blob: 8b4493f850101ad3fa643c23e88861a0c8756f49 [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
package Bugzilla::Bug;
use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bugzilla::Attachment;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Field;
use Bugzilla::Flag;
use Bugzilla::FlagType;
use Bugzilla::Hook;
use Bugzilla::Keyword;
use Bugzilla::Milestone;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Version;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Product;
use Bugzilla::Component;
use Bugzilla::Group;
use Bugzilla::Status;
use Bugzilla::Comment;
use Bugzilla::BugUrl;
use Bugzilla::BugUserLastVisit;
use List::MoreUtils qw(firstidx uniq part);
use List::Util qw(min max first);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use parent qw(Bugzilla::Object Exporter);
@Bugzilla::Bug::EXPORT = qw(
# Constants
use constant DB_TABLE => 'bugs';
use constant ID_FIELD => 'bug_id';
use constant NAME_FIELD => 'bug_id';
use constant LIST_ORDER => ID_FIELD;
# Bugs have their own auditing table, bugs_activity.
use constant AUDIT_CREATES => 0;
use constant AUDIT_UPDATES => 0;
# This will be enabled later
use constant USE_MEMCACHED => 0;
# This is a sub because it needs to call other subroutines.
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my @custom = grep {$_->type != FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT}
my @custom_names = map {$_->name} @custom;
my @columns = (qw(
'reporter AS reporter_id',
$dbh->sql_date_format('deadline', '%Y-%m-%d') . ' AS deadline',
Bugzilla::Hook::process("bug_columns", { columns => \@columns });
return @columns;
my $validators = {
alias => \&_check_alias,
assigned_to => \&_check_assigned_to,
blocked => \&_check_dependencies,
bug_file_loc => \&_check_bug_file_loc,
bug_severity => \&_check_select_field,
bug_status => \&_check_bug_status,
cc => \&_check_cc,
comment => \&_check_comment,
component => \&_check_component,
creation_ts => \&_check_creation_ts,
deadline => \&_check_deadline,
dependson => \&_check_dependencies,
dup_id => \&_check_dup_id,
estimated_time => \&_check_time_field,
everconfirmed => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
groups => \&_check_groups,
keywords => \&_check_keywords,
op_sys => \&_check_select_field,
priority => \&_check_priority,
product => \&_check_product,
qa_contact => \&_check_qa_contact,
remaining_time => \&_check_time_field,
rep_platform => \&_check_select_field,
resolution => \&_check_resolution,
short_desc => \&_check_short_desc,
status_whiteboard => \&_check_status_whiteboard,
target_milestone => \&_check_target_milestone,
version => \&_check_version,
cclist_accessible => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
reporter_accessible => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
# Set up validators for custom fields.
foreach my $field (Bugzilla->active_custom_fields) {
my $validator;
if ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT) {
$validator = \&_check_select_field;
elsif ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT) {
$validator = \&_check_multi_select_field;
elsif ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME) {
$validator = \&_check_datetime_field;
elsif ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_DATE) {
$validator = \&_check_date_field;
elsif ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT) {
$validator = \&_check_freetext_field;
elsif ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID) {
$validator = \&_check_bugid_field;
elsif ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA) {
$validator = \&_check_textarea_field;
elsif ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER) {
$validator = \&_check_integer_field;
else {
$validator = \&_check_default_field;
$validators->{$field->name} = $validator;
return $validators;
my $cache = Bugzilla->request_cache;
return $cache->{bug_validator_dependencies}
if $cache->{bug_validator_dependencies};
my %deps = (
assigned_to => ['component'],
blocked => ['product'],
bug_status => ['product', 'comment', 'target_milestone'],
cc => ['component'],
comment => ['creation_ts'],
component => ['product'],
dependson => ['product'],
dup_id => ['bug_status', 'resolution'],
groups => ['product'],
keywords => ['product'],
resolution => ['bug_status', 'dependson'],
qa_contact => ['component'],
target_milestone => ['product'],
version => ['product'],
foreach my $field (@{ Bugzilla->fields }) {
$deps{$field->name} = [ $field->visibility_field->name ]
if $field->{visibility_field_id};
$cache->{bug_validator_dependencies} = \%deps;
return \%deps;
my @custom = grep {$_->type != FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT}
my @custom_names = map {$_->name} @custom;
my @columns = qw(
push(@columns, @custom_names);
return @columns;
use constant NUMERIC_COLUMNS => qw(
my @fields = (@{ Bugzilla->fields({ type => [FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME,
return map { $_->name } @fields;
# Used in LogActivityEntry(). Gives the max length of lines in the
# activity table.
use constant MAX_LINE_LENGTH => 254;
