blob: 54350be9ba564413197369d0fb17b53950a2c48f [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# Contributor(s): Max Kanat-Alexander <>
# Bill Barry <>
package Bugzilla::Install::Filesystem;
# NOTE: This package may "use" any modules that it likes,
# and localconfig is available. However, all functions in this
# package should assume that:
# * Templates are not available.
# * Files do not have the correct permissions.
# * The database does not exist.
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use IO::File;
use POSIX ();
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
# This looks like a constant because it effectively is, but
# it has to call other subroutines and read the current filesystem,
# so it's defined as a sub. This is not exported, so it doesn't have
# a perldoc. However, look at the various hashes defined inside this
# function to understand what it returns. (There are comments throughout.)
# The rationale for the file permissions is that the web server generally
# runs as apache, so the cgi scripts should not be writable for apache,
# otherwise someone may find it possible to change the cgis when exploiting
# some security flaw somewhere (not necessarily in Bugzilla!)
my $datadir = bz_locations()->{'datadir'};
my $attachdir = bz_locations()->{'attachdir'};
my $extensionsdir = bz_locations()->{'extensionsdir'};
my $webdotdir = bz_locations()->{'webdotdir'};
my $templatedir = bz_locations()->{'templatedir'};
my $libdir = bz_locations()->{'libpath'};
my $extlib = bz_locations()->{'ext_libpath'};
my $skinsdir = bz_locations()->{'skinsdir'};
my $ws_group = Bugzilla->localconfig->{'webservergroup'};
# The set of permissions that we use:
# Executable by the web server
my $ws_executable = $ws_group ? 0750 : 0755;
# Executable by the owner only.
my $owner_executable = 0700;
# Readable by the web server.
my $ws_readable = $ws_group ? 0640 : 0644;
# Readable by the owner only.
my $owner_readable = 0600;
# Writeable by the web server.
my $ws_writeable = $ws_group ? 0660 : 0666;
# Readable by the web server.
my $ws_dir_readable = $ws_group ? 0750 : 0755;
# Readable only by the owner.
my $owner_dir_readable = 0700;
# Writeable by the web server.
my $ws_dir_writeable = $ws_group ? 0770 : 01777;
# The web server can overwrite files owned by other users,
# in this directory.
my $ws_dir_full_control = $ws_group ? 0770 : 0777;
# Note: When being processed by checksetup, these have their permissions
# set in this order: %all_dirs, %recurse_dirs, %all_files.
# Each is processed in alphabetical order of keys, so shorter keys
# will have their permissions set before longer keys (thus setting
# the permissions on parent directories before setting permissions
# on their children).
# --- FILE PERMISSIONS (Non-created files) --- #
my %files = (
'*' => { perms => $ws_readable },
'*.cgi' => { perms => $ws_executable },
'' => { perms => $ws_executable },
'' => { perms => $ws_executable },
'' => { perms => $owner_executable },
'' => { perms => $ws_executable },
'' => { perms => $owner_executable },
'' => { perms => $ws_executable },
'' => { perms => $ws_executable },
'' => { perms => $owner_executable },
'' => { perms => $ws_executable },
'' => { perms => $ws_executable },
'' => { perms => $owner_executable },
'docs/' => { perms => $owner_executable },
'docs/style.css' => { perms => $ws_readable },
'docs/*/rel_notes.txt' => { perms => $ws_readable },
'docs/*/' => { perms => $owner_readable },
"$datadir/bugzilla-update.xml" => { perms => $ws_writeable },
"$datadir/params" => { perms => $ws_writeable },
"$datadir/mailer.testfile" => { perms => $ws_writeable },
# Directories that we want to set the perms on, but not
# recurse through. These are directories we didn't create
# in
my %non_recurse_dirs = (
'.' => $ws_dir_readable,
docs => $ws_dir_readable,
# This sets the permissions for each item inside each of these
# directories, including the directory itself.
# 'CVS' directories are special, though, and are never readable by
# the webserver.
my %recurse_dirs = (
# Writeable directories
"$datadir/template" => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_full_control },
