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// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// SurfaceVk.h:
// Defines the class interface for SurfaceVk, implementing SurfaceImpl.
#include "common/CircularBuffer.h"
#include "common/vulkan/vk_headers.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/SurfaceImpl.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/RenderTargetVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h"
namespace rx
class RendererVk;
class SurfaceVk : public SurfaceImpl, public angle::ObserverInterface
angle::Result getAttachmentRenderTarget(const gl::Context *context,
GLenum binding,
const gl::ImageIndex &imageIndex,
GLsizei samples,
FramebufferAttachmentRenderTarget **rtOut) override;
SurfaceVk(const egl::SurfaceState &surfaceState);
~SurfaceVk() override;
// We monitor the staging buffer for changes. This handles staged data from outside this class.
void onSubjectStateChange(angle::SubjectIndex index, angle::SubjectMessage message) override;
RenderTargetVk mColorRenderTarget;
RenderTargetVk mDepthStencilRenderTarget;
class OffscreenSurfaceVk : public SurfaceVk
OffscreenSurfaceVk(const egl::SurfaceState &surfaceState, RendererVk *renderer);
~OffscreenSurfaceVk() override;
egl::Error initialize(const egl::Display *display) override;
void destroy(const egl::Display *display) override;
FramebufferImpl *createDefaultFramebuffer(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::FramebufferState &state) override;
egl::Error swap(const gl::Context *context) override;
egl::Error postSubBuffer(const gl::Context *context,
EGLint x,
EGLint y,
EGLint width,
EGLint height) override;
egl::Error querySurfacePointerANGLE(EGLint attribute, void **value) override;
egl::Error bindTexImage(const gl::Context *context,
gl::Texture *texture,
EGLint buffer) override;
egl::Error releaseTexImage(const gl::Context *context, EGLint buffer) override;
egl::Error getSyncValues(EGLuint64KHR *ust, EGLuint64KHR *msc, EGLuint64KHR *sbc) override;
egl::Error getMscRate(EGLint *numerator, EGLint *denominator) override;
void setSwapInterval(EGLint interval) override;
// width and height can change with client window resizing
EGLint getWidth() const override;
EGLint getHeight() const override;
EGLint isPostSubBufferSupported() const override;
EGLint getSwapBehavior() const override;
angle::Result initializeContents(const gl::Context *context,
GLenum binding,
const gl::ImageIndex &imageIndex) override;
vk::ImageHelper *getColorAttachmentImage();
egl::Error lockSurface(const egl::Display *display,
EGLint usageHint,
bool preservePixels,
uint8_t **bufferPtrOut,
EGLint *bufferPitchOut) override;
egl::Error unlockSurface(const egl::Display *display, bool preservePixels) override;
EGLint origin() const override;
struct AttachmentImage final : angle::NonCopyable
AttachmentImage(SurfaceVk *surfaceVk);
angle::Result initialize(DisplayVk *displayVk,
EGLint width,
EGLint height,
const vk::Format &vkFormat,
GLint samples,
bool isRobustResourceInitEnabled,
bool hasProtectedContent);
void destroy(const egl::Display *display);
vk::ImageHelper image;
vk::ImageViewHelper imageViews;
angle::ObserverBinding imageObserverBinding;
virtual angle::Result initializeImpl(DisplayVk *displayVk);
EGLint mWidth;
EGLint mHeight;
AttachmentImage mColorAttachment;
AttachmentImage mDepthStencilAttachment;
// EGL_KHR_lock_surface3
vk::BufferHelper mLockBufferHelper;
// Data structures used in WindowSurfaceVk
namespace impl
static constexpr size_t kSwapHistorySize = 2;
// Old swapchain and associated present semaphores that need to be scheduled for destruction when
// appropriate.
struct SwapchainCleanupData : angle::NonCopyable
SwapchainCleanupData(SwapchainCleanupData &&other);
void destroy(VkDevice device, vk::Recycler<vk::Semaphore> *semaphoreRecycler);
// The swapchain to be destroyed.
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
// Any present semaphores that were pending destruction at the time the swapchain was
// recreated will be scheduled for destruction at the same time as the swapchain.
std::vector<vk::Semaphore> semaphores;
// A circular buffer per image stores the semaphores used for presenting that image. Taking the
// swap history into account, only the oldest semaphore is guaranteed to be no longer in use by the
// presentation engine. See doc/ for details.
// Old swapchains are scheduled to be destroyed at the same time as the first semaphore used to
// present an image of the new swapchain. This is to ensure that the presentation engine is no
// longer presenting an image from the old swapchain.
struct ImagePresentHistory : angle::NonCopyable
ImagePresentHistory(ImagePresentHistory &&other);
ImagePresentHistory &operator=(ImagePresentHistory &&other);
vk::Semaphore semaphore;
std::vector<SwapchainCleanupData> oldSwapchains;
// Swapchain images and their associated objects.
struct SwapchainImage : angle::NonCopyable
SwapchainImage(SwapchainImage &&other);
vk::ImageHelper image;
vk::ImageViewHelper imageViews;
vk::Framebuffer framebuffer;
vk::Framebuffer fetchFramebuffer;
vk::Framebuffer framebufferResolveMS;
// A circular array of semaphores used for presenting this image.
static constexpr size_t kPresentHistorySize = kSwapHistorySize + 1;
angle::CircularBuffer<ImagePresentHistory, kPresentHistorySize> presentHistory;
uint64_t mFrameNumber = 0;
} // namespace impl
enum class FramebufferFetchMode
enum class SwapchainResolveMode
class WindowSurfaceVk : public SurfaceVk
WindowSurfaceVk(const egl::SurfaceState &surfaceState, EGLNativeWindowType window);
~WindowSurfaceVk() override;
void destroy(const egl::Display *display) override;
egl::Error initialize(const egl::Display *display) override;
angle::Result getAttachmentRenderTarget(const gl::Context *context,
GLenum binding,
const gl::ImageIndex &imageIndex,
GLsizei samples,
FramebufferAttachmentRenderTarget **rtOut) override;
FramebufferImpl *createDefaultFramebuffer(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::FramebufferState &state) override;
egl::Error prepareSwap(const gl::Context *context) override;
egl::Error swap(const gl::Context *context) override;
egl::Error swapWithDamage(const gl::Context *context,
const EGLint *rects,
EGLint n_rects) override;
egl::Error postSubBuffer(const gl::Context *context,
EGLint x,
EGLint y,
EGLint width,
EGLint height) override;
egl::Error querySurfacePointerANGLE(EGLint attribute, void **value) override;
egl::Error bindTexImage(const gl::Context *context,
gl::Texture *texture,
EGLint buffer) override;
egl::Error releaseTexImage(const gl::Context *context, EGLint buffer) override;
egl::Error getSyncValues(EGLuint64KHR *ust, EGLuint64KHR *msc, EGLuint64KHR *sbc) override;
egl::Error getMscRate(EGLint *numerator, EGLint *denominator) override;
void setSwapInterval(EGLint interval) override;
// width and height can change with client window resizing
EGLint getWidth() const override;
EGLint getHeight() const override;
EGLint getRotatedWidth() const;
EGLint getRotatedHeight() const;
// Note: windows cannot be resized on Android. The approach requires
// calling vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR. However, that is
// expensive; and there are troublesome timing issues for other parts of
// ANGLE (which cause test failures and crashes). Therefore, a
// special-Android-only path is created just for the querying of EGL_WIDTH
// and EGL_HEIGHT.