# This maps the names of internal Bugzilla bug fields to things that would
# make sense to somebody who's not intimately familiar with the inner workings
# of Bugzilla. (These are the field names that the WebService and
# use.)
use constant FIELD_MAP => {
blocks => 'blocked',
commentprivacy => 'comment_is_private',
creation_time => 'creation_ts',
creator => 'reporter',
description => 'comment',
depends_on => 'dependson',
dupe_of => 'dup_id',
id => 'bug_id',
is_confirmed => 'everconfirmed',
is_cc_accessible => 'cclist_accessible',
is_creator_accessible => 'reporter_accessible',
last_change_time => 'delta_ts',
platform => 'rep_platform',
severity => 'bug_severity',
status => 'bug_status',
summary => 'short_desc',
url => 'bug_file_loc',
whiteboard => 'status_whiteboard',
use constant REQUIRED_FIELD_MAP => {
product_id => 'product',
component_id => 'component',
# Creation timestamp is here because it needs to be validated
# but it can be NULL in the database (see comments in create above)
# Target Milestone is here because it has a default that the validator
# creates (product.defaultmilestone) that is different from the database
# default.
# CC is here because it is a separate table, and has a validator-created
# default of the component initialcc.
# QA Contact is allowed to be NULL in the database, so it wouldn't normally
# be caught by _required_create_fields. However, it always has to be validated,
# because it has a default of the component.defaultqacontact.
# Groups are in a separate table, but must always be validated so that
# mandatory groups get set on bugs.
use constant EXTRA_REQUIRED_FIELDS => qw(creation_ts target_milestone cc qa_contact groups);
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $param = shift;
# Remove leading "#" mark if we've just been passed an id.
if (!ref $param && $param =~ /^#([0-9]+)$/) {
$param = $1;
# If we get something that looks like a word (not a number),
# make it the "name" param.
if (!defined $param
|| (!ref($param) && $param !~ /^[0-9]+$/)
|| (ref($param) && $param->{id} !~ /^[0-9]+$/))
if ($param) {
my $alias = ref($param) ? $param->{id} : $param;
my $bug_id = bug_alias_to_id($alias);
if (! $bug_id) {
my $error_self = {};
bless $error_self, $class;
$error_self->{'bug_id'} = $alias;
$error_self->{'error'} = 'InvalidBugId';
return $error_self;
$param = { id => $bug_id,
cache => ref($param) ? $param->{cache} : 0 };
else {
# We got something that's not a number.
my $error_self = {};
bless $error_self, $class;
$error_self->{'bug_id'} = $param;
$error_self->{'error'} = 'InvalidBugId';
return $error_self;
unshift @_, $param;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
# Bugzilla::Bug->new always returns something, but sets $self->{error}
# if the bug wasn't found in the database.
if (!$self) {
my $error_self = {};
if (ref $param) {
$error_self->{bug_id} = $param->{name};
$error_self->{error} = 'InvalidBugId';
else {
$error_self->{bug_id} = $param;
$error_self->{error} = 'NotFound';
bless $error_self, $class;
return $error_self;
return $self;
sub initialize {
sub object_cache_key {
my $class = shift;
my $key = $class->SUPER::object_cache_key(@_)
|| return;
return $key . ',' . Bugzilla->user->id;
sub check {
my $class = shift;
my ($param, $field) = @_;
# Bugzilla::Bug throws lots of special errors, so we don't call
# SUPER::check, we just call our new and do our own checks.
my $id = ref($param)
? ($param->{id} = trim($param->{id}))
: ($param = trim($param));
ThrowUserError('improper_bug_id_field_value', { field => $field }) unless defined $id;
my $self = $class->new($param);
if ($self->{error}) {
# For error messages, use the id that was returned by new(), because
# it's cleaned up.
$id = $self->id;
if ($self->{error} eq 'NotFound') {
ThrowUserError("bug_id_does_not_exist", { bug_id => $id });
if ($self->{error} eq 'InvalidBugId') {
{ bug_id => $id,
field => $field });
unless ($field && $field =~ /^(dependson|blocked|dup_id)$/) {
return $self;
sub check_for_edit {
my $class = shift;
my $bug = $class->check(@_);
|| ThrowUserError("product_edit_denied", { product => $bug->product });
return $bug;
sub check_is_visible {
my ($self, $input_id) = @_;
$input_id ||= $self->id;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
if (!$user->can_see_bug($self->id)) {
# The error the user sees depends on whether or not they are
# logged in (i.e. $user->id contains the user's positive integer ID).
# If we are validating an alias, then use it in the error message
# instead of its corresponding bug ID, to not disclose it.
if ($user->id) {
ThrowUserError("bug_access_denied", { bug_id => $input_id });
} else {
ThrowUserError("bug_access_query", { bug_id => $input_id });
sub match {
my $class = shift;
my ($params) = @_;
# Allow matching certain fields by name (in addition to matching by ID).
my %translate_fields = (
assigned_to => 'Bugzilla::User',
qa_contact => 'Bugzilla::User',
reporter => 'Bugzilla::User',
product => 'Bugzilla::Product',
component => 'Bugzilla::Component',
my %translated;
foreach my $field (keys %translate_fields) {
my @ids;
# Convert names to ids. We use "exists" everywhere since people can
# legally specify "undef" to mean IS NULL (even though most of these
# fields can't be NULL, people can still specify it...).
if (exists $params->{$field}) {
my $names = $params->{$field};
my $type = $translate_fields{$field};
my $param = $type eq 'Bugzilla::User' ? 'login_name' : 'name';
# We call Bugzilla::Object::match directly to avoid the
# Bugzilla::User::match implementation which is different.
my $objects = Bugzilla::Object::match($type, { $param => $names });
push(@ids, map { $_->id } @$objects);
# You can also specify ids directly as arguments to this function,
# so include them in the list if they have been specified.
if (exists $params->{"${field}_id"}) {
my $current_ids = $params->{"${field}_id"};
my @id_array = ref $current_ids ? @$current_ids : ($current_ids);
push(@ids, @id_array);
# We do this "or" instead of a "scalar(@ids)" to handle the case
# when people passed only invalid object names. Otherwise we'd
# end up with a SUPER::match call with zero criteria (which dies).
if (exists $params->{$field} or exists $params->{"${field}_id"}) {
$translated{$field} = scalar(@ids) == 1 ? $ids[0] : \@ids;
