blob: 5ed3d1abf9f37a9bfecf06ea086f83bb9c6ee8af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TextureVk.cpp:
// Implements the class methods for TextureVk.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/TextureVk.h"
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "image_util/"
#include "libANGLE/Config.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/Image.h"
#include "libANGLE/MemoryObject.h"
#include "libANGLE/Surface.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/ContextVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/FramebufferVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/ImageVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/MemoryObjectVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/RenderbufferVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/RendererVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/SurfaceVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_format_utils.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_utils.h"
#include "libANGLE/trace.h"
namespace rx
constexpr VkImageUsageFlags kDrawStagingImageFlags = VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT |
constexpr VkImageUsageFlags kTransferStagingImageFlags =
constexpr VkFormatFeatureFlags kBlitFeatureFlags =
constexpr VkImageAspectFlags kDepthStencilAspects =
constexpr angle::SubjectIndex kTextureImageSubjectIndex = 0;
// Test whether a texture level is within the range of levels for which the current image is
// allocated. This is used to ensure out-of-range updates are staged in the image, and not
// attempted to be directly applied.
bool IsTextureLevelInAllocatedImage(const vk::ImageHelper &image,
gl::LevelIndex textureLevelIndexGL)
gl::LevelIndex imageFirstAllocateLevel = image.getFirstAllocatedLevel();
if (textureLevelIndexGL < imageFirstAllocateLevel)
return false;
vk::LevelIndex imageLevelIndexVk = image.toVkLevel(textureLevelIndexGL);
return imageLevelIndexVk < vk::LevelIndex(image.getLevelCount());
// Test whether a redefined texture level is compatible with the currently allocated image. Returns
// true if the given size and format match the corresponding mip in the allocated image (taking
// base level into account). This could return false when:
// - Defining a texture level that is outside the range of the image levels. In this case, changes
// to this level should remain staged until the texture is redefined to include this level.
// - Redefining a texture level that is within the range of the image levels, but has a different
// size or format. In this case too, changes to this level should remain staged as the texture
// is no longer complete as is.
bool IsTextureLevelDefinitionCompatibleWithImage(const vk::ImageHelper &image,
gl::LevelIndex textureLevelIndexGL,
const gl::Extents &size,
angle::FormatID intendedFormatID,
angle::FormatID actualFormatID)
ASSERT(IsTextureLevelInAllocatedImage(image, textureLevelIndexGL));
vk::LevelIndex imageLevelIndexVk = image.toVkLevel(textureLevelIndexGL);
return size == image.getLevelExtents(imageLevelIndexVk) &&
intendedFormatID == image.getIntendedFormatID() &&
actualFormatID == image.getActualFormatID();
bool CanCopyWithTransferForTexImage(RendererVk *renderer,
angle::FormatID srcIntendedFormatID,
angle::FormatID srcActualFormatID,
VkImageTiling srcTilingMode,
angle::FormatID dstIntendedFormatID,
angle::FormatID dstActualFormatID,
VkImageTiling dstTilingMode)
// For glTex[Sub]Image, only accept same-format transfers.
// There are cases that two images' actual format is the same, but intended formats are
// different due to one is using the fallback format (for example, RGB fallback to RGBA). In
// these situations CanCopyWithTransfer will say yes. But if we use transfer to do copy, the
// alpha channel will be also be copied with source data which is wrong.
bool isFormatCompatible =
srcIntendedFormatID == dstIntendedFormatID && srcActualFormatID == dstActualFormatID;
return isFormatCompatible && vk::CanCopyWithTransfer(renderer, srcActualFormatID, srcTilingMode,
dstActualFormatID, dstTilingMode);
bool CanCopyWithTransferForCopyTexture(RendererVk *renderer,
const vk::ImageHelper &srcImage,
VkImageTiling srcTilingMode,
angle::FormatID destIntendedFormatID,
angle::FormatID destActualFormatID,
VkImageTiling destTilingMode)
if (!vk::CanCopyWithTransfer(renderer, srcImage.getActualFormatID(), srcTilingMode,
destActualFormatID, destTilingMode))
return false;
// If the formats are identical, we can always transfer between them.
if (srcImage.getIntendedFormatID() == destIntendedFormatID &&
srcImage.getActualFormatID() == destActualFormatID)
return true;
// If either format is emulated, cannot transfer.
if (srcImage.hasEmulatedImageFormat() ||
vk::HasEmulatedImageFormat(destIntendedFormatID, destActualFormatID))
return false;
// Otherwise, allow transfer between compatible formats. This is derived from the specification
// of CHROMIUM_copy_texture.
const angle::Format &srcAngleFormat = srcImage.getActualFormat();
const angle::Format &destAngleFormat = angle::Format::Get(destActualFormatID);
const bool srcIsBGRA = srcAngleFormat.isBGRA();
const bool srcHasR8 = srcAngleFormat.redBits == 8;
const bool srcHasG8 = srcAngleFormat.greenBits == 8;
const bool srcHasB8 = srcAngleFormat.blueBits == 8;
const bool srcHasA8 = srcAngleFormat.alphaBits == 8;
const bool srcIsSigned = srcAngleFormat.isSnorm() || srcAngleFormat.isSint();
const bool destIsBGRA = destAngleFormat.isBGRA();
const bool destHasR8 = destAngleFormat.redBits == 8;
const bool destHasG8 = destAngleFormat.greenBits == 8;
const bool destHasB8 = destAngleFormat.blueBits == 8;
const bool destHasA8 = destAngleFormat.alphaBits == 8;
const bool destIsSigned = destAngleFormat.isSnorm() || destAngleFormat.isSint();
// Copy is allowed as long as they have the same number, ordering and sign of (8-bit) channels.
// CHROMIUM_copy_texture expects verbatim copy between these format, so this copy is done
// regardless of sRGB, normalized, etc.
return srcIsBGRA == destIsBGRA && srcHasR8 == destHasR8 && srcHasG8 == destHasG8 &&
srcHasB8 == destHasB8 && srcHasA8 == destHasA8 && srcIsSigned == destIsSigned;
bool CanCopyWithDraw(RendererVk *renderer,
const angle::FormatID srcFormatID,
VkImageTiling srcTilingMode,
const angle::FormatID dstFormatID,
VkImageTiling destTilingMode)
// Checks that the formats in copy by drawing have the appropriate feature bits
bool srcFormatHasNecessaryFeature = vk::FormatHasNecessaryFeature(
renderer, srcFormatID, srcTilingMode, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_BIT);
bool dstFormatHasNecessaryFeature = vk::FormatHasNecessaryFeature(
renderer, dstFormatID, destTilingMode, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT);
return srcFormatHasNecessaryFeature && dstFormatHasNecessaryFeature;
bool CanGenerateMipmapWithCompute(RendererVk *renderer,
VkImageType imageType,
angle::FormatID formatID,
GLint samples,
bool canBeRespecified)
// Feature needs to be enabled
if (!renderer->getFeatures().allowGenerateMipmapWithCompute.enabled)
return false;
// We need to be able to respecify the backing image
if (!canBeRespecified)
return false;
const angle::Format &angleFormat = angle::Format::Get(formatID);
// Format must have STORAGE support.
const bool hasStorageSupport =
renderer->hasImageFormatFeatureBits(formatID, VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_BIT);
// No support for sRGB formats yet.
const bool isSRGB = angleFormat.isSRGB;
// No support for integer formats yet.
const bool isInt = angleFormat.isInt();
// Only 2D images are supported.
const bool is2D = imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
// No support for multisampled images yet.
const bool isMultisampled = samples > 1;
// Only color formats are supported.
const bool isColorFormat = !angleFormat.hasDepthOrStencilBits();
return hasStorageSupport && !isSRGB && !isInt && is2D && !isMultisampled && isColorFormat;
void GetRenderTargetLayerCountAndIndex(vk::ImageHelper *image,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
GLuint *layerIndex,
GLuint *layerCount,
GLuint *imageLayerCount)
*layerIndex = index.hasLayer() ? index.getLayerIndex() : 0;
*layerCount = index.getLayerCount();
switch (index.getType())
case gl::TextureType::_2D:
case gl::TextureType::_2DMultisample:
ASSERT(*layerIndex == 0 &&
(*layerCount == 1 ||
*layerCount == static_cast<GLuint>(gl::ImageIndex::kEntireLevel)));
*imageLayerCount = 1;
case gl::TextureType::CubeMap:
ASSERT(!index.hasLayer() ||
*layerIndex == static_cast<GLuint>(index.cubeMapFaceIndex()));
*imageLayerCount = gl::kCubeFaceCount;
case gl::TextureType::_3D:
gl::LevelIndex levelGL(index.getLevelIndex());
*imageLayerCount = image->getLevelExtents(image->toVkLevel(levelGL)).depth;
case gl::TextureType::_2DArray:
case gl::TextureType::_2DMultisampleArray:
case gl::TextureType::CubeMapArray:
*imageLayerCount = image->getLayerCount();
if (*layerCount == static_cast<GLuint>(gl::ImageIndex::kEntireLevel))
ASSERT(*layerIndex == 0);
*layerCount = *imageLayerCount;
void Set3DBaseArrayLayerAndLayerCount(VkImageSubresourceLayers *Subresource)
// If the srcImage/dstImage parameters are of VkImageType VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, the baseArrayLayer
// and layerCount members of the corresponding subresource must be 0 and 1, respectively.
Subresource->baseArrayLayer = 0;
Subresource->layerCount = 1;
const vk::Format *AdjustStorageViewFormatPerWorkarounds(RendererVk *renderer,
const vk::Format *intended,
vk::ImageAccess access)
// r32f images are emulated with r32ui.
if (renderer->getFeatures().emulateR32fImageAtomicExchange.enabled &&
intended->getActualImageFormatID(access) == angle::FormatID::R32_FLOAT)
return &renderer->getFormat(angle::FormatID::R32_UINT);
return intended;
} // anonymous namespace
// TextureVk implementation.
TextureVk::TextureVk(const gl::TextureState &state, RendererVk *renderer)
: TextureImpl(state),
mImageObserverBinding(this, kTextureImageSubjectIndex),
TextureVk::~TextureVk() = default;
void TextureVk::onDestroy(const gl::Context *context)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
angle::Result TextureVk::setImage(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
GLenum internalFormat,
const gl::Extents &size,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack,
gl::Buffer *unpackBuffer,
const uint8_t *pixels)
const gl::InternalFormat &formatInfo = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(internalFormat, type);
return setImageImpl(context, index, formatInfo, size, type, unpack, unpackBuffer, pixels);
angle::Result TextureVk::setSubImage(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Box &area,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack,
gl::Buffer *unpackBuffer,
const uint8_t *pixels)
const gl::InternalFormat &formatInfo = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(format, type);
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
const gl::ImageDesc &levelDesc = mState.getImageDesc(index);
const vk::Format &vkFormat =
return setSubImageImpl(context, index, area, formatInfo, type, unpack, unpackBuffer, pixels,
angle::Result TextureVk::setCompressedImage(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
GLenum internalFormat,
const gl::Extents &size,
const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack,
size_t imageSize,
const uint8_t *pixels)
const gl::InternalFormat &formatInfo = gl::GetSizedInternalFormatInfo(internalFormat);
const gl::State &glState = context->getState();
gl::Buffer *unpackBuffer = glState.getTargetBuffer(gl::BufferBinding::PixelUnpack);
return setImageImpl(context, index, formatInfo, size, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, unpack, unpackBuffer,
angle::Result TextureVk::setCompressedSubImage(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Box &area,
GLenum format,
const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack,
size_t imageSize,
const uint8_t *pixels)
const gl::InternalFormat &formatInfo = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
const gl::ImageDesc &levelDesc = mState.getImageDesc(index);
const vk::Format &vkFormat =
const gl::State &glState = contextVk->getState();
gl::Buffer *unpackBuffer = glState.getTargetBuffer(gl::BufferBinding::PixelUnpack);
return setSubImageImpl(context, index, area, formatInfo, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, unpack, unpackBuffer,
pixels, vkFormat);
angle::Result TextureVk::setImageImpl(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::InternalFormat &formatInfo,
const gl::Extents &size,
GLenum type,
const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack,
gl::Buffer *unpackBuffer,
const uint8_t *pixels)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
const vk::Format &vkFormat = renderer->getFormat(formatInfo.sizedInternalFormat);
ANGLE_TRY(redefineLevel(context, index, vkFormat, size));
// Early-out on empty textures, don't create a zero-sized storage.
if (size.empty())
return angle::Result::Continue;
return setSubImageImpl(context, index, gl::Box(gl::kOffsetZero, size), formatInfo, type, unpack,
unpackBuffer, pixels, vkFormat);
bool TextureVk::isFastUnpackPossible(const vk::Format &vkFormat, size_t offset) const
// Conditions to determine if fast unpacking is possible
// 1. Image must be well defined to unpack directly to it
// TODO( Create and stage a temp image instead
// 2. Can't perform a fast copy for depth/stencil, except from non-emulated depth or stencil
// to emulated depth/stencil. GL requires depth and stencil data to be packed, while Vulkan
// requires them to be separate.
// 2. Can't perform a fast copy for emulated formats, except from non-emulated depth or stencil
// to emulated depth/stencil.
