blob: 158d723fa93dd8226741e83ea9468f282ba492f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// BufferVk.cpp:
// Implements the class methods for BufferVk.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/BufferVk.h"
#include "common/FixedVector.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/mathutil.h"
#include "common/utilities.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/ContextVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/RendererVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/trace.h"
namespace rx
VkBufferUsageFlags GetDefaultBufferUsageFlags(RendererVk *renderer)
// We could potentially use multiple backing buffers for different usages.
// For now keep a single buffer with all relevant usage flags.
VkBufferUsageFlags defaultBufferUsageFlags =
if (renderer->getFeatures().supportsTransformFeedbackExtension.enabled)
return defaultBufferUsageFlags;
constexpr VkMemoryPropertyFlags kDeviceLocalFlags = VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT;
constexpr VkMemoryPropertyFlags kDeviceLocalHostCoherentFlags =
constexpr VkMemoryPropertyFlags kHostCachedFlags =
constexpr VkMemoryPropertyFlags kHostUncachedFlags =
// Vertex attribute buffers are used as storage buffers for conversion in compute, where access to
// the buffer is made in 4-byte chunks. Assume the size of the buffer is 4k+n where n is in [0, 3).
// On some hardware, reading 4 bytes from address 4k returns 0, making it impossible to read the
// last n bytes. By rounding up the buffer sizes to a multiple of 4, the problem is alleviated.
constexpr size_t kBufferSizeGranularity = 4;
static_assert(gl::isPow2(kBufferSizeGranularity), "use as alignment, must be power of two");
// Start with a fairly small buffer size. We can increase this dynamically as we convert more data.
constexpr size_t kConvertedArrayBufferInitialSize = 1024 * 8;
// Buffers that have a static usage pattern will be allocated in
// device local memory to speed up access to and from the GPU.
// Dynamic usage patterns or that are frequently mapped
// will now request host cached memory to speed up access from the CPU.
ANGLE_INLINE VkMemoryPropertyFlags GetPreferredMemoryType(RendererVk *renderer,
gl::BufferBinding target,
gl::BufferUsage usage)
if (target == gl::BufferBinding::PixelUnpack)
return kHostCachedFlags;
switch (usage)
case gl::BufferUsage::StaticCopy:
case gl::BufferUsage::StaticDraw:
case gl::BufferUsage::StaticRead:
// For static usage, request a device local memory
return renderer->getFeatures().preferDeviceLocalMemoryHostVisible.enabled
? kDeviceLocalHostCoherentFlags
: kDeviceLocalFlags;
case gl::BufferUsage::DynamicDraw:
case gl::BufferUsage::StreamDraw:
// For non-static usage where the CPU performs a write-only access, request
// a host uncached memory
return kHostUncachedFlags;
case gl::BufferUsage::DynamicCopy:
case gl::BufferUsage::DynamicRead:
case gl::BufferUsage::StreamCopy:
case gl::BufferUsage::StreamRead:
// For all other types of usage, request a host cached memory
return kHostCachedFlags;
return kHostCachedFlags;
ANGLE_INLINE VkMemoryPropertyFlags GetStorageMemoryType(RendererVk *renderer,
GLbitfield storageFlags,
bool externalBuffer)
const bool hasMapAccess =
if (renderer->getFeatures().preferDeviceLocalMemoryHostVisible.enabled)
const bool canUpdate = (storageFlags & GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT_EXT) != 0;
if (canUpdate || hasMapAccess || externalBuffer)
// We currently allocate coherent memory for persistently mapped buffers.
// GL_EXT_buffer_storage allows non-coherent memory, but currently the implementation of
// |glMemoryBarrier(CLIENT_MAPPED_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT_EXT)| relies on the mapping being
// coherent.