$attachdir => { files => $ws_writeable,
dirs => $ws_dir_writeable },
$webdotdir => { files => $ws_writeable,
dirs => $ws_dir_writeable },
graphs => { files => $ws_writeable,
dirs => $ws_dir_writeable },
# Readable directories
"$datadir/mining" => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
"$datadir/duplicates" => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
"$libdir/Bugzilla" => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
$extlib => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
$templatedir => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
$extensionsdir => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
images => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
css => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
js => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
$skinsdir => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
t => { files => $owner_readable,
dirs => $owner_dir_readable },
'docs/*/html' => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
'docs/*/pdf' => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
'docs/*/txt' => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
'docs/*/images' => { files => $ws_readable,
dirs => $ws_dir_readable },
'docs/lib' => { files => $owner_readable,
dirs => $owner_dir_readable },
'docs/*/xml' => { files => $owner_readable,
dirs => $owner_dir_readable },
# --- FILES TO CREATE --- #
# The name of each directory that we should actually *create*,
# pointing at its default permissions.
my %create_dirs = (
$datadir => $ws_dir_full_control,
"$datadir/mining" => $ws_dir_readable,
"$datadir/duplicates" => $ws_dir_readable,
$attachdir => $ws_dir_writeable,
$extensionsdir => $ws_dir_readable,
graphs => $ws_dir_writeable,
$webdotdir => $ws_dir_writeable,
"$skinsdir/custom" => $ws_dir_readable,
"$skinsdir/contrib" => $ws_dir_readable,
# The name of each file, pointing at its default permissions and
# default contents.
my %create_files = ();
# Each standard stylesheet has an associated custom stylesheet that
# we create. Also, we create placeholders for standard stylesheets
# for contrib skins which don't provide them themselves.
foreach my $skin_dir ("$skinsdir/custom", <$skinsdir/contrib/*>) {
next if basename($skin_dir) =~ /^cvs$/i;
$create_dirs{"$skin_dir/yui"} = $ws_dir_readable;
foreach my $base_css (<$skinsdir/standard/*.css>) {
_add_custom_css($skin_dir, basename($base_css), \%create_files, $ws_readable);
foreach my $dir_css (<$skinsdir/standard/*/*.css>) {
$dir_css =~ s{.+?([^/]+/[^/]+)$}{$1};
_add_custom_css($skin_dir, $dir_css, \%create_files, $ws_readable);
# Because checksetup controls the creation of index.html separately
# from all other files, it gets its very own hash.
my %index_html = (
'index.html' => { perms => $ws_readable, contents => <<EOT
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=index.cgi">
<h1>I think you are looking for <a href="index.cgi">index.cgi</a></h1>
# Because checksetup controls the .htaccess creation separately
# by a localconfig variable, these go in a separate variable from
# %create_files.
my $ht_default_deny = <<EOT;
# nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overridden by an .htaccess
# in a subdirectory
deny from all
my %htaccess = (
"$attachdir/.htaccess" => { perms => $ws_readable,
contents => $ht_default_deny },
"$libdir/Bugzilla/.htaccess" => { perms => $ws_readable,
contents => $ht_default_deny },
"$extlib/.htaccess" => { perms => $ws_readable,
contents => $ht_default_deny },
"$templatedir/.htaccess" => { perms => $ws_readable,
contents => $ht_default_deny },
'.htaccess' => { perms => $ws_readable, contents => <<EOT
# Don't allow people to retrieve non-cgi executable files or our private data
<FilesMatch ^(.*\\.pm|.*\\.pl|.*localconfig.*)\$>
deny from all
"$webdotdir/.htaccess" => { perms => $ws_readable, contents => <<EOT
# Restrict access to .dot files to the public webdot server at
# if ever changes their IP, or if you use a different
# webdot server, you'll need to edit this
<FilesMatch \\.dot\$>
Allow from
Deny from all
# Allow access to .png files created by a local copy of 'dot'
<FilesMatch \\.png\$>
Allow from all
# And no directory listings, either.
Deny from all
# Even though $datadir may not (and should not) be accessible from the
# web server, we can't know for sure, so create the .htaccess anyway.
# It's harmless if it isn't accessible...
"$datadir/.htaccess" => { perms => $ws_readable, contents => <<EOT
# Nothing in this directory is retrievable unless overridden by an .htaccess
# in a subdirectory; the only exception is duplicates.rdf, which is used by
# duplicates.xul and must be accessible from the web server
deny from all
<Files duplicates.rdf>
allow from all
my %all_files = (%create_files, %htaccess, %index_html, %files);
my %all_dirs = (%create_dirs, %non_recurse_dirs);
return {
create_dirs => \%create_dirs,
recurse_dirs => \%recurse_dirs,
all_dirs => \%all_dirs,
create_files => \%create_files,
htaccess => \%htaccess,
index_html => \%index_html,
all_files => \%all_files,
sub update_filesystem {
my ($params) = @_;
my $fs = FILESYSTEM();
my %dirs = %{$fs->{create_dirs}};
my %files = %{$fs->{create_files}};
my $datadir = bz_locations->{'datadir'};
# If the graphs/ directory doesn't exist, we're upgrading from
# a version old enough that we need to update the $datadir/mining
# format.
if (-d "$datadir/mining" && !-d 'graphs') {
# By sorting the dirs, we assure that shorter-named directories
# (meaning parent directories) are always created before their
# child directories.
foreach my $dir (sort keys %dirs) {
unless (-d $dir) {
print "Creating $dir directory...\n";
mkdir $dir || die $!;
# For some reason, passing in the permissions to "mkdir"
# doesn't work right, but doing a "chmod" does.
chmod $dirs{$dir}, $dir || die $!;
if ($params->{index_html}) {
elsif (-e 'index.html') {
my $templatedir = bz_locations()->{'templatedir'};
print <<EOT;
