok" : undef) . ";\n");
if (TypeCanFailConversion($parameter)) {
$implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1;
" if (!$parameterName" . (BasicTypeCanFailConversion($parameter) ? "Ok" : "") . ") {\n" .
" V8Proxy::setDOMException(TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR);\n" .
" return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n" .
" }\n");
if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"IsIndex"}) {
$implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1;
" if ($parameterName < 0) {\n" .
" V8Proxy::setDOMException(INDEX_SIZE_ERR);\n" .
" return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n" .
" }\n");
# Build the function call string.
my $callString = GenerateFunctionCallString($function, $paramIndex, " ", $implClassName);
push(@implContentDecls, "$callString");
push(@implContentDecls, " }\n\n");
sub GenerateBatchedAttributeData
my $interfaceName = shift;
my $attributes = shift;
foreach my $attribute (@$attributes) {
my $attrName = $attribute->signature->name;
my $attrExt = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes;
my $accessControl = "v8::DEFAULT";
if ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckDomainSecurityOnGet"}) {
$accessControl = "v8::ALL_CAN_READ";
} elsif ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckDomainSecurityOnSet"}) {
$accessControl = "v8::ALL_CAN_WRITE";
} elsif ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckDomainSecurity"}) {
$accessControl = "v8::ALL_CAN_READ";
if (!($attribute->type =~ /^readonly/) && !($attrExt->{"V8ReadOnly"})) {
$accessControl .= "|v8::ALL_CAN_WRITE";
if ($attrExt->{"V8DisallowShadowing"}) {
$accessControl .= "|v8::PROHIBITS_OVERWRITING";
$accessControl = "static_cast<v8::AccessControl>(" . $accessControl . ")";
my $customAccessor =
$attrExt->{"Custom"} ||
$attrExt->{"CustomSetter"} ||
$attrExt->{"CustomGetter"} ||
$attrExt->{"V8Custom"} ||
$attrExt->{"V8CustomSetter"} ||
$attrExt->{"V8CustomGetter"} ||
if ($customAccessor eq 1) {
# use the naming convension, interface + (capitalize) attr name
$customAccessor = $interfaceName . WK_ucfirst($attrName);
my $getter;
my $setter;
my $propAttr = "v8::None";
my $hasCustomSetter = 0;
# Check attributes.
if ($attrExt->{"DontEnum"}) {
$propAttr .= "|v8::DontEnum";
if ($attrExt->{"V8DisallowShadowing"}) {
$propAttr .= "|v8::DontDelete";
my $on_proto = "0 /* on instance */";
my $data = "V8ClassIndex::INVALID_CLASS_INDEX /* no data */";
# Constructor
if ($attribute->signature->type =~ /Constructor$/) {
my $constructorType = $codeGenerator->StripModule($attribute->signature->type);
$constructorType =~ s/Constructor$//;
my $constructorIndex = uc($constructorType);
$data = "V8ClassIndex::${constructorIndex}";
$getter = "${interfaceName}Internal::${interfaceName}ConstructorGetter";
$setter = "0";
$propAttr = "v8::ReadOnly";
# EventListeners
} elsif ($attribute->signature->type eq "EventListener") {
if ($interfaceName eq "DOMWindow") {
$getter = "V8Custom::v8DOMWindowEventHandlerAccessorGetter";
$setter = "V8Custom::v8DOMWindowEventHandlerAccessorSetter";
} elsif ($interfaceName eq "Element" || $interfaceName eq "Document" || $interfaceName eq "HTMLBodyElement" || $interfaceName eq "SVGElementInstance" || $interfaceName eq "HTMLFrameSetElement") {
$getter = "V8Custom::v8ElementEventHandlerAccessorGetter";
$setter = "V8Custom::v8ElementEventHandlerAccessorSetter";
} else {
$getter = "V8Custom::v8${customAccessor}AccessorGetter";
if ($interfaceName eq "WorkerContext" and $attrName eq "self") {
$setter = "0";
$propAttr = "v8::ReadOnly";
} else {
$setter = "V8Custom::v8${customAccessor}AccessorSetter";
# Custom Getter and Setter
} elsif ($attrExt->{"Custom"} || $attrExt->{"V8Custom"}) {
$getter = "V8Custom::v8${customAccessor}AccessorGetter";
if ($interfaceName eq "WorkerContext" and $attrName eq "self") {
$setter = "0";
$propAttr = "v8::ReadOnly";
} else {
$hasCustomSetter = 1;
$setter = "V8Custom::v8${customAccessor}AccessorSetter";
# Custom Setter
} elsif ($attrExt->{"CustomSetter"} || $attrExt->{"V8CustomSetter"}) {
$hasCustomSetter = 1;
$getter = "${interfaceName}Internal::${attrName}AttrGetter";
$setter = "V8Custom::v8${customAccessor}AccessorSetter";
# Custom Getter
} elsif ($attrExt->{"CustomGetter"}) {
$getter = "V8Custom::v8${customAccessor}AccessorGetter";
$setter = "${interfaceName}Internal::${attrName}AttrSetter";
