blob: 38769673c78f8cf3dd1351d4f3c6c0bca461b3ee [file] [log] [blame]
<script src='/resources/js-test-pre.js'></script>
<script src="resources/cross-frame-access.js"></script>
description("Tests enumeration of Window / Location properties cross origin.");
jsTestIsAsync = true;
window.onload = function()
if (window.testRunner) {
setTimeout(pollForTest, 1);
} else {
log("To run the test, click the button below when the frame finishes loading.");
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Run Test"));
button.onclick = runTest;
pollForTest = function()
if (!testRunner.globalFlag) {
setTimeout(pollForTest, 1);
runTest = function()
// Test enumerating the Window object
b_win = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].contentWindow;
try {
for (var k in b_win) {
if (k == "customWindowProperty") {
log("FAIL: Cross frame access by enumerating the window object was allowed.");
} catch (e) {
log("PASS: Cross frame access by enumerating the window object was denied.");
var b_winKeys = Object.keys(b_win);
if (b_winKeys.indexOf("customWindowProperty") != -1) {
log("FAIL: Cross frame access by getting the keys of the window object was allowed.");
log("PASS: Cross frame access by getting the keys of the window object was denied.");
var b_winPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b_win);
if (b_winPropertyNames.indexOf("customWindowProperty") != -1) {
log("FAIL: Cross frame access by getting the property names of the window object was allowed.");
log("PASS: Cross frame access by getting the property names of the window object was denied.");
// Test enumerating the Location object
var b_win_location = b_win.location;
try {
for (var k in b_win_location) {
if (k == "customLocationProperty") {
log("FAIL: Cross frame access by enumerating the Location object was allowed.");
} catch (e) {
log("PASS: Cross frame access by enumerating the Location object was denied.");
var b_winLocationKeys = Object.keys(b_win_location);
if (b_winLocationKeys.indexOf("customLocationProperty") != -1) {
log("FAIL: Cross frame access by getting the keys of the Location object was allowed.");
log("PASS: Cross frame access by getting the keys of the Location object was denied.");
var b_winLocationPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b_win_location);
if (b_winLocationPropertyNames.indexOf("customLocationProperty") != -1) {
log("FAIL: Cross frame access by getting the property names of the Location object was allowed.");
log("PASS: Cross frame access by getting the property names of the Location object was denied.");
// Window.
allowlistedWindowIndices = ['0', '1', '2'];
allowlistedWindowPropNames = ['blur', 'close', 'closed', 'focus', 'frames', 'length', 'location', 'opener', 'parent', 'postMessage', 'self', 'then', 'top', 'window'];
allowlistedSymbols = [Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.hasInstance, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable];
shouldBeTrue("areArraysEqual(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b_win).sort(), allowlistedWindowIndices.concat(allowlistedWindowPropNames).sort())");
allWindowProps = Reflect.ownKeys(b_win);
indexedWindowProps = allWindowProps.slice(0, allowlistedWindowIndices.length);
stringWindowProps = allWindowProps.slice(allowlistedWindowIndices.length, -1 * allowlistedSymbols.length);
symbolWindowProps = allWindowProps.slice(-1 * allowlistedSymbols.length);
shouldBeTrue("areArraysEqual(indexedWindowProps, allowlistedWindowIndices)"); // Reflect.ownKeys should start with the indices exposed on the cross-origin window.
shouldBeTrue("areArraysEqual(stringWindowProps.sort(), allowlistedWindowPropNames)"); // Reflect.ownKeys should continue with the cross-origin window properties for a cross-origin Window.
shouldBeTrue("areArraysEqual(symbolWindowProps, allowlistedSymbols)"); // Reflect.ownKeys should end with the cross-origin symbols for a cross-origin Window.
// Location.
allowlistedLocationPropNames = ['href', 'replace', 'then'];
allLocationProps = Reflect.ownKeys(b_win.location);
stringLocationProps = allLocationProps.slice(0, -1 * allowlistedSymbols.length);
symbolLocationProps = allLocationProps.slice(-1 * allowlistedSymbols.length);
shouldBeTrue("areArraysEqual(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b_win.location).sort(), allowlistedLocationPropNames.sort())");
shouldBeTrue("areArraysEqual(stringLocationProps.sort(), allowlistedLocationPropNames)"); // Reflect.ownKeys should start with the cross-origin window properties for a cross-origin Location.
shouldBeTrue("areArraysEqual(symbolLocationProps, allowlistedSymbols)"); // Reflect.ownKeys should end with the cross-origin symbols for a cross-origin Location.
<iframe src="http://localhost:8000/security/resources/cross-frame-iframe-for-enumeration-test.html"></iframe>
<script src='/resources/js-test-post.js'></script>