| description( |
| "This page tests handling of characters which, according to ECMA 262, are not regular expression PatternCharacters. Those characters are: ^ $ \ . * + ? ( ) [ ] { } |" |
| ); |
| |
| // We test two cases, to match the two cases in the WREC parser. |
| // Test 1: the character stand-alone. |
| // Test 2: the character following a PatternCharacter. |
| |
| var regexp; |
| |
| // ^: Always allowed, always an assertion. |
| |
| regexp = /^/g; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "0"); |
| |
| regexp = /\n^/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('\\n\\n')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "1"); |
| |
| // $: Always allowed, always an assertion. |
| |
| regexp = /$/g; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "0"); |
| |
| regexp = /\n$/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('\\n\\n')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "1"); |
| |
| // \: Only allowed as a prefix. Contrary to spec, always treated as an |
| // IdentityEscape when followed by an invalid escape postfix. |
| regexp = /\z/; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('z')"); // invalid postfix => IdentityEscape |
| |
| regexp = /a\z/; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('az')"); // invalid postfix => IdentityEscape |
| |
| regexp = /\_/; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('_')"); // invalid postfix => IdentityEscape |
| |
| regexp = /a\_/; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('a_')"); // invalid postfix => IdentityEscape |
| |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + "[invalid \\ variations]"); |
| shouldThrow("/\\/"); // no postfix => not allowed |
| shouldThrow("/a\\/"); // no postfix => not allowed |
| |
| // .: Always allowed, always a non-newline wildcard. |
| regexp = /./; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('a')"); |
| shouldBeFalse("regexp.test('\\n')"); |
| |
| regexp = /a./; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('aa')"); |
| shouldBeFalse("regexp.test('a\\n')"); |
| |
| // *: Only allowed as a postfix to a PatternCharacter. Behaves as a {0,Infinity} quantifier. |
| regexp = /a*/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('b')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "0"); |
| |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('aaba')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "2"); |
| |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + "[invalid * variations]"); |
| shouldThrow("/*/"); // Unterminated comment. |
| shouldThrow("/^*/"); // Prefixed by ^ to avoid confusion with comment syntax. |
| |
| // +: Only allowed as a postfix to a PatternCharacter. Behaves as a {1,Infinity} quantifier. |
| regexp = /a+/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeFalse("regexp.test('b')"); |
| |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('aaba')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "2"); |
| |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + "[invalid + variations]"); |
| shouldThrow("/+/"); |
| |
| // ?: Only allowed as a postfix to a PatternCharacter. Behaves as a {0,1} quantifier. |
| regexp = /a?/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('b')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "0"); |
| |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('aaba')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "1"); |
| |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + "[invalid ? variations]"); |
| shouldThrow("/?/"); |
| |
| // (: Only allowed if it matches a ). |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + "[invalid ( variations]"); |
| shouldThrow("/(/"); |
| shouldThrow("/a(/"); |
| |
| // ): Only allowed if it matches a (. |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + "[invalid ) variations]"); |
| shouldThrow("/)/"); |
| shouldThrow("/a)/"); |
| |
| // [: Only allowed if it matches a ] and the stuff in between is a valid character class. |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + "[invalid [ variations]"); |
| shouldThrow("/[/"); |
| shouldThrow("/a[/"); |
| |
| shouldThrow("/[b-a]/"); |
| shouldThrow("/a[b-a]/"); |
| |
| // ]: Closes a ]. Contrary to spec, if no [ was seen, acts as a regular PatternCharacter. |
| regexp = /]/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test(']')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "1"); |
| |
| regexp = /a]/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('a]')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "2"); |
| |
| // {: Begins a quantifier. Contrary to spec, if no } is seen, or if the stuff in |
| // between does not lex as a quantifier, acts as a regular PatternCharacter. If |
| // the stuff in between does lex as a quantifier, but the quantifier is invalid, |
| // acts as a syntax error. |
| regexp = /{/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('{')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "1"); |
| |
| regexp = /a{/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('a{')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "2"); |
| |
| regexp = /{a/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('{a')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "2"); |
| |
| regexp = /a{a/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('a{a')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "3"); |
| |
| regexp = /{1,/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('{1,')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "3"); |
| |
| regexp = /a{1,/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('a{1,')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "4"); |
| |
| regexp = /{1,a/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('{1,a')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "4"); |
| |
| regexp = /{1,0/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('{1,0')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "4"); |
| |
| regexp = /{1, 0}/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('{1, 0}')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "6"); |
| |
| regexp = /a{1, 0}/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('a{1, 0}')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "7"); |
| |
| try { regexp = new RegExp("a{1,0", "gm"); } catch(e) { regexp = e; }; // Work around exception thrown in Firefox -- probably too weird to be worth matching. |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('a{1,0')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "5"); |
| |
| regexp = /a{0}/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('a')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "0"); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('b')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "0"); |
| |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + "[invalid {} variations]"); |
| shouldThrow("/{0}/"); |
| shouldThrow("/{1,0}/"); |
| shouldThrow("/a{1,0}/"); |
| |
| // }: Ends a quantifier. Same rules as for {. |
| regexp = /}/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('}')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "1"); |
| |
| regexp = /a}/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('a}')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "2"); |
| |
| // |: Always allowed, always separates two alternatives. |
| regexp = new RegExp("", "gm"); |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "0"); |
| |
| regexp = /|/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('|')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "0"); |
| |
| regexp = /a|/gm; |
| debug("\nTesting regexp: " + regexp); |
| shouldBeTrue("regexp.test('|')"); |
| shouldBe("regexp.lastIndex", "0"); |
| |
| var successfullyParsed = true; |