# Replaceable
} elsif ($attrExt->{"Replaceable"}) {
# Replaceable accessor is put on instance template with ReadOnly attribute.
$getter = "${interfaceName}Internal::${attrName}AttrGetter";
$setter = "0";
# Mark to avoid duplicate v8::ReadOnly flags in output.
$hasCustomSetter = 1;
# Handle the special case of being marked upstream as Replaceable.
# FIXME: Investigate why [Replaceable] is not marked as ReadOnly
# upstream and reach parity.
if (!($interfaceName eq "DOMWindow" and $attrName eq "top")) {
$propAttr .= "|v8::ReadOnly";
# Normal
} else {
$getter = "${interfaceName}Internal::${attrName}AttrGetter";
$setter = "${interfaceName}Internal::${attrName}AttrSetter";
if ($attrExt->{"Replaceable"} && !$hasCustomSetter) {
$setter = "0";
$propAttr .= "|v8::ReadOnly";
# Read only attributes
if ($attribute->type =~ /^readonly/ || $attrExt->{"V8ReadOnly"}) {
$setter = "0";
# An accessor can be installed on the proto
if ($attrExt->{"v8OnProto"}) {
$on_proto = "1 /* on proto */";
my $commentInfo = "Attribute '$attrName' (Type: '" . $attribute->type .
"' ExtAttr: '" . join(' ', keys(%{$attrExt})) . "')";
push(@implContent, <<END);
// $commentInfo
{ "$attrName",
$on_proto },
sub GenerateImplementation
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name;
my $className = "V8$interfaceName";
my $implClassName = $interfaceName;
my $classIndex = uc($codeGenerator->StripModule($interfaceName));
my $hasLegacyParent = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"LegacyParent"};
my $conditional = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"Conditional"};
@allParents = $codeGenerator->FindParentsRecursively($dataNode);
# - Add default header template
@implContentHeader = split("\r", $headerTemplate);
"#include \"config.h\"\n" .
"#include \"V8Proxy.h\"\n" .
"#include \"V8Binding.h\"\n\n" .
"#undef LOG\n\n");
my $conditionalString;
if ($conditional) {
$conditionalString = "ENABLE(" . join(") && ENABLE(", split(/&/, $conditional)) . ")";
push(@implFixedHeader, "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n\n");
if ($className =~ /^V8SVGAnimated/) {
$implIncludes{"${className}.h"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"V8Proxy.h"} = 1;
push(@implContentDecls, "namespace WebCore {\n");
push(@implContentDecls, "namespace ${interfaceName}Internal {\n\n");
push(@implContentDecls, "template <typename T> void V8_USE(T) { }\n\n");
my $hasConstructors = 0;
# Generate property accessors for attributes.
for ($index = 0; $index < @{$dataNode->attributes}; $index++) {
$attribute = @{$dataNode->attributes}[$index];
$attrName = $attribute->signature->name;
$attrType = $attribute->signature->type;
# Generate special code for the constructor attributes.
if ($attrType =~ /Constructor$/) {
$hasConstructors = 1;
# Make EventListeners always custom.
# FIXME: make the perl code capable of generating the
# event setters/getters. For now, WebKit has started removing the
# [Custom] attribute, so just automatically insert it to avoid forking
# other files. This should be okay because we can't generate stubs
# for any event getter/setters anyway.
if ($attrType eq "EventListener") {
$attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"V8CustomBinding.h"} = 1;
# Do not generate accessor if this is a custom attribute. The
# call will be forwarded to a hand-written accessor
# implementation.
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"} ||
$attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"V8Custom"}) {
$implIncludes{"V8CustomBinding.h"} = 1;
# Generate the accessor.
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomGetter"}) {
$implIncludes{"V8CustomBinding.h"} = 1;
} else {
GenerateNormalAttrGetter($attribute, $dataNode, $classIndex, $implClassName);
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomSetter"} ||
$attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"V8CustomSetter"}) {
$implIncludes{"V8CustomBinding.h"} = 1;
} elsif ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Replaceable"}) {
$dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"ExtendsDOMGlobalObject"} || die "Replaceable attribute can only be used in interface that defines ExtendsDOMGlobalObject attribute!";
# GenerateReplaceableAttrSetter($implClassName);
} elsif ($attribute->type !~ /^readonly/ && !$attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"V8ReadOnly"}) {
GenerateNormalAttrSetter($attribute, $dataNode, $classIndex, $implClassName);
if ($hasConstructors) {
GenerateConstructorGetter($implClassName, $classIndex);
# Generate methods for functions.
foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) {
# hack for addEventListener/RemoveEventListener
# FIXME: avoid naming conflict
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"} || $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"V8Custom"}) {
$implIncludes{"V8CustomBinding.h"} = 1;
} else {
GenerateFunctionCallback($function, $dataNode, $classIndex, $implClassName);
# If the function does not need domain security check, we need to
# generate an access getter that returns different function objects
# for different calling context.
if (($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CheckDomainSecurity"} || ($interfaceName eq "DOMWindow")) && $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"DoNotCheckDomainSecurity"}) {
GenerateDomainSafeFunctionGetter($function, $dataNode, $classIndex, $implClassName);
# Attributes
my $attributes = $dataNode->attributes;
# For the DOMWindow interface we partition the attributes into the
# ones that disallows shadowing and the rest.
my @disallows_shadowing;
my @normal;
if ($interfaceName eq "DOMWindow") {
foreach my $attribute (@$attributes) {
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"V8DisallowShadowing"}) {
push(@disallows_shadowing, $attribute);
} else {
push(@normal, $attribute);