# The user fields don't have an _id on the end of them in the database,
# but the product & component fields do, so we have to have separate
# code to deal with the different sets of fields here.
foreach my $field (qw(assigned_to qa_contact reporter)) {
delete $params->{"${field}_id"};
$params->{$field} = $translated{$field}
if exists $translated{$field};
foreach my $field (qw(product component)) {
delete $params->{$field};
$params->{"${field}_id"} = $translated{$field}
if exists $translated{$field};
return $class->SUPER::match(@_);
# Helps load up information for bugs for show_bug.cgi and other situations
# that will need to access info on lots of bugs.
sub preload {
my ($class, $bugs) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
# It would be faster but MUCH more complicated to select all the
# deps for the entire list in one SQL statement. If we ever have
# a profile that proves that that's necessary, we can switch over
# to the more complex method.
my @all_dep_ids;
foreach my $bug (@$bugs) {
push @all_dep_ids, @{ $bug->blocked }, @{ $bug->dependson };
push @all_dep_ids, @{ $bug->duplicate_ids };
push @all_dep_ids, @{ $bug->_preload_referenced_bugs };
@all_dep_ids = uniq @all_dep_ids;
# If we don't do this, can_see_bug will do one call per bug in
# the dependency and duplicate lists, in Bugzilla::Template::get_bug_link.
# Helps load up bugs referenced in comments by retrieving them with a single
# query from the database and injecting bug objects into the object-cache.
sub _preload_referenced_bugs {
my $self = shift;
# inject current duplicates into the object-cache first
foreach my $bug (@{ $self->duplicates }) {
$bug->object_cache_set() unless Bugzilla::Bug->object_cache_get($bug->id);
# preload bugs from comments
my $referenced_bug_ids = _extract_bug_ids($self->comments);
my @ref_bug_ids = grep { !Bugzilla::Bug->object_cache_get($_) } @$referenced_bug_ids;
# inject into object-cache
my $referenced_bugs = Bugzilla::Bug->new_from_list(\@ref_bug_ids);
$_->object_cache_set() foreach @$referenced_bugs;
return $referenced_bug_ids;
# Extract bug IDs mentioned in comments. This is much faster than calling quoteUrls().
sub _extract_bug_ids {
my $comments = shift;
my @bug_ids;
my $params = Bugzilla->params;
my @urlbases = ($params->{'urlbase'});
push(@urlbases, $params->{'sslbase'}) if $params->{'sslbase'};
my $urlbase_re = '(?:' . join('|', map { qr/$_/ } @urlbases) . ')';
my $bug_word = template_var('terms')->{bug};
my $bugs_word = template_var('terms')->{bugs};
foreach my $comment (@$comments) {
if ($comment->type == CMT_HAS_DUPE || $comment->type == CMT_DUPE_OF) {
push @bug_ids, $comment->extra_data;
my $s = $comment->already_wrapped ? qr/\s/ : qr/\h/;
my $text = $comment->body;
# Full bug links
push @bug_ids, $text =~ /\b$urlbase_re\Qshow_bug.cgi?id=\E([0-9]+)(?:\#c[0-9]+)?/g;
# bug X
my $bug_re = qr/\Q$bug_word\E$s*\#?$s*([0-9]+)/i;
push @bug_ids, $text =~ /\b$bug_re/g;
# bugs X, Y, Z
my $bugs_re = qr/\Q$bugs_word\E$s*\#?$s*([0-9]+)(?:$s*,$s*\#?$s*([0-9]+))+/i;
push @bug_ids, $text =~ /\b$bugs_re/g;
# Old duplicate markers
push @bug_ids, $text =~ /(?<=^\*\*\*\ This\ bug\ has\ been\ marked\ as\ a\ duplicate\ of\ )([0-9]+)(?=\ \*\*\*\Z)/;
# Make sure to filter invalid bug IDs.
@bug_ids = grep { $_ < MAX_INT_32 } @bug_ids;
return [uniq @bug_ids];
sub possible_duplicates {
my ($class, $params) = @_;
my $short_desc = $params->{summary};
my $products = $params->{products} || [];
my $limit = $params->{limit} || MAX_POSSIBLE_DUPLICATES;
$products = [$products] if !ref($products) eq 'ARRAY';
my $orig_limit = $limit;
|| ThrowCodeError('param_must_be_numeric',
{ function => 'possible_duplicates',
param => $orig_limit });
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my @words = split(/[\b\s]+/, $short_desc || '');
# Remove leading/trailing punctuation from words
foreach my $word (@words) {
$word =~ s/(?:^\W+|\W+$)//g;
# And make sure that each word is longer than 2 characters.
@words = grep { defined $_ and length($_) > 2 } @words;
return [] if !@words;
my ($where_sql, $relevance_sql);
if ($dbh->FULLTEXT_OR) {
my $joined_terms = join($dbh->FULLTEXT_OR, @words);
($where_sql, $relevance_sql) =
$dbh->sql_fulltext_search('bugs_fulltext.short_desc', $joined_terms);
$relevance_sql ||= $where_sql;
else {
my (@where, @relevance);
foreach my $word (@words) {
my ($term, $rel_term) = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search(
'bugs_fulltext.short_desc', $word);
push(@where, $term);
push(@relevance, $rel_term || $term);
$where_sql = join(' OR ', @where);
$relevance_sql = join(' + ', @relevance);
my $product_ids = join(',', map { $_->id } @$products);
my $product_sql = $product_ids ? "AND product_id IN ($product_ids)" : "";
# Because we collapse duplicates, we want to get slightly more bugs
# than were actually asked for.
my $sql_limit = $limit + 5;
my $possible_dupes = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
"SELECT bugs.bug_id AS bug_id, bugs.resolution AS resolution,
($relevance_sql) AS relevance
FROM bugs
INNER JOIN bugs_fulltext ON bugs.bug_id = bugs_fulltext.bug_id
WHERE ($where_sql) $product_sql
ORDER BY relevance DESC, bug_id DESC " .