// If persistently mapped buffers ever use non-coherent memory, then said
// |glMemoryBarrier| call must result in |vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges| for all
// persistently mapped buffers.
return kDeviceLocalHostCoherentFlags;
return kDeviceLocalFlags;
return hasMapAccess ? kHostCachedFlags : kDeviceLocalFlags;
ANGLE_INLINE bool ShouldAllocateNewMemoryForUpdate(ContextVk *contextVk,
size_t subDataSize,
size_t bufferSize)
// A sub data update with size > 50% of buffer size meets the threshold
// to acquire a new BufferHelper from the pool.
return contextVk->getRenderer()->getFeatures().preferCPUForBufferSubData.enabled ||
subDataSize > (bufferSize / 2);
ANGLE_INLINE bool ShouldUseCPUToCopyData(ContextVk *contextVk, size_t copySize, size_t bufferSize)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
// For some GPU (ARM) we always prefer using CPU to do copy instead of use GPU to avoid pipeline
// bubbles. If GPU is currently busy and data copy size is less than certain threshold, we
// choose to use CPU to do data copy over GPU to achieve better parallelism.
return renderer->getFeatures().preferCPUForBufferSubData.enabled ||
(renderer->isCommandQueueBusy() &&
copySize < renderer->getMaxCopyBytesUsingCPUWhenPreservingBufferData());
ANGLE_INLINE bool IsUsageDynamic(gl::BufferUsage usage)
return (usage == gl::BufferUsage::DynamicDraw || usage == gl::BufferUsage::DynamicCopy ||
usage == gl::BufferUsage::DynamicRead);
angle::Result GetMemoryTypeIndex(ContextVk *contextVk,
VkDeviceSize size,
VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryPropertyFlags,
uint32_t *memoryTypeIndexOut)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
const vk::Allocator &allocator = renderer->getAllocator();
bool persistentlyMapped = renderer->getFeatures().persistentlyMappedBuffers.enabled;
VkBufferUsageFlags defaultBufferUsageFlags = GetDefaultBufferUsageFlags(renderer);
VkBufferCreateInfo createInfo = {};
createInfo.flags = 0;
createInfo.size = size;
createInfo.usage = defaultBufferUsageFlags;
createInfo.sharingMode = VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE;
createInfo.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
createInfo.pQueueFamilyIndices = nullptr;
// Host visible is required, all other bits are preferred, (i.e., optional)
VkMemoryPropertyFlags requiredFlags =
VkMemoryPropertyFlags preferredFlags =
// Check that the allocation is not too large.
uint32_t memoryTypeIndex = 0;
ANGLE_VK_TRY(contextVk, allocator.findMemoryTypeIndexForBufferInfo(
createInfo, requiredFlags, preferredFlags, persistentlyMapped,
*memoryTypeIndexOut = memoryTypeIndex;
return angle::Result::Continue;
} // namespace
// ConversionBuffer implementation.
ConversionBuffer::ConversionBuffer(RendererVk *renderer,
VkBufferUsageFlags usageFlags,
size_t initialSize,
size_t alignment,
bool hostVisible)
: dirty(true)
data = std::make_unique<vk::BufferHelper>();
ASSERT(!data || !data->valid());
ConversionBuffer::ConversionBuffer(ConversionBuffer &&other) = default;
// BufferVk::VertexConversionBuffer implementation.
BufferVk::VertexConversionBuffer::VertexConversionBuffer(RendererVk *renderer,
angle::FormatID formatIDIn,
GLuint strideIn,
size_t offsetIn,
bool hostVisible)
: ConversionBuffer(renderer,
BufferVk::VertexConversionBuffer::VertexConversionBuffer(VertexConversionBuffer &&other) = default;
BufferVk::VertexConversionBuffer::~VertexConversionBuffer() = default;
// BufferVk implementation.
BufferVk::BufferVk(const gl::BufferState &state)
: BufferImpl(state),
BufferVk::~BufferVk() {}
void BufferVk::destroy(const gl::Context *context)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
void BufferVk::release(ContextVk *contextVk)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
if (mBuffer.valid())
if (mStagingBuffer.valid())
for (ConversionBuffer &buffer : mVertexConversionBuffers)
angle::Result BufferVk::setExternalBufferData(const gl::Context *context,
gl::BufferBinding target,
GLeglClientBufferEXT clientBuffer,
size_t size,
VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryPropertyFlags)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
// Release and re-create the memory and buffer.
VkBufferCreateInfo createInfo = {};
createInfo.flags = 0;
createInfo.size = size;
createInfo.usage = GetDefaultBufferUsageFlags(contextVk->getRenderer());
createInfo.sharingMode = VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE;
createInfo.queueFamilyIndexCount = 0;
createInfo.pQueueFamilyIndices = nullptr;
return mBuffer.initExternal(contextVk, memoryPropertyFlags, createInfo, clientBuffer);
angle::Result BufferVk::setDataWithUsageFlags(const gl::Context *context,
gl::BufferBinding target,
GLeglClientBufferEXT clientBuffer,
const void *data,
size_t size,
gl::BufferUsage usage,
GLbitfield flags)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryPropertyFlags = 0;
bool persistentMapRequired = false;
const bool isExternalBuffer = clientBuffer != nullptr;
switch (usage)
case gl::BufferUsage::InvalidEnum:
// glBufferStorage API call
memoryPropertyFlags =
GetStorageMemoryType(contextVk->getRenderer(), flags, isExternalBuffer);
persistentMapRequired = (flags & GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT_EXT) != 0;
// glBufferData API call
memoryPropertyFlags = GetPreferredMemoryType(contextVk->getRenderer(), target, usage);
if (isExternalBuffer)
ANGLE_TRY(setExternalBufferData(context, target, clientBuffer, size, memoryPropertyFlags));
if (!mBuffer.isHostVisible())
// If external buffer's memory does not support host visible memory property, we cannot
// support a persistent map request.
ANGLE_VK_CHECK(contextVk, !persistentMapRequired, VK_ERROR_MEMORY_MAP_FAILED);
mClientBuffer = clientBuffer;
return angle::Result::Continue;
return setDataWithMemoryType(context, target, data, size, memoryPropertyFlags,
persistentMapRequired, usage);
angle::Result BufferVk::setData(const gl::Context *context,
gl::BufferBinding target,
const void *data,
size_t size,
gl::BufferUsage usage)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
// Assume host visible/coherent memory available.
VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryPropertyFlags =
GetPreferredMemoryType(contextVk->getRenderer(), target, usage);
return setDataWithMemoryType(context, target, data, size, memoryPropertyFlags, false, usage);
angle::Result BufferVk::setDataWithMemoryType(const gl::Context *context,
gl::BufferBinding target,
const void *data,
size_t size,
VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryPropertyFlags,
bool persistentMapRequired,
gl::BufferUsage usage)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
// Reset the flag since the buffer contents are being reinitialized. If the caller passed in
// data to fill the buffer, the flag will be updated when the data is copied to the buffer.
mHasValidData = false;
if (size == 0)
// Nothing to do.
return angle::Result::Continue;
const bool bufferSizeChanged = size != static_cast<size_t>(mState.getSize());
const bool inUseAndRespecifiedWithoutData = (data == nullptr && isCurrentlyInUse(contextVk));
// The entire buffer is being respecified, possibly with null data.
// Release and init a new mBuffer with requested size.
if (bufferSizeChanged || inUseAndRespecifiedWithoutData)
// Release and re-create the memory and buffer.
mMemoryPropertyFlags = memoryPropertyFlags;
ANGLE_TRY(GetMemoryTypeIndex(contextVk, size, memoryPropertyFlags, &mMemoryTypeIndex));
ANGLE_TRY(acquireBufferHelper(contextVk, size));
if (data)
// Treat full-buffer updates as SubData calls.
BufferUpdateType updateType = bufferSizeChanged ? BufferUpdateType::StorageRedefined
: BufferUpdateType::ContentsUpdate;
ANGLE_TRY(setDataImpl(contextVk, static_cast<const uint8_t *>(data), size, 0, updateType));
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::setSubData(const gl::Context *context,
gl::BufferBinding target,
const void *data,
size_t size,
size_t offset)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
ANGLE_TRY(setDataImpl(contextVk, static_cast<const uint8_t *>(data), size, offset,
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::copySubData(const gl::Context *context,
BufferImpl *source,
GLintptr sourceOffset,
GLintptr destOffset,
GLsizeiptr size)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
BufferVk *sourceVk = GetAs<BufferVk>(source);
vk::BufferHelper &sourceBuffer = sourceVk->getBuffer();
VkDeviceSize sourceBufferOffset = sourceBuffer.getOffset();
// Check for self-dependency.
vk::CommandBufferAccess access;
if (sourceBuffer.getBufferSerial() == mBuffer.getBufferSerial())
vk::OutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer *commandBuffer;
ANGLE_TRY(contextVk->getOutsideRenderPassCommandBuffer(access, &commandBuffer));
// Enqueue a copy command on the GPU.
const VkBufferCopy copyRegion = {static_cast<VkDeviceSize>(sourceOffset) + sourceBufferOffset,
static_cast<VkDeviceSize>(destOffset) + mBuffer.getOffset(),
commandBuffer->copyBuffer(sourceBuffer.getBuffer(), mBuffer.getBuffer(), 1, &copyRegion);
// The new destination buffer data may require a conversion for the next draw, so mark it dirty.
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::allocStagingBuffer(ContextVk *contextVk,
vk::MemoryCoherency coherency,
VkDeviceSize size,
uint8_t **mapPtr)
if (mStagingBuffer.valid())
if (size <= mStagingBuffer.getSize() &&
(coherency == vk::MemoryCoherency::Coherent) == mStagingBuffer.isCoherent() &&
// If size is big enough and it is idle, then just reuse the existing staging buffer
*mapPtr = mStagingBuffer.getMappedMemory();
mIsStagingBufferMapped = true;
return angle::Result::Continue;
mStagingBuffer.allocateForCopyBuffer(contextVk, static_cast<size_t>(size), coherency));
*mapPtr = mStagingBuffer.getMappedMemory();
mIsStagingBufferMapped = true;
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::flushStagingBuffer(ContextVk *contextVk,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize size)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
if (!mStagingBuffer.isCoherent())
// Enqueue a copy command on the GPU.
VkBufferCopy copyRegion = {mStagingBuffer.getOffset(), mBuffer.getOffset() + offset, size};
ANGLE_TRY(mBuffer.copyFromBuffer(contextVk, &mStagingBuffer, 1, &copyRegion));
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::handleDeviceLocalBufferMap(ContextVk *contextVk,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize size,
uint8_t **mapPtr)
ANGLE_TRY(allocStagingBuffer(contextVk, vk::MemoryCoherency::Coherent, size, mapPtr));
// Copy data from device local buffer to host visible staging buffer.
VkBufferCopy copyRegion = {mBuffer.getOffset() + offset, mStagingBuffer.getOffset(), size};
ANGLE_TRY(mStagingBuffer.copyFromBuffer(contextVk, &mBuffer, 1, &copyRegion));
ANGLE_TRY(mStagingBuffer.waitForIdle(contextVk, "GPU stall due to mapping device local buffer",
// Because the buffer is coherent, no need to call invalidate here.
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::map(const gl::Context *context, GLenum access, void **mapPtr)
return mapImpl(vk::GetImpl(context), GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, mapPtr);
angle::Result BufferVk::mapRange(const gl::Context *context,
size_t offset,
size_t length,
GLbitfield access,
void **mapPtr)
ANGLE_TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "BufferVk::mapRange");
return mapRangeImpl(vk::GetImpl(context), offset, length, access, mapPtr);
angle::Result BufferVk::mapImpl(ContextVk *contextVk, GLbitfield access, void **mapPtr)
return mapRangeImpl(contextVk, 0, static_cast<VkDeviceSize>(mState.getSize()), access, mapPtr);
angle::Result BufferVk::ghostMappedBuffer(ContextVk *contextVk,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize length,
GLbitfield access,
void **mapPtr)
// We shouldn't get here if it is external memory
// If we are creating a new buffer because the GPU is using it as read-only, then we
// also need to copy the contents of the previous buffer into the new buffer, in
// case the caller only updates a portion of the new buffer.
vk::BufferHelper src = std::move(mBuffer);
ANGLE_TRY(acquireBufferHelper(contextVk, static_cast<size_t>(mState.getSize())));
// Before returning the new buffer, map the previous buffer and copy its entire
// contents into the new buffer.
uint8_t *srcMapPtr = nullptr;
uint8_t *dstMapPtr = nullptr;
ANGLE_TRY(, &srcMapPtr));
ANGLE_TRY(, &dstMapPtr));
// No need to copy over [offset, offset + length), just around it
if ((access & GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT) != 0)
if (offset != 0)
memcpy(dstMapPtr, srcMapPtr, static_cast<size_t>(offset));
size_t totalSize = static_cast<size_t>(mState.getSize());
size_t remainingStart = static_cast<size_t>(offset + length);
size_t remainingSize = totalSize - remainingStart;
if (remainingSize != 0)
memcpy(dstMapPtr + remainingStart, srcMapPtr + remainingStart, remainingSize);
memcpy(dstMapPtr, srcMapPtr, static_cast<size_t>(mState.getSize()));
// Return the already mapped pointer with the offset adjustment to avoid the call to unmap().
*mapPtr = dstMapPtr + offset;
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::mapRangeImpl(ContextVk *contextVk,
VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize length,
GLbitfield access,
void **mapPtr)
// Record map call parameters in case this call is from angle internal (the access/offset/length
// will be inconsistent from mState).
mIsMappedForWrite = (access & GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT) != 0;
mMappedOffset = offset;
mMappedLength = length;
uint8_t **mapPtrBytes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t **>(mapPtr);
bool hostVisible = mBuffer.isHostVisible();
// MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT, so immediately map.
if ((access & GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT) != 0)
if (hostVisible)
return mBuffer.mapWithOffset(contextVk, mapPtrBytes, static_cast<size_t>(offset));
return handleDeviceLocalBufferMap(contextVk, offset, length, mapPtrBytes);
// Read case
if ((access & GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT) == 0)
// If app is not going to write, all we need is to ensure GPU write is finished.
// Concurrent reads from CPU and GPU is allowed.
if (mBuffer.isCurrentlyInUseForWrite(contextVk->getLastCompletedQueueSerial()))
// If there are pending commands for the resource, flush them.
if (mBuffer.usedInRecordedCommands())
contextVk->flushImpl(nullptr, RenderPassClosureReason::BufferWriteThenMap));
if (hostVisible)
return mBuffer.mapWithOffset(contextVk, mapPtrBytes, static_cast<size_t>(offset));
return handleDeviceLocalBufferMap(contextVk, offset, length, mapPtrBytes);
// Write case
if (!hostVisible)
return handleDeviceLocalBufferMap(contextVk, offset, length, mapPtrBytes);
// Write case, buffer not in use.
if (isExternalBuffer() || !isCurrentlyInUse(contextVk))
return mBuffer.mapWithOffset(contextVk, mapPtrBytes, static_cast<size_t>(offset));
// Write case, buffer in use.
// Here, we try to map the buffer, but it's busy. Instead of waiting for the GPU to
// finish, we just allocate a new buffer if:
// 1.) Caller has told us it doesn't care about previous contents, or
// 2.) The GPU won't write to the buffer.
bool rangeInvalidate = (access & GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT) != 0;
bool entireBufferInvalidated =
((access & GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT) != 0) ||
(rangeInvalidate && offset == 0 && static_cast<VkDeviceSize>(mState.getSize()) == length);
if (entireBufferInvalidated)
ANGLE_TRY(acquireBufferHelper(contextVk, static_cast<size_t>(mState.getSize())));
return mBuffer.mapWithOffset(contextVk, mapPtrBytes, static_cast<size_t>(offset));
bool smallMapRange = (length < static_cast<VkDeviceSize>(mState.getSize()) / 2);
if (smallMapRange && rangeInvalidate)
ANGLE_TRY(allocStagingBuffer(contextVk, vk::MemoryCoherency::NonCoherent,
static_cast<size_t>(length), mapPtrBytes));
return angle::Result::Continue;
if (!mBuffer.isCurrentlyInUseForWrite(contextVk->getLastCompletedQueueSerial()))
// This will keep the new buffer mapped and update mapPtr, so return immediately.
return ghostMappedBuffer(contextVk, offset, length, access, mapPtr);
// Write case (worst case, buffer in use for write)
ANGLE_TRY(mBuffer.waitForIdle(contextVk, "GPU stall due to mapping buffer in use by the GPU",
return mBuffer.mapWithOffset(contextVk, mapPtrBytes, static_cast<size_t>(offset));
angle::Result BufferVk::unmap(const gl::Context *context, GLboolean *result)
// This should be false if the contents have been corrupted through external means. Vulkan
// doesn't provide such information.
*result = true;
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::unmapImpl(ContextVk *contextVk)
if (mIsStagingBufferMapped)
// The buffer is device local or optimization of small range map.
if (mIsMappedForWrite)
ANGLE_TRY(flushStagingBuffer(contextVk, mMappedOffset, mMappedLength));
mIsStagingBufferMapped = false;
if (mIsMappedForWrite)
// Reset the mapping parameters
mIsMappedForWrite = false;
mMappedOffset = 0;
mMappedLength = 0;
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::getSubData(const gl::Context *context,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size,
void *outData)
ASSERT(offset + size <= getSize());
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
void *mapPtr;
ANGLE_TRY(mapRangeImpl(contextVk, offset, size, GL_MAP_READ_BIT, &mapPtr));
memcpy(outData, mapPtr, size);
return unmapImpl(contextVk);
angle::Result BufferVk::getIndexRange(const gl::Context *context,
gl::DrawElementsType type,
size_t offset,
size_t count,
bool primitiveRestartEnabled,
gl::IndexRange *outRange)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
// This is a workaround for the mock ICD not implementing buffer memory state.
// Could be removed if is fixed.
if (renderer->isMockICDEnabled())
outRange->start = 0;
outRange->end = 0;
return angle::Result::Continue;
ANGLE_TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "BufferVk::getIndexRange");
void *mapPtr;
ANGLE_TRY(mapRangeImpl(contextVk, offset, getSize(), GL_MAP_READ_BIT, &mapPtr));
*outRange = gl::ComputeIndexRange(type, mapPtr, count, primitiveRestartEnabled);
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::updateBuffer(ContextVk *contextVk,
const uint8_t *data,
size_t size,
size_t offset)
if (mBuffer.isHostVisible())
ANGLE_TRY(directUpdate(contextVk, data, size, offset));
ANGLE_TRY(stagedUpdate(contextVk, data, size, offset));
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::directUpdate(ContextVk *contextVk,
const uint8_t *data,
size_t size,
size_t offset)
uint8_t *mapPointer = nullptr;
ANGLE_TRY(mBuffer.mapWithOffset(contextVk, &mapPointer, offset));
memcpy(mapPointer, data, size);
// If the buffer has dynamic usage then the intent is frequent client side updates to the
// buffer. Don't CPU unmap the buffer, we will take care of unmapping when releasing the buffer
// to either the renderer or mBufferFreeList.
if (!IsUsageDynamic(mState.getUsage()))
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::stagedUpdate(ContextVk *contextVk,
const uint8_t *data,
size_t size,
size_t offset)
// Acquire a "new" staging buffer
uint8_t *mapPointer = nullptr;
ANGLE_TRY(allocStagingBuffer(contextVk, vk::MemoryCoherency::NonCoherent, size, &mapPointer));
memcpy(mapPointer, data, size);
ANGLE_TRY(flushStagingBuffer(contextVk, offset, size));
mIsStagingBufferMapped = false;
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::acquireAndUpdate(ContextVk *contextVk,
const uint8_t *data,
size_t updateSize,
size_t offset,
BufferUpdateType updateType)
// We shouldn't get here if this is external memory
// If StorageRedefined, we can not use mState.getSize() to allocate a new buffer.
ASSERT(updateType != BufferUpdateType::StorageRedefined);
// Here we acquire a new BufferHelper and directUpdate() the new buffer.
// If the subData size was less than the buffer's size we additionally enqueue
// a GPU copy of the remaining regions from the old mBuffer to the new one.
vk::BufferHelper src;
size_t bufferSize = static_cast<size_t>(mState.getSize());
size_t offsetAfterSubdata = (offset + updateSize);
bool updateRegionBeforeSubData = mHasValidData && (offset > 0);
bool updateRegionAfterSubData = mHasValidData && (offsetAfterSubdata < bufferSize);
uint8_t *srcMapPtrBeforeSubData = nullptr;
uint8_t *srcMapPtrAfterSubData = nullptr;
if (updateRegionBeforeSubData || updateRegionAfterSubData)
src = std::move(mBuffer);
// The total bytes that we need to copy from old buffer to new buffer
size_t copySize = bufferSize - updateSize;
// If the buffer is host visible and the GPU is done writing to, we use the CPU to do the
// copy. We need to save the source buffer pointer before we acquire a new buffer.
if (src.isHostVisible() &&
!src.isCurrentlyInUseForWrite(contextVk->getLastCompletedQueueSerial()) &&
ShouldUseCPUToCopyData(contextVk, copySize, bufferSize))
uint8_t *mapPointer = nullptr;
// src buffer will be recycled (or released and unmapped) by acquireBufferHelper
ANGLE_TRY(, &mapPointer));
srcMapPtrBeforeSubData = mapPointer;
srcMapPtrAfterSubData = mapPointer + offsetAfterSubdata;
ANGLE_TRY(acquireBufferHelper(contextVk, bufferSize));
ANGLE_TRY(updateBuffer(contextVk, data, updateSize, offset));
constexpr int kMaxCopyRegions = 2;
angle::FixedVector<VkBufferCopy, kMaxCopyRegions> copyRegions;
if (updateRegionBeforeSubData)
if (srcMapPtrBeforeSubData)
ANGLE_TRY(directUpdate(contextVk, srcMapPtrBeforeSubData, offset, 0));
copyRegions.push_back({src.getOffset(), mBuffer.getOffset(), offset});
if (updateRegionAfterSubData)
size_t copySize = bufferSize - offsetAfterSubdata;
if (srcMapPtrAfterSubData)
ANGLE_TRY(directUpdate(contextVk, srcMapPtrAfterSubData, copySize, offsetAfterSubdata));
copyRegions.push_back({src.getOffset() + offsetAfterSubdata,
mBuffer.getOffset() + offsetAfterSubdata, copySize});
if (!copyRegions.empty())
ANGLE_TRY(mBuffer.copyFromBuffer(contextVk, &src, static_cast<uint32_t>(copyRegions.size()),;
if (src.valid())
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result BufferVk::setDataImpl(ContextVk *contextVk,
const uint8_t *data,
size_t size,
size_t offset,
BufferUpdateType updateType)
// if the buffer is currently in use
// if it isn't an external buffer and sub data size meets threshold
// acquire a new BufferHelper from the pool
// else stage the update
// else update the buffer directly
if (isCurrentlyInUse(contextVk))
// If storage has just been redefined, don't go down acquireAndUpdate code path. There is no
// reason you acquire another new buffer right after redefined. And if we do go into
// acquireAndUpdate, you will also run int correctness bug that mState.getSize() has not
// been updated with new size and you will acquire a new buffer with wrong size. This could
// happen if the buffer memory is DEVICE_LOCAL and
// renderer->getFeatures().allocateNonZeroMemory.enabled is true. In this case we will issue
// a copyToBuffer immediately after allocation and isCurrentlyInUse will be true.
// If BufferVk does not have any valid data, which means there is no data needs to be copied
// from old buffer to new buffer when we acquire a new buffer, we also favor
// acquireAndUpdate over stagedUpdate. This could happen when app calls glBufferData with
// same size and we will try to reuse the existing buffer storage.
if (!isExternalBuffer() && updateType != BufferUpdateType::StorageRedefined &&
(!mHasValidData || ShouldAllocateNewMemoryForUpdate(
contextVk, size, static_cast<size_t>(mState.getSize()))))
ANGLE_TRY(acquireAndUpdate(contextVk, data, size, offset, updateType));
ANGLE_TRY(stagedUpdate(contextVk, data, size, offset));
ANGLE_TRY(updateBuffer(contextVk, data, size, offset));
// Update conversions
return angle::Result::Continue;
ConversionBuffer *BufferVk::getVertexConversionBuffer(RendererVk *renderer,
angle::FormatID formatID,
GLuint stride,
size_t offset,
bool hostVisible)
for (VertexConversionBuffer &buffer : mVertexConversionBuffers)
if (buffer.formatID == formatID && buffer.stride == stride && buffer.offset == offset)
ASSERT( &&>valid());
return &buffer;
mVertexConversionBuffers.emplace_back(renderer, formatID, stride, offset, hostVisible);
return &mVertexConversionBuffers.back();
void BufferVk::dataUpdated()
for (VertexConversionBuffer &buffer : mVertexConversionBuffers)
buffer.dirty = true;
// Now we have valid data
mHasValidData = true;
void BufferVk::onDataChanged()
angle::Result BufferVk::acquireBufferHelper(ContextVk *contextVk, size_t sizeInBytes)
RendererVk *renderer = contextVk->getRenderer();
size_t size = roundUpPow2(sizeInBytes, kBufferSizeGranularity);
size_t alignment = renderer->getDefaultBufferAlignment();
if (mBuffer.valid())
// Allocate the buffer directly
ANGLE_TRY(mBuffer.initSuballocation(contextVk, mMemoryTypeIndex, size, alignment));
// Tell the observers (front end) that a new buffer was created, so the necessary
// dirty bits can be set. This allows the buffer views pointing to the old buffer to
// be recreated and point to the new buffer, along with updating the descriptor sets
// to use the new buffer.
return angle::Result::Continue;
bool BufferVk::isCurrentlyInUse(ContextVk *contextVk) const
return mBuffer.isCurrentlyInUse(contextVk->getLastCompletedQueueSerial());
} // namespace rx