# Put the attributes that disallow shadowing on the shadow object.
$attributes = \@normal;
push(@implContent, "static const BatchedAttribute shadow_attrs[] = {\n");
GenerateBatchedAttributeData($interfaceName, \@disallows_shadowing);
push(@implContent, "};\n");
my $has_attributes = 0;
if (@$attributes) {
$has_attributes = 1;
push(@implContent, "static const BatchedAttribute ${interfaceName}_attrs[] = {\n");
GenerateBatchedAttributeData($interfaceName, $attributes);
push(@implContent, "};\n");
# Setup constants
my $has_constants = 0;
if (@{$dataNode->constants}) {
$has_constants = 1;
push(@implContent, "static const BatchedConstant ${interfaceName}_consts[] = {\n");
foreach my $constant (@{$dataNode->constants}) {
my $name = $constant->name;
my $value = $constant->value;
# FIXME: we need the static_cast here only because of one constant, NodeFilter.idl
# defines "const unsigned long SHOW_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF". It would be better if we
# handled this here, and converted it to a -1 constant in the c++ output.
push(@implContent, <<END);
{ "${name}", static_cast<signed int>($value) },
if ($has_constants) {
push(@implContent, "};\n");
push(@implContentDecls, "} // namespace ${interfaceName}Internal\n\n");
my $access_check = "/* no access check */";
if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CheckDomainSecurity"} && !($interfaceName eq "DOMWindow")) {
$access_check = "instance->SetAccessCheckCallbacks(V8Custom::v8${interfaceName}NamedSecurityCheck, V8Custom::v8${interfaceName}IndexedSecurityCheck, v8::Integer::New(V8ClassIndex::ToInt(V8ClassIndex::${classIndex})));";
# For the DOMWindow interface, generate the shadow object template
# configuration method.
if ($implClassName eq "DOMWindow") {
push(@implContent, <<END);
static v8::Persistent<v8::ObjectTemplate> ConfigureShadowObjectTemplate(v8::Persistent<v8::ObjectTemplate> templ) {
return templ;
# Generate the template configuration method
push(@implContent, <<END);
static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> Configure${className}Template(v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> desc) {
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance = desc->InstanceTemplate();
v8::Local<v8::Signature> default_signature = v8::Signature::New(desc);
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto = desc->PrototypeTemplate();
# Set up our attributes if we have them
if ($has_attributes) {
push(@implContent, <<END);
batchConfigureAttributes(instance, proto, ${interfaceName}_attrs, sizeof(${interfaceName}_attrs)/sizeof(*${interfaceName}_attrs));
# Define our functions with Set() or SetAccessor()
foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) {
my $attrExt = $function->signature->extendedAttributes;
my $name = $function->signature->name;
my $property_attributes = "v8::DontDelete";
if ($attrExt->{"DontEnum"}) {
$property_attributes .= "|v8::DontEnum";
if ($attrExt->{"V8ReadOnly"}) {
$property_attributes .= "|v8::ReadOnly";
my $commentInfo = "Function '$name' (ExtAttr: '" . join(' ', keys(%{$attrExt})) . "')";
my $template = "proto";
if ($attrExt->{"V8OnInstance"}) {
$template = "instance";
if ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckDomainSecurity"} &&
($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CheckDomainSecurity"} || $interfaceName eq "DOMWindow")) {
# Mark the accessor as ReadOnly and set it on the proto object so
# it can be shadowed. This is really a hack to make it work.
# There are several sceneria to call into the accessor:
# 1) from the same domain: "":
# the accessor finds the DOM wrapper in the proto chain;
# 2) from the same domain: "":
# the accessor will NOT find a DOM wrapper in the prototype chain
# 3) from another domain: "":
# the access find the DOM wrapper in the prototype chain
# "" from another domain will fail when
# accessing '__proto__'
# The solution is very hacky and fragile, it really needs to be replaced
# by a better solution.
$property_attributes .= "|v8::ReadOnly";
push(@implContent, <<END);
// $commentInfo
my $signature = "default_signature";
if ($attrExt->{"V8DoNotCheckSignature"}){
$signature = "v8::Local<v8::Signature>()";
if (RequiresCustomSignature($function)) {
$signature = "${name}_signature";
push(@implContent, "\n // Custom Signature '$name'\n", CreateCustomSignature($function));
# Normal function call is a template
my $templateFunction = GenerateNewFunctionTemplate($function, $dataNode, $signature);
push(@implContent, <<END);
// $commentInfo
# set the super descriptor
foreach (@{$dataNode->parents}) {
my $parent = $codeGenerator->StripModule($_);
if ($parent eq "EventTarget") { next; }
$implIncludes{"V8${parent}.h"} = 1;
my $parentClassIndex = uc($codeGenerator->StripModule($parent));
push(@implContent, " desc->Inherit(V8DOMWrapper::getTemplate(V8ClassIndex::${parentClassIndex}));\n");
