blob: 57f73c5f5f0e604b9af60ff04456eb6687dd8660 [file] [log] [blame]
Test the behavior of Object.preventExtensions() for Window / Location.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
* Cross origin
PASS Object.isExtensible(frames[0]) is true
PASS Object.preventExtensions(frames[0]) threw exception TypeError: Unable to prevent extension in Object.preventExtensions.
PASS Object.isExtensible(frames[0]) is true
PASS Object.isExtensible(frames[0].location) is true
PASS Object.preventExtensions(frames[0].location) threw exception TypeError: Unable to prevent extension in Object.preventExtensions.
PASS Object.isExtensible(frames[0].location) is true
* Same origin
PASS Object.isExtensible(window) is true
PASS Object.preventExtensions(window) threw exception TypeError: Unable to prevent extension in Object.preventExtensions.
PASS Object.isExtensible(window) is true
PASS Object.isExtensible(window.location) is true
PASS Object.preventExtensions(window.location) threw exception TypeError: Unable to prevent extension in Object.preventExtensions.
PASS Object.isExtensible(window.location) is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true