blob: 396b210d198bba3c3d7301f6db65c7628d7a9616 [file] [log] [blame]
// The test works by first navigating iframe to a page that allocates a lot of JS objects
// and then creates a long timeout. Then iframe is navigated to about:blank and the number of JS
// objects is verified - there should be a significant drop in their number.
var objectCountBefore;
function start() {
if (window.layoutTestController && window.GCController) {
objectCountBefore = window.GCController.getJSObjectCount();
var iframeElement = document.getElementById("iframe");
iframeElement.setAttribute("onload", "loadBlank()");
iframeElement.src = "resources/long_timeout.html";
var objectCountAfterLoad;
function loadBlank() {
objectCountAfterLoad = window.GCController.getJSObjectCount();
var iframeElement = document.getElementById("iframe");
iframeElement.setAttribute("onload", "verify()");
iframeElement.src = "about:blank";
function verify()
var allocatedObjects = 1000; // Number of allocated objects in "resources/long_timeout.html".
var threshold = allocatedObjects / 2;
var objectCountAfter = window.GCController.getJSObjectCount();
// Some number of objects is still not released (possibly related to execution of this script).
// Use a threshold which is less then the numebr of allocated objects in "resources/long_timeout.html" to account for this.
var success = (objectCountAfter - objectCountBefore) < threshold;
document.getElementById("result").innerText = (success ? "PASS" : "FAIL" +
", before: " + objectCountBefore +
", after load: " + objectCountAfterLoad +
", after: " + objectCountAfter);
<body onload="start()">
<p>This test verifies that an active timeout that didn't yet fire does not prevent a Document from releasing (bug Test can only run in DumpRenderTree since it needs GCController. Test is successful if it prints 'PASS'.</p>
<div id="result"></div>
<iframe id="iframe"></iframe>