$dbh->sql_limit($sql_limit), {Slice=>{}});
my @actual_dupe_ids;
# Resolve duplicates into their ultimate target duplicates.
foreach my $bug (@$possible_dupes) {
my $push_id = $bug->{bug_id};
if ($bug->{resolution} && $bug->{resolution} eq 'DUPLICATE') {
$push_id = _resolve_ultimate_dup_id($bug->{bug_id});
push(@actual_dupe_ids, $push_id);
@actual_dupe_ids = uniq @actual_dupe_ids;
if (scalar @actual_dupe_ids > $limit) {
@actual_dupe_ids = @actual_dupe_ids[0..($limit-1)];
my $visible = $user->visible_bugs(\@actual_dupe_ids);
return $class->new_from_list($visible);
# Docs for create() (there's no POD in this file yet, but we very
# much need this documented right now):
# The same as Bugzilla::Object->create. Parameters are only required
# if they say so below.
# Params:
# C<product> - B<Required> The name of the product this bug is being
# filed against.
# C<component> - B<Required> The name of the component this bug is being
# filed against.
# C<bug_severity> - B<Required> The severity for the bug, a string.
# C<creation_ts> - B<Required> A SQL timestamp for when the bug was created.
# C<short_desc> - B<Required> A summary for the bug.
# C<op_sys> - B<Required> The OS the bug was found against.
# C<priority> - B<Required> The initial priority for the bug.
# C<rep_platform> - B<Required> The platform the bug was found against.
# C<version> - B<Required> The version of the product the bug was found in.
# C<alias> - An alias for this bug.
# C<target_milestone> - When this bug is expected to be fixed.
# C<status_whiteboard> - A string.
# C<bug_status> - The initial status of the bug, a string.
# C<bug_file_loc> - The URL field.
# C<assigned_to> - The full login name of the user who the bug is
# initially assigned to.
# C<qa_contact> - The full login name of the QA Contact for this bug.
# Will be ignored if C<useqacontact> is off.
# C<estimated_time> - For time-tracking. Will be ignored if
# C<timetrackinggroup> is not set, or if the current
# user is not a member of the timetrackinggroup.
# C<deadline> - For time-tracking. Will be ignored for the same
# reasons as C<estimated_time>.
sub create {
my ($class, $params) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# These fields have default values which we can use if they are undefined.
$params->{bug_severity} = Bugzilla->params->{defaultseverity}
unless defined $params->{bug_severity};
$params->{priority} = Bugzilla->params->{defaultpriority}
unless defined $params->{priority};
$params->{op_sys} = Bugzilla->params->{defaultopsys}
unless defined $params->{op_sys};
$params->{rep_platform} = Bugzilla->params->{defaultplatform}
unless defined $params->{rep_platform};
# Make sure a comment is always defined.
$params->{comment} = '' unless defined $params->{comment};
$params = $class->run_create_validators($params);
# These are not a fields in the bugs table, so we don't pass them to
# insert_create_data.
my $bug_aliases = delete $params->{alias};
my $cc_ids = delete $params->{cc};
my $groups = delete $params->{groups};
my $depends_on = delete $params->{dependson};
my $blocked = delete $params->{blocked};
my $keywords = delete $params->{keywords};
my $creation_comment = delete $params->{comment};
my $see_also = delete $params->{see_also};
# We don't want the bug to appear in the system until it's correctly
# protected by groups.
my $timestamp = delete $params->{creation_ts};
my $ms_values = $class->_extract_multi_selects($params);
my $bug = $class->insert_create_data($params);
# Add the group restrictions
my $sth_group = $dbh->prepare(
'INSERT INTO bug_group_map (bug_id, group_id) VALUES (?, ?)');
foreach my $group (@$groups) {
$sth_group->execute($bug->bug_id, $group->id);
$dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET creation_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?', undef,
$timestamp, $bug->bug_id);
# Update the bug instance as well
$bug->{creation_ts} = $timestamp;
# Add the CCs
my $sth_cc = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO cc (bug_id, who) VALUES (?,?)');
foreach my $user_id (@$cc_ids) {
$sth_cc->execute($bug->bug_id, $user_id);
# Add in keywords
my $sth_keyword = $dbh->prepare(
'INSERT INTO keywords (bug_id, keywordid) VALUES (?, ?)');
foreach my $keyword_id (map($_->id, @$keywords)) {
$sth_keyword->execute($bug->bug_id, $keyword_id);
# Set up dependencies (blocked/dependson)
my $sth_deps = $dbh->prepare(
'INSERT INTO dependencies (blocked, dependson) VALUES (?, ?)');
my $sth_bug_time = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?');
foreach my $depends_on_id (@$depends_on) {
$sth_deps->execute($bug->bug_id, $depends_on_id);
# Log the reverse action on the other bug.
LogActivityEntry($depends_on_id, 'blocked', '', $bug->bug_id,
$bug->{reporter_id}, $timestamp);
$sth_bug_time->execute($timestamp, $depends_on_id);
foreach my $blocked_id (@$blocked) {
$sth_deps->execute($blocked_id, $bug->bug_id);
