blob: b2adb6ffd6ebdc5c3f06a499233890b80dbcd5ec [file] [log] [blame]
<div id="description"></div>
<div id="console"></div>
if (window.layoutTestController) {
var console = document.getElementById("console");
function onmessage(evt) {
console.innerHTML += "Received message '" + + "'<br>";
if ( == 'done' && window.layoutTestController)
window.addEventListener('message', onmessage, false);
function tryPostMessage(first, second, third) {
try {
if (!third)
window.postMessage(first, second);
window.postMessage(first, second, third);
} catch (e) {
console.innerHTML += "FAIL: Posting message (" + first + ", " + second + "): threw exception " + e + "<br>";
document.getElementById("description").innerHTML = "Test that the second argument of window.postMessage is ignored if it is not a message port. You should see messages '1' through '6', followed by 'done', received below.<br><br>Note that the HTML5 spec implies that an exception should be raised instead, so this test will need updating once that new behavior is implemented.<br><br>";
tryPostMessage('1', 1, '*');
tryPostMessage('2', "", '*');
tryPostMessage('3', window, '*');
tryPostMessage('4', { x: 1 }, '*');
tryPostMessage('5', null, '*');
tryPostMessage('6', void 0, '*');
tryPostMessage('done', '*');