# Set the class name. This is used when printing objects.
push(@implContent, " desc->SetClassName(v8::String::New(\"" . GetClassName(${interfaceName}) . "\"));\n");
if ($has_constants) {
push(@implContent, <<END);
batchConfigureConstants(desc, proto, ${interfaceName}_consts, sizeof(${interfaceName}_consts)/sizeof(*${interfaceName}_consts));
push(@implContent, <<END);
return desc;
v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${className}::GetRawTemplate() {
static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${className}_raw_cache_;
if (${className}_raw_cache_.IsEmpty()) {
v8::HandleScope scope;
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> result = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(V8Proxy::checkNewLegal);
${className}_raw_cache_ = v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate>::New(result);
return ${className}_raw_cache_;
v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${className}::GetTemplate() {
static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${className}_cache_;
if (${className}_cache_.IsEmpty())
${className}_cache_ = Configure${className}Template(GetRawTemplate());
return ${className}_cache_;
bool ${className}::HasInstance(v8::Handle<v8::Value> value) {
return GetRawTemplate()->HasInstance(value);
if ($implClassName eq "DOMWindow") {
push(@implContent, <<END);
v8::Persistent<v8::ObjectTemplate> V8DOMWindow::GetShadowObjectTemplate() {
static v8::Persistent<v8::ObjectTemplate> V8DOMWindowShadowObject_cache_;
if (V8DOMWindowShadowObject_cache_.IsEmpty()) {
V8DOMWindowShadowObject_cache_ = v8::Persistent<v8::ObjectTemplate>::New(v8::ObjectTemplate::New());
return V8DOMWindowShadowObject_cache_;
push(@implContent, <<END);
} // namespace WebCore
push(@implContent, "\n#endif // ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditional;
sub GenerateFunctionCallString()
my $function = shift;
my $numberOfParameters = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $implClassName = shift;
my $name = $function->signature->name;
my $isPodType = IsPodType($implClassName);
my $returnType = $codeGenerator->StripModule($function->signature->type);
my $returnsPodType = IsPodType($returnType);
my $nativeReturnType = GetNativeType($returnType, 0);
my $result = "";
# Special case: SVG matrix transform methods should not mutate
# the matrix but return a copy
my $copyFirst = 0;
if ($implClassName eq "SVGMatrix" && $function->signature->type eq "SVGMatrix") {
$copyFirst = 1;
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"v8implname"}) {
$name = $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"v8implname"};
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementationFunction"}) {
$name = $function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ImplementationFunction"};
my $functionString = "imp->${name}(";
if ($copyFirst) {
$functionString = "result.${name}(";
my $returnsListItemPodType = 0;
# SVG lists functions that return POD types require special handling
if (IsSVGListTypeNeedingSpecialHandling($implClassName) && IsSVGListMethod($name) && $returnsPodType) {
$returnsListItemPodType = 1;
$result .= $indent . "SVGList<RefPtr<SVGPODListItem<$nativeReturnType> > >* listImp = imp;\n";
$functionString = "listImp->${name}(";
my $first = 1;
my $index = 0;
my $nodeToReturn = 0;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if ($index eq $numberOfParameters) {
if ($first) { $first = 0; }
else { $functionString .= ", "; }
my $paramName = $parameter->name;
my $paramType = $parameter->type;
# This is a bit of a hack... we need to convert parameters to methods on SVG lists
# of POD types which are items in the list to appropriate SVGList<> instances
if ($returnsListItemPodType && $paramType . "List" eq $implClassName) {
$paramName = "SVGPODListItem<" . GetNativeType($paramType, 1) . ">::copy($paramName)";
if ($parameter->type eq "NodeFilter") {
$functionString .= "$paramName.get()";
} else {
$functionString .= $paramName;
if ($parameter->extendedAttributes->{"Return"}) {
$nodeToReturn = $parameter->name;
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomArgumentHandling"}) {
$functionString .= ", " if not $first;
$functionString .= "&callStack";
if ($first) { $first = 0; }
if (@{$function->raisesExceptions}) {
$functionString .= ", " if not $first;
$functionString .= "ec";
$functionString .= ")";
if ((IsRefPtrType($returnType) || $returnsListItemPodType) && !$nodeToReturn) {
# We don't use getPtr when $nodeToReturn because that situation is
# special-cased below to return a bool.
$implIncludes{"wtf/GetPtr.h"} = 1;
$functionString = "WTF::getPtr(" . $functionString . ")";
if ($nodeToReturn) {
# Special case for insertBefore, replaceChild, removeChild and
# appendChild functions from Node.
$result .= $indent . "bool success = $functionString;\n";
if (@{$function->raisesExceptions}) {
$result .= GenerateSetDOMException($indent);
$result .= $indent . "if (success)\n";
$result .= $indent . " " .
"return V8DOMWrapper::convertNodeToV8Object($nodeToReturn);\n";
$result .= $indent . "return v8::Null();\n";
return $result;
} elsif ($returnType eq "void") {
$result .= $indent . "$functionString;\n";
} elsif ($copyFirst) {
$result .=
$indent . GetNativeType($returnType, 0) . " result = *imp;\n" .
