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function test()
let suite = InspectorTest.createSyncSuite("WeakMap");
name: "WeakMap.prototype.getOrInitialize.Raw",
test() {
const key = {value: "key"};
const value = "value";
const value2 = "value2";
let map = new WeakMap;
InspectorTest.expectEqual(map.get(key), undefined, "Map does not have `key`.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(map.getOrInitialize(key, value), value, "Map should have initialized `key` with `value`.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(map.get(key), value, "Map does have `key` => `value`.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(map.getOrInitialize(key, value2), value, "Map should get `key` with `value` without re-initializing.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(map.get(key), value, "Map still has `key` => `value`.");
name: "WeakMap.prototype.getOrInitialize.Function",
test() {
const key = {value: "key"};
const value = () => "value";
const value2 = () =>"Should not be reached.");
let map = new WeakMap;
InspectorTest.expectEqual(map.get(key), undefined, "Map does not have `key`.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(map.getOrInitialize(key, value), value(), "Map should have initialized `key` with `value`.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(map.get(key), value(), "Map does have `key` => `value`.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(map.getOrInitialize(key, value2), value(), "Map should get `key` with `value` without re-initializing.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(map.get(key), value(), "Map still has `key` => `value`.");
<body onLoad="runTest()">