// 3. vkCmdCopyBufferToImage requires byte offset to be a multiple of 4
const angle::Format &bufferFormat = vkFormat.getActualBufferFormat(false);
const bool isCombinedDepthStencil = bufferFormat.depthBits > 0 && bufferFormat.stencilBits > 0;
const bool isDepthXorStencil = (bufferFormat.depthBits > 0 && bufferFormat.stencilBits == 0) ||
(bufferFormat.depthBits == 0 && bufferFormat.stencilBits > 0);
const bool isCompatibleDepth = vkFormat.getIntendedFormat().depthBits == bufferFormat.depthBits;
const VkDeviceSize imageCopyAlignment =
return mImage->valid() && !isCombinedDepthStencil &&
(vkFormat.getIntendedFormatID() ==
vkFormat.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess()) ||
(isDepthXorStencil && isCompatibleDepth)) &&
(offset % imageCopyAlignment) == 0;
bool TextureVk::shouldUpdateBeStaged(gl::LevelIndex textureLevelIndexGL,
angle::FormatID dstImageFormatID) const
// If we do not have storage yet, there is impossible to immediately do the copy, so just
// stage it. Note that immutable texture will have a valid storage.
if (!mImage->valid())
return true;
// If update is outside the range of image levels, it must be staged.
if (!IsTextureLevelInAllocatedImage(*mImage, textureLevelIndexGL))
return true;
// During the process of format change, mImage's format may become stale. In that case, we
// should always stage the update and let caller properly release mImage and initExternal and
// flush the update.
if (imageHasActualImageFormat(dstImageFormatID))
return true;
// Otherwise, it can only be directly applied to the image if the level is not previously
// incompatibly redefined.
return mRedefinedLevels.test(textureLevelIndexGL.get());
angle::Result TextureVk::setSubImageImpl(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Box &area,
const gl::InternalFormat &formatInfo,
GLenum type,
const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack,
gl::Buffer *unpackBuffer,
const uint8_t *pixels,
const vk::Format &vkFormat)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
// When possible flush out updates immediately.
bool shouldFlush = false;
if (!mOwnsImage || mState.getImmutableFormat() ||
shouldFlush = true;
if (unpackBuffer)
BufferVk *unpackBufferVk = vk::GetImpl(unpackBuffer);
vk::BufferHelper &bufferHelper = unpackBufferVk->getBuffer();
VkDeviceSize bufferOffset = bufferHelper.getOffset();
uintptr_t offset = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pixels);
GLuint inputRowPitch = 0;
GLuint inputDepthPitch = 0;
GLuint inputSkipBytes = 0;
contextVk, gl::Extents(area.width, area.height, area.depth), formatInfo, unpack, type,
index.usesTex3D(), &inputRowPitch, &inputDepthPitch, &inputSkipBytes));
size_t offsetBytes = static_cast<size_t>(bufferOffset + offset + inputSkipBytes);
// Note: cannot directly copy from a depth/stencil PBO. GL requires depth and stencil data
// to be packed, while Vulkan requires them to be separate.
const VkImageAspectFlags aspectFlags =
if (!shouldUpdateBeStaged(gl::LevelIndex(index.getLevelIndex()),
vkFormat.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess())) &&
isFastUnpackPossible(vkFormat, offsetBytes))
GLuint pixelSize = formatInfo.pixelBytes;
GLuint blockWidth = formatInfo.compressedBlockWidth;
GLuint blockHeight = formatInfo.compressedBlockHeight;
if (!formatInfo.compressed)
pixelSize = formatInfo.computePixelBytes(type);
blockWidth = 1;
blockHeight = 1;
ASSERT(pixelSize != 0 && inputRowPitch != 0 && blockWidth != 0 && blockHeight != 0);
GLuint rowLengthPixels = inputRowPitch / pixelSize * blockWidth;
GLuint imageHeightPixels = inputDepthPitch / inputRowPitch * blockHeight;
ANGLE_TRY(copyBufferDataToImage(contextVk, &bufferHelper, index, rowLengthPixels,
imageHeightPixels, area, offsetBytes, aspectFlags));
"TexSubImage with unpack buffer copied on CPU due to store, format "
"or offset restrictions");
void *mapPtr = nullptr;
ANGLE_TRY(unpackBufferVk->mapImpl(contextVk, GL_MAP_READ_BIT, &mapPtr));
const uint8_t *source =
static_cast<const uint8_t *>(mapPtr) + reinterpret_cast<ptrdiff_t>(pixels);
contextVk, getNativeImageIndex(index),
gl::Extents(area.width, area.height, area.depth),
gl::Offset(area.x, area.y, area.z), formatInfo, unpack, type, source, vkFormat,
getRequiredImageAccess(), inputRowPitch, inputDepthPitch, inputSkipBytes));
else if (pixels)
contextVk, getNativeImageIndex(index), gl::Extents(area.width, area.height, area.depth),
gl::Offset(area.x, area.y, area.z), formatInfo, unpack, type, pixels, vkFormat,
// If we used context's staging buffer, flush out the updates
if (shouldFlush)
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
// If forceSubmitImmutableTextureUpdates is enabled, submit the staged updates as well
if (contextVk->getFeatures().forceSubmitImmutableTextureUpdates.enabled)
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::copyImage(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Rectangle &sourceArea,
GLenum internalFormat,
gl::Framebuffer *source)
RendererVk *renderer = vk::GetImpl(context)->getRenderer();
gl::Extents newImageSize(sourceArea.width, sourceArea.height, 1);
const gl::InternalFormat &internalFormatInfo =
gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(internalFormat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
const vk::Format &vkFormat = renderer->getFormat(internalFormatInfo.sizedInternalFormat);
ANGLE_TRY(redefineLevel(context, index, vkFormat, newImageSize));
return copySubImageImpl(context, index, gl::Offset(0, 0, 0), sourceArea, internalFormatInfo,
angle::Result TextureVk::copySubImage(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Offset &destOffset,
const gl::Rectangle &sourceArea,
gl::Framebuffer *source)
const gl::InternalFormat &currentFormat = *mState.getImageDesc(index);
return copySubImageImpl(context, index, destOffset, sourceArea, currentFormat, source);
angle::Result TextureVk::copyTexture(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
GLenum internalFormat,
GLenum type,
GLint sourceLevelGL,
bool unpackFlipY,
bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha,
const gl::Texture *source)
RendererVk *renderer = vk::GetImpl(context)->getRenderer();
TextureVk *sourceVk = vk::GetImpl(source);
const gl::ImageDesc &srcImageDesc =
sourceVk->mState.getImageDesc(NonCubeTextureTypeToTarget(source->getType()), sourceLevelGL);
gl::Box sourceBox(gl::kOffsetZero, srcImageDesc.size);
const gl::InternalFormat &dstFormatInfo = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(internalFormat, type);
const vk::Format &dstVkFormat = renderer->getFormat(dstFormatInfo.sizedInternalFormat);
ANGLE_TRY(redefineLevel(context, index, dstVkFormat, srcImageDesc.size));
return copySubTextureImpl(vk::GetImpl(context), index, gl::kOffsetZero, dstFormatInfo,
gl::LevelIndex(sourceLevelGL), sourceBox, unpackFlipY,
unpackPremultiplyAlpha, unpackUnmultiplyAlpha, sourceVk);
angle::Result TextureVk::copySubTexture(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Offset &dstOffset,
GLint srcLevelGL,
const gl::Box &sourceBox,
bool unpackFlipY,
bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha,
const gl::Texture *source)
gl::TextureTarget target = index.getTarget();
gl::LevelIndex dstLevelGL(index.getLevelIndex());
const gl::InternalFormat &dstFormatInfo =
*mState.getImageDesc(target, dstLevelGL.get());
return copySubTextureImpl(vk::GetImpl(context), index, dstOffset, dstFormatInfo,
gl::LevelIndex(srcLevelGL), sourceBox, unpackFlipY,
unpackPremultiplyAlpha, unpackUnmultiplyAlpha, vk::GetImpl(source));
angle::Result TextureVk::copyRenderbufferSubData(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::Renderbuffer *srcBuffer,
GLint srcLevel,
GLint srcX,
GLint srcY,
GLint srcZ,
GLint dstLevel,
GLint dstX,
GLint dstY,
GLint dstZ,
GLsizei srcWidth,
GLsizei srcHeight,
GLsizei srcDepth)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
RenderbufferVk *sourceVk = vk::GetImpl(srcBuffer);
// Make sure the source/destination targets are initialized and all staged updates are flushed.
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
return vk::ImageHelper::CopyImageSubData(context, sourceVk->getImage(), srcLevel, srcX, srcY,
srcZ, mImage, dstLevel, dstX, dstY, dstZ, srcWidth,
srcHeight, srcDepth);
angle::Result TextureVk::copyTextureSubData(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::Texture *srcTexture,
GLint srcLevel,
GLint srcX,
GLint srcY,
GLint srcZ,
GLint dstLevel,
GLint dstX,
GLint dstY,
GLint dstZ,
GLsizei srcWidth,
GLsizei srcHeight,
GLsizei srcDepth)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
TextureVk *sourceVk = vk::GetImpl(srcTexture);
// Make sure the source/destination targets are initialized and all staged updates are flushed.
ANGLE_TRY(sourceVk->ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
return vk::ImageHelper::CopyImageSubData(context, &sourceVk->getImage(), srcLevel, srcX, srcY,
srcZ, mImage, dstLevel, dstX, dstY, dstZ, srcWidth,
srcHeight, srcDepth);
angle::Result TextureVk::copyCompressedTexture(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::Texture *source)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
TextureVk *sourceVk = vk::GetImpl(source);
gl::TextureTarget sourceTarget = NonCubeTextureTypeToTarget(source->getType());
constexpr GLint sourceLevelGL = 0;
constexpr GLint destLevelGL = 0;
const gl::InternalFormat &internalFormat = *source->getFormat(sourceTarget, sourceLevelGL).info;
const vk::Format &vkFormat =
const gl::Extents size(static_cast<int>(source->getWidth(sourceTarget, sourceLevelGL)),
static_cast<int>(source->getHeight(sourceTarget, sourceLevelGL)),
static_cast<int>(source->getDepth(sourceTarget, sourceLevelGL)));
const gl::ImageIndex destIndex = gl::ImageIndex::MakeFromTarget(sourceTarget, destLevelGL, 1);
ANGLE_TRY(redefineLevel(context, destIndex, vkFormat, size));
ANGLE_TRY(sourceVk->ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
return copySubImageImplWithTransfer(contextVk, destIndex, gl::kOffsetZero, vkFormat,
gl::LevelIndex(sourceLevelGL), 0,
gl::Box(gl::kOffsetZero, size), &sourceVk->getImage());
angle::Result TextureVk::copySubImageImpl(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Offset &destOffset,
const gl::Rectangle &sourceArea,
const gl::InternalFormat &internalFormat,
gl::Framebuffer *source)
gl::Extents fbSize = source->getReadColorAttachment()->getSize();
gl::Rectangle clippedSourceArea;
if (!ClipRectangle(sourceArea, gl::Rectangle(0, 0, fbSize.width, fbSize.height),
return angle::Result::Continue;
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
FramebufferVk *framebufferVk = vk::GetImpl(source);
const gl::ImageIndex offsetImageIndex = getNativeImageIndex(index);
// If negative offsets are given, clippedSourceArea ensures we don't read from those offsets.
// However, that changes the sourceOffset->destOffset mapping. Here, destOffset is shifted by
// the same amount as clipped to correct the error.
VkImageType imageType = gl_vk::GetImageType(mState.getType());
int zOffset = (imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D) ? destOffset.z : 0;
const gl::Offset modifiedDestOffset(destOffset.x + clippedSourceArea.x - sourceArea.x,
destOffset.y + clippedSourceArea.y - sourceArea.y, zOffset);
RenderTargetVk *colorReadRT = framebufferVk->getColorReadRenderTarget();
angle::FormatID srcIntendedFormatID = colorReadRT->getImageIntendedFormatID();
angle::FormatID srcActualFormatID = colorReadRT->getImageActualFormatID();
VkImageTiling srcTilingMode = colorReadRT->getImageForCopy().getTilingMode();
const vk::Format &dstFormat = renderer->getFormat(internalFormat.sizedInternalFormat);
angle::FormatID dstIntendedFormatID = dstFormat.getIntendedFormatID();
angle::FormatID dstActualFormatID = dstFormat.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess());
VkImageTiling destTilingMode = getTilingMode();
bool isViewportFlipY = contextVk->isViewportFlipEnabledForReadFBO();
gl::Box clippedSourceBox(clippedSourceArea.x, clippedSourceArea.y, colorReadRT->getLayerIndex(),
clippedSourceArea.width, clippedSourceArea.height, 1);
// If it's possible to perform the copy with a transfer, that's the best option.
if (!isViewportFlipY && CanCopyWithTransferForTexImage(
renderer, srcIntendedFormatID, srcActualFormatID, srcTilingMode,
dstIntendedFormatID, dstActualFormatID, destTilingMode))
return copySubImageImplWithTransfer(contextVk, offsetImageIndex, modifiedDestOffset,
dstFormat, colorReadRT->getLevelIndex(),
colorReadRT->getLayerIndex(), clippedSourceBox,
// If it's possible to perform the copy with a draw call, do that.
if (CanCopyWithDraw(renderer, srcActualFormatID, srcTilingMode, dstActualFormatID,
// Layer count can only be 1 as the source is a framebuffer.
ASSERT(offsetImageIndex.getLayerCount() == 1);
// Flush the render pass, which may incur a vkQueueSubmit, before taking any views.
// Otherwise the view serials would not reflect the render pass they are really used in.
const vk::ImageView *copyImageView = nullptr;
ANGLE_TRY(colorReadRT->getCopyImageView(contextVk, &copyImageView));
return copySubImageImplWithDraw(contextVk, offsetImageIndex, modifiedDestOffset, dstFormat,
colorReadRT->getLevelIndex(), clippedSourceBox,
isViewportFlipY, false, false, false,
&colorReadRT->getImageForCopy(), copyImageView,
"Texture copied on CPU due to format restrictions");
// Do a CPU readback that does the conversion, and then stage the change to the pixel buffer.
context, offsetImageIndex, clippedSourceArea, modifiedDestOffset,
gl::Extents(clippedSourceArea.width, clippedSourceArea.height, 1), internalFormat,
getRequiredImageAccess(), framebufferVk));
// Flush out staged update if possible
if (!shouldUpdateBeStaged(gl::LevelIndex(index.getLevelIndex()), dstActualFormatID))
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::copySubTextureImpl(ContextVk *contextVk,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Offset &dstOffset,
const gl::InternalFormat &dstFormat,
gl::LevelIndex sourceLevelGL,
const gl::Box &sourceBox,
bool unpackFlipY,
bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha,
TextureVk *source)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
ANGLE_TRY(source->ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
const angle::Format &srcIntendedFormat = source->getImage().getIntendedFormat();
angle::FormatID srcFormatID = source->getImage().getActualFormatID();
VkImageTiling srcTilingMode = source->getImage().getTilingMode();
const vk::Format &dstVkFormat = renderer->getFormat(dstFormat.sizedInternalFormat);
angle::FormatID dstFormatID = dstVkFormat.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess());
VkImageTiling dstTilingMode = getTilingMode();
const gl::ImageIndex offsetImageIndex = getNativeImageIndex(index);
// If it's possible to perform the copy with a transfer, that's the best option.
if (!unpackFlipY && !unpackPremultiplyAlpha && !unpackUnmultiplyAlpha &&
CanCopyWithTransferForCopyTexture(renderer, source->getImage(), srcTilingMode,
dstVkFormat.getIntendedFormatID(), dstFormatID,
return copySubImageImplWithTransfer(contextVk, offsetImageIndex, dstOffset, dstVkFormat,
sourceLevelGL, sourceBox.z, sourceBox,
// If it's possible to perform the copy with a draw call, do that.
if (CanCopyWithDraw(renderer, srcFormatID, srcTilingMode, dstFormatID, dstTilingMode))
// Flush the render pass, which may incur a vkQueueSubmit, before taking any views.
// Otherwise the view serials would not reflect the render pass they are really used in.
return copySubImageImplWithDraw(
contextVk, offsetImageIndex, dstOffset, dstVkFormat, sourceLevelGL, sourceBox, false,
unpackFlipY, unpackPremultiplyAlpha, unpackUnmultiplyAlpha, &source->getImage(),
&source->getCopyImageView(), SurfaceRotation::Identity);
"Texture copied on CPU due to format restrictions");
// Read back the requested region of the source texture
vk::RendererScoped<vk::BufferHelper> bufferHelper(renderer);
uint8_t *sourceData = nullptr;
contextVk, sourceLevelGL, sourceBox.depth, sourceBox,
RenderPassClosureReason::CopyTextureOnCPU, &bufferHelper.get(), &sourceData));
const angle::Format &srcTextureFormat = source->getImage().getActualFormat();
const angle::Format &dstTextureFormat =
size_t destinationAllocationSize =
sourceBox.width * sourceBox.height * sourceBox.depth * dstTextureFormat.pixelBytes;
// Allocate memory in the destination texture for the copy/conversion
uint32_t stagingBaseLayer =
offsetImageIndex.hasLayer() ? offsetImageIndex.getLayerIndex() : dstOffset.z;
uint32_t stagingLayerCount = sourceBox.depth;
gl::Offset stagingOffset = dstOffset;
gl::Extents stagingExtents(sourceBox.width, sourceBox.height, sourceBox.depth);
bool is3D = gl_vk::GetImageType(mState.getType()) == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D;
if (is3D)
stagingBaseLayer = 0;
stagingLayerCount = 1;
stagingOffset.z = 0;
stagingExtents.depth = 1;
const gl::ImageIndex stagingIndex = gl::ImageIndex::Make2DArrayRange(
offsetImageIndex.getLevelIndex(), stagingBaseLayer, stagingLayerCount);
uint8_t *destData = nullptr;
ANGLE_TRY(mImage->stageSubresourceUpdateAndGetData(contextVk, destinationAllocationSize,
stagingIndex, stagingExtents, stagingOffset,
&destData, dstFormatID));
// Source and dst data is tightly packed
GLuint srcDataRowPitch = sourceBox.width * srcTextureFormat.pixelBytes;
GLuint dstDataRowPitch = sourceBox.width * dstTextureFormat.pixelBytes;
GLuint srcDataDepthPitch = srcDataRowPitch * sourceBox.height;
GLuint dstDataDepthPitch = dstDataRowPitch * sourceBox.height;
rx::PixelReadFunction pixelReadFunction = srcTextureFormat.pixelReadFunction;
rx::PixelWriteFunction pixelWriteFunction = dstTextureFormat.pixelWriteFunction;
// Fix up the read/write functions for the sake of luminance/alpha that are emulated with
// formats whose channels don't correspond to the original format (alpha is emulated with red,
// and luminance/alpha is emulated with red/green).
if (srcIntendedFormat.isLUMA())
pixelReadFunction = srcIntendedFormat.pixelReadFunction;
if (dstVkFormat.getIntendedFormat().isLUMA())
pixelWriteFunction = dstVkFormat.getIntendedFormat().pixelWriteFunction;
CopyImageCHROMIUM(sourceData, srcDataRowPitch, srcTextureFormat.pixelBytes, srcDataDepthPitch,
pixelReadFunction, destData, dstDataRowPitch, dstTextureFormat.pixelBytes,
dstDataDepthPitch, pixelWriteFunction, dstFormat.format,
dstFormat.componentType, sourceBox.width, sourceBox.height, sourceBox.depth,
unpackFlipY, unpackPremultiplyAlpha, unpackUnmultiplyAlpha);
if (!shouldUpdateBeStaged(gl::LevelIndex(index.getLevelIndex()), dstFormatID))
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::copySubImageImplWithTransfer(ContextVk *contextVk,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Offset &dstOffset,
const vk::Format &dstFormat,
gl::LevelIndex sourceLevelGL,
size_t sourceLayer,
const gl::Box &sourceBox,
vk::ImageHelper *srcImage)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
gl::LevelIndex level(index.getLevelIndex());
uint32_t baseLayer = index.hasLayer() ? index.getLayerIndex() : dstOffset.z;
uint32_t layerCount = sourceBox.depth;
gl::Offset srcOffset = {sourceBox.x, sourceBox.y, sourceBox.z};
gl::Extents extents = {sourceBox.width, sourceBox.height, sourceBox.depth};
// Change source layout if necessary
vk::CommandBufferAccess access;
access.onImageTransferRead(VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, srcImage);
VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresource = {};
srcSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
srcSubresource.mipLevel = srcImage->toVkLevel(sourceLevelGL).get();
srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer = static_cast<uint32_t>(sourceLayer);
srcSubresource.layerCount = layerCount;
bool isSrc3D = srcImage->getExtents().depth > 1;
bool isDest3D = gl_vk::GetImageType(mState.getType()) == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D;
if (isSrc3D)
ASSERT(srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer == static_cast<uint32_t>(srcOffset.z));
srcOffset.z = 0;
gl::Offset dstOffsetModified = dstOffset;
if (!isDest3D)
// If destination is not 3D, destination offset must be 0.
dstOffsetModified.z = 0;
// Perform self-copies through a staging buffer.
// TODO: optimize to copy directly if possible.
bool isSelfCopy = mImage == srcImage;
// If destination is valid, copy the source directly into it.
if (!shouldUpdateBeStaged(level, dstFormat.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess())) &&
// Make sure any updates to the image are already flushed.
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
access.onImageTransferWrite(level, 1, baseLayer, layerCount, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
vk::OutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer *commandBuffer;
ANGLE_TRY(contextVk->getOutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer(access, &commandBuffer));
VkImageSubresourceLayers destSubresource = srcSubresource;
destSubresource.mipLevel = mImage->toVkLevel(level).get();
destSubresource.baseArrayLayer = baseLayer;
destSubresource.layerCount = layerCount;
if (isDest3D)
else if (!isSrc3D)
// extents.depth should be set to layer count if any of the source or destination is a
// 2D Array. If both are 2D Array, it should be set to 1.
extents.depth = 1;
vk::ImageHelper::Copy(srcImage, mImage, srcOffset, dstOffsetModified, extents,
srcSubresource, destSubresource, commandBuffer);
// Create a temporary image to stage the copy
std::unique_ptr<vk::RefCounted<vk::ImageHelper>> stagingImage;
stagingImage = std::make_unique<vk::RefCounted<vk::ImageHelper>>();
contextVk, mState.hasProtectedContent(), renderer->getMemoryProperties(),
gl::Extents(sourceBox.width, sourceBox.height, 1), dstFormat.getIntendedFormatID(),
dstFormat.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess()), kTransferStagingImageFlags,
access.onImageTransferWrite(gl::LevelIndex(0), 1, 0, layerCount, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
vk::OutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer *commandBuffer;
ANGLE_TRY(contextVk->getOutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer(access, &commandBuffer));
VkImageSubresourceLayers destSubresource = srcSubresource;
destSubresource.mipLevel = 0;
destSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
destSubresource.layerCount = layerCount;
if (!isSrc3D)
// extents.depth should be set to layer count if any of the source or destination is a
// 2D Array. If both are 2D Array, it should be set to 1.
extents.depth = 1;
vk::ImageHelper::Copy(srcImage, &stagingImage->get(), srcOffset, gl::kOffsetZero, extents,
srcSubresource, destSubresource, commandBuffer);
// Stage the copy for when the image storage is actually created.
VkImageType imageType = gl_vk::GetImageType(mState.getType());
const gl::ImageIndex stagingIndex =
gl::ImageIndex::Make2DArrayRange(level.get(), baseLayer, layerCount);
mImage->stageSubresourceUpdateFromImage(stagingImage.release(), stagingIndex,
vk::LevelIndex(0), dstOffsetModified, extents,
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::copySubImageImplWithDraw(ContextVk *contextVk,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Offset &dstOffset,
const vk::Format &dstFormat,
gl::LevelIndex sourceLevelGL,
const gl::Box &sourceBox,
bool isSrcFlipY,
bool unpackFlipY,
bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha,
vk::ImageHelper *srcImage,
const vk::ImageView *srcView,
SurfaceRotation srcFramebufferRotation)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
UtilsVk &utilsVk = contextVk->getUtils();
// Potentially make adjustments for pre-rotation.
gl::Box rotatedSourceBox = sourceBox;
gl::Extents srcExtents = srcImage->getLevelExtents2D(vk::LevelIndex(0));
switch (srcFramebufferRotation)
case SurfaceRotation::Identity:
// No adjustments needed
case SurfaceRotation::Rotated90Degrees:
// Turn off y-flip for 90 degrees, as we don't want it affecting the
// shaderParams.srcOffset calculation done in UtilsVk::copyImage().
isSrcFlipY = false;
std::swap(rotatedSourceBox.x, rotatedSourceBox.y);
std::swap(rotatedSourceBox.width, rotatedSourceBox.height);
std::swap(srcExtents.width, srcExtents.height);
case SurfaceRotation::Rotated180Degrees:
rotatedSourceBox.x = srcExtents.width - sourceBox.x - sourceBox.width - 1;
rotatedSourceBox.y = srcExtents.height - sourceBox.y - sourceBox.height - 1;
case SurfaceRotation::Rotated270Degrees:
// Turn off y-flip for 270 degrees, as we don't want it affecting the
// shaderParams.srcOffset calculation done in UtilsVk::copyImage(). It is needed
// within the shader (when it will affect how the shader looks-up the source pixel),
// and so shaderParams.flipY is turned on at the right time within
// UtilsVk::copyImage().
isSrcFlipY = false;
rotatedSourceBox.x = srcExtents.height - sourceBox.y - sourceBox.height - 1;
rotatedSourceBox.y = srcExtents.width - sourceBox.x - sourceBox.width - 1;
std::swap(rotatedSourceBox.width, rotatedSourceBox.height);
std::swap(srcExtents.width, srcExtents.height);
gl::LevelIndex level(index.getLevelIndex());
UtilsVk::CopyImageParameters params;
params.srcOffset[0] = rotatedSourceBox.x;
params.srcOffset[1] = rotatedSourceBox.y;
params.srcExtents[0] = rotatedSourceBox.width;
params.srcExtents[1] = rotatedSourceBox.height;
params.dstOffset[0] = dstOffset.x;
params.dstOffset[1] = dstOffset.y;
params.srcMip = srcImage->toVkLevel(sourceLevelGL).get();
params.srcHeight = srcExtents.height;
params.dstMip = level;
params.srcPremultiplyAlpha = unpackPremultiplyAlpha && !unpackUnmultiplyAlpha;
params.srcUnmultiplyAlpha = unpackUnmultiplyAlpha && !unpackPremultiplyAlpha;
params.srcFlipY = isSrcFlipY;
params.dstFlipY = unpackFlipY;
params.srcRotation = srcFramebufferRotation;
uint32_t baseLayer = index.hasLayer() ? index.getLayerIndex() : dstOffset.z;
uint32_t layerCount = sourceBox.depth;
gl::Extents extents = {sourceBox.width, sourceBox.height, sourceBox.depth};
bool isSrc3D = srcImage->getExtents().depth > 1;
bool isDest3D = gl_vk::GetImageType(mState.getType()) == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D;
// Perform self-copies through a staging buffer.
// TODO: optimize to copy directly if possible.
bool isSelfCopy = mImage == srcImage;
params.srcColorEncoding =
params.dstColorEncoding =
// If destination is valid, copy the source directly into it.
if (!shouldUpdateBeStaged(level, dstFormat.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess())) &&
// Make sure any updates to the image are already flushed.
for (uint32_t layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex)
params.srcLayer = layerIndex + sourceBox.z;
params.dstLayer = baseLayer + layerIndex;
const vk::ImageView *destView;
ANGLE_TRY(getLevelLayerImageView(contextVk, level, baseLayer + layerIndex, &destView));
ANGLE_TRY(utilsVk.copyImage(contextVk, mImage, destView, srcImage, srcView, params));
GLint samples = srcImage->getSamples();
gl::TextureType stagingTextureType = vk::Get2DTextureType(layerCount, samples);
// Create a temporary image to stage the copy
std::unique_ptr<vk::RefCounted<vk::ImageHelper>> stagingImage;
stagingImage = std::make_unique<vk::RefCounted<vk::ImageHelper>>();
contextVk, mState.hasProtectedContent(), renderer->getMemoryProperties(),
gl::Extents(sourceBox.width, sourceBox.height, 1), dstFormat.getIntendedFormatID(),
dstFormat.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess()), kDrawStagingImageFlags,
params.dstOffset[0] = 0;
params.dstOffset[1] = 0;
for (uint32_t layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex)
params.srcLayer = layerIndex + sourceBox.z;
params.dstLayer = layerIndex;
// Create a temporary view for this layer.
vk::ImageView stagingView;
contextVk, stagingTextureType, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, gl::SwizzleState(),
&stagingView, vk::LevelIndex(0), 1, layerIndex, 1,
ANGLE_TRY(utilsVk.copyImage(contextVk, &stagingImage->get(), &stagingView, srcImage,
srcView, params));
// Queue the resource for cleanup as soon as the copy above is finished. There's no
// need to keep it around.
if (!isSrc3D)
// extents.depth should be set to layer count if any of the source or destination is a
// 2D Array. If both are 2D Array, it should be set to 1.
extents.depth = 1;
gl::Offset dstOffsetModified = dstOffset;
if (!isDest3D)
// If destination is not 3D, destination offset must be 0.
dstOffsetModified.z = 0;
// Stage the copy for when the image storage is actually created.
