| <html> |
| <head> |
| <STYLE> |
| pre { border:1px solid blue } |
| span { font-weight: bold } |
| .success { color: green; } |
| .failure { color: red; } |
| </STYLE> |
| </head> |
| <body id="body"> |
| |
| <script> |
| if (window.layoutTestController) |
| layoutTestController.dumpAsText(); |
| |
| var requester = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
| var processor = new XSLTProcessor(); |
| var serializer = new XMLSerializer(); |
| |
| var sectionId = 0; |
| var testId = 0; |
| |
| function addSectionHeader(name) { |
| sectionId++; |
| document.writeln("<br><span>" + sectionId + ".0 " + name + ":</span><br><br>"); |
| testId = 0; |
| } |
| |
| function addResultExpectException(name, func) { |
| try { |
| var result = func(); |
| addStringResult(testname, "****Failure**** (expected exception, instead got result: \"" + result + "\")", "failure"); |
| } catch (e) { |
| // FIXME: probably should check exception type |
| addSuccessResult(testname); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized(name, value, expectedValue) { |
| var serializedValue; |
| if (value) |
| serializedValue = serializer.serializeToString(value); |
| if (serializedValue == expectedValue) |
| addSuccessResult(name); |
| else |
| addFailureResult(name, expectedValue, serializedValue); |
| } |
| |
| function addResultExpectValue(name, value, expectedValue) { |
| if (value == expectedValue) |
| addSuccessResult(name); |
| else |
| addFailureResult(name, expectedValue, value); |
| } |
| |
| function getXMLDocument(name) |
| { |
| requester.open("GET", name, false); |
| requester.send(null); |
| return requester.responseXML; |
| } |
| |
| function addStringResult(name, result, cssClass) |
| { |
| testId++; |
| var testNumberString = "" + sectionId + "." + testId |
| var testIdString = "id" + testNumberString; |
| document.writeln("<span>" + testNumberString + " " + name + ":</span>"); |
| document.writeln("<pre id=\"" + testIdString + "\" class=\"" + cssClass + "\">@@NO VALUE@@</pre>"); |
| document.getElementById(testIdString).firstChild.nodeValue = result; |
| } |
| |
| function addFailureResult(name, expectedValue, actual) |
| { |
| addStringResult(name, "****Failure**** (expected: \"" + expectedValue + "\" actual: \"" + actual + "\")", "failure"); |
| } |
| |
| function addSuccessResult(name) |
| { |
| addStringResult(name, "Success", "success"); |
| } |
| |
| function addXMLResult(name, result) |
| { |
| var str; |
| if (result) |
| str = serializer.serializeToString(result); |
| addStringResult(name, str); |
| } |
| |
| var xml = getXMLDocument("resources/xslt-text.xml"); |
| addXMLResult("original xml", xml); |
| var xsl1 = getXMLDocument("resources/xslt-text.xsl"); |
| addXMLResult("xsl1", xsl1); |
| var xsl2 = getXMLDocument("resources/xslt-enc.xsl"); |
| addXMLResult("xsl2", xsl2); |
| |
| |
| |
| // 1.0 void importStylesheet(in DOMNode style); |
| addSectionHeader("void importStylesheet(in DOMNode style)"); |
| // 1.1 Import two different stylesheets (last one wins) |
| |
| processor.importStylesheet(xsl1); |
| processor.importStylesheet(xsl2); |
| var newXML = processor.transformToDocument(xml); |
| addXMLResult("Import two different stylesheets", newXML); |
| |
| // 1.2 Import same stylesheet twice |
| |
| processor.reset(); |
| processor.importStylesheet(xsl1); |
| processor.importStylesheet(xsl1); |
| |
| var newXML = processor.transformToDocument(xml); |
| addXMLResult("Import same stylesheet twice", newXML); |
| |
| // 1.3 Import undefined stylesheet |
| |
| processor.reset(); |
| var testname = "Import undefined stylesheet"; |
| addResultExpectException(testname, function () { return processor.importStylesheet(undefined); } ); |
| |
| // 1.4 Import invalid stylesheet (not wellformed xlst) |
| |
| processor.reset(); |
| var testName = "Import invalid stylesheet"; |
| addResultExpectException(testname, function () { return processor.importStylesheet(xml); } ); |
| |
| // 1.5 Don't import stylesheet |
| |
| processor.reset(); |
| var newXML = processor.transformToDocument(xml); |
| addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized("Don't import stylesheet", newXML, undefined); |
| |
| |
| |
