blob: d637bea923a8680180f2fbd637966a6425d1bd1b [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: ApplicationCache is deprecated. Please use ServiceWorkers instead.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: ApplicationCache is deprecated. Please use ServiceWorkers instead.
UI DELEGATE APPLICATION CACHE CALLBACK: exceededApplicationCacheOriginQuotaForSecurityOrigin:{http,, 8000} totalSpaceNeeded:~30000
This test checks that per-origin application cache quota works correctly with multiple manifests/caches per-origin.
This test sets the quota for the origin to 20kb, and attempts to fill it up with 2 different application caches about 15kb each. The first frame will cache successfully and fill up about 15kb of the origin quota. The second frame will reach the quota, cause a delegate callback, dump the totalSpaceNeeded. The space needed should be enough for both iframe caches, so we would expect ~30kb bytes. The delegate will automatically increase the quota and cause the second appcache to succeed.
PASS - cached iframe
PASS - cached iframe