blob: 3f9a3c0fc7834740d681ab5c33f025295fd6c83e [file] [log] [blame]
This file test the behaviour of getAttribute with regard to case.
See Bug 20247: setAttributeNode() does not work when attribute name has a capital letter in it
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS testGetAttributeCaseInsensitive() is "x"
PASS testGetAttributeNodeMixedCase() is "x"
PASS testGetAttributeNodeLowerCase() is "x"
PASS testSetAttributeNodeKeepsRef() is "1"
PASS testAttribNodeNamePreservesCase() is "A,A"
PASS testAttribNodeNamePreservesCaseGetNode() is "A,A"
PASS testAttribNodeNamePreservesCaseGetNode2() is "B,B"
PASS testAttribNodeNameGetMutate() is "1"
PASS (new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(node) is "<div myAttrib=\"XXX\"></div>"
PASS node.getAttributeNode('myAttrib').name is "myAttrib"
PASS node.getAttributeNode('myattrib').name is "myAttrib"
PASS is "myAttrib"
PASS successfullyParsed is true