VkImageType imageType = gl_vk::GetImageType(mState.getType());
const gl::ImageIndex stagingIndex =
gl::ImageIndex::Make2DArrayRange(level.get(), baseLayer, layerCount);
mImage->stageSubresourceUpdateFromImage(stagingImage.release(), stagingIndex,
vk::LevelIndex(0), dstOffsetModified, extents,
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::setStorage(const gl::Context *context,
gl::TextureType type,
size_t levels,
GLenum internalFormat,
const gl::Extents &size)
return setStorageMultisample(context, type, 1, internalFormat, size, true);
angle::Result TextureVk::setStorageMultisample(const gl::Context *context,
gl::TextureType type,
GLsizei samples,
GLint internalformat,
const gl::Extents &size,
bool fixedSampleLocations)
ContextVk *contextVk = GetAs<ContextVk>(context->getImplementation());
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
if (!mOwnsImage)
else if (mImage)
// Assume all multisample texture types must be renderable.
if (type == gl::TextureType::_2DMultisample || type == gl::TextureType::_2DMultisampleArray)
TextureUpdateResult updateResult = TextureUpdateResult::ImageUnaffected;
ANGLE_TRY(ensureRenderable(contextVk, &updateResult));
const vk::Format &format = renderer->getFormat(internalformat);
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageAllocated(contextVk, format));
if (mImage->valid())
ANGLE_TRY(initImage(contextVk, format.getIntendedFormatID(),
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::setStorageExternalMemory(const gl::Context *context,
gl::TextureType type,
size_t levels,
GLenum internalFormat,
const gl::Extents &size,
gl::MemoryObject *memoryObject,
GLuint64 offset,
GLbitfield createFlags,
GLbitfield usageFlags,
const void *imageCreateInfoPNext)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
MemoryObjectVk *memoryObjectVk = vk::GetImpl(memoryObject);
const vk::Format &format = renderer->getFormat(internalFormat);
setImageHelper(contextVk, new vk::ImageHelper(), gl::TextureType::InvalidEnum, format, 0, 0,
ANGLE_TRY(memoryObjectVk->createImage(contextVk, type, levels, internalFormat, size, offset,
mImage, createFlags, usageFlags, imageCreateInfoPNext));
mImageUsageFlags = usageFlags;
mImageCreateFlags = createFlags;
constexpr VkImageUsageFlags kRenderableUsageFlags =
if ((usageFlags | kRenderableUsageFlags) != 0)
mRequiredImageAccess = vk::ImageAccess::Renderable;
ANGLE_TRY(initImageViews(contextVk, getImageViewLevelCount()));
return angle::Result::Continue;
void TextureVk::handleImmutableSamplerTransition(const vk::ImageHelper *previousImage,
const vk::ImageHelper *nextImage)
// Did the previous image have an immutable sampler
bool previousImageHadImmutableSampler =
previousImage && previousImage->valid() && previousImage->hasImmutableSampler();
// Does the next image require an immutable sampler?
bool nextImageRequiresImmutableSampler =
nextImage && nextImage->valid() && nextImage->hasImmutableSampler();
// Has the external format changed?
bool externalFormatChanged = false;
if (previousImageHadImmutableSampler && nextImageRequiresImmutableSampler)
externalFormatChanged =
previousImage->getExternalFormat() != nextImage->getExternalFormat();
// Handle transition of immutable sampler state
if ((previousImageHadImmutableSampler != nextImageRequiresImmutableSampler) ||
// The immutable sampler state is dirty.
mImmutableSamplerDirty = true;
angle::Result TextureVk::setEGLImageTarget(const gl::Context *context,
gl::TextureType type,
egl::Image *image)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
ImageVk *imageVk = vk::GetImpl(image);
// TODO: Textures other than EGLImage targets can have immutable samplers.
handleImmutableSamplerTransition(mImage, imageVk ? imageVk->getImage() : nullptr);
const vk::Format &format = renderer->getFormat(image->getFormat().info->sizedInternalFormat);
setImageHelper(contextVk, imageVk->getImage(), imageVk->getImageTextureType(), format,
imageVk->getImageLevel().get(), imageVk->getImageLayer(), false);
ANGLE_TRY(initImageViews(contextVk, getImageViewLevelCount()));
// Transfer the image to this queue if needed
uint32_t rendererQueueFamilyIndex = renderer->getQueueFamilyIndex();
if (mImage->isQueueChangeNeccesary(rendererQueueFamilyIndex))
vk::ImageLayout newLayout = vk::ImageLayout::AllGraphicsShadersWrite;
newLayout = vk::ImageLayout::ColorAttachment;
newLayout = vk::ImageLayout::DepthStencilAttachment;
else if (mImage->getUsage() &
newLayout = vk::ImageLayout::AllGraphicsShadersReadOnly;
vk::OutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer *commandBuffer;
vk::CommandBufferAccess access;
ANGLE_TRY(contextVk->getOutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer(access, &commandBuffer));
mImage->changeLayoutAndQueue(contextVk, mImage->getAspectFlags(), newLayout,
rendererQueueFamilyIndex, commandBuffer);
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::setImageExternal(const gl::Context *context,
gl::TextureType type,
egl::Stream *stream,
const egl::Stream::GLTextureDescription &desc)
return angle::Result::Stop;
angle::Result TextureVk::setBuffer(const gl::Context *context, GLenum internalFormat)
// No longer an image
// There's nothing else to do here.
return angle::Result::Continue;
gl::ImageIndex TextureVk::getNativeImageIndex(const gl::ImageIndex &inputImageIndex) const
if (mEGLImageNativeType == gl::TextureType::InvalidEnum)
return inputImageIndex;
// inputImageIndex can point to a specific layer, but only for non-2D textures.
// mEGLImageNativeType can be a valid type, but only for 2D textures.
// As such, both of these cannot be true at the same time.
ASSERT(!inputImageIndex.hasLayer() && inputImageIndex.getLevelIndex() == 0);
return gl::ImageIndex::MakeFromType(mEGLImageNativeType, mEGLImageLevelOffset,
gl::LevelIndex TextureVk::getNativeImageLevel(gl::LevelIndex frontendLevel) const
ASSERT(frontendLevel.get() == 0 || mEGLImageLevelOffset == 0);
return frontendLevel + mEGLImageLevelOffset;
uint32_t TextureVk::getNativeImageLayer(uint32_t frontendLayer) const
ASSERT(frontendLayer == 0 || mEGLImageLayerOffset == 0);
return frontendLayer + mEGLImageLayerOffset;
void TextureVk::releaseAndDeleteImageAndViews(ContextVk *contextVk)
if (mImage)
mRequiresMutableStorage = false;
mRequiredImageAccess = vk::ImageAccess::SampleOnly;
mImageCreateFlags = 0;
void TextureVk::initImageUsageFlags(ContextVk *contextVk, angle::FormatID actualFormatID)
// If the image has depth/stencil support, add those as possible usage.
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
if (angle::Format::Get(actualFormatID).hasDepthOrStencilBits())
// Work around a bug in the Mock ICD:
if (renderer->hasImageFormatFeatureBits(actualFormatID,
else if (renderer->hasImageFormatFeatureBits(actualFormatID,
mImageUsageFlags |=
angle::Result TextureVk::ensureImageAllocated(ContextVk *contextVk, const vk::Format &format)
if (mImage == nullptr)
setImageHelper(contextVk, new vk::ImageHelper(), gl::TextureType::InvalidEnum, format, 0, 0,
initImageUsageFlags(contextVk, format.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess()));
return angle::Result::Continue;
void TextureVk::setImageHelper(ContextVk *contextVk,
vk::ImageHelper *imageHelper,
gl::TextureType eglImageNativeType,
const vk::Format &format,
uint32_t imageLevelOffset,
uint32_t imageLayerOffset,
bool selfOwned)
ASSERT(mImage == nullptr);
mOwnsImage = selfOwned;
// If image is shared between other container objects, force it to renderable format since we
// don't know if other container object will render or not.
if (!mOwnsImage)
mRequiredImageAccess = vk::ImageAccess::Renderable;
mEGLImageNativeType = eglImageNativeType;
mEGLImageLevelOffset = imageLevelOffset;
mEGLImageLayerOffset = imageLayerOffset;
mImage = imageHelper;
// Force re-creation of render targets next time they are needed
for (auto &renderTargets : mSingleLayerRenderTargets)
for (RenderTargetVector &renderTargetLevels : renderTargets)
if (!selfOwned)
// (!selfOwned) implies that the texture is a target sibling.
// Inherit a few VkImage's create attributes from ImageHelper.
mImageCreateFlags = mImage->getCreateFlags();
mImageUsageFlags = mImage->getUsage();
mRequiresMutableStorage = (mImageCreateFlags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT) != 0;
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
angle::Result TextureVk::redefineLevel(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const vk::Format &format,
const gl::Extents &size)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
if (!mOwnsImage)
if (mImage != nullptr)
// If there are any staged changes for this index, we can remove them since we're going to
// override them with this call.
gl::LevelIndex levelIndexGL(index.getLevelIndex());
uint32_t layerIndex = index.hasLayer() ? index.getLayerIndex() : 0;
if (gl::IsArrayTextureType(index.getType()))
// A multi-layer texture is being redefined, remove all updates to this level; the
// number of layers may have changed.
mImage->removeStagedUpdates(contextVk, levelIndexGL, levelIndexGL);
// Otherwise remove only updates to this layer. For example, cube map updates can be
// done through glTexImage2D, one per cube face (i.e. layer) and so should not remove
// updates to the other layers.
ASSERT(index.getLayerCount() == 1);
mImage->removeSingleSubresourceStagedUpdates(contextVk, levelIndexGL, layerIndex,
if (mImage->valid())
// If the level that's being redefined is outside the level range of the allocated
// image, the application is free to use any size or format. Any data uploaded to it
// will live in staging area until the texture base/max level is adjusted to include
// this level, at which point the image will be recreated.
// Otherwise, if the level that's being redefined has a different format or size,
// only release the image if it's single-mip, and keep the uploaded data staged.
// Otherwise the image is mip-incomplete anyway and will be eventually recreated when
// needed. Only exception to this latter is if all the levels of the texture are
// redefined such that the image becomes mip-complete in the end.
// mRedefinedLevels is used during syncState to support this use-case.
// Note that if the image has multiple mips, there could be a copy from one mip
// happening to the other, which means the image cannot be released.
// In summary:
// - If the image has a single level, and that level is being redefined, release the
// image.
// - Otherwise keep the image intact (another mip may be the source of a copy), and
// make sure any updates to this level are staged.
bool isInAllocatedImage = IsTextureLevelInAllocatedImage(*mImage, levelIndexGL);
bool isCompatibleRedefinition =
isInAllocatedImage && IsTextureLevelDefinitionCompatibleWithImage(
*mImage, levelIndexGL, size, format.getIntendedFormatID(),
// Mark the level as incompatibly redefined if that's the case. Note that if the level
// was previously incompatibly defined, then later redefined to be compatible, the
// corresponding bit should clear.
if (isInAllocatedImage)
// Immutable texture should never have levels redefined.
ASSERT(isCompatibleRedefinition || !mState.getImmutableFormat());
mRedefinedLevels.set(levelIndexGL.get(), !isCompatibleRedefinition);
bool isUpdateToSingleLevelImage =
mImage->getLevelCount() == 1 && mImage->getFirstAllocatedLevel() == levelIndexGL;
// If incompatible, and redefining the single-level image, release it so it can be
// recreated immediately. This is an optimization to avoid an extra copy.
if (!isCompatibleRedefinition && isUpdateToSingleLevelImage)
// If image is not released due to an out-of-range or incompatible level definition, the image
// is still valid and we shouldn't redefine it to use the new format. In that case,
// ensureImageAllocated will only use the format to update the staging buffer's alignment to
// support both the previous and the new formats.
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageAllocated(contextVk, format));
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::copyImageDataToBufferAndGetData(ContextVk *contextVk,
gl::LevelIndex sourceLevelGL,
uint32_t layerCount,
const gl::Box &sourceArea,
RenderPassClosureReason reason,
vk::BufferHelper *copyBuffer,
uint8_t **outDataPtr)
ANGLE_TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "TextureVk::copyImageDataToBufferAndGetData");
// Make sure the source is initialized and it's images are flushed.
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
gl::Box modifiedSourceArea = sourceArea;
bool is3D = mImage->getExtents().depth > 1;
if (is3D)
layerCount = 1;
modifiedSourceArea.depth = 1;
ANGLE_TRY(mImage->copyImageDataToBuffer(contextVk, sourceLevelGL, layerCount, 0,
modifiedSourceArea, copyBuffer, outDataPtr));
// Explicitly finish. If new use cases arise where we don't want to block we can change this.
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::copyBufferDataToImage(ContextVk *contextVk,
vk::BufferHelper *srcBuffer,
const gl::ImageIndex index,
uint32_t rowLength,
uint32_t imageHeight,
const gl::Box &sourceArea,
size_t offset,
VkImageAspectFlags aspectFlags)
ANGLE_TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "TextureVk::copyBufferDataToImage");
// Vulkan Spec requires the bufferOffset to be a multiple of pixel size for
// vkCmdCopyBufferToImage.
ASSERT((offset % vk::GetImageCopyBufferAlignment(mImage->getActualFormatID())) == 0);
gl::LevelIndex level = gl::LevelIndex(index.getLevelIndex());
GLuint layerCount = index.getLayerCount();
GLuint layerIndex = 0;
ASSERT((aspectFlags & kDepthStencilAspects) != kDepthStencilAspects);
VkBufferImageCopy region = {};
region.bufferOffset = offset;
region.bufferRowLength = rowLength;
region.bufferImageHeight = imageHeight;
region.imageExtent.width = sourceArea.width;
region.imageExtent.height = sourceArea.height;
region.imageExtent.depth = sourceArea.depth;
region.imageOffset.x = sourceArea.x;
region.imageOffset.y = sourceArea.y;
region.imageOffset.z = sourceArea.z;
region.imageSubresource.aspectMask = aspectFlags;
region.imageSubresource.layerCount = layerCount;
region.imageSubresource.mipLevel = mImage->toVkLevel(level).get();
if (gl::IsArrayTextureType(index.getType()))
layerIndex = sourceArea.z;
region.imageOffset.z = 0;
region.imageExtent.depth = 1;
else if (index.getType() == gl::TextureType::CubeMap)
// Copy to the correct cube map face.
layerIndex = index.getLayerIndex();
region.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = layerIndex;
// Make sure the source is initialized and its images are flushed.