# Log the reverse action on the other bug.
LogActivityEntry($blocked_id, 'dependson', '', $bug->bug_id,
$bug->{reporter_id}, $timestamp);
$sth_bug_time->execute($timestamp, $blocked_id);
# Insert the values into the multiselect value tables
foreach my $field (keys %$ms_values) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM bug_$field where bug_id = ?",
undef, $bug->bug_id);
foreach my $value ( @{$ms_values->{$field}} ) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO bug_$field (bug_id, value) VALUES (?,?)",
undef, $bug->bug_id, $value);
# Insert any see_also values
if ($see_also) {
my $see_also_array = $see_also;
if (!ref $see_also_array) {
$see_also = trim($see_also);
$see_also_array = [ split(/[\s,]+/, $see_also) ];
foreach my $value (@$see_also_array) {
foreach my $see_also (@{ $bug->see_also }) {
foreach my $ref_bug (@{ $bug->{_update_ref_bugs} || [] }) {
delete $bug->{_update_ref_bugs};
# Comment #0 handling...
# We now have a bug id so we can fill this out
$creation_comment->{'bug_id'} = $bug->id;
# Insert the comment. We always insert a comment on bug creation,
# but sometimes it's blank.
# Set up aliases
my $sth_aliases = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO bugs_aliases (alias, bug_id) VALUES (?, ?)');
foreach my $alias (@$bug_aliases) {
$sth_aliases->execute($alias, $bug->bug_id);
Bugzilla::Hook::process('bug_end_of_create', { bug => $bug,
timestamp => $timestamp,
# Because MySQL doesn't support transactions on the fulltext table,
# we do this after we've committed the transaction. That way we're
# sure we're inserting a good Bug ID.
$bug->_sync_fulltext( new_bug => 1 );
return $bug;
sub run_create_validators {
my $class = shift;
my $params = $class->SUPER::run_create_validators(@_);
# Add classification for checking mandatory fields which depend on it
$params->{classification} = $params->{product}->classification->name;
my @mandatory_fields = @{ Bugzilla->fields({ is_mandatory => 1,
enter_bug => 1,
obsolete => 0 }) };
foreach my $field (@mandatory_fields) {
$class->_check_field_is_mandatory($params->{$field->name}, $field,
my $product = delete $params->{product};
$params->{product_id} = $product->id;
my $component = delete $params->{component};
$params->{component_id} = $component->id;
# Callers cannot set reporter, creation_ts, or delta_ts.
$params->{reporter} = $class->_check_reporter();
$params->{delta_ts} = $params->{creation_ts};
if ($params->{estimated_time}) {
$params->{remaining_time} = $params->{estimated_time};
$class->_check_strict_isolation($params->{cc}, $params->{assigned_to},
$params->{qa_contact}, $product);
# You can't set these fields.
delete $params->{lastdiffed};
delete $params->{bug_id};
delete $params->{classification};
{ params => $params });
# And this is not a valid DB field, it's just used as part of
# _check_dependencies to avoid running it twice for both blocked
# and dependson.
delete $params->{_dependencies_validated};
return $params;
sub update {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
# XXX This is just a temporary hack until all updating happens
# inside this function.
my $delta_ts = shift || $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)');
my ($changes, $old_bug) = $self->SUPER::update(@_);
{ timestamp => $delta_ts, bug => $self,
old_bug => $old_bug, changes => $changes });
# Certain items in $changes have to be fixed so that they hold
# a name instead of an ID.
foreach my $field (qw(product_id component_id)) {
my $change = delete $changes->{$field};
if ($change) {
my $new_field = $field;
$new_field =~ s/_id$//;
$changes->{$new_field} =
[$self->{"_old_${new_field}_name"}, $self->$new_field];
foreach my $field (qw(qa_contact assigned_to)) {
if ($changes->{$field}) {
my ($from, $to) = @{ $changes->{$field} };
$from = $old_bug->$field->login if $from;
$to = $self->$field->login if $to;
$changes->{$field} = [$from, $to];
# CC
my @old_cc = map {$_->id} @{$old_bug->cc_users};
my @new_cc = map {$_->id} @{$self->cc_users};
my ($removed_cc, $added_cc) = diff_arrays(\@old_cc, \@new_cc);
if (scalar @$removed_cc) {
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM cc WHERE bug_id = ? AND '
. $dbh->sql_in('who', $removed_cc), undef, $self->id);
foreach my $user_id (@$added_cc) {
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO cc (bug_id, who) VALUES (?,?)',
undef, $self->id, $user_id);
# If any changes were found, record it in the activity log
if (scalar @$removed_cc || scalar @$added_cc) {
my $removed_users = Bugzilla::User->new_from_list($removed_cc);
my $added_users = Bugzilla::User->new_from_list($added_cc);
my $removed_names = join(', ', (map {$_->login} @$removed_users));
my $added_names = join(', ', (map {$_->login} @$added_users));
$changes->{cc} = [$removed_names, $added_names];
# Aliases
my $old_aliases = $old_bug->alias;
my $new_aliases = $self->alias;
my ($removed_aliases, $added_aliases) = diff_arrays($old_aliases, $new_aliases);
foreach my $alias (@$removed_aliases) {
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM bugs_aliases WHERE bug_id = ? AND alias = ?',
undef, $self->id, $alias);
foreach my $alias (@$added_aliases) {
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO bugs_aliases (bug_id, alias) VALUES (?,?)',
undef, $self->id, $alias);
# If any changes were found, record it in the activity log
if (scalar @$removed_aliases || scalar @$added_aliases) {
$changes->{alias} = [join(', ', @$removed_aliases), join(', ', @$added_aliases)];
# Keywords
my @old_kw_ids = map { $_->id } @{$old_bug->keyword_objects};
my @new_kw_ids = map { $_->id } @{$self->keyword_objects};
my ($removed_kw, $added_kw) = diff_arrays(\@old_kw_ids, \@new_kw_ids);
if (scalar @$removed_kw) {
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM keywords WHERE bug_id = ? AND '
. $dbh->sql_in('keywordid', $removed_kw), undef, $self->id);
foreach my $keyword_id (@$added_kw) {
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO keywords (bug_id, keywordid) VALUES (?,?)',
undef, $self->id, $keyword_id);
# If any changes were found, record it in the activity log
if (scalar @$removed_kw || scalar @$added_kw) {
my $removed_keywords = Bugzilla::Keyword->new_from_list($removed_kw);
my $added_keywords = Bugzilla::Keyword->new_from_list($added_kw);
my $removed_names = join(', ', (map {$_->name} @$removed_keywords));
my $added_names = join(', ', (map {$_->name} @$added_keywords));
$changes->{keywords} = [$removed_names, $added_names];
# Dependencies
foreach my $pair ([qw(dependson blocked)], [qw(blocked dependson)]) {
my ($type, $other) = @$pair;
my $old = $old_bug->$type;
my $new = $self->$type;
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays($old, $new);
foreach my $removed_id (@$removed) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM dependencies WHERE $type = ? AND $other = ?",
undef, $removed_id, $self->id);
