blob: 52dbba198e68cf3072c68b5a130fbf6d6b2b8df2 [file] [log] [blame]
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS (new RegExp()).source is ''
PASS Boolean(new RegExp()) is true
PASS isNaN(Number(new RegExp())) is true
PASS RegExp(/x/).source is 'x'
PASS RegExp('x', 'g').global is true
PASS RegExp('x').source is 'x'
PASS new RegExp('x').source is 'x'
PASS (/a/).global is false
PASS typeof (/a/).global is 'boolean'
PASS is true
PASS (/a/).ignoreCase is false
PASS ri.ignoreCase is true
PASS (/a/).multiline is false
PASS rm.multiline is true
PASS rg.toString() is '/a/g'
PASS ri.toString() is '/a/i'
PASS rm.toString() is '/a/m'
PASS is true
PASS ri.ignoreCase is true
PASS rm.multiline is true
PASS Boolean(/a/.test) is true
PASS /(b)c/.exec('abcd').toString() is "bc,b"
PASS /(b)c/.exec('abcd').length is 2
PASS /(b)c/.exec('abcd').index is 1
PASS /(b)c/.exec('abcd').input is 'abcd'
PASS rs.source is 'foo'
PASS var r = new RegExp(/x/);; r.lastIndex = -1; typeof r.test('a') is 'boolean'
PASS 'abcdefghi'.match(/(abc)def(ghi)/).toString() is 'abcdefghi,abc,ghi'
PASS /(abc)def(ghi)/.exec('abcdefghi').toString() is 'abcdefghi,abc,ghi'
PASS RegExp.$1 is 'abc'
PASS RegExp.$2 is 'ghi'
PASS RegExp.$3 is ''
PASS 'abcdefghi'.match(/(a(b(c(d(e)f)g)h)i)/).toString() is 'abcdefghi,abcdefghi,bcdefgh,cdefg,def,e'
PASS RegExp.$1 is 'abcdefghi'
PASS RegExp.$2 is 'bcdefgh'
PASS RegExp.$3 is 'cdefg'
PASS RegExp.$4 is 'def'
PASS RegExp.$5 is 'e'
PASS RegExp.$6 is ''
PASS '(100px 200px 150px 15px)'.match(/\((\d+)(px)* (\d+)(px)* (\d+)(px)* (\d+)(px)*\)/).toString() is '(100px 200px 150px 15px),100,px,200,px,150,px,15,px'
PASS RegExp.$1 is '100'
PASS RegExp.$3 is '200'
PASS RegExp.$5 is '150'
PASS RegExp.$7 is '15'
PASS ''.match(/((\d+)(px)* (\d+)(px)* (\d+)(px)* (\d+)(px)*)/) is null
FAIL RegExp.$1 should be . Was 100.
FAIL RegExp.$3 should be . Was 200.
FAIL RegExp.$5 should be . Was 150.
FAIL RegExp.$7 should be . Was 15.
PASS ''.match(invalidChars) == null is true
PASS ''.match(invalidChars) == null is false
PASS 'test1test2'.replace('test','X') is 'X1test2'
PASS 'test1test2'.replace(/\d/,'X') is 'testXtest2'
PASS '1test2test3'.replace(/\d/,'') is 'test2test3'
PASS 'test1test2'.replace(/test/g,'X') is 'X1X2'
PASS '1test2test3'.replace(/\d/g,'') is 'testtest'
PASS '1test2test3'.replace(/x/g,'') is '1test2test3'
PASS 'test1test2'.replace(/(te)(st)/g,'$2$1') is 'stte1stte2'
PASS 'foo+bar'.replace(/\+/g,'%2B') is 'foo%2Bbar'
PASS caught is true
PASS 'foo'.replace(/z?/g,'x') is 'xfxoxox'
PASS 'test test'.replace(/\s*/g,'') is 'testtest'
PASS 'abc$%@'.replace(/[^0-9a-z]*/gi,'') is 'abc'
PASS 'ab'.replace(/[^\d\.]*/gi,'') is ''
PASS '1ab'.replace(/[^\d\.]*/gi,'') is '1'
PASS '1test2test3blah'.split(/test/).toString() is '1,2,3blah'
PASS reg.exec(str).toString() is '98 ,98 '
PASS reg.lastIndex is 3
PASS RegExp.$1 is '98 '
PASS RegExp.$2 is ''
PASS reg.exec(str).toString() is '76 ,76 '
PASS reg.lastIndex is 6
PASS RegExp.$1 is '76 '
PASS RegExp.$2 is ''
PASS reg.exec(str) is null
PASS reg.lastIndex is 0
PASS myRe=/d(b+)d/g; myArray = myRe.exec('cdbbdbsbz'); myRe.lastIndex is 5
PASS reg.ignoreCase == true is true
PASS === false is true
PASS reg.multiline === false is true
PASS reg.test('UGO') is true
PASS reg.x = 1; reg.x is 1
PASS var r2 = reg; r2.x = 2; reg.x is 2
PASS str.match(re).toString() is 'Chapter,Chapter,.1'
PASS str.match(/d/gi).toString() is 'D,d'
PASS /\u0061/.source is '\\u0061'
PASS 'abc'.match(/\u0062/).toString() is 'b'
FAIL Object.prototype.toString.apply(RegExp.prototype) should be [object RegExp]. Was [object RegExpPrototype].
PASS typeof RegExp.prototype.toString() is 'string'
PASS successfullyParsed is true