$indent . "$functionString;\n";
} elsif ($returnsListItemPodType) {
$result .= $indent . "RefPtr<SVGPODListItem<$nativeReturnType> > result = $functionString;\n";
} else {
$result .= $indent . $nativeReturnType . " result = $functionString;\n";
if (@{$function->raisesExceptions}) {
$result .= GenerateSetDOMException($indent);
my $return = "result";
if (IsRefPtrType($returnType) || $returnsListItemPodType) {
$implIncludes{"wtf/GetPtr.h"} = 1;
$return = "WTF::getPtr(" . $return . ")";
# If the return type is a POD type, separate out the wrapper generation
if ($returnsListItemPodType) {
$result .= $indent . "V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<" . $nativeReturnType . ">* wrapper = new ";
$result .= "V8SVGPODTypeWrapperCreatorForList<" . $nativeReturnType . ">($return, imp->associatedAttributeName());\n";
$return = "wrapper";
} elsif ($returnsPodType) {
$result .= $indent . "V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<" . $nativeReturnType . ">* wrapper = ";
$result .= GenerateSVGStaticPodTypeWrapper($returnType, $return) . ";\n";
$return = "wrapper";
my $generatedSVGContextRetrieval = 0;
# If the return type needs an SVG context, output it
if (IsSVGTypeNeedingContextParameter($returnType)) {
$result .= GenerateSVGContextAssignment($implClassName, $return, $indent);
$generatedSVGContextRetrieval = 1;
if (IsSVGTypeNeedingContextParameter($implClassName) && $implClassName =~ /List$/ && IsSVGListMutator($name)) {
if (!$generatedSVGContextRetrieval) {
$result .= GenerateSVGContextRetrieval($implClassName, $indent);
$generatedSVGContextRetrieval = 1;
$result .= $indent . "context->svgAttributeChanged(imp->associatedAttributeName());\n";
$implIncludes{"SVGElement.h"} = 1;
# If the implementing class is a POD type, commit changes
if ($isPodType) {
if (!$generatedSVGContextRetrieval) {
$result .= GenerateSVGContextRetrieval($implClassName, $indent);
$generatedSVGContextRetrieval = 1;
$result .= $indent . "imp_wrapper->commitChange(imp_instance, context);\n";
if ($returnsPodType) {
my $classIndex = uc($returnType);
$result .= $indent . "return V8DOMWrapper::convertToV8Object(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, wrapper);\n";
} else {
$result .= $indent . ReturnNativeToJSValue($function->signature, $return, $indent) . ";\n";
return $result;
# Get the class name used for printing javascript DOM-object wrappers.
sub GetClassName
my $type = shift;
return "HTMLCollection" if $type eq "UndetectableHTMLCollection";
return $type;
sub GetNativeTypeFromSignature
my $signature = shift;
my $isParameter = shift;
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type);
return GetNativeType($type, $isParameter);
sub IsRefPtrType
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $type eq "Attr";
return 1 if $type eq "CanvasGradient";
return 1 if $type eq "ClientRect";
return 1 if $type eq "ClientRectList";
return 1 if $type eq "CDATASection";
return 1 if $type eq "Comment";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSRule";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSStyleRule";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSCharsetRule";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSImportRule";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSMediaRule";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSFontFaceRule";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSPageRule";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSPrimitiveValue";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSStyleSheet";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSStyleDeclaration";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSValue";
return 1 if $type eq "CSSRuleList";
return 1 if $type eq "Database";
return 1 if $type eq "Document";
return 1 if $type eq "DocumentFragment";
return 1 if $type eq "DocumentType";
return 1 if $type eq "Element";
return 1 if $type eq "EntityReference";
return 1 if $type eq "Event";
return 1 if $type eq "FileList";
return 1 if $type eq "HTMLCollection";
return 1 if $type eq "HTMLDocument";
return 1 if $type eq "HTMLElement";
return 1 if $type eq "HTMLOptionsCollection";
return 1 if $type eq "ImageData";
return 1 if $type eq "MediaError";
return 1 if $type eq "MimeType";
return 1 if $type eq "Node";
return 1 if $type eq "NodeList";
return 1 if $type eq "NodeFilter";
return 1 if $type eq "NodeIterator";
return 1 if $type eq "NSResolver";
return 1 if $type eq "Plugin";
return 1 if $type eq "ProcessingInstruction";
return 1 if $type eq "Range";
return 1 if $type eq "Text";
return 1 if $type eq "TextMetrics";
return 1 if $type eq "TimeRanges";
return 1 if $type eq "TreeWalker";
return 1 if $type eq "WebKitCSSMatrix";
return 1 if $type eq "WebKitPoint";
return 1 if $type eq "XPathExpression";
return 1 if $type eq "XPathNSResolver";
return 1 if $type eq "XPathResult";
return 1 if $type eq "SVGAngle";
return 1 if $type eq "SVGElementInstance";
return 1 if $type eq "SVGElementInstanceList";
return 1 if $type =~ /^SVGPathSeg/;
return 1 if $type =~ /^SVGAnimated/;
