blob: 1d27e7cb0948776d82a5dd9536f9d86be7802434 [file] [log] [blame]
<p>This tests to see that deleting a selection that starts just before a table and ends inside the table does not insert a placeholder br unnecessarily. You should see two ToDos, one empty. The caret should be just before the second.</p>
<div contenteditable="true" id="div">
<table contenteditable="false"><tr><td>&#x21D2;</td><td contenteditable="true">ToDo Content</td><td>&#x21E3;</td></tr></table>
<table contenteditable="false" id="start"><tr><td>&#x21D2;</td><td contenteditable="true" id="end">ToDo Content</td><td>&#x21E3;</td></tr></table>
var start = document.getElementById("start");
var end = document.getElementById("end");
var sel = window.getSelection();
sel.setBaseAndExtent(start, 0, end, end.childNodes.length);