blob: 6d7b92a962864f471226eee9a6e8c51229e1f6ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// SoftLinking.h: Macros for soft-linking Frameworks and Functions.
#include "common/platform.h"
# include "common/debug.h"
# import <dispatch/dispatch.h>
# import <dlfcn.h>
# import <objc/runtime.h>
# define RELEASE_ASSERT(expression, message) \
(expression \
? static_cast<void>(0) \
: (FATAL() << "\t! Assert failed in " << __FUNCTION__ << " (" << __FILE__ << ":" \
<< __LINE__ << "): " << #expression << "\n\t! Message: " << message))
# ifdef __cplusplus
# define EXTERN_C_BEGIN extern "C" {
# define EXTERN_C_END }
# else
# define EXTERN_C_END
# endif
# define SOFT_LINK_FRAMEWORK_HEADER(framework) extern void *framework##Library();
# define SOFT_LINK_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE(framework) \
void *framework##Library() \
{ \
static dispatch_once_t once = 0; \
static void *frameworkLibrary = NULL; \
dispatch_once(&once, ^{ \
frameworkLibrary = dlopen( \
"/System/Library/Frameworks/" #framework ".framework/" #framework, RTLD_NOW); \
RELEASE_ASSERT(frameworkLibrary, "Unable to load " #framework ".framework"); \
}); \
return frameworkLibrary; \
# define SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_HEADER(framework, functionName, resultType, parameterDeclarations, \
parameterNames) \
resultType functionName parameterDeclarations; \
extern resultType init##framework##functionName parameterDeclarations; \
extern resultType(*softLink##framework##functionName) parameterDeclarations; \
inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) resultType functionName parameterDeclarations \
{ \
return softLink##framework##functionName parameterNames; \
# define SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_SOURCE(framework, functionName, resultType, parameterDeclarations, \
parameterNames) \
resultType(*softLink##framework##functionName) parameterDeclarations = \
init##framework##functionName; \
resultType init##framework##functionName parameterDeclarations \
{ \
static dispatch_once_t once; \
dispatch_once(&once, ^{ \
softLink##framework##functionName = \
(resultType(*) parameterDeclarations)dlsym(framework##Library(), #functionName); \
}); \
return softLink##framework##functionName parameterNames; \
# define SOFT_LINK_CLASS_HEADER(className) \
@class className; \
extern Class (*get##className##Class)(); \
className *alloc##className##Instance(); \
inline className *alloc##className##Instance() { return [get##className##Class() alloc]; }
# define SOFT_LINK_CLASS(framework, className) \
@class className; \
static Class init##className(); \
Class (*get##className##Class)() = init##className; \
static Class class##className; \
static Class className##Function() { return class##className; } \
static Class init##className() \
{ \
static dispatch_once_t once; \
dispatch_once(&once, ^{ \
framework##Library(); \
class##className = objc_getClass(#className); \
RELEASE_ASSERT(class##className, "objc_getClass failed for " #className); \
get##className##Class = className##Function; \
}); \
return class##className; \
} \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-function\"") static className \
*alloc##className##Instance() \
{ \
return [get##className##Class() alloc]; \
} \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")
#endif // defined(ANGLE_PLATFORM_APPLE)