egl::Error getUserWidth(const egl::Display *display, EGLint *value) const override;
egl::Error getUserHeight(const egl::Display *display, EGLint *value) const override;
angle::Result getUserExtentsImpl(DisplayVk *displayVk,
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR *surfaceCaps) const;
EGLint isPostSubBufferSupported() const override;
EGLint getSwapBehavior() const override;
angle::Result initializeContents(const gl::Context *context,
GLenum binding,
const gl::ImageIndex &imageIndex) override;
vk::Framebuffer &chooseFramebuffer(const SwapchainResolveMode swapchainResolveMode);
angle::Result getCurrentFramebuffer(ContextVk *context,
FramebufferFetchMode fetchMode,
const vk::RenderPass &compatibleRenderPass,
const SwapchainResolveMode swapchainResolveMode,
vk::Framebuffer **framebufferOut);
const vk::Semaphore *getAndResetAcquireImageSemaphore();
VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR getPreTransform() const
return mEmulatedPreTransform;
return mPreTransform;
egl::Error getBufferAge(const gl::Context *context, EGLint *age) override;
egl::Error setRenderBuffer(EGLint renderBuffer) override;
bool isSharedPresentMode() const
return (mSwapchainPresentMode == vk::PresentMode::SharedDemandRefreshKHR);
egl::Error lockSurface(const egl::Display *display,
EGLint usageHint,
bool preservePixels,
uint8_t **bufferPtrOut,
EGLint *bufferPitchOut) override;
egl::Error unlockSurface(const egl::Display *display, bool preservePixels) override;
EGLint origin() const override;
angle::Result onSharedPresentContextFlush(const gl::Context *context);
angle::Result prepareSwapImpl(const gl::Context *context);
angle::Result swapImpl(const gl::Context *context,
const EGLint *rects,
EGLint n_rects,
const void *pNextChain);
EGLNativeWindowType mNativeWindowType;
VkSurfaceKHR mSurface;
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR mSurfaceCaps;
VkBool32 mSupportsProtectedSwapchain;
virtual angle::Result createSurfaceVk(vk::Context *context, gl::Extents *extentsOut) = 0;
virtual angle::Result getCurrentWindowSize(vk::Context *context, gl::Extents *extentsOut) = 0;
angle::Result initializeImpl(DisplayVk *displayVk);
angle::Result recreateSwapchain(ContextVk *contextVk, const gl::Extents &extents);
angle::Result createSwapChain(vk::Context *context,
const gl::Extents &extents,
VkSwapchainKHR oldSwapchain);
angle::Result queryAndAdjustSurfaceCaps(ContextVk *contextVk,
VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR *surfaceCaps);
angle::Result checkForOutOfDateSwapchain(ContextVk *contextVk, bool presentOutOfDate);
angle::Result resizeSwapchainImages(vk::Context *context, uint32_t imageCount);
void releaseSwapchainImages(ContextVk *contextVk);
void destroySwapChainImages(DisplayVk *displayVk);
// This method calls vkAcquireNextImageKHR() to acquire the next swapchain image. It is called
// when the swapchain is initially created and when present() finds the swapchain out of date.
// Otherwise, it is scheduled to be called later by deferAcquireNextImage().
VkResult acquireNextSwapchainImage(vk::Context *context);
// This method is called when a swapchain image is presented. It schedules
// acquireNextSwapchainImage() to be called later.
void deferAcquireNextImage(const gl::Context *context);
// Called when a swapchain image whose acquisition was deferred must be acquired. This method
// will recreate the swapchain (if needed) and call the acquireNextSwapchainImage() method.
angle::Result doDeferredAcquireNextImage(const gl::Context *context, bool presentOutOfDate);
angle::Result computePresentOutOfDate(vk::Context *context,
VkResult result,
bool *presentOutOfDate);
angle::Result present(ContextVk *contextVk,
const EGLint *rects,
EGLint n_rects,
const void *pNextChain,
bool *presentOutOfDate);
void updateOverlay(ContextVk *contextVk) const;
bool overlayHasEnabledWidget(ContextVk *contextVk) const;
angle::Result drawOverlay(ContextVk *contextVk, impl::SwapchainImage *image) const;
angle::Result newPresentSemaphore(vk::Context *context, vk::Semaphore *semaphoreOut);
bool isMultiSampled() const;
bool supportsPresentMode(vk::PresentMode presentMode) const;
std::vector<vk::PresentMode> mPresentModes;
VkSwapchainKHR mSwapchain;
// Cached information used to recreate swapchains.
vk::PresentMode mSwapchainPresentMode; // Current swapchain mode
vk::PresentMode mDesiredSwapchainPresentMode; // Desired mode set through setSwapInterval()
uint32_t mMinImageCount;
VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR mPreTransform;
VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR mEmulatedPreTransform;
VkCompositeAlphaFlagBitsKHR mCompositeAlpha;
// A circular buffer that stores the serial of the submission fence of the context on every
// swap. The CPU is throttled by waiting for the 2nd previous serial to finish.
angle::CircularBuffer<Serial, impl::kSwapHistorySize> mSwapHistory;
// The previous swapchain which needs to be scheduled for destruction when appropriate. This
// will be done when the first image of the current swapchain is presented. If there were
// older swapchains pending destruction when the swapchain is recreated, they will accumulate
// and be destroyed with the previous swapchain.
// Note that if the user resizes the window such that the swapchain is recreated every frame,
// this array can go grow indefinitely.
std::vector<impl::SwapchainCleanupData> mOldSwapchains;
std::vector<impl::SwapchainImage> mSwapchainImages;
std::vector<angle::ObserverBinding> mSwapchainImageBindings;
uint32_t mCurrentSwapchainImageIndex;
// Given that the CPU is throttled after a number of swaps, there is an upper bound to the
// number of semaphores that are used to acquire swapchain images, and that is
// kSwapHistorySize+1:
// Unrelated submission in Submission as part of
// the middle of frame buffer swap
// | |
// V V
// Frame i: ... ANI ... QS (fence Fa) ... Wait(..) QS (Fence Fb) QP
// Frame i+1: ... ANI ... QS (fence Fc) ... Wait(..) QS (Fence Fd) QP
// Frame i+2: ... ANI ... QS (fence Fe) ... Wait(Fb) QS (Fence Ff) QP
// ^
// |
// CPU throttling
// In frame i+2 (2 is kSwapHistorySize), ANGLE waits on fence Fb which means that the semaphore
// used for Frame i's ANI can be reused (because Fb-is-signalled implies Fa-is-signalled).
// Before this wait, there were three acquire semaphores in use corresponding to frames i, i+1
// and i+2. Frame i+3 can reuse the semaphore of frame i.
angle::CircularBuffer<vk::Semaphore, impl::kSwapHistorySize + 1> mAcquireImageSemaphores;
// A pointer to mAcquireImageSemaphores. This is set when an image is acquired and is waited on
// by the next submission (which uses this image), at which point it is reset so future
// submissions don't wait on it until the next acquire.
const vk::Semaphore *mAcquireImageSemaphore;
// There is no direct signal from Vulkan regarding when a Present semaphore can be be reused.
// During window resizing when swapchains are recreated every frame, the number of in-flight
// present semaphores can grow indefinitely. See doc/
vk::Recycler<vk::Semaphore> mPresentSemaphoreRecycler;
// Depth/stencil image. Possibly multisampled.
vk::ImageHelper mDepthStencilImage;
vk::ImageViewHelper mDepthStencilImageViews;
angle::ObserverBinding mDepthStencilImageBinding;
// Multisample color image, view and framebuffer, if multisampling enabled.
vk::ImageHelper mColorImageMS;
vk::ImageViewHelper mColorImageMSViews;
angle::ObserverBinding mColorImageMSBinding;
vk::Framebuffer mFramebufferMS;
// True when acquiring the next image is deferred.
bool mNeedToAcquireNextSwapchainImage;
// EGL_EXT_buffer_age: Track frame count.
uint64_t mFrameCount;
// EGL_KHR_lock_surface3
vk::BufferHelper mLockBufferHelper;
// EGL_KHR_partial_update
uint64_t mBufferAgeQueryFrameNumber;
// GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch
FramebufferFetchMode mFramebufferFetchMode = FramebufferFetchMode::Disabled;
} // namespace rx