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
vk::CommandBufferAccess access;
access.onImageTransferWrite(level, 1, layerIndex, layerCount, mImage->getAspectFlags(), mImage);
vk::OutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer *commandBuffer;
ANGLE_TRY(contextVk->getOutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer(access, &commandBuffer));
commandBuffer->copyBufferToImage(srcBuffer->getBuffer().getHandle(), mImage->getImage(),
mImage->getCurrentLayout(), 1, &region);
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::generateMipmapsWithCompute(ContextVk *contextVk)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
// Requires that the image:
// - is not sRGB
// - is not integer
// - is 2D or 2D array
// - is single sample
// - is color image
// Support for the first two can be added easily. Supporting 3D textures, MSAA and
// depth/stencil would be more involved.
ASSERT(mImage->getType() == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D);
ASSERT(mImage->getSamples() == 1);
ASSERT(mImage->getAspectFlags() == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT);
// Create the appropriate sampler.
GLenum filter = CalculateGenerateMipmapFilter(contextVk, mImage->getActualFormatID());
gl::SamplerState samplerState;
vk::BindingPointer<vk::SamplerHelper> sampler;
vk::SamplerDesc samplerDesc(contextVk, samplerState, false, nullptr,
ANGLE_TRY(renderer->getSamplerCache().getSampler(contextVk, samplerDesc, &sampler));
// If the image has more levels than supported, generate as many mips as possible at a time.
const vk::LevelIndex maxGenerateLevels(UtilsVk::GetGenerateMipmapMaxLevels(contextVk));
vk::LevelIndex dstMaxLevelVk = mImage->toVkLevel(gl::LevelIndex(mState.getMipmapMaxLevel()));
for (vk::LevelIndex dstBaseLevelVk =
mImage->toVkLevel(gl::LevelIndex(mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel() + 1));
dstBaseLevelVk <= dstMaxLevelVk; dstBaseLevelVk = dstBaseLevelVk + maxGenerateLevels.get())
vk::CommandBufferAccess access;
uint32_t writeLevelCount =
std::min(maxGenerateLevels.get(), dstMaxLevelVk.get() + 1 - dstBaseLevelVk.get());
access.onImageComputeShaderWrite(mImage->toGLLevel(dstBaseLevelVk), writeLevelCount, 0,
mImage->getLayerCount(), VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
vk::OutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer *commandBuffer;
ANGLE_TRY(contextVk->getOutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer(access, &commandBuffer));
// Generate mipmaps for every layer separately.
for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < mImage->getLayerCount(); ++layer)
// Create the necessary views.
const vk::ImageView *srcView = nullptr;
UtilsVk::GenerateMipmapDestLevelViews destLevelViews = {};
const vk::LevelIndex srcLevelVk = dstBaseLevelVk - 1;
contextVk, *mImage, srcLevelVk, layer, gl::SrgbWriteControlMode::Default,
vk::LevelIndex dstLevelCount = maxGenerateLevels;
for (vk::LevelIndex levelVk(0); levelVk < maxGenerateLevels; ++levelVk)
vk::LevelIndex dstLevelVk = dstBaseLevelVk + levelVk.get();
// If fewer levels left than maxGenerateLevels, cut the loop short.
if (dstLevelVk > dstMaxLevelVk)
dstLevelCount = levelVk;
contextVk, *mImage, dstLevelVk, layer, gl::SrgbWriteControlMode::Default,
// If the image has fewer than maximum levels, fill the last views with a unused view.
ASSERT(dstLevelCount > vk::LevelIndex(0));
for (vk::LevelIndex levelVk = dstLevelCount;
levelVk < vk::LevelIndex(UtilsVk::kGenerateMipmapMaxLevels); ++levelVk)
destLevelViews[levelVk.get()] = destLevelViews[levelVk.get() - 1];
// Generate mipmaps.
UtilsVk::GenerateMipmapParameters params = {};
params.srcLevel = srcLevelVk.get();
params.dstLevelCount = dstLevelCount.get();
contextVk, mImage, srcView, mImage, destLevelViews, sampler.get().get(), params));
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::generateMipmapsWithCPU(const gl::Context *context)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
gl::LevelIndex baseLevelGL(mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel());
vk::LevelIndex baseLevelVk = mImage->toVkLevel(baseLevelGL);
const gl::Extents baseLevelExtents = mImage->getLevelExtents(baseLevelVk);
uint32_t imageLayerCount = mImage->getLayerCount();
uint8_t *imageData = nullptr;
gl::Box imageArea(0, 0, 0, baseLevelExtents.width, baseLevelExtents.height,
vk::RendererScoped<vk::BufferHelper> bufferHelper(contextVk->getRenderer());
ANGLE_TRY(copyImageDataToBufferAndGetData(contextVk, baseLevelGL, imageLayerCount, imageArea,
&bufferHelper.get(), &imageData));
const angle::Format &angleFormat = mImage->getActualFormat();
GLuint sourceRowPitch = baseLevelExtents.width * angleFormat.pixelBytes;
GLuint sourceDepthPitch = sourceRowPitch * baseLevelExtents.height;
size_t baseLevelAllocationSize = sourceDepthPitch * baseLevelExtents.depth;
// We now have the base level available to be manipulated in the imageData pointer. Generate all
// the missing mipmaps with the slow path. For each layer, use the copied data to generate all
// the mips.
for (GLuint layer = 0; layer < imageLayerCount; layer++)
size_t bufferOffset = layer * baseLevelAllocationSize;
ANGLE_TRY(generateMipmapLevelsWithCPU(contextVk, angleFormat, layer, baseLevelGL + 1,
baseLevelExtents.width, baseLevelExtents.height,
baseLevelExtents.depth, sourceRowPitch,
sourceDepthPitch, imageData + bufferOffset));
return flushImageStagedUpdates(contextVk);
angle::Result TextureVk::generateMipmap(const gl::Context *context)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
// The image should already be allocated by a prior syncState.
// If base level has changed, the front-end should have called syncState already.
ASSERT(mState.getImmutableFormat() ||
mImage->getFirstAllocatedLevel() == gl::LevelIndex(mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel()));
// Only staged update here is the robust resource init if any.
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::FullMipChain));
vk::LevelIndex baseLevel = mImage->toVkLevel(gl::LevelIndex(mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel()));
vk::LevelIndex maxLevel = mImage->toVkLevel(gl::LevelIndex(mState.getMipmapMaxLevel()));
ASSERT(maxLevel != vk::LevelIndex(0));
// If it's possible to generate mipmap in compute, that would give the best possible
// performance on some hardware.
if (CanGenerateMipmapWithCompute(renderer, mImage->getType(), mImage->getActualFormatID(),
mImage->getSamples(), mOwnsImage))
return generateMipmapsWithCompute(contextVk);
else if (renderer->hasImageFormatFeatureBits(mImage->getActualFormatID(), kBlitFeatureFlags))
// Otherwise, use blit if possible.
return mImage->generateMipmapsWithBlit(contextVk, baseLevel, maxLevel);
"Mipmap generated on CPU due to format restrictions");
// If not possible to generate mipmaps on the GPU, do it on the CPU for conformance.
return generateMipmapsWithCPU(context);
angle::Result TextureVk::setBaseLevel(const gl::Context *context, GLuint baseLevel)
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::maybeUpdateBaseMaxLevels(ContextVk *contextVk,
TextureUpdateResult *updateResultOut)
if (!mImage)
return angle::Result::Continue;
bool baseLevelChanged = mCurrentBaseLevel.get() != static_cast<GLint>(mState.getBaseLevel());
bool maxLevelChanged = mCurrentMaxLevel.get() != static_cast<GLint>(mState.getMaxLevel());
if (!maxLevelChanged && !baseLevelChanged)
return angle::Result::Continue;
gl::LevelIndex newBaseLevel = gl::LevelIndex(mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel());
gl::LevelIndex newMaxLevel = gl::LevelIndex(mState.getEffectiveMaxLevel());
ASSERT(newBaseLevel <= newMaxLevel);
if (!mImage->valid())
// No further work to do, let staged updates handle the new levels
return angle::Result::Continue;
if (mState.getImmutableFormat())
// For immutable texture, baseLevel/maxLevel should be a subset of the texture's actual
// number of mip levels. We don't need to respecify an image.
ASSERT(!baseLevelChanged || newBaseLevel >= mImage->getFirstAllocatedLevel());
ASSERT(!maxLevelChanged || newMaxLevel < gl::LevelIndex(mImage->getLevelCount()));
else if (!baseLevelChanged && (newMaxLevel <= mImage->getLastAllocatedLevel()))
// With a valid image, check if only changing the maxLevel to a subset of the texture's
// actual number of mip levels
*updateResultOut = TextureUpdateResult::ImageRespecified;
return respecifyImageStorage(contextVk);
// Don't need to respecify the texture; but do need to update which vkImageView's are served up
// by ImageViewHelper
// Update the current max level in ImageViewHelper
ANGLE_TRY(initImageViews(contextVk, newMaxLevel - newBaseLevel + 1));
mCurrentBaseLevel = newBaseLevel;
mCurrentMaxLevel = newMaxLevel;
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::copyAndStageImageData(ContextVk *contextVk,
gl::LevelIndex previousFirstAllocateLevel,
vk::ImageHelper *srcImage,
vk::ImageHelper *dstImage)
// Preserve the data in the Vulkan image. GL texture's staged updates that correspond to
// levels outside the range of the Vulkan image will remain intact.
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
// This path is only called when switching from !owned to owned, in which case if any level was
// redefined it's already released and deleted by TextureVk::redefineLevel().
// Create a temp copy of srcImage for staging.
std::unique_ptr<vk::RefCounted<vk::ImageHelper>> stagingImage;
stagingImage = std::make_unique<vk::RefCounted<vk::ImageHelper>>();
const uint32_t levelCount = srcImage->getLevelCount();
const uint32_t layerCount = srcImage->getLayerCount();
contextVk, mState.hasProtectedContent(), renderer->getMemoryProperties(),
srcImage->getType(), srcImage->getExtents(), srcImage->getIntendedFormatID(),
srcImage->getActualFormatID(), srcImage->getSamples(), kTransferStagingImageFlags,
levelCount, layerCount));
// Copy the src image wholly into the staging image
const VkImageAspectFlags aspectFlags = srcImage->getAspectFlags();
vk::CommandBufferAccess access;
access.onImageTransferWrite(gl::LevelIndex(0), levelCount, 0, layerCount, aspectFlags,
access.onImageTransferRead(aspectFlags, srcImage);
vk::OutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer *commandBuffer;
ANGLE_TRY(contextVk->getOutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer(access, &commandBuffer));
VkImageCopy copyRegion = {};
copyRegion.srcSubresource.aspectMask = aspectFlags;
copyRegion.srcSubresource.layerCount = layerCount;
copyRegion.dstSubresource = copyRegion.srcSubresource;
for (vk::LevelIndex levelVk(0); levelVk < vk::LevelIndex(levelCount); ++levelVk)
gl::Extents levelExtents = srcImage->getLevelExtents(levelVk);
copyRegion.srcSubresource.mipLevel = levelVk.get();
copyRegion.dstSubresource.mipLevel = levelVk.get();
gl_vk::GetExtent(levelExtents, &copyRegion.extent);
commandBuffer->copyImage(srcImage->getImage(), srcImage->getCurrentLayout(),
stagingImage->get().getCurrentLayout(), 1, &copyRegion);
// Stage the staging image in the destination
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::reinitImageAsRenderable(ContextVk *contextVk,
const vk::Format &format,
gl::TexLevelMask skipLevelsMask)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
const uint32_t levelCount = mImage->getLevelCount();
const uint32_t layerCount = mImage->getLayerCount();
// Nothing to do if every level must be skipped
gl::TexLevelMask levelsMask(angle::BitMask<uint32_t>(levelCount)
<< mImage->getFirstAllocatedLevel().get());
if ((~skipLevelsMask & levelsMask).none())
return angle::Result::Continue;
// Make sure the source is initialized and its staged updates are flushed.
const angle::Format &srcFormat = mImage->getActualFormat();
const angle::Format &dstFormat = format.getActualImageFormat(getRequiredImageAccess());
// If layerCount or levelCount is bigger than 1, we go for the slow path for now. The problem
// with draw path is that in the multiple level/layer case, we have to do copy in a loop.
// Currently copySubImageImplWithDraw() calls ensureImageInitalized which forces flush out
// staged updates that we just staged inside the loop which is wrong.
if (levelCount == 1 && layerCount == 1)
"Copying image data due to texture format fallback");
ASSERT(CanCopyWithDraw(renderer, mImage->getActualFormatID(), mImage->getTilingMode(),
vk::LevelIndex levelVk(0);
gl::LevelIndex sourceLevelGL = mImage->toGLLevel(levelVk);
gl::Box sourceBox(gl::kOffsetZero, mImage->getLevelExtents(levelVk));
const gl::ImageIndex index =
gl::ImageIndex::MakeFromType(mState.getType(), sourceLevelGL.get());
// Flush the render pass, which may incur a vkQueueSubmit, before taking any views.
// Otherwise the view serials would not reflect the render pass they are really used in.
return copySubImageImplWithDraw(contextVk, index, gl::kOffsetZero, format, sourceLevelGL,
sourceBox, false, false, false, false, mImage,
&getCopyImageView(), SurfaceRotation::Identity);
for (vk::LevelIndex levelVk(0); levelVk < vk::LevelIndex(levelCount); ++levelVk)
gl::LevelIndex levelGL = mImage->toGLLevel(levelVk);
if (skipLevelsMask.test(levelGL.get()))
"GPU stall due to texture format fallback");
gl::Box sourceBox(gl::kOffsetZero, mImage->getLevelExtents(levelVk));
// copy and stage entire layer
const gl::ImageIndex index =
gl::ImageIndex::MakeFromType(mState.getType(), levelGL.get(), 0, layerCount);
// Read back the requested region of the source texture
vk::RendererScoped<vk::BufferHelper> bufferHelper(renderer);
vk::BufferHelper *srcBuffer = &bufferHelper.get();
uint8_t *srcData = nullptr;
ANGLE_TRY(mImage->copyImageDataToBuffer(contextVk, levelGL, layerCount, 0, sourceBox,
srcBuffer, &srcData));
// Explicitly finish. If new use cases arise where we don't want to block we can change
// this.
size_t dstBufferSize = sourceBox.width * sourceBox.height * sourceBox.depth *
dstFormat.pixelBytes * layerCount;
// Allocate memory in the destination texture for the copy/conversion.
uint8_t *dstData = nullptr;
contextVk, dstBufferSize, index, mImage->getLevelExtents(levelVk), gl::kOffsetZero,
// Source and destination data is tightly packed
GLuint srcDataRowPitch = sourceBox.width * srcFormat.pixelBytes;
GLuint dstDataRowPitch = sourceBox.width * dstFormat.pixelBytes;
GLuint srcDataDepthPitch = srcDataRowPitch * sourceBox.height;
GLuint dstDataDepthPitch = dstDataRowPitch * sourceBox.height;
GLuint srcDataLayerPitch = srcDataDepthPitch * sourceBox.depth;
GLuint dstDataLayerPitch = dstDataDepthPitch * sourceBox.depth;
rx::PixelReadFunction pixelReadFunction = srcFormat.pixelReadFunction;
rx::PixelWriteFunction pixelWriteFunction = dstFormat.pixelWriteFunction;
const gl::InternalFormat &dstFormatInfo = *mState.getImageDesc(index);
for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < layerCount; layer++)
CopyImageCHROMIUM(srcData + layer * srcDataLayerPitch, srcDataRowPitch,
srcFormat.pixelBytes, srcDataDepthPitch, pixelReadFunction,
dstData + layer * dstDataLayerPitch, dstDataRowPitch,
dstFormat.pixelBytes, dstDataDepthPitch, pixelWriteFunction,
dstFormatInfo.format, dstFormatInfo.componentType, sourceBox.width,
sourceBox.height, sourceBox.depth, false, false, false);
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::respecifyImageStorage(ContextVk *contextVk)
if (!mImage->valid())
return angle::Result::Continue;
// Recreate the image to reflect new base or max levels.
// First, flush any pending updates so we have good data in the current mImage
if (mImage->hasStagedUpdatesInAllocatedLevels())
if (!mOwnsImage)
// Cache values needed for copy and stage operations
vk::ImageHelper *srcImage = mImage;
const vk::Format &format = getBaseLevelFormat(contextVk->getRenderer());
// If any level was redefined but the image was not owned by the Texture, it's already
// released and deleted by TextureVk::redefineLevel().
// Save previousFirstAllocateLevel before mImage becomes invalid
gl::LevelIndex previousFirstAllocateLevel = mImage->getFirstAllocatedLevel();
// If we didn't own the image, release the current and create a new one
// Create the image helper
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageAllocated(contextVk, format));
ANGLE_TRY(initImage(contextVk, format.getIntendedFormatID(),
mState.getImmutableFormat() ? ImageMipLevels::FullMipChain
: ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
// Make a copy of the old image (that's being released) and stage that as an update to the
// new image.
ANGLE_TRY(copyAndStageImageData(contextVk, previousFirstAllocateLevel, srcImage, mImage));
const vk::Format &format = getBaseLevelFormat(contextVk->getRenderer());
if (mImage->getActualFormatID() != format.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess()))
ANGLE_TRY(reinitImageAsRenderable(contextVk, format, mRedefinedLevels));
// Release the current image so that it will be recreated with the correct number of mip
// levels, base level, and max level.
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::bindTexImage(const gl::Context *context, egl::Surface *surface)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
const gl::InternalFormat &glInternalFormat = *surface->getBindTexImageFormat().info;
const vk::Format &format = renderer->getFormat(glInternalFormat.sizedInternalFormat);
// eglBindTexImage can only be called with pbuffer (offscreen) surfaces
OffscreenSurfaceVk *offscreenSurface = GetImplAs<OffscreenSurfaceVk>(surface);
setImageHelper(contextVk, offscreenSurface->getColorAttachmentImage(),
gl::TextureType::InvalidEnum, format, 0, 0, false);
ASSERT(mImage->getLayerCount() == 1);
return initImageViews(contextVk, getImageViewLevelCount());
angle::Result TextureVk::releaseTexImage(const gl::Context *context)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::getAttachmentRenderTarget(const gl::Context *context,
GLenum binding,
const gl::ImageIndex &imageIndex,
GLsizei samples,
FramebufferAttachmentRenderTarget **rtOut)
ASSERT(imageIndex.getLevelIndex() >= 0);
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
// Sync the texture's image. See comment on this function in the header.
ANGLE_TRY(respecifyImageStorageIfNecessary(contextVk, gl::Command::Draw));
// Don't flush staged updates here. We'll handle that in FramebufferVk so we can defer clears.
if (!mImage->valid())
const vk::Format &format = getBaseLevelFormat(contextVk->getRenderer());
ANGLE_TRY(initImage(contextVk, format.getIntendedFormatID(),
const bool hasRenderToTextureEXT =
// If samples > 1 here, we have a singlesampled texture that's being multisampled rendered to.
// In this case, create a multisampled image that is otherwise identical to the single sampled
// image. That multisampled image is used as color or depth/stencil attachment, while the
// original image is used as the resolve attachment.
const gl::RenderToTextureImageIndex renderToTextureIndex =
? gl::RenderToTextureImageIndex::Default
: static_cast<gl::RenderToTextureImageIndex>(PackSampleCount(samples));
if (samples > 1 && !mMultisampledImages[renderToTextureIndex].valid() && !hasRenderToTextureEXT)
ASSERT(mState.getBaseLevelDesc().samples <= 1);
vk::ImageHelper *multisampledImage = &mMultisampledImages[renderToTextureIndex];
// Ensure the view serial is valid.
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
// The MSAA image always comes from the single sampled one, so disable robust init.
bool useRobustInit = false;
// Create the implicit multisampled image.
contextVk, mState.hasProtectedContent(), renderer->getMemoryProperties(),
mState.getType(), samples, *mImage, useRobustInit));
GLuint layerIndex = 0, layerCount = 0, imageLayerCount = 0;
GetRenderTargetLayerCountAndIndex(mImage, imageIndex, &layerIndex, &layerCount,
if (layerCount == 1)
initSingleLayerRenderTargets(contextVk, imageLayerCount,
std::vector<RenderTargetVector> &levelRenderTargets =
ASSERT(imageIndex.getLevelIndex() < static_cast<int32_t>(levelRenderTargets.size()));
RenderTargetVector &layerRenderTargets = levelRenderTargets[imageIndex.getLevelIndex()];
ASSERT(imageIndex.getLayerIndex() < static_cast<int32_t>(layerRenderTargets.size()));
*rtOut = &layerRenderTargets[layerIndex];
ASSERT(layerCount > 0);
*rtOut = getMultiLayerRenderTarget(contextVk, gl::LevelIndex(imageIndex.getLevelIndex()),
layerIndex, layerCount);
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::ensureImageInitialized(ContextVk *contextVk, ImageMipLevels mipLevels)
if (mImage->valid() && !mImage->hasStagedUpdatesInAllocatedLevels())
return angle::Result::Continue;
if (!mImage->valid())
const vk::Format &format = getBaseLevelFormat(contextVk->getRenderer());
ANGLE_TRY(initImage(contextVk, format.getIntendedFormatID(),
format.getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess()), mipLevels));
if (mipLevels == ImageMipLevels::FullMipChain)
// Remove staged updates to non-base mips when generating mipmaps. These can only be
// emulated format init clears that are staged in initImage.
gl::LevelIndex(mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel() + 1),
return flushImageStagedUpdates(contextVk);
angle::Result TextureVk::flushImageStagedUpdates(ContextVk *contextVk)
gl::LevelIndex firstLevelGL = getNativeImageLevel(mImage->getFirstAllocatedLevel());
uint32_t firstLayer = getNativeImageLayer(0);
return mImage->flushStagedUpdates(contextVk, firstLevelGL,
firstLevelGL + getImageViewLevelCount(), firstLayer,
firstLayer + getImageViewLayerCount(), mRedefinedLevels);
void TextureVk::initSingleLayerRenderTargets(ContextVk *contextVk,
GLuint layerCount,
gl::LevelIndex levelIndex,
gl::RenderToTextureImageIndex renderToTextureIndex)
std::vector<RenderTargetVector> &allLevelsRenderTargets =
if (allLevelsRenderTargets.size() <= static_cast<uint32_t>(levelIndex.get()))
allLevelsRenderTargets.resize(levelIndex.get() + 1);
RenderTargetVector &renderTargets = allLevelsRenderTargets[levelIndex.get()];
// Lazy init. Check if already initialized.
if (!renderTargets.empty())
// There are |layerCount| render targets, one for each layer
const bool isMultisampledRenderToTexture =
renderToTextureIndex != gl::RenderToTextureImageIndex::Default;
for (uint32_t layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex)
vk::ImageHelper *drawImage = mImage;
vk::ImageViewHelper *drawImageViews = &getImageViews();
vk::ImageHelper *resolveImage = nullptr;
vk::ImageViewHelper *resolveImageViews = nullptr;
RenderTargetTransience transience = isMultisampledRenderToTexture
? RenderTargetTransience::MultisampledTransient
: RenderTargetTransience::Default;
// If multisampled render to texture, use the multisampled image as draw image instead, and
// resolve into the texture's image automatically.
if (isMultisampledRenderToTexture)
resolveImage = drawImage;
resolveImageViews = drawImageViews;
drawImage = &mMultisampledImages[renderToTextureIndex];
drawImageViews = &mMultisampledImageViews[renderToTextureIndex];
// If the texture is depth/stencil, GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2 explicitly
// indicates that there is no need for the image to be resolved. In that case, mark the
// render target as entirely transient.
if (mImage->getAspectFlags() != VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT)
transience = RenderTargetTransience::EntirelyTransient;
renderTargets[layerIndex].init(drawImage, drawImageViews, resolveImage, resolveImageViews,
getNativeImageLayer(layerIndex), 1, transience);
RenderTargetVk *TextureVk::getMultiLayerRenderTarget(ContextVk *contextVk,
gl::LevelIndex level,
GLuint layerIndex,
GLuint layerCount)
vk::ImageSubresourceRange range =
vk::MakeImageSubresourceDrawRange(level, layerIndex, vk::GetLayerMode(*mImage, layerCount),
auto iter = mMultiLayerRenderTargets.find(range);
if (iter != mMultiLayerRenderTargets.end())
return iter->second.get();
// Create the layered render target. Note that multisampled render to texture is not
// allowed with layered render targets.
std::unique_ptr<RenderTargetVk> &rt = mMultiLayerRenderTargets[range];
if (!rt)
rt = std::make_unique<RenderTargetVk>();
rt->init(mImage, &getImageViews(), nullptr, nullptr, getNativeImageLevel(level),
getNativeImageLayer(layerIndex), layerCount, RenderTargetTransience::Default);
return rt.get();
void TextureVk::prepareForGenerateMipmap(ContextVk *contextVk)
gl::LevelIndex baseLevel(mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel());
gl::LevelIndex maxLevel(mState.getMipmapMaxLevel());
// Remove staged updates to the range that's being respecified (which is all the mips except
// baseLevel).
gl::LevelIndex firstGeneratedLevel = baseLevel + 1;
mImage->removeStagedUpdates(contextVk, firstGeneratedLevel, maxLevel);
"levels mask assumes 32-bits is enough");
// Generate bitmask for (baseLevel, maxLevel]. `+1` because bitMask takes `the number of bits`
// but levels start counting from 0
gl::TexLevelMask levelsMask(angle::BitMask<uint32_t>(maxLevel.get() + 1));
levelsMask &= static_cast<uint32_t>(~angle::BitMask<uint32_t>(firstGeneratedLevel.get()));
// Remove (baseLevel, maxLevel] from mRedefinedLevels. These levels are no longer incompatibly
// defined if they previously were. The corresponding bits in mRedefinedLevels should be
// cleared.
mRedefinedLevels &= ~levelsMask;
// If generating mipmap and base level is incompatibly redefined, the image is going to be
// recreated. Don't try to preserve the other mips.
if (mRedefinedLevels.test(baseLevel.get()))
const gl::ImageDesc &baseLevelDesc = mState.getBaseLevelDesc();
VkImageType imageType = gl_vk::GetImageType(mState.getType());
const vk::Format &format = getBaseLevelFormat(contextVk->getRenderer());
const GLint samples = baseLevelDesc.samples ? baseLevelDesc.samples : 1;
// If the compute path is to be used to generate mipmaps, add the STORAGE usage.
if (CanGenerateMipmapWithCompute(contextVk->getRenderer(), imageType,
samples, mOwnsImage))
angle::Result TextureVk::respecifyImageStorageIfNecessary(ContextVk *contextVk, gl::Command source)
ASSERT(mState.getBuffer().get() == nullptr);
VkImageUsageFlags oldUsageFlags = mImageUsageFlags;
VkImageCreateFlags oldCreateFlags = mImageCreateFlags;
// Create a new image if the storage state is enabled for the first time.
if (mState.hasBeenBoundAsImage())
mRequiresMutableStorage = true;
// If we're handling dirty srgb decode/override state, we may have to reallocate the image with
// VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT. Vulkan requires this bit to be set in order to use
// imageviews with a format that does not match the texture's internal format.
if (isSRGBOverrideEnabled())
mRequiresMutableStorage = true;
if (mRequiresMutableStorage)
if (mState.is3DTextureAndHasBeenBoundAs2DImage())
if (contextVk->getRenderer()->getFeatures().supportsImage2dViewOf3d.enabled)
// This image may be used with 2d imageviews, despite being a 3d image
// The Vulkan core specification does not permit this behavior
// Tolerate the VVL errors and move on
// Create a new image if used as attachment for the first time. This must be called before
// prepareForGenerateMipmap since this changes the format which prepareForGenerateMipmap relies
// on.
if (mState.hasBeenBoundAsAttachment())
TextureUpdateResult updateResult = TextureUpdateResult::ImageUnaffected;
ANGLE_TRY(ensureRenderable(contextVk, &updateResult));
if (updateResult == TextureUpdateResult::ImageRespecified)
oldUsageFlags = mImageUsageFlags;
oldCreateFlags = mImageCreateFlags;
// Before redefining the image for any reason, check to see if it's about to go through mipmap
// generation. In that case, drop every staged change for the subsequent mips after base, and
// make sure the image is created with the complete mip chain.