# Add an activity entry for the other bug.
LogActivityEntry($removed_id, $other, $self->id, '',
$user->id, $delta_ts);
# Update delta_ts on the other bug so that we trigger mid-airs.
$dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, $delta_ts, $removed_id);
foreach my $added_id (@$added) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO dependencies ($type, $other) VALUES (?,?)",
undef, $added_id, $self->id);
# Add an activity entry for the other bug.
LogActivityEntry($added_id, $other, '', $self->id,
$user->id, $delta_ts);
# Update delta_ts on the other bug so that we trigger mid-airs.
$dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, $delta_ts, $added_id);
if (scalar(@$removed) || scalar(@$added)) {
$changes->{$type} = [join(', ', @$removed), join(', ', @$added)];
# Groups
my %old_groups = map {$_->id => $_} @{$old_bug->groups_in};
my %new_groups = map {$_->id => $_} @{$self->groups_in};
my ($removed_gr, $added_gr) = diff_arrays([keys %old_groups],
[keys %new_groups]);
if (scalar @$removed_gr || scalar @$added_gr) {
if (@$removed_gr) {
my $qmarks = join(',', ('?') x @$removed_gr);
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM bug_group_map
WHERE bug_id = ? AND group_id IN ($qmarks)", undef,
$self->id, @$removed_gr);
my $sth_insert = $dbh->prepare(
'INSERT INTO bug_group_map (bug_id, group_id) VALUES (?,?)');
foreach my $gid (@$added_gr) {
$sth_insert->execute($self->id, $gid);
my @removed_names = map { $old_groups{$_}->name } @$removed_gr;
my @added_names = map { $new_groups{$_}->name } @$added_gr;
$changes->{'bug_group'} = [join(', ', @removed_names),
join(', ', @added_names)];
# Comments
foreach my $comment (@{$self->{added_comments} || []}) {
# Override the Comment's timestamp to be identical to the update
# timestamp.
$comment->{bug_when} = $delta_ts;
$comment = Bugzilla::Comment->insert_create_data($comment);
if ($comment->work_time) {
LogActivityEntry($self->id, "work_time", "", $comment->work_time,
$user->id, $delta_ts);
# Comment Privacy
foreach my $comment (@{$self->{comment_isprivate} || []}) {
my ($from, $to)
= $comment->is_private ? (0, 1) : (1, 0);
LogActivityEntry($self->id, "longdescs.isprivate", $from, $to,
$user->id, $delta_ts, $comment->id);
# Clear the cache of comments
delete $self->{comments};
# Insert the values into the multiselect value tables
my @multi_selects = grep {$_->type == FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT}
foreach my $field (@multi_selects) {
my $name = $field->name;
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays($old_bug->$name, $self->$name);
if (scalar @$removed || scalar @$added) {
$changes->{$name} = [join(', ', @$removed), join(', ', @$added)];
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM bug_$name where bug_id = ?",
undef, $self->id);
foreach my $value (@{$self->$name}) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO bug_$name (bug_id, value) VALUES (?,?)",
undef, $self->id, $value);
# See Also
my ($removed_see, $added_see) =
diff_arrays($old_bug->see_also, $self->see_also, 'name');
$_->remove_from_db foreach @$removed_see;
$_->insert_create_data($_) foreach @$added_see;
# If any changes were found, record it in the activity log
if (scalar @$removed_see || scalar @$added_see) {
$changes->{see_also} = [join(', ', map { $_->name } @$removed_see),
join(', ', map { $_->name } @$added_see)];
# Flags
my ($removed, $added) = Bugzilla::Flag->update_flags($self, $old_bug, $delta_ts);
if ($removed || $added) {
$changes->{''} = [$removed, $added];
$_->update foreach @{ $self->{_update_ref_bugs} || [] };
delete $self->{_update_ref_bugs};
# Log bugs_activity items
# XXX Eventually, when bugs_activity is able to track the dupe_id,
# this code should go below the duplicates-table-updating code below.
foreach my $field (keys %$changes) {
my $change = $changes->{$field};
my $from = defined $change->[0] ? $change->[0] : '';
my $to = defined $change->[1] ? $change->[1] : '';
LogActivityEntry($self->id, $field, $from, $to,
$user->id, $delta_ts);
