blob: ba09ccaf8a44753b5991293bbf67ac54423cb1ba [file] [log] [blame]
<p>Test for <a href="">bug 8131</a>:
Some properties and methods of window and document objects cannot be converted to a string.</p>
<p>Should say SUCCESS:</p>
if (window.layoutTestController)
try {
var currProperty;
try {
for (var prop in window) {
currProperty = prop;
window[prop] + "";
} catch (ex) {
document.write('FAILURE (window.' + currProperty + '):' + ex.description);
throw ex;
try {
for (var prop in document) {
currProperty = prop;
document[prop] + "";
} catch (ex) {
document.write('FAILURE (document.' + currProperty + '):' + ex.description);
throw ex;
} catch (ex) {