const bool isGenerateMipmap = source == gl::Command::GenerateMipmap;
if (isGenerateMipmap)
// For immutable texture, base level does not affect allocation. Only usage flags are. If usage
// flag changed, we respecify image storage early on. This makes the code more reliable and also
// better performance wise. Otherwise, we will try to preserve base level by calling
// stageSelfAsSubresourceUpdates and then later on find out the mImageUsageFlags changed and the
// whole thing has to be respecified.
if (mState.getImmutableFormat() &&
(oldUsageFlags != mImageUsageFlags || oldCreateFlags != mImageCreateFlags))
oldUsageFlags = mImageUsageFlags;
oldCreateFlags = mImageCreateFlags;
// Set base and max level before initializing the image
TextureUpdateResult updateResult = TextureUpdateResult::ImageUnaffected;
ANGLE_TRY(maybeUpdateBaseMaxLevels(contextVk, &updateResult));
// Updating levels could have respecified the storage, recapture mImageCreateFlags
if (updateResult == TextureUpdateResult::ImageRespecified)
oldUsageFlags = mImageUsageFlags;
oldCreateFlags = mImageCreateFlags;
// It is possible for the image to have a single level (because it doesn't use mipmapping),
// then have more levels defined in it and mipmapping enabled. In that case, the image needs
// to be recreated.
bool isMipmapEnabledByMinFilter = false;
if (!isGenerateMipmap && mImage && mImage->valid())
isMipmapEnabledByMinFilter =
mImage->getLevelCount() < getMipLevelCount(ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels);
// If generating mipmaps and the image needs to be recreated (not full-mip already, or changed
// usage flags), make sure it's recreated.
if (isGenerateMipmap && mImage && mImage->valid() &&
(oldUsageFlags != mImageUsageFlags ||
(!mState.getImmutableFormat() &&
mImage->getLevelCount() != getMipLevelCount(ImageMipLevels::FullMipChain))))
// Immutable texture is not expected to reach here. The usage flag change should have
// been handled earlier and level count change should not need to reallocate
// Flush staged updates to the base level of the image. Note that updates to the rest of
// the levels have already been discarded through the |removeStagedUpdates| call above.
// Release the mImage without collecting garbage from image views.
// Respecify the image if it's changed in usage, or if any of its levels are redefined and no
// update to base/max levels were done (otherwise the above call would have already taken care
// of this). Note that if both base/max and image usage are changed, the image is recreated
// twice, which incurs unnecessary copies. This is not expected to be happening in real
// applications.
if (oldUsageFlags != mImageUsageFlags || oldCreateFlags != mImageCreateFlags ||
mRedefinedLevels.any() || isMipmapEnabledByMinFilter)
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::syncState(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::Texture::DirtyBits &dirtyBits,
gl::Command source)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
// If this is a texture buffer, release buffer views. There's nothing else to sync. The
// image must already be deleted, and the sampler reset.
if (mState.getBuffer().get() != nullptr)
ASSERT(mImage == nullptr);
const gl::OffsetBindingPointer<gl::Buffer> &bufferBinding = mState.getBuffer();
const VkDeviceSize offset = bufferBinding.getOffset();
const VkDeviceSize size = gl::GetBoundBufferAvailableSize(bufferBinding);
mBufferViews.init(renderer, offset, size);
return angle::Result::Continue;
ANGLE_TRY(respecifyImageStorageIfNecessary(contextVk, source));
// Initialize the image storage and flush the pixel buffer.
const bool isGenerateMipmap = source == gl::Command::GenerateMipmap;
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, isGenerateMipmap ? ImageMipLevels::FullMipChain
: ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
// Mask out the IMPLEMENTATION dirty bit to avoid unnecessary syncs.
gl::Texture::DirtyBits localBits = dirtyBits;
// For AHBs, the ImageViews are created with VkSamplerYcbcrConversionInfo's chromaFilter
// matching min/magFilters as part of the eglEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES() call. However, the
// min/mag filters can change later, requiring the ImageViews to be created.
if (mImage->valid() && mImage->hasImmutableSampler() &&
(dirtyBits.test(gl::Texture::DIRTY_BIT_MIN_FILTER) ||
if (localBits.none() && mSampler.valid())
return angle::Result::Continue;
if (mSampler.valid())
if (localBits.test(gl::Texture::DIRTY_BIT_SWIZZLE_RED) ||
localBits.test(gl::Texture::DIRTY_BIT_SWIZZLE_GREEN) ||
localBits.test(gl::Texture::DIRTY_BIT_SWIZZLE_BLUE) ||
if (!renderer->getFeatures().supportsImageFormatList.enabled &&
(localBits.test(gl::Texture::DIRTY_BIT_SRGB_OVERRIDE) ||
vk::SamplerDesc samplerDesc(contextVk, mState.getSamplerState(), mState.isStencilMode(),
&mImage->getYcbcrConversionDesc(), mImage->getIntendedFormatID());
ANGLE_TRY(renderer->getSamplerCache().getSampler(contextVk, samplerDesc, &mSampler));
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::initializeContents(const gl::Context *context,
GLenum binding,
const gl::ImageIndex &imageIndex)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
const gl::ImageDesc &desc = mState.getImageDesc(imageIndex);
const vk::Format &format =
// Note that we cannot ensure the image is initialized because we might be calling subImage
// on a non-complete cube map.
return mImage->stageRobustResourceClearWithFormat(
contextVk, imageIndex, desc.size, format.getIntendedFormat(),
angle::Result TextureVk::initializeContentsWithBlack(const gl::Context *context,
GLenum binding,
const gl::ImageIndex &imageIndex)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
const gl::ImageDesc &desc = mState.getImageDesc(imageIndex);
const vk::Format &format =
VkClearValue clearValue = {};
clearValue.color = {{0, 0, 0, 1.0f}};
// Note that we cannot ensure the image is initialized because we might be calling subImage
// on a non-complete cube map.
return mImage->stageResourceClearWithFormat(
contextVk, imageIndex, desc.size, format.getIntendedFormat(),
format.getActualImageFormat(getRequiredImageAccess()), clearValue);
void TextureVk::releaseOwnershipOfImage(const gl::Context *context)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
mOwnsImage = false;
bool TextureVk::shouldDecodeSRGB(vk::Context *context,
GLenum srgbDecode,
bool texelFetchStaticUse) const
// By default, we decode SRGB images.
const vk::Format &format = getBaseLevelFormat(context->getRenderer());
bool decodeSRGB = format.getActualImageFormat(getRequiredImageAccess()).isSRGB;
// If the SRGB override is enabled, we also decode SRGB.
if (isSRGBOverrideEnabled() &&
decodeSRGB = true;
// The decode step is optionally disabled by the skip decode setting, except for texelFetch:
// "The conversion of sRGB color space components to linear color space is always applied if the
// TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter is DECODE_EXT. Table X.1 describes whether the conversion
// is skipped if the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter is SKIP_DECODE_EXT, depending on the
// function used for the access, whether the access occurs through a bindless sampler, and
// whether the texture is statically accessed elsewhere with a texelFetch function."
if (srgbDecode == GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT && !texelFetchStaticUse)
decodeSRGB = false;
return decodeSRGB;
const vk::ImageView &TextureVk::getReadImageView(vk::Context *context,
GLenum srgbDecode,
bool texelFetchStaticUse) const
const vk::ImageViewHelper &imageViews = getImageViews();
if (mState.isStencilMode() && imageViews.hasStencilReadImageView())
return imageViews.getStencilReadImageView();
if (shouldDecodeSRGB(context, srgbDecode, texelFetchStaticUse))
return imageViews.getSRGBReadImageView();
return imageViews.getLinearReadImageView();
const vk::ImageView &TextureVk::getFetchImageView(vk::Context *context,
GLenum srgbDecode,
bool texelFetchStaticUse) const
const vk::ImageViewHelper &imageViews = getImageViews();
// We don't currently support fetch for depth/stencil cube map textures.
ASSERT(!imageViews.hasStencilReadImageView() || !imageViews.hasFetchImageView());
if (shouldDecodeSRGB(context, srgbDecode, texelFetchStaticUse))
return (imageViews.hasFetchImageView() ? imageViews.getSRGBFetchImageView()
: imageViews.getSRGBReadImageView());
return (imageViews.hasFetchImageView() ? imageViews.getLinearFetchImageView()
: imageViews.getLinearReadImageView());
const vk::ImageView &TextureVk::getCopyImageView() const
const vk::ImageViewHelper &imageViews = getImageViews();
const angle::Format &angleFormat = mImage->getActualFormat();
ASSERT(angleFormat.isSRGB ==
(ConvertToLinear(mImage->getActualFormatID()) != angle::FormatID::NONE));
if (angleFormat.isSRGB)
return imageViews.getSRGBCopyImageView();
return imageViews.getLinearCopyImageView();
angle::Result TextureVk::getLevelLayerImageView(vk::Context *context,
gl::LevelIndex level,
size_t layer,
const vk::ImageView **imageViewOut)
ASSERT(mImage && mImage->valid());
gl::LevelIndex levelGL = getNativeImageLevel(level);
vk::LevelIndex levelVk = mImage->toVkLevel(levelGL);
uint32_t nativeLayer = getNativeImageLayer(static_cast<uint32_t>(layer));
return getImageViews().getLevelLayerDrawImageView(
context, *mImage, levelVk, nativeLayer, gl::SrgbWriteControlMode::Default, imageViewOut);
angle::Result TextureVk::getStorageImageView(vk::Context *context,
const gl::ImageUnit &binding,
const vk::ImageView **imageViewOut)
RendererVk *renderer = context->getRenderer();
angle::FormatID formatID = angle::Format::InternalFormatToID(binding.format);
const vk::Format *format = &renderer->getFormat(formatID);
format = AdjustStorageViewFormatPerWorkarounds(renderer, format, getRequiredImageAccess());
gl::LevelIndex nativeLevelGL =
vk::LevelIndex nativeLevelVk = mImage->toVkLevel(nativeLevelGL);
if (binding.layered != GL_TRUE)
uint32_t nativeLayer = getNativeImageLayer(static_cast<uint32_t>(binding.layer));
return getImageViews().getLevelLayerStorageImageView(
context, *mImage, nativeLevelVk, nativeLayer,
format->getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess()), imageViewOut);
uint32_t nativeLayer = getNativeImageLayer(0);
return getImageViews().getLevelStorageImageView(
context, mState.getType(), *mImage, nativeLevelVk, nativeLayer,
format->getActualImageFormatID(getRequiredImageAccess()), imageViewOut);
angle::Result TextureVk::getBufferViewAndRecordUse(vk::Context *context,
const vk::Format *imageUniformFormat,
bool isImage,
const vk::BufferView **viewOut)
RendererVk *renderer = context->getRenderer();
ASSERT(mState.getBuffer().get() != nullptr);
// Use the format specified by glTexBuffer if no format specified by the shader.
if (imageUniformFormat == nullptr)
const gl::ImageDesc &baseLevelDesc = mState.getBaseLevelDesc();
imageUniformFormat = &renderer->getFormat(>sizedInternalFormat);
if (isImage)
imageUniformFormat = AdjustStorageViewFormatPerWorkarounds(renderer, imageUniformFormat,
// Create a view for the required format.
const vk::BufferHelper &buffer = vk::GetImpl(mState.getBuffer().get())->getBuffer();
VkDeviceSize bufferOffset = buffer.getOffset();
return mBufferViews.getView(context, buffer, bufferOffset, *imageUniformFormat, viewOut);
angle::Result TextureVk::initImage(ContextVk *contextVk,
angle::FormatID intendedImageFormatID,
angle::FormatID actualImageFormatID,
ImageMipLevels mipLevels)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
// Create the image. For immutable texture, we always allocate the full immutable levels
// specified by texStorage call. Otherwise we only try to allocate from base to max levels.
const gl::ImageDesc *firstLevelDesc;
uint32_t firstLevel, levelCount;
if (mState.getImmutableFormat())
firstLevelDesc = &mState.getLevelZeroDesc();
firstLevel = 0;
levelCount = mState.getImmutableLevels();
firstLevelDesc = &mState.getBaseLevelDesc();
firstLevel = mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel();
levelCount = getMipLevelCount(mipLevels);
const gl::Extents &firstLevelExtents = firstLevelDesc->size;
VkExtent3D vkExtent;
uint32_t layerCount;
gl_vk::GetExtentsAndLayerCount(mState.getType(), firstLevelExtents, &vkExtent, &layerCount);
GLint samples = mState.getBaseLevelDesc().samples ? mState.getBaseLevelDesc().samples : 1;
if (mState.hasProtectedContent())
contextVk, mState.getType(), vkExtent, intendedImageFormatID, actualImageFormatID, samples,
mImageUsageFlags, mImageCreateFlags, vk::ImageLayout::Undefined, nullptr,
gl::LevelIndex(firstLevel), levelCount, layerCount,
contextVk->isRobustResourceInitEnabled(), mState.hasProtectedContent()));
mRequiresMutableStorage = (mImageCreateFlags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT) != 0;
if (mState.hasProtectedContent())
ANGLE_TRY(mImage->initMemory(contextVk, mState.hasProtectedContent(),
renderer->getMemoryProperties(), flags));
const uint32_t viewLevelCount =
mState.getImmutableFormat() ? getMipLevelCount(ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels) : levelCount;
ANGLE_TRY(initImageViews(contextVk, viewLevelCount));
mCurrentBaseLevel = gl::LevelIndex(mState.getBaseLevel());
mCurrentMaxLevel = gl::LevelIndex(mState.getMaxLevel());
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::initImageViews(ContextVk *contextVk, uint32_t levelCount)
ASSERT(mImage != nullptr && mImage->valid());
gl::LevelIndex baseLevelGL =
vk::LevelIndex baseLevelVk = mImage->toVkLevel(baseLevelGL);
uint32_t baseLayer = getNativeImageLayer(0);
const gl::ImageDesc &baseLevelDesc = mState.getBaseLevelDesc();
const bool sized =>sized;
const angle::Format &intendedFormat = mImage->getIntendedFormat();
gl::SwizzleState formatSwizzle = GetFormatSwizzle(intendedFormat, sized);
gl::SwizzleState readSwizzle = ApplySwizzle(formatSwizzle, mState.getSwizzleState());
// Use this as a proxy for the SRGB override & skip decode settings.
