blob: dc38e22016b8e46d447613a67cc64a4ddc07e7bf [file] [log] [blame]
This tests that indexes added to an object store with existing records are populated upon their creation.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
indexedDB = self.indexedDB || self.webkitIndexedDB || self.mozIndexedDB || self.msIndexedDB || self.OIndexedDB;
Initial upgrade needed: Old version - 0 New version - 1
Count is: 18
Cursor at record: A / 1
Cursor at record: A / 2
Cursor at record: B / 3
Cursor at record: B / 4
Cursor at record: C / 5
Cursor at record: C / 6
Cursor at record: D / 7
Cursor at record: D / 8
Cursor at record: E / 9
Cursor at record: E / 10
Cursor at record: F / 11
Cursor at record: F / 12
Cursor at record: G / 13
Cursor at record: G / 14
Cursor at record: H / 15
Cursor at record: H / 16
Cursor at record: I / 17
Cursor at record: I / 18
PASS successfullyParsed is true