blob: cec3e2e1bac6e62cce89a065147f13e99165d083 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="mock-media-source.js"></script>
<script src="../video-test.js"></script>
var source;
var sourceBuffer;
var initSegment;
if (window.internals)
function runTest() {
source = new MediaSource();
waitForEventOn(source, 'sourceopen', sourceOpen);
run('video.src = URL.createObjectURL(source)');
function sourceOpen() {
run('sourceBuffer = source.addSourceBuffer("video/mock; codecs=mock")');
waitForEventOn(sourceBuffer, 'updateend', loadSamples1, false, true);
initSegment = makeAInit(8, [makeATrack(1, 'mock', TRACK_KIND.VIDEO)]);
function loadSamples1() {
// Adding buffered ranges [0, 4].
samples = concatenateSamples([
makeASample( 0, 0, 1000, 1000, 1, SAMPLE_FLAG.SYNC),
makeASample(1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, SAMPLE_FLAG.NONE),
makeASample(2000, 2000, 1000, 1000, 1, SAMPLE_FLAG.NONE),
makeASample(3000, 3000, 1000, 1000, 1, SAMPLE_FLAG.NONE),
waitForEventOn(sourceBuffer, 'updateend', parserReset, false, true);
function parserReset() {
waitForEventOn(sourceBuffer, 'updateend', loadSamples2, false, true);
initSegment = makeAInit(8, [makeATrack(1, 'mock', TRACK_KIND.VIDEO)]);
function loadSamples2() {
// Adding buffered ranges [3.96, 5.28]. The first sample overlaps with the last [3, 4] one from loadSamples1(),
// but the fudge factor allows the insertion without truncating [3, 4]. Those samples are slightly overlapped.
samples = concatenateSamples([
makeASample(3960, 3960, 330, 1000, 1, SAMPLE_FLAG.SYNC),
makeASample(4290, 4290, 330, 1000, 1, SAMPLE_FLAG.NONE),
makeASample(4620, 4620, 330, 1000, 1, SAMPLE_FLAG.NONE),
makeASample(4950, 4950, 330, 1000, 1, SAMPLE_FLAG.NONE),
waitForEventOn(sourceBuffer, 'updateend', remove, false, true);
function remove() {
waitForEventOn(sourceBuffer, 'updateend', checkRemoved, false, true);
run('sourceBuffer.remove(sourceBuffer.buffered.start(0), 3.96)');
// This doesn't remove sample [3.96, 4.29], just [0, 4], so the buffered range should remain [4, 5.28].
// It's wrong that it remains [4.29, 5.28].
function checkRemoved() {
testExpected('sourceBuffer.buffered.start(0)', 4, '<=');
waitForEventOn(sourceBuffer, 'updateend', checkRemoved2, false, true);
run('sourceBuffer.remove(sourceBuffer.buffered.start(0), 5)');
function checkRemoved2() {
testExpected('sourceBuffer.buffered.length', 0);
<body onload="runTest()">
<div>This tests that overlapped samples in the boundaries of removal ranges aren't leaked.</div>