| Test creation of each type of Node and check intial values |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| Attribute creation using createElement on an HTML doc: |
| PASS attr.nodeName is 'foo' |
| PASS attr.name is 'foo' |
| FAIL attr.localName should be null (of type object). Was foo (of type string). |
| PASS attr.namespaceURI is null |
| PASS attr.prefix is null |
| PASS attr.nodeValue is '' |
| PASS attr.value is '' |
| PASS attr.attributes is null |
| Attribute creation using createElementNS on an HTML doc: |
| PASS attr.nodeName is 'example:foo' |
| PASS attr.name is 'example:foo' |
| PASS attr.localName is 'foo' |
| PASS attr.namespaceURI is 'http://www.example.com' |
| PASS attr.prefix is 'example' |
| PASS attr.nodeValue is '' |
| PASS attr.value is '' |
| PASS attr.attributes is null |
| Attribute creation using createElement on an XHTML doc: |
| PASS attr.nodeName is 'foo' |
| PASS attr.name is 'foo' |
| FAIL attr.localName should be null (of type object). Was foo (of type string). |
| PASS attr.namespaceURI is null |
| PASS attr.prefix is null |
| PASS attr.nodeValue is '' |
| PASS attr.value is '' |
| PASS attr.attributes is null |
| Attribute creation using createElementNS on an XHTML doc: |
| PASS attr.nodeName is 'example:foo' |
| PASS attr.name is 'example:foo' |
| PASS attr.localName is 'foo' |
| PASS attr.namespaceURI is 'http://www.example.com' |
| PASS attr.prefix is 'example' |
| PASS attr.nodeValue is '' |
| PASS attr.value is '' |
| PASS attr.attributes is null |
| PASS comment.nodeName is '#comment' |
| PASS comment.localName is null |
| PASS comment.namespaceURI is null |
| PASS comment.prefix is null |
| PASS comment.nodeValue is 'foo' |
| PASS comment.data is 'foo' |
| PASS comment.attributes is null |
| PASS document.createCDATASection('foo') threw exception Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9. |
| PASS cdata.nodeName is '#cdata-section' |
| PASS cdata.localName is null |
| PASS cdata.namespaceURI is null |
| PASS cdata.prefix is null |
| PASS cdata.nodeValue is 'foo' |
| PASS cdata.data is 'foo' |
| PASS cdata.attributes is null |
| PASS fragment.nodeName is '#document-fragment' |
| PASS fragment.localName is null |
| PASS fragment.namespaceURI is null |
| PASS fragment.prefix is null |
| PASS fragment.nodeValue is null |
| PASS fragment.attributes is null |
| PASS doc.nodeName is '#document' |
| PASS doc.localName is null |
| FAIL doc.namespaceURI should be http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml (of type string). Was null (of type object). |
| PASS doc.prefix is null |
| PASS doc.nodeValue is null |
| PASS doc.attributes is null |
| PASS doctype.nodeName is 'svg' |
| PASS doctype.name is 'svg' |
| PASS doctype.localName is null |
| PASS doctype.namespaceURI is null |
| PASS doctype.prefix is null |
| PASS doctype.nodeValue is null |
| PASS doctype.attributes is null |
| Element creation using createElement on an HTML doc: |
| PASS element.nodeName is 'PRE' |
| FAIL element.localName should be null (of type object). Was pre (of type string). |
| FAIL element.namespaceURI should be null (of type object). Was http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml (of type string). |
| PASS element.prefix is null |
| PASS element.nodeValue is null |
| PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' |
| Prefixed element creation using createElementNS on an HTML doc: |
| PASS element.nodeName is 'html:pre' |
| PASS element.localName is 'pre' |
| PASS element.namespaceURI is 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' |
| PASS element.prefix is 'html' |
| PASS element.nodeValue is null |
| PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' |
| SVG Element creation using createElementNS on an HTML doc: |
| PASS element.nodeName is 'svg' |
| PASS element.localName is 'svg' |
| PASS element.namespaceURI is 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' |
| PASS element.prefix is null |
| PASS element.nodeValue is null |
| PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' |
| Unknown Element creation using createElementNS on an HTML doc: |
| PASS element.nodeName is 'foo:svg' |
| PASS element.localName is 'svg' |
| PASS element.namespaceURI is 'http://www.webkit.org' |
| PASS element.prefix is 'foo' |
| PASS element.nodeValue is null |
| PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' |
| Element creation using createElementNS on an HTML doc: |
| FAIL element.nodeName should be pre. Was PRE. |
| PASS element.localName is 'pre' |
| PASS element.namespaceURI is 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' |
| PASS element.prefix is null |
| PASS element.nodeValue is null |
| PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' |
| Element creation using createElement on an XHTML doc: |
| PASS element.nodeName is 'pre' |
| FAIL element.localName should be null (of type object). Was pre (of type string). |
| FAIL element.namespaceURI should be null (of type object). Was http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml (of type string). |
| PASS element.prefix is null |
| PASS element.nodeValue is null |
| PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' |
| Element creation using createElementNS on an XHTML doc: |
| PASS element.nodeName is 'html:pre' |
| PASS element.localName is 'pre' |
| PASS element.namespaceURI is 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' |
| PASS element.prefix is 'html' |
| PASS element.nodeValue is null |
| PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' |
| PASS document.createEntityReference('gt') threw exception Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9. |
| PASS entityReference.nodeName is 'gt' |
| PASS entityReference.localName is null |
| PASS entityReference.namespaceURI is null |
| PASS entityReference.prefix is null |
| PASS entityReference.nodeValue is null |
| PASS entityReference.attributes is null |
| PASS document.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl" href="missing.xsl"') threw exception Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9. |
| PASS processingInstruction.nodeName is 'xml-stylesheet' |
| PASS processingInstruction.localName is null |
| PASS processingInstruction.namespaceURI is null |
| PASS processingInstruction.prefix is null |
| PASS processingInstruction.nodeValue is 'type="text/xsl" href="missing.xsl"' |
| PASS processingInstruction.attributes is null |
| PASS processingInstruction.target is 'xml-stylesheet' |
| PASS processingInstruction.data is 'type="text/xsl" href="missing.xsl"' |
| PASS text.nodeName is '#text' |
| PASS text.localName is null |
| PASS text.namespaceURI is null |
| PASS text.prefix is null |
| PASS text.nodeValue is 'foo' |
| PASS text.data is 'foo' |
| PASS text.attributes is null |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |