blob: 844281ba714414b310582aee0ee46b8bba808f32 [file] [log] [blame]
"description": [
"Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.",
"Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be",
"found in the LICENSE file.",
"overlay_widgets.json: Layout of Overlay widgets.",
"Data for every overlay widget 'Widget' is a map with the following keys:",
" - type: one of WidgetType types (with constructor params), such as 'PerSecond' or",
" 'RunningGraph(64)'",
" - color: in [R,G,B,A] format where every value is in [0,255]",
" - coords: in [X,Y] which is the distance from the edges of the window, with negative",
" values representing distance from the right/bottom edge. If a value is given",
" in the form of 'Widget2.<edge>.<mode>', the calculated value for <edge> in",
" Widget2 is used. <edge> is one of:",
" - 'left', 'right': valid for x",
" - 'top', 'bottom': valid for y",
" <mode> is one of:",
" - 'align': the requested value is used",
" - 'adjacent': the value is calculated such that two widgets become adjacent",
" - font: for Text widgets, one of 'large' or 'small'",
" - length: for Text widgets, maximum number of characters for this widget",
" - bar_width: for Graph widgets, size of each graph bar.",
" - height: for Graph widgets, the height of the graph.",
" - match_to: a reference to another widget",
" - text: for Graph widgets, data for the attached Text widget. This is a map with the same",
" Text keys as above except type, which is implicitly Text."
"widgets": [
"name": "FPS",
"comment": "Frames per second (Count/Second).",
"type": "PerSecond",
"color": [127, 191, 255, 255],
"coords": [10, 10],
"font": "large",
"length": 12
"name": "VulkanLastValidationMessage",
"comment": "Last validation error (Text).",
"type": "Text",
"color": [255, 0, 0, 255],
"coords": [10, -10],
"font": "small",
"length": 150
"name": "VulkanValidationMessageCount",
"comment": "Number of validation errors and warnings (Count).",
"type": "Count",
"color": [255, 0, 0, 255],
"coords": [10, ""],
"font": "small",
"length": 25
"name": "VulkanRenderPassCount",
"comment": "Number of RenderPasses in a frame (Count).",
"type": "RunningGraph(60)",
"color": [75, 200, 0, 200],
"coords": [10, 100],
"bar_width": 5,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [75, 200, 0, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanRenderPassCount.left.align", ""],
"font": "small",
"length": 40
"name": "VulkanRenderPassBufferCount",
"comment": "Number of buffers used in RenderPasses (Count).",
"type": "RunningHistogram(100)",
"color": [255, 200, 75, 200],
"coords": [-50, 100],
"bar_width": 6,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [255, 200, 75, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanRenderPassBufferCount.left.align",
"font": "small",
"length": 40
"name": "VulkanSecondaryCommandBufferPoolWaste",
"comment": "Secondary Command Buffer pool memory waste (Bytes).",
"type": "RunningHistogram(50)",
"color": [255, 200, 75, 200],
"coords": [-50, 100],
"bar_width": 6,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [255, 200, 75, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanSecondaryCommandBufferPoolWaste.left.align",
"font": "small",
"length": 40
"name": "VulkanWriteDescriptorSetCount",
"comment": "Number of Descriptor Set writes in a frame (Count).",
"type": "RunningGraph(60)",
"color": [75, 200, 0, 200],
"coords": [10, 220],
"bar_width": 5,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [75, 200, 0, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanWriteDescriptorSetCount.left.align", ""],
"font": "small",
"length": 40
"name": "VulkanDescriptorSetAllocations",
"comment": "Descriptor Set Allocations.",
"type": "RunningGraph(60)",
"color": [255, 0, 75, 200],
"coords": [0, 250],
"bar_width": 6,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [255, 0, 75, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanDescriptorSetAllocations.left.align",
"font": "small",
"length": 40
"name": "VulkanShaderResourceDSHitRate",
"comment": "Shader Resource Descriptor Set Cache Hit Rate.",
"type": "RunningGraph(60)",
"color": [255, 0, 75, 200],
"coords": [-50, 360],
"bar_width": 6,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [255, 0, 75, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanShaderResourceDSHitRate.left.align",
"font": "small",
"length": 40
"name": "VulkanDynamicBufferAllocations",
"comment": "Buffer Allocations Made By vk::DynamicBuffer.",
"type": "RunningGraph(120)",
"color": [0, 200, 75, 200],
"coords": [-50, -50],
"bar_width": 5,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [0, 200, 75, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanDynamicBufferAllocations.right.align",
"font": "small",
"length": 40
"name": "VulkanDescriptorCacheSize",
"comment": "Total size of all descriptor set caches",
"type": "RunningGraph(60)",
"color": [0, 200, 185, 200],
"coords": [0, 450],
"bar_width": 5,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [0, 200, 75, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanDescriptorCacheSize.left.align",
"font": "small",
"length": 90
"name": "VulkanTextureDescriptorCacheSize",
"comment": "Number of cached Texture descriptor sets",
"type": "RunningGraph(60)",
"color": [0, 200, 75, 200],
"coords": [0, 450],
"bar_width": 5,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [0, 200, 75, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanTextureDescriptorCacheSize.left.align",
"font": "small",
"length": 90
"name": "VulkanUniformDescriptorCacheSize",
"comment": "Number of cached default uniform descriptor sets",
"type": "RunningGraph(60)",
"color": [0, 200, 255, 200],
"coords": [0, 450],
"bar_width": 5,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [0, 200, 75, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanUniformDescriptorCacheSize.left.align",
"font": "small",
"length": 90
"name": "VulkanDescriptorCacheKeySize",
"comment": "Total size of all keys in the descriptor set caches",
"type": "Count",
"color": [255, 255, 255, 255],
"coords": [10, 100],
"font": "small",
"length": 30
"name": "VulkanAttemptedSubmissions",
"comment": "Number of times the Vulkan backend attempted to submit commands",
"type": "RunningGraph(60)",
"color": [255, 0, 0, 100],
"coords": [-50, 50],
"bar_width": 5,
"height": 100,
"description": {
"color": [200, 0, 75, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanAttemptedSubmissions.left.align",
"font": "small",
"length": 45
"name": "VulkanActualSubmissions",
"comment": "Number of times the Vulkan backend actually submitted commands",
"type": "RunningGraph(60)",
"color": [0, 255, 0, 200],
"coords": ["VulkanAttemptedSubmissions.left.align",
"bar_width": 5,
"height": 100,
"match_to": "VulkanAttemptedSubmissions",
"description": {
"color": [0, 200, 75, 255],
"coords": ["VulkanActualSubmissions.left.align",
"font": "small",
"length": 45