*** It appears that you still have an old index.html hanging around.
Either the contents of this file should be moved into a template and
placed in the '$templatedir/en/custom' directory, or you should delete
the file.
# Delete old files that no longer need to exist
# 2001-04-29 - Remove oldemailtech
if (-d 'shadow') {
print "Removing shadow directory...\n";
if (-e "$datadir/versioncache") {
print "Removing versioncache...\n";
unlink "$datadir/versioncache";
# A simple helper for creating "empty" CSS files.
sub _add_custom_css {
my ($skin_dir, $path, $create_files, $perms) = @_;
$create_files->{"$skin_dir/$path"} = { perms => $perms, contents => <<EOT
* Custom rules for $path.
* The rules you put here override rules in that stylesheet.
sub create_htaccess {
# Repair old .htaccess files
my $htaccess = new IO::File('.htaccess', 'r') || die ".htaccess: $!";
my $old_data;
{ local $/; $old_data = <$htaccess>; }
my $repaired = 0;
if ($old_data =~ s/\|localconfig\|/\|.*localconfig.*\|/) {
$repaired = 1;
if ($old_data !~ /\(\.\*\\\.pm\|/) {
$old_data =~ s/\(/(.*\\.pm\|/;
$repaired = 1;
if ($repaired) {
print "Repairing .htaccess...\n";
$htaccess = new IO::File('.htaccess', 'w') || die $!;
print $htaccess $old_data;
my $webdot_dir = bz_locations()->{'webdotdir'};
# The public webdot IP address changed.
my $webdot = new IO::File("$webdot_dir/.htaccess", 'r')
|| die "$webdot_dir/.htaccess: $!";
my $webdot_data;
{ local $/; $webdot_data = <$webdot>; }
if ($webdot_data =~ /192\.20\.225\.10/) {
print "Repairing $webdot_dir/.htaccess...\n";
$webdot_data =~ s/192\.20\.225\.10/\/24/g;
$webdot = new IO::File("$webdot_dir/.htaccess", 'w') || die $!;
print $webdot $webdot_data;
# A helper for the above functions.
sub _create_files {
my (%files) = @_;
# It's not necessary to sort these, but it does make the
# output of look a bit nicer.
foreach my $file (sort keys %files) {
unless (-e $file) {
print "Creating $file...\n";
my $info = $files{$file};
my $fh = new IO::File($file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, $info->{perms})
|| die $!;
print $fh $info->{contents} if $info->{contents};
# If you ran a REALLY old version of Bugzilla, your chart files are in the
# wrong format. This code is a little messy, because it's very old, and
# when moving it into this module, I couldn't test it so I left it almost
# completely alone.
sub _update_old_charts {
my ($datadir) = @_;
print "Updating old chart storage format...\n";
foreach my $in_file (glob("$datadir/mining/*")) {
# Don't try and upgrade image or db files!
next if (($in_file =~ /\.gif$/i) ||
($in_file =~ /\.png$/i) ||
($in_file =~ /\.db$/i) ||
($in_file =~ /\.orig$/i));
rename("$in_file", "$in_file.orig") or next;
open(IN, "$in_file.orig") or next;
open(OUT, '>', $in_file) or next;
# Fields in the header
my @declared_fields;
# Fields we changed to half way through by mistake
# This list comes from an old version of
# This part is only for people who ran later versions of 2.11 (devel)
# Fields we actually want (matches the current
while (<IN>) {
if (/^# fields?: (.*)\s$/) {
@declared_fields = map uc, (split /\||\r/, $1);
print OUT "# fields: ", join('|', @out_fields), "\n";
elsif (/^(\d+\|.*)/) {
my @data = split(/\||\r/, $1);
my %data;
if (@data == @declared_fields) {
# old format
for my $i (0 .. $#declared_fields) {
$data{$declared_fields[$i]} = $data[$i];
elsif (@data == @intermediate_fields) {
# Must have changed over at this point
for my $i (0 .. $#intermediate_fields) {
$data{$intermediate_fields[$i]} = $data[$i];
elsif (@data == @out_fields) {
# This line's fine - it has the right number of entries
for my $i (0 .. $#out_fields) {
$data{$out_fields[$i]} = $data[$i];
else {
print "Oh dear, input line $. of $in_file had " .