bool createExtraSRGBViews = mRequiresMutableStorage;
if (mImage->hasImmutableSampler())
ANGLE_TRY(getImageViews().initReadViews(contextVk, mState.getType(), *mImage, formatSwizzle,
readSwizzle, baseLevelVk, levelCount, baseLayer,
getImageViewLayerCount(), createExtraSRGBViews,
return angle::Result::Continue;
void TextureVk::releaseImage(ContextVk *contextVk)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
if (mImage)
if (mOwnsImage)
mImage->releaseImageFromShareContexts(renderer, contextVk);
mImage = nullptr;
for (vk::ImageHelper &image : mMultisampledImages)
if (image.valid())
image.releaseImageFromShareContexts(renderer, contextVk);
void TextureVk::releaseImageViews(ContextVk *contextVk)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
if (mImage == nullptr)
for (vk::ImageViewHelper &imageViewHelper : mMultisampledImageViews)
for (vk::ImageViewHelper &imageViewHelper : mMultisampledImageViews)
mImage->collectViewGarbage(renderer, &imageViewHelper);
for (auto &renderTargets : mSingleLayerRenderTargets)
for (RenderTargetVector &renderTargetLevels : renderTargets)
// Clear the layers tracked for each level
// Then clear the levels
void TextureVk::releaseStagedUpdates(ContextVk *contextVk)
if (mImage)
uint32_t TextureVk::getMipLevelCount(ImageMipLevels mipLevels) const
switch (mipLevels)
// Returns level count from base to max that has been specified, i.e, enabled.
case ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels:
return mState.getEnabledLevelCount();
// Returns all mipmap levels from base to max regardless if an image has been specified or
// not.
case ImageMipLevels::FullMipChain:
return getMaxLevelCount() - mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel();
return 0;
uint32_t TextureVk::getMaxLevelCount() const
// getMipmapMaxLevel will be 0 here if mipmaps are not used, so the levelCount is always +1.
return mState.getMipmapMaxLevel() + 1;
angle::Result TextureVk::generateMipmapLevelsWithCPU(ContextVk *contextVk,
const angle::Format &sourceFormat,
GLuint layer,
gl::LevelIndex firstMipLevel,
gl::LevelIndex maxMipLevel,
const size_t sourceWidth,
const size_t sourceHeight,
const size_t sourceDepth,
const size_t sourceRowPitch,
const size_t sourceDepthPitch,
uint8_t *sourceData)
size_t previousLevelWidth = sourceWidth;
size_t previousLevelHeight = sourceHeight;
size_t previousLevelDepth = sourceDepth;
uint8_t *previousLevelData = sourceData;
size_t previousLevelRowPitch = sourceRowPitch;
size_t previousLevelDepthPitch = sourceDepthPitch;
for (gl::LevelIndex currentMipLevel = firstMipLevel; currentMipLevel <= maxMipLevel;
// Compute next level width and height.
size_t mipWidth = std::max<size_t>(1, previousLevelWidth >> 1);
size_t mipHeight = std::max<size_t>(1, previousLevelHeight >> 1);
size_t mipDepth = std::max<size_t>(1, previousLevelDepth >> 1);
// With the width and height of the next mip, we can allocate the next buffer we need.
uint8_t *destData = nullptr;
size_t destRowPitch = mipWidth * sourceFormat.pixelBytes;
size_t destDepthPitch = destRowPitch * mipHeight;
size_t mipAllocationSize = destDepthPitch * mipDepth;
gl::Extents mipLevelExtents(static_cast<int>(mipWidth), static_cast<int>(mipHeight),
contextVk, mipAllocationSize,
gl::ImageIndex::MakeFromType(mState.getType(), currentMipLevel.get(), layer),
mipLevelExtents, gl::Offset(), &destData,;
// Generate the mipmap into that new buffer
previousLevelWidth, previousLevelHeight, previousLevelDepth, previousLevelData,
previousLevelRowPitch, previousLevelDepthPitch, destData, destRowPitch, destDepthPitch);
// Swap for the next iteration
previousLevelWidth = mipWidth;
previousLevelHeight = mipHeight;
previousLevelDepth = mipDepth;
previousLevelData = destData;
previousLevelRowPitch = destRowPitch;
previousLevelDepthPitch = destDepthPitch;
return angle::Result::Continue;
const gl::InternalFormat &TextureVk::getImplementationSizedFormat(const gl::Context *context) const
GLenum sizedFormat = GL_NONE;
if (mImage && mImage->valid())
sizedFormat = mImage->getActualFormat().glInternalFormat;
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
const vk::Format &format = getBaseLevelFormat(contextVk->getRenderer());
sizedFormat = format.getActualImageFormat(getRequiredImageAccess()).glInternalFormat;
return gl::GetSizedInternalFormatInfo(sizedFormat);
GLenum TextureVk::getColorReadFormat(const gl::Context *context)
const gl::InternalFormat &sizedFormat = getImplementationSizedFormat(context);
return sizedFormat.format;
GLenum TextureVk::getColorReadType(const gl::Context *context)
const gl::InternalFormat &sizedFormat = getImplementationSizedFormat(context);
return sizedFormat.type;
angle::Result TextureVk::getTexImage(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::PixelPackState &packState,
gl::Buffer *packBuffer,
gl::TextureTarget target,
GLint level,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
void *pixels)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
GLint baseLevel = static_cast<int>(mState.getBaseLevel());
if (level < baseLevel || level >= baseLevel + static_cast<int>(mState.getEnabledLevelCount()))
// TODO( Handle inconsistent textures.
WARN() << "GetTexImage for inconsistent texture levels is not implemented.";
return angle::Result::Continue;
gl::MaybeOverrideLuminance(format, type, getColorReadFormat(context),
uint32_t layer = 0;
uint32_t layerCount = 1;
switch (target)
case gl::TextureTarget::CubeMapArray:
case gl::TextureTarget::_2DArray:
layerCount = mImage->getLayerCount();
if (gl::IsCubeMapFaceTarget(target))
layer = static_cast<uint32_t>(gl::CubeMapTextureTargetToFaceIndex(target));
return mImage->readPixelsForGetImage(contextVk, packState, packBuffer, gl::LevelIndex(level),
layer, layerCount, format, type, pixels);
angle::Result TextureVk::getCompressedTexImage(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::PixelPackState &packState,
gl::Buffer *packBuffer,
gl::TextureTarget target,
GLint level,
void *pixels)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
GLint baseLevel = static_cast<int>(mState.getBaseLevel());
if (level < baseLevel || level >= baseLevel + static_cast<int>(mState.getEnabledLevelCount()))
// TODO( Handle inconsistent textures.
WARN() << "GetCompressedTexImage for inconsistent texture levels is not implemented.";
return angle::Result::Continue;
uint32_t layer = 0;
uint32_t layerCount = 1;
switch (target)
case gl::TextureTarget::CubeMapArray:
case gl::TextureTarget::_2DArray:
layerCount = mImage->getLayerCount();
if (gl::IsCubeMapFaceTarget(target))
layer = static_cast<uint32_t>(gl::CubeMapTextureTargetToFaceIndex(target));
return mImage->readPixelsForCompressedGetImage(
contextVk, packState, packBuffer, gl::LevelIndex(level), layer, layerCount, pixels);
const vk::Format &TextureVk::getBaseLevelFormat(RendererVk *renderer) const
const gl::ImageDesc &baseLevelDesc = mState.getBaseLevelDesc();
return renderer->getFormat(>sizedInternalFormat);
void TextureVk::onSubjectStateChange(angle::SubjectIndex index, angle::SubjectMessage message)
ASSERT(index == kTextureImageSubjectIndex &&
(message == angle::SubjectMessage::SubjectChanged ||
message == angle::SubjectMessage::InitializationComplete));
// Forward the notification to the parent that the staging buffer changed.
vk::ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial TextureVk::getImageViewSubresourceSerialImpl(
GLenum srgbDecode) const
gl::LevelIndex baseLevel(mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel());
// getMipmapMaxLevel will clamp to the max level if it is smaller than the number of mips.
uint32_t levelCount = gl::LevelIndex(mState.getMipmapMaxLevel()) - baseLevel + 1;
const angle::Format &angleFormat = mImage->getActualFormat();
vk::SrgbDecodeMode srgbDecodeMode = (angleFormat.isSRGB && (srgbDecode == GL_DECODE_EXT))
? vk::SrgbDecodeMode::SrgbDecode
: vk::SrgbDecodeMode::SkipDecode;
gl::SrgbOverride srgbOverrideMode =
(!angleFormat.isSRGB && (mState.getSRGBOverride() == gl::SrgbOverride::SRGB))
? gl::SrgbOverride::SRGB
: gl::SrgbOverride::Default;
return getImageViews().getSubresourceSerial(baseLevel, levelCount, 0, vk::LayerMode::All,
srgbDecodeMode, srgbOverrideMode);
vk::ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial TextureVk::getBufferViewSerial() const
return mBufferViews.getSerial();
vk::ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial TextureVk::getStorageImageViewSerial(
const gl::ImageUnit &binding) const
vk::LayerMode layerMode = binding.layered == GL_TRUE ? vk::LayerMode::All : vk::LayerMode::_1;
uint32_t frontendLayer = binding.layered == GL_TRUE ? 0 : static_cast<uint32_t>(binding.layer);
uint32_t nativeLayer = getNativeImageLayer(frontendLayer);
gl::LevelIndex baseLevel(mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel());
// getMipmapMaxLevel will clamp to the max level if it is smaller than the number of mips.
uint32_t levelCount = gl::LevelIndex(mState.getMipmapMaxLevel()) - baseLevel + 1;
return getImageViews().getSubresourceSerial(baseLevel, levelCount, nativeLayer, layerMode,
uint32_t TextureVk::getImageViewLayerCount() const
// We use a special layer count here to handle EGLImages. They might only be
// looking at one layer of a cube or 2D array texture.
return mEGLImageNativeType == gl::TextureType::InvalidEnum ? mImage->getLayerCount() : 1;
uint32_t TextureVk::getImageViewLevelCount() const
// We use a special level count here to handle EGLImages. They might only be
// looking at one level of the texture's mipmap chain.
return mEGLImageNativeType == gl::TextureType::InvalidEnum ? mImage->getLevelCount() : 1;
angle::Result TextureVk::refreshImageViews(ContextVk *contextVk)
vk::ImageViewHelper &imageView = getImageViews();
if (mImage == nullptr)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
mImage->collectViewGarbage(renderer, &imageView);
ANGLE_TRY(initImageViews(contextVk, getImageViewLevelCount()));
// Let any Framebuffers know we need to refresh the RenderTarget cache.
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result TextureVk::ensureMutable(ContextVk *contextVk)
if (mRequiresMutableStorage)
return angle::Result::Continue;
mRequiresMutableStorage = true;
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
return refreshImageViews(contextVk);
angle::Result TextureVk::ensureRenderable(ContextVk *contextVk,
TextureUpdateResult *updateResultOut)
if (mRequiredImageAccess == vk::ImageAccess::Renderable)
return angle::Result::Continue;
mRequiredImageAccess = vk::ImageAccess::Renderable;
if (!mImage)
// Later on when ensureImageAllocated() is called, it will ensure a renderable format is
// used.
return angle::Result::Continue;
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
const vk::Format &format = getBaseLevelFormat(renderer);
if (!format.hasRenderableImageFallbackFormat())
// If there is no fallback format for renderable, then nothing to do.
return angle::Result::Continue;
// luminance/alpha format never fallback for rendering and if we ever do fallback, the
// following code may not handle it properly.
angle::FormatID previousActualFormatID =
angle::FormatID actualFormatID = format.getActualImageFormatID(vk::ImageAccess::Renderable);
if (!mImage->valid())
// Immutable texture must already have a valid image
// If we have staged updates and they were encoded with different format, we need to flush
// out these staged updates. The respecifyImageStorage should handle reading back the
// flushed data and re-stage it with the new format.
angle::FormatID intendedFormatID = format.getIntendedFormatID();
gl::LevelIndex levelGLStart, levelGLEnd;
ImageMipLevels mipLevels;
if (mState.getImmutableFormat())
levelGLStart = gl::LevelIndex(0);
levelGLEnd = gl::LevelIndex(mState.getImmutableLevels());
mipLevels = ImageMipLevels::FullMipChain;
levelGLStart = gl::LevelIndex(mState.getEffectiveBaseLevel());
levelGLEnd =
gl::LevelIndex(levelGLStart + getMipLevelCount(ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
mipLevels = ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels;
if (mImage->hasStagedImageUpdatesWithMismatchedFormat(levelGLStart, levelGLEnd,
angle::FormatID sampleOnlyFormatID =
ANGLE_TRY(initImage(contextVk, intendedFormatID, sampleOnlyFormatID, mipLevels));
// First try to convert any staged buffer updates from old format to new format using
// CPU.
ANGLE_TRY(mImage->reformatStagedBufferUpdates(contextVk, previousActualFormatID,
// Make sure we update mImageUsage bits
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageAllocated(contextVk, format));
ANGLE_TRY(ensureImageInitialized(contextVk, ImageMipLevels::EnabledLevels));
*updateResultOut = TextureUpdateResult::ImageRespecified;
return refreshImageViews(contextVk);
// Return true if image's format does not match the actual format
bool TextureVk::imageHasActualImageFormat(angle::FormatID actualFormatID) const
return mImage && (mImage->getActualFormatID() != actualFormatID);
void TextureVk::stageSelfAsSubresourceUpdates(ContextVk *contextVk)
// If we are calling stageSelfAsSubresourceUpdates(), the current image will be swapped
// to prevImage in stageSelfAsSubresourceUpdates(), therefore we need to release the
// imageViews first as we want to use current image.mUse to keep track of imageViews' resource
// lifetime.
// Make the image stage itself as updates to its levels.
mImage->stageSelfAsSubresourceUpdates(contextVk, mImage->getLevelCount(), mRedefinedLevels);
void TextureVk::updateCachedImageViewSerials()
mCachedImageViewSubresourceSerialSRGBDecode = getImageViewSubresourceSerialImpl(GL_DECODE_EXT);
mCachedImageViewSubresourceSerialSkipDecode =
} // namespace rx