# Check if we have to update the duplicates table and the other bug.
my ($old_dup, $cur_dup) = ($old_bug->dup_id || 0, $self->dup_id || 0);
if ($old_dup != $cur_dup) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM duplicates WHERE dupe = ?", undef, $self->id);
if ($cur_dup) {
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO duplicates (dupe, dupe_of) VALUES (?,?)',
undef, $self->id, $cur_dup);
if (my $update_dup = delete $self->{_dup_for_update}) {
$changes->{'dup_id'} = [$old_dup || undef, $cur_dup || undef];
{ bug => $self, timestamp => $delta_ts, changes => $changes,
old_bug => $old_bug });
# If any change occurred, refresh the timestamp of the bug.
if (scalar(keys %$changes) || $self->{added_comments}
|| $self->{comment_isprivate})
$dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, ($delta_ts, $self->id));
$self->{delta_ts} = $delta_ts;
# Update last-visited
if ($user->is_involved_in_bug($self)) {
$self->update_user_last_visit($user, $delta_ts);
# If a user is no longer involved, remove their last visit entry
my $last_visits =
Bugzilla::BugUserLastVisit->match({ bug_id => $self->id });
foreach my $lv (@$last_visits) {
$lv->remove_from_db() unless $lv->user->is_involved_in_bug($self);
# Update bug ignore data if user wants to ignore mail for this bug
if (exists $self->{'bug_ignored'}) {
my $bug_ignored_changed;
if ($self->{'bug_ignored'} && !$user->is_bug_ignored($self->id)) {
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO email_bug_ignore
(user_id, bug_id) VALUES (?, ?)',
undef, $user->id, $self->id);
$bug_ignored_changed = 1;
elsif (!$self->{'bug_ignored'} && $user->is_bug_ignored($self->id)) {
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM email_bug_ignore
WHERE user_id = ? AND bug_id = ?',
undef, $user->id, $self->id);
$bug_ignored_changed = 1;
delete $user->{bugs_ignored} if $bug_ignored_changed;
# The only problem with this here is that update() is often called
# in the middle of a transaction, and if that transaction is rolled
# back, this change will *not* be rolled back. As we expect rollbacks
# to be extremely rare, that is OK for us.
update_short_desc => $changes->{short_desc},
update_comments => $self->{added_comments} || $self->{comment_isprivate}
# Remove obsolete internal variables.
delete $self->{'_old_assigned_to'};
delete $self->{'_old_qa_contact'};
# Also flush the visible_bugs cache for this bug as the user's
# relationship with this bug may have changed.
delete $user->{_visible_bugs_cache}->{$self->id};
return $changes;
# Used by create().
# We need to handle multi-select fields differently than normal fields,
# because they're arrays and don't go into the bugs table.
sub _extract_multi_selects {
my ($invocant, $params) = @_;
my @multi_selects = grep {$_->type == FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT}
my %ms_values;
foreach my $field (@multi_selects) {
my $name = $field->name;
if (exists $params->{$name}) {
my $array = delete($params->{$name}) || [];
$ms_values{$name} = $array;
return \%ms_values;
# Should be called any time you update short_desc or change a comment.
sub _sync_fulltext {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my($all_comments, $public_comments);
if ($options{new_bug} || $options{update_comments}) {
my $comments = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
'SELECT thetext, isprivate FROM longdescs WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, $self->id);
$all_comments = join("\n", map { $_->[0] } @$comments);
my @no_private = grep { !$_->[1] } @$comments;
$public_comments = join("\n", map { $_->[0] } @no_private);
if ($options{new_bug}) {
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO bugs_fulltext (bug_id, short_desc, comments,
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)',
$self->id, $self->short_desc, $all_comments, $public_comments);
} else {
my(@names, @values);
if ($options{update_short_desc}) {
push @names, 'short_desc';
push @values, $self->short_desc;
if ($options{update_comments}) {
push @names, ('comments', 'comments_noprivate');
push @values, ($all_comments, $public_comments);
if (@names) {
$dbh->do('UPDATE bugs_fulltext SET ' .
join(', ', map { "$_ = ?" } @names) .
' WHERE bug_id = ?',
@values, $self->id);
sub remove_from_db {
my ($self) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
ThrowCodeError("bug_error", { bug => $self }) if $self->{'error'};
my $bug_id = $self->{'bug_id'};
# The bugs_fulltext table doesn't support foreign keys.
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM bugs_fulltext WHERE bug_id = ?", undef, $bug_id);
# Sending Email After Bug Update
sub send_changes {
my ($self, $changes, $vars) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my $old_qa = $changes->{'qa_contact'}
? $changes->{'qa_contact'}->[0] : '';
my $old_own = $changes->{'assigned_to'}
? $changes->{'assigned_to'}->[0] : '';
my $old_cc = $changes->{cc}
? $changes->{cc}->[0] : '';
my %forced = (
cc => [split(/[,;]+/, $old_cc)],
owner => $old_own,
qacontact => $old_qa,
changer => $user,
_send_bugmail({ id => $self->id, type => 'bug', forced => \%forced },
# If the bug was marked as a duplicate, we need to notify users on the
# other bug of any changes to that bug.
my $new_dup_id = $changes->{'dup_id'} ? $changes->{'dup_id'}->[1] : undef;
if ($new_dup_id) {
_send_bugmail({ forced => { changer => $user }, type => "dupe",
id => $new_dup_id }, $vars);
# If there were changes in dependencies, we need to notify those
# dependencies.
if ($changes->{'bug_status'}) {
my ($old_status, $new_status) = @{ $changes->{'bug_status'} };
# If this bug has changed from opened to closed or vice-versa,
# then all of the bugs we block need to be notified.
if (is_open_state($old_status) ne is_open_state($new_status)) {
my $params = { forced => { changer => $user },
type => 'dep',
dep_only => 1,
blocker => $self,
changes => $changes };
foreach my $id (@{ $self->blocked }) {
$params->{id} = $id;
_send_bugmail($params, $vars);