| // 2.0 DOMDocumentFragment transformToFragment(in DOMNode source, in DOMDocument output); |
| addSectionHeader("DOMDocumentFragment transformToFragment(in DOMNode source, in DOMDocument output)"); |
| // 2.1 fragment with undefined source |
| |
| processor.reset(); |
| processor.importStylesheet(xsl1); |
| var ownerDocument = document.implementation.createDocument("", "test", null); |
| var testname = "fragment with undefined source"; |
| addResultExpectException(testname, function () { return processor.transformToFragment(undefined, ownerDocument); } ); |
| |
| // 2.2 fragment with undefined output document |
| |
| ownerDocument = document.implementation.createDocument("", "test", null); |
| newFragment = processor.transformToFragment(xml, undefined); |
| addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized("fragment with undefined output document", newFragment, undefined); |
| |
| // 2.3 use non-DOMDocument output parameter |
| |
| var testname = "use non-DOMDocument output parameter"; |
| addResultExpectException(testname, function () { return processor.transformToFragment(xml, "error"); } ); |
| |
| // 2.4 transform to same fragment twice |
| |
| ownerDocument = document.implementation.createDocument("", "test", null); |
| var secondDocument = document.implementation.createDocument("", "test", null); |
| newFragment = processor.transformToFragment(xml, ownerDocument); |
| var secondFragment = processor.transformToFragment(xml, secondDocument); |
| addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized("transform to same fragment twice", secondFragment, serializer.serializeToString(newFragment)); |
| |
| |
| // 2.5 transform to text |
| // 2.6 fragment using passed parameters |
| var paramXSL = getXMLDocument("resources/xslt-param.xsl"); |
| var paramXML = getXMLDocument("resources/xslt-param.xml"); |
| |
| var paramProcessor = new XSLTProcessor; |
| paramProcessor.importStylesheet(paramXSL); |
| paramProcessor.setParameter(null, "param", "SUCCESS"); |
| |
| var ownerDocument = document.implementation.createDocument("", "test", null); |
| var fragment = paramProcessor.transformToFragment(paramXML, ownerDocument); |
| addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized("transformed fragment containing only text", fragment, "SUCCESS"); |
| addResultExpectValue("fragment using passed parameters", fragment.firstChild.nodeValue, "SUCCESS"); |
| |
| |
| |
| // 3.0 DOMDocument transformToDocument(in DOMNode source); |
| addSectionHeader("DOMDocument transformToDocument(in DOMNode source)"); |
| |
| // 3.1 document from undefined source |
| |
| processor.reset(); |
| processor.importStylesheet(xsl1); |
| addResultExpectException("document from undefined source", function () { return processor.transformToDocument(undefined); } ); |
| |
| // 3.2 transform twice |
| |
| processor.reset(); |
| processor.importStylesheet(xsl1); |
| var newXML = processor.transformToDocument(xml); |
| var newerXML = processor.transformToDocument(xml); |
| addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized("transform twice", newXML, serializer.serializeToString(newerXML)); |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| // 4.0 void setParameter(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName, in Value value); |
| addSectionHeader("void setParameter(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName, in Value value)"); |
| processor.reset(); |
| |
| // 4.1 pass setParameter same localname, different namespaces |
| processor.setParameter("foo", "foo", "Success"); |
| processor.setParameter("bar", "foo", "Failure"); |
| var testname = "pass setParameter same localname, different namespaces"; |
| addResultExpectValue(testname, processor.getParameter("foo", "foo"), "Success"); |
| |
| // 4.2 pass undefined namespace |
| |
| processor.setParameter(undefined, "foo", "Success"); |
| addResultExpectValue("pass undefined namespace", processor.getParameter(undefined, "foo"), "Success"); |
| |
| // 4.3 pass setParameter an undefined name |
| |
| var testname = "pass setParameter an undefined name"; |
| addResultExpectException(testname, function () { return processor.setParameter(undefined, undefined , "Success"); } ); |
| |
