blob: b4e087e046f1448cc9e43eb2cb94c4525fcc6a49 [file] [log] [blame]
from webkit.factories import *
from buildbot import locks
# There are four build slaves that take care of the majority of builds, with two other specialist slaves at Apple
# Slave 1 isn older G4 PowerMac dedicated to the PLT builds, as it needs extra configuration
# Slave 2 is a Windows PC dedicated to the Windows builds
# Slaves 3 and 4 are older G4 PowerMacs with relatively low amounts of RAM which leads to insanely slow leaks tests
# Slaves 4 and 5 are newer G5 PowerMacs with ATI graphics cards that lead to kernel panics during pixel tests
nonATIPowerPCBuilders = ['apple-slave-%d' % i for i in (3, 4)]
ATIPowerPCBuilders = ['apple-slave-%d' % i for i in (1, 5, 6)]
allPowerPCBuilders = nonATIPowerPCBuilders + ATIPowerPCBuilders
allIntelBuilders = ['bdash-slave-1', 'bdash-slave-2']
_builders = [('post-commit-powerpc-mac-os-x', StandardBuildFactory, allPowerPCBuilders),
('post-commit-intel-mac-os-x', StandardBuildFactory, allIntelBuilders),
('post-commit-leaks-powerpc-mac-os-x', LeakBuildFactory, allPowerPCBuilders),
('post-commit-leaks-intel-mac-os-x', LeakBuildFactory, allIntelBuilders),
# ('page-layout-test-mac-os-x', PageLoadTestBuildFactory, ['apple-slave-1']),
# ('post-commit-pixel-powerpc-mac-os-x', PixelTestBuildFactory, nonATIPowerPCBuilders),
('post-commit-win32', Win32BuildFactory, ['apple-slave-2']),
('post-commit-linux-qt', StandardBuildFactory, ['webtroll-slave-1']),
('post-commit-linux-gtk', GtkBuildFactory, ['zecke-slave-1']),
('periodic-powerpc-mac-os-x-no-svg', NoSVGBuildFactory, allPowerPCBuilders),
('periodic-intel-mac-os-x-coverage', CoverageDataBuildFactory, allIntelBuilders),
def getBuilders():
result = []
for name, factory, slaves in _builders:
result.append({'name': name,
'slavenames': slaves,
'builddir': name,
'factory': factory()})
return result