blob: 6ab5a4e9884d503974288da2ebf6f5902a7b4d0c [file] [log] [blame]
This test ensures WebGL implementations interact correctly with the canvas tag.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS context exists
Checking canvas and WebGL interaction
PASS canvas.width is 300
PASS canvas.height is 150
PASS pixels are 0,0,0,0
PASS getViewport() is "0,0,300,150"
change display size of canvas and see that viewport does not change
PASS getViewport() is "0,0,300,150"
PASS canvas.width is 300
PASS canvas.height is 150
change the actual size of the canvas and see that the viewport does not change
PASS pixels are 64,128,192,255
PASS gl.clearColor should not change after canvas resize
PASS gl.colorMask should not change after canvas resize
PASS getViewport() is "0,0,300,150"
PASS pixels are 0,0,0,0
PASS successfullyParsed is true