| // 4.4 pass undefined value |
| |
| processor.setParameter(undefined, "foo", undefined); |
| var testname = "pass undefined value"; |
| |
| |
| // 4.5 pass unsupported value to setParameter (object, for instance?) |
| |
| var testname = "pass unsupported value to setParameter"; |
| addResultExpectException(testname, function () { return processor.setParameter(undefined, "invalid" , new Array()); } ); |
| |
| |
| // 5.0 Value getParameter(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); |
| addSectionHeader("Value getParameter(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName)"); |
| |
| // 5.1 pass undefined name |
| |
| var testname = "pass getParameter an undefined name"; |
| addResultExpectException(testname, function () { return processor.getParameter(undefined, undefined); } ); |
| |
| // 5.2 pass getParameter a name which has not been set |
| |
| var testname = "pass getParameter a name which has not been set"; |
| addResultExpectValue(testname, processor.getParameter(undefined, "hasnotbeenset"), undefined); |
| |
| // 5.3 verify getParameter actually gets (and set sets) |
| processor.setParameter(null, "test", "testValue"); |
| var testname = "verify getParameter actually gets (and set sets)"; |
| addResultExpectValue(testname, processor.getParameter(null, "test"), "testValue"); |
| |
| |
| |
| // 6.0 void removeParameter(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); |
| addSectionHeader("void removeParameter(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName)"); |
| // 6.1 pass removeParameter same localname, different namespaces |
| |
| processor.setParameter("foo", "foo", "Success"); |
| processor.setParameter("bar", "foo", "Failure"); |
| var testname = "pass removeParameter same localname, different namespaces"; |
| addResultExpectValue(testname, processor.getParameter("foo", "foo"), "Success"); |
| |
| // 6.2 pass undefined namespace |
| |
| processor.setParameter(undefined, "test", "testValue"); |
| processor.removeParameter(undefined, "test"); |
| var testname = "verify removeParameter actually removes using undefined namespace"; |
| addResultExpectValue(testname, processor.getParameter(null, "test"), undefined); |
| |
| // 6.3 pass removeParameter undefined name |
| |
| processor.setParameter(undefined, "undefined", "Success"); |
| processor.removeParameter(undefined, undefined); |
| var testname = "pass removeParameter undefined name"; |
| addResultExpectValue(testname, processor.getParameter(undefined, "undefined"), "Success"); |
| |
| // 6.4 pass removeParameter a name which has not been set |
| |
| processor.removeParameter(undefined, "neverbeensetforremove"); |
| addResultExpectValue("pass removeParameter a name which has not been set", "Success", "Success"); |
| |
| // 6.5 verify removeParameter actually removes |
| processor.setParameter(null, "test", "testValue"); |
| processor.removeParameter(null, "test"); |
| var testname = "verify removeParameter actually removes"; |
| addResultExpectValue(testname, processor.getParameter(null, "test"), undefined); |
| |
| |
| |
| // 7.0 void clearParameters(); |
| addSectionHeader("void clearParameters()"); |
| |
| // 7.1 call, verify that parameters have been cleared |
| processor.setParameter(null, "test", "testValue"); |
| processor.clearParameters(); |
| var testname = "verify that clearParameters does"; |
| addResultExpectValue(testname, processor.getParameter(null, "test"), undefined); |
| |
| |
| // 8.0 void reset(); |
| addSectionHeader("void reset()"); |
| processor = new XSLTProcessor(); |
| processor.importStylesheet(xsl1); |
| processor.setParameter(null, "test", "testValue"); |
| processor.reset(); |
| |
| // 8.1 call, verify that parameters are cleared after reset() |
| var testname = "verify that parameters have been cleared"; |
| addResultExpectValue(testname, processor.getParameter(null, "test"), undefined); |
| |
| // 8.2 call, verify that stylesheet has been cleared after reset() |
| var testname = "verify that stylesheet has been cleared"; |
| var resultDocument = processor.transformToDocument(xml); |
| addResultExpectValueWhenSerialized(testname, resultDocument, undefined); |
| |
| </script> |
| |
| </body> |
| </html> |