# To get a list of all changed dependencies, convert the "changes" arrays
# into a long string, then collapse that string into unique numbers in
# a hash.
my $all_changed_deps = join(', ', @{ $changes->{'dependson'} || [] });
$all_changed_deps = join(', ', @{ $changes->{'blocked'} || [] },
my %changed_deps = map { $_ => 1 } split(', ', $all_changed_deps);
# When clearning one field (say, blocks) and filling in the other
# (say, dependson), an empty string can get into the hash and cause
# an error later.
delete $changed_deps{''};
foreach my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %changed_deps)) {
_send_bugmail({ forced => { changer => $user }, type => "dep",
id => $id }, $vars);
# Sending emails for the referenced bugs.
foreach my $ref_bug_id (uniq @{ $self->{see_also_changes} || [] }) {
_send_bugmail({ forced => { changer => $user },
id => $ref_bug_id }, $vars);
sub _send_bugmail {
my ($params, $vars) = @_;
require Bugzilla::BugMail;
my $results =
Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($params->{'id'}, $params->{'forced'}, $params);
if (Bugzilla->usage_mode == USAGE_MODE_BROWSER) {
my $template = Bugzilla->template;
$vars->{$_} = $params->{$_} foreach keys %$params;
$vars->{'sent_bugmail'} = $results;
$template->process("bug/process/results.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
$vars->{'header_done'} = 1;
# Validators
sub _check_alias {
my ($invocant, $aliases) = @_;
$aliases = ref $aliases ? $aliases : [split(/[\s,]+/, $aliases)];
# Remove empty aliases
@$aliases = grep { $_ } @$aliases;
foreach my $alias (@$aliases) {
$alias = trim($alias);
# Make sure the alias isn't too long.
if (length($alias) > 40) {
# Make sure the alias isn't just a number.
if ($alias =~ /^\d+$/) {
ThrowUserError("alias_is_numeric", { alias => $alias });
# Make sure the alias has no commas or spaces.
if ($alias =~ /[, ]/) {
ThrowUserError("alias_has_comma_or_space", { alias => $alias });
# Make sure the alias is unique, or that it's already our alias.
my $other_bug = new Bugzilla::Bug($alias);
if (!$other_bug->{error}
&& (!ref $invocant || $other_bug->id != $invocant->id))
ThrowUserError("alias_in_use", { alias => $alias,
bug_id => $other_bug->id });
return $aliases;
sub _check_assigned_to {
my ($invocant, $assignee, undef, $params) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my $component = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->component_obj
: $params->{component};
# Default assignee is the component owner.
my $id;
# If this is a new bug, you can only set the assignee if you have editbugs.
# If you didn't specify the assignee, we use the default assignee.
if (!ref $invocant
&& (!$user->in_group('editbugs', $component->product_id) || !$assignee))
$id = $component->default_assignee->id;
} else {
if (!ref $assignee) {
$assignee = trim($assignee);
# When updating a bug, assigned_to can't be empty.
ThrowUserError("reassign_to_empty") if ref $invocant && !$assignee;
$assignee = Bugzilla::User->check($assignee);
$id = $assignee->id;
# create() checks this another way, so we don't have to run this
# check during create().
$invocant->_check_strict_isolation_for_user($assignee) if ref $invocant;
return $id;
sub _check_bug_file_loc {
my ($invocant, $url) = @_;
$url = '' if !defined($url);
$url = trim($url);
# On bug entry, if bug_file_loc is "http://", the default, use an
# empty value instead. However, on bug editing people can set that
# back if they *really* want to.
if (!ref $invocant && $url eq 'http://') {
$url = '';
return $url;
sub _check_bug_status {
my ($invocant, $new_status, undef, $params) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my @valid_statuses;
my $old_status; # Note that this is undef for new bugs.
my ($product, $comment);
if (ref $invocant) {
@valid_statuses = @{$invocant->statuses_available};
$product = $invocant->product_obj;
$old_status = $invocant->status;
my $comments = $invocant->{added_comments} || [];
$comment = $comments->[-1];
else {
$product = $params->{product};
$comment = $params->{comment};
@valid_statuses = @{ Bugzilla::Bug->statuses_available($product) };
# Check permissions for users filing new bugs.
if (!ref $invocant) {
if ($user->in_group('editbugs', $product->id)
|| $user->in_group('canconfirm', $product->id)) {
# If the user with privs hasn't selected another status,
# select the first one of the list.
unless ($new_status) {
if (scalar(@valid_statuses) == 1) {
$new_status = $valid_statuses[0];
else {
$new_status = ($valid_statuses[0]->name ne 'UNCONFIRMED') ?
$valid_statuses[0] : $valid_statuses[1];
else {
# A user with no privs cannot choose the initial status.
# If UNCONFIRMED is valid for this product, use it; else
# use the first bug status available.
if (grep {$_->name eq 'UNCONFIRMED'} @valid_statuses) {
$new_status = 'UNCONFIRMED';
else {
$new_status = $valid_statuses[0];
# Time to validate the bug status.
$new_status = Bugzilla::Status->check($new_status) unless ref($new_status);
# We skip this check if we are changing from a status to itself.
if ( (!$old_status || $old_status->id != $new_status->id)
&& !grep {$_->name eq $new_status->name} @valid_statuses)
{ old => $old_status, new => $new_status });
# Check if a comment is required for this change.
if ($new_status->comment_required_on_change_from($old_status)
&& !$comment->{'thetext'})
{ old => $old_status ? $old_status->name : undef,
new => $new_status->name, field => 'bug_status' });
if (ref $invocant
&& ($new_status->name eq 'IN_