scalar(@data) . " fields\nThis was unexpected.",
" You may want to check your data files.\n";
print OUT join('|',
map { defined ($data{$_}) ? ($data{$_}) : "" } @out_fields),
else {
print OUT;
sub fix_all_file_permissions {
my ($output) = @_;
my $ws_group = Bugzilla->localconfig->{'webservergroup'};
my $group_id = _check_web_server_group($ws_group, $output);
return if ON_WINDOWS;
my $fs = FILESYSTEM();
my %files = %{$fs->{all_files}};
my %dirs = %{$fs->{all_dirs}};
my %recurse_dirs = %{$fs->{recurse_dirs}};
print get_text('install_file_perms_fix') . "\n" if $output;
my $owner_id = POSIX::getuid();
$group_id = POSIX::getgid() unless defined $group_id;
foreach my $dir (sort keys %dirs) {
next unless -d $dir;
_fix_perms($dir, $owner_id, $group_id, $dirs{$dir});
foreach my $dir (sort keys %recurse_dirs) {
next unless -d $dir;
# Set permissions on the directory itself.
my $perms = $recurse_dirs{$dir};
_fix_perms($dir, $owner_id, $group_id, $perms->{dirs});
# Now recurse through the directory and set the correct permissions
# on subdirectories and files.
find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub {
my $name = $File::Find::name;
if (-d $name) {
_fix_perms($name, $owner_id, $group_id, $perms->{dirs});
else {
_fix_perms($name, $owner_id, $group_id, $perms->{files});
}}, $dir);
foreach my $file (sort keys %files) {
# %files supports globs
foreach my $filename (glob $file) {
# Don't touch directories.
next if -d $filename || !-e $filename;
_fix_perms($filename, $owner_id, $group_id,
_fix_cvs_dirs($owner_id, '.');
# A helper for fix_all_file_permissions
sub _fix_cvs_dirs {
my ($owner_id, $dir) = @_;
my $owner_gid = POSIX::getgid();
find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub {
my $name = $File::Find::name;
if ($File::Find::dir =~ /\/CVS/ || $_ eq '.cvsignore'
|| (-d $name && $_ eq 'CVS')) {
_fix_perms($name, $owner_id, $owner_gid, 0700);
}}, $dir);
sub _fix_perms {
my ($name, $owner, $group, $perms) = @_;
#printf ("Changing $name to %o\n", $perms);
chown $owner, $group, $name
|| warn "Failed to change ownership of $name: $!";
chmod $perms, $name
|| warn "Failed to change permissions of $name: $!";
sub _check_web_server_group {
my ($group, $output) = @_;
my $filename = bz_locations()->{'localconfig'};
my $group_id;
# If we are on Windows, webservergroup does nothing
if (ON_WINDOWS && $group && $output) {
print "\n\n" . get_text('install_webservergroup_windows') . "\n\n";
# If we're not on Windows, make sure that webservergroup isn't
# empty.
elsif (!ON_WINDOWS && !$group && $output) {
print "\n\n" . get_text('install_webservergroup_empty') . "\n\n";
# If we're not on Windows, make sure we are actually a member of
# the webservergroup.
elsif (!ON_WINDOWS && $group) {
$group_id = getgrnam($group);
ThrowCodeError('invalid_webservergroup', { group => $group })
unless defined $group_id;
# If on unix, see if we need to print a warning about a webservergroup
# that we can't chgrp to
if ($output && $< != 0 && !grep($_ eq $group_id, split(" ", $)))) {
print "\n\n" . get_text('install_webservergroup_not_in') . "\n\n";
return $group_id;
=head1 NAME
Bugzilla::Install::Filesystem - Fix up the filesystem during
This module is used primarily by L<> to modify the
filesystem during installation, including creating the data/ directory.
=item C<update_filesystem({ index_html => 0 })>
Description: Creates all the directories and files that Bugzilla
needs to function but doesn't ship with. Also does
any updates to these files as necessary during an
Params: C<index_html> - Whether or not we should create
the F<index.html> file.
Returns: nothing
=item C<create_htaccess()>
Description: Creates all of the .htaccess files for Apache,
in the various Bugzilla directories. Also updates
the .htaccess files if they need updating.
Params: none
Returns: nothing
=item C<fix_all_file_permissions($output)>
Description: Sets all the file permissions on all of Bugzilla's files
to what they should be. Note that permissions are different
depending on whether or not C<$webservergroup> is set
in F<localconfig>.
Params: C<$output> - C<true> if you want this function to print
out information about what it's doing.
Returns: nothing