return 0;
sub IsVideoClassName
my $class = shift;
return 1 if $class eq "V8HTMLAudioElement";
return 1 if $class eq "V8HTMLMediaElement";
return 1 if $class eq "V8HTMLSourceElement";
return 1 if $class eq "V8HTMLVideoElement";
return 1 if $class eq "V8MediaError";
return 1 if $class eq "V8TimeRanges";
return 0;
sub IsWorkerClassName
my $class = shift;
return 1 if $class eq "V8Worker";
return 1 if $class eq "V8WorkerContext";
return 1 if $class eq "V8WorkerLocation";
return 1 if $class eq "V8WorkerNavigator";
return 0;
sub GetNativeType
my $type = shift;
my $isParameter = shift;
if ($type eq "float" or $type eq "AtomicString" or $type eq "double") {
return $type;
return "int" if $type eq "int";
return "int" if $type eq "short" or $type eq "unsigned short";
return "int" if $type eq "long" or $type eq "unsigned long";
return "unsigned long long" if $type eq "unsigned long long";
return "bool" if $type eq "boolean";
return "String" if $type eq "DOMString";
return "Range::CompareHow" if $type eq "CompareHow";
return "FloatRect" if $type eq "SVGRect";
return "FloatPoint" if $type eq "SVGPoint";
return "TransformationMatrix" if $type eq "SVGMatrix";
return "SVGTransform" if $type eq "SVGTransform";
return "SVGLength" if $type eq "SVGLength";
return "double" if $type eq "SVGNumber";
return "SVGPaint::SVGPaintType" if $type eq "SVGPaintType";
return "DOMTimeStamp" if $type eq "DOMTimeStamp";
return "unsigned" if $type eq "unsigned int";
return "unsigned" if $type eq "RGBColor";
return "Node*" if $type eq "EventTarget" and $isParameter;
return "String" if $type eq "DOMUserData"; # FIXME: Temporary hack?
# temporary hack
return "RefPtr<NodeFilter>" if $type eq "NodeFilter";
return "RefPtr<${type}>" if IsRefPtrType($type) and not $isParameter;
# Default, assume native type is a pointer with same type name as idl type
return "${type}*";
my %typeCanFailConversion = (
"AtomicString" => 0,
"Attr" => 1,
"CompareHow" => 0,
"DataGridColumn" => 0,
"DOMString" => 0,
"DOMWindow" => 0,
"DocumentType" => 0,
"Element" => 0,
"Event" => 0,
"EventListener" => 0,
"EventTarget" => 0,
"HTMLElement" => 0,
"HTMLOptionElement" => 0,
"Node" => 0,
"NodeFilter" => 0,
"MessagePort" => 0,
"NSResolver" => 0,
"Range" => 0,
"SQLResultSet" => 0,
"Storage" => 0,
"SVGAngle" => 0,
"SVGElement" => 0,
"SVGLength" => 1,
"SVGMatrix" => 1,
"SVGNumber" => 0,
"SVGPaintType" => 0,
"SVGPathSeg" => 0,
"SVGPoint" => 1,
"SVGRect" => 1,
"SVGTransform" => 1,
"VoidCallback" => 1,
"WebKitCSSMatrix" => 0,
"WebKitPoint" => 0,
"XPathEvaluator" => 0,
"XPathNSResolver" => 0,
"XPathResult" => 0,
"boolean" => 0,
"double" => 0,
"float" => 0,
"long" => 0,
"unsigned long" => 0,
"unsigned short" => 0,
sub TranslateParameter
my $signature = shift;
# The IDL uses some pseudo-types which don't really exist.
if ($signature->type eq "TimeoutHandler") {
sub BasicTypeCanFailConversion
my $signature = shift;
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type);
return 1 if $type eq "SVGLength";
return 1 if $type eq "SVGMatrix";
return 1 if $type eq "SVGPoint";
return 1 if $type eq "SVGRect";
return 1 if $type eq "SVGTransform";
return 0;
sub TypeCanFailConversion
my $signature = shift;
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type);
$implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1 if $type eq "Attr";
return $typeCanFailConversion{$type} if exists $typeCanFailConversion{$type};
die "Don't know whether a JS value can fail conversion to type $type.";
sub JSValueToNative
my $signature = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $okParam = shift;
my $maybeOkParam = $okParam ? ", ${okParam}" : "";
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type);
return "$value" if $type eq "JSObject";
return "$value->BooleanValue()" if $type eq "boolean";
return "static_cast<$type>($value->NumberValue())" if $type eq "float" or $type eq "double";
return "$value->NumberValue()" if $type eq "SVGNumber";
return "toInt32($value${maybeOkParam})" if $type eq "unsigned long" or $type eq "unsigned short" or $type eq "long";
return "static_cast<Range::CompareHow>($value->Int32Value())" if $type eq "CompareHow";
return "static_cast<SVGPaint::SVGPaintType>($value->ToInt32()->Int32Value())" if $type eq "SVGPaintType";
return "toWebCoreString($value)" if $type eq "AtomicString" or $type eq "DOMUserData";
if ($type eq "DOMString") {
return "toWebCoreStringWithNullCheck($value)" if $signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertNullToNullString"};
return "toWebCoreStringWithNullOrUndefinedCheck($value)" if $signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertUndefinedOrNullToNullString"};
return "toWebCoreString($value)";
if ($type eq "NodeFilter") {
return "V8DOMWrapper::wrapNativeNodeFilter($value)";
if ($type eq "SVGRect") {
$implIncludes{"FloatRect.h"} = 1;
if ($type eq "SVGPoint") {
$implIncludes{"FloatPoint.h"} = 1;
# Default, assume autogenerated type conversion routines
$implIncludes{"V8Proxy.h"} = 1;
if ($type eq "EventTarget") {
$implIncludes{"V8Node.h"} = 1;
# EventTarget is not in DOM hierarchy, but all Nodes are EventTarget.
return "V8Node::HasInstance($value) ? V8DOMWrapper::convertDOMWrapperToNode<Node>($value) : 0";
# $implIncludes{"$type.h"} = 1 unless AvoidInclusionOfType($type);
if (IsDOMNodeType($type)) {
$implIncludes{"V8${type}.h"} = 1;
# Perform type checks on the parameter, if it is expected Node type,
# return NULL.
return "V8${type}::HasInstance($value) ? V8DOMWrapper::convertDOMWrapperToNode<${type}>($value) : 0";
} else {
# TODO: Temporary to avoid Window name conflict.
my $classIndex = uc($type);
my $implClassName = ${type};
$implIncludes{"V8$type.h"} = 1;
if (IsPodType($type)) {
my $nativeType = GetNativeType($type);
$implIncludes{"V8SVGPODTypeWrapper.h"} = 1;
return "V8SVGPODTypeUtil::toSVGPODType<${nativeType}>(V8ClassIndex::${classIndex}, $value${maybeOkParam})"
$implIncludes{"V8${type}.h"} = 1;
# Perform type checks on the parameter, if it is expected Node type,
# return NULL.
return "V8${type}::HasInstance($value) ? V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<${implClassName}>(V8ClassIndex::${classIndex}, $value) : 0";
sub GetV8HeaderName
my $type = shift;
return "V8" . GetImplementationFileName($type);
sub CreateCustomSignature
my $function = shift;
my $count = @{$function->parameters};
my $name = $function->signature->name;
my $result = " const int ${name}_argc = ${count};\n" .
" v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${name}_argv[${name}_argc] = { ";
my $first = 1;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if ($first) { $first = 0; }
else { $result .= ", "; }
if (IsWrapperType($parameter->type)) {
my $type = $parameter->type;
my $header = GetV8HeaderName($type);
$implIncludes{$header} = 1;
$result .= "V8${type}::GetRawTemplate()";
} else {
$result .= "v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate>()";
$result .= " };\n";
$result .= " v8::Handle<v8::Signature> ${name}_signature = v8::Signature::New(desc, ${name}_argc, ${name}_argv);\n";
return $result;
sub RequiresCustomSignature
my $function = shift;
# No signature needed for Custom function
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"} ||
$function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"V8Custom"}) {
return 0;
foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
if (IsWrapperType($parameter->type)) {
return 1;
return 0;
my %non_wrapper_types = (
'float' => 1,
'AtomicString' => 1,
'double' => 1,
'short' => 1,
'unsigned short' => 1,
'long' => 1,
'unsigned long' => 1,
'boolean' => 1,
'DOMString' => 1,
'CompareHow' => 1,
'SVGRect' => 1,
'SVGPoint' => 1,
'SVGMatrix' => 1,
'SVGTransform' => 1,
'SVGLength' => 1,
'SVGNumber' => 1,
'SVGPaintType' => 1,
'DOMTimeStamp' => 1,
'JSObject' => 1,
'EventTarget' => 1,
'NodeFilter' => 1,
'EventListener' => 1
sub IsWrapperType
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule(shift);
return !($non_wrapper_types{$type});
sub IsDOMNodeType
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $type eq 'Attr';
return 1 if $type eq 'CDATASection';
return 1 if $type eq 'Comment';
return 1 if $type eq 'Document';
return 1 if $type eq 'DocumentFragment';
return 1 if $type eq 'DocumentType';
return 1 if $type eq 'Element';
return 1 if $type eq 'EntityReference';
return 1 if $type eq 'HTMLCanvasElement';
return 1 if $type eq 'HTMLDocument';
return 1 if $type eq 'HTMLElement';
return 1 if $type eq 'HTMLFormElement';
return 1 if $type eq 'HTMLTableCaptionElement';
return 1 if $type eq 'HTMLTableSectionElement';
return 1 if $type eq 'Node';
return 1 if $type eq 'ProcessingInstruction';
return 1 if $type eq 'SVGElement';
return 1 if $type eq 'SVGDocument';
return 1 if $type eq 'SVGSVGElement';
return 1 if $type eq 'SVGUseElement';
return 1 if $type eq 'Text';
return 0;
sub ReturnNativeToJSValue
my $signature = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type);
my $className= "V8$type";
return "return v8::Date::New(static_cast<double>($value))" if $type eq "DOMTimeStamp";
return "return $value ? v8::True() : v8::False()" if $type eq "boolean";
return "return v8::Undefined()" if $type eq "void";
# For all the types where we use 'int' as the representation type,
# we use Integer::New which has a fast Smi conversion check.
return "return v8::Integer::New($value)" if GetNativeType($type) eq "int";
return "return v8::Number::New($value)" if $codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($type) or $type eq "SVGPaintType";
if ($codeGenerator->IsStringType($type)) {
my $conv = $signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertNullStringTo"};
if (defined $conv) {
return "return v8StringOrNull($value)" if $conv eq "Null";
return "return v8StringOrUndefined($value)" if $conv eq "Undefined";
return "return v8StringOrFalse($value)" if $conv eq "False";
die "Unknown value for ConvertNullStringTo extended attribute";
return "return v8String($value)";
# V8 specific.
my $implClassName = $type;
# $implIncludes{GetImplementationFileName($type)} = 1 unless AvoidInclusionOfType($type);
# special case for non-DOM node interfaces
if (IsDOMNodeType($type)) {
return "return V8DOMWrapper::convertNodeToV8Object($value)";
if ($type eq "EventTarget" or $type eq "SVGElementInstance") {
return "return V8DOMWrapper::convertEventTargetToV8Object($value)";
if ($type eq "Event") {
return "return V8DOMWrapper::convertEventToV8Object($value)";
if ($type eq "EventListener") {
return "return V8DOMWrapper::convertEventListenerToV8Object($value)";
if ($type eq "RGBColor") {
my $construct = "RefPtr<RGBColor> rgbcolor = RGBColor::create($value);\n";
my $convert = "V8DOMWrapper::convertToV8Object(V8ClassIndex::RGBCOLOR, WTF::getPtr(rgbcolor))";
return $construct . $indent . "return " . $convert;
if ($type eq "WorkerContext" or $type eq "WorkerLocation" or $type eq "WorkerNavigator") {
$implIncludes{"WorkerContextExecutionProxy.h"} = 1;
my $classIndex = uc($type);
return "return WorkerContextExecutionProxy::ToV8Object(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, $value)";
else {
$implIncludes{"wtf/RefCounted.h"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"wtf/RefPtr.h"} = 1;
my $classIndex = uc($type);
if (IsPodType($type)) {
$value = GenerateSVGStaticPodTypeWrapper($type, $value);
return "return V8DOMWrapper::convertToV8Object(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, $value)";
sub GenerateSVGStaticPodTypeWrapper {
my $type = shift;
my $value = shift;
$implIncludes{"V8SVGPODTypeWrapper.h"} = 1;
my $nativeType = GetNativeType($type);
return "new V8SVGStaticPODTypeWrapper<$nativeType>($value)";
# Internal helper
sub WriteData
if (defined($IMPL)) {
# Write content to file.
print $IMPL @implContentHeader;
print $IMPL @implFixedHeader;
foreach my $implInclude (sort keys(%implIncludes)) {
my $checkType = $implInclude;
$checkType =~ s/\.h//;
print $IMPL "#include \"$implInclude\"\n" unless $codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($checkType);
print $IMPL "\n";
print $IMPL @implContentDecls;
print $IMPL @implContent;
%implIncludes = ();
@implFixedHeader = ();
@implHeaderContent = ();
@implContentDecls = ();
@implContent = ();
if (defined($HEADER)) {
# Write content to file.
print $HEADER @headerContent;
@headerContent = ();
sub IsSVGTypeNeedingContextParameter
my $implClassName = shift;
if ($implClassName =~ /SVG/ and not $implClassName =~ /Element/) {
return 1 unless $implClassName =~ /SVGPaint/ or $implClassName =~ /SVGColor/ or $implClassName =~ /SVGDocument/;
return 0;
sub GenerateSVGContextAssignment
my $srcType = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $indent = shift;
$result = GenerateSVGContextRetrieval($srcType, $indent);
$result .= $indent . "V8Proxy::setSVGContext($value, context);\n";
return $result;
sub GenerateSVGContextRetrieval
my $srcType = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $srcIsPodType = IsPodType($srcType);
my $srcObject = "imp";
if ($srcIsPodType) {
$srcObject = "imp_wrapper";
my $contextDecl;
if (IsSVGTypeNeedingContextParameter($srcType)) {
$contextDecl = "V8Proxy::svgContext($srcObject)";
} else {
$contextDecl = $srcObject;
return $indent . "SVGElement* context = $contextDecl;\n";
sub IsSVGListMutator
my $functionName = shift;
return 1 if $functionName eq "clear";
return 1 if $functionName eq "initialize";
return 1 if $functionName eq "insertItemBefore";
return 1 if $functionName eq "replaceItem";
return 1 if $functionName eq "removeItem";
return 1 if $functionName eq "appendItem";
return 0;
sub IsSVGListMethod
my $functionName = shift;
return 1 if $functionName eq "getFirst";
return 1 if $functionName eq "getLast";
return 1 if $functionName eq "getItem";
return IsSVGListMutator($functionName);
sub IsSVGListTypeNeedingSpecialHandling
my $className = shift;
return 1 if $className eq "SVGPointList";
return 1 if $className eq "SVGTransformList";
return 0;
sub DebugPrint
my $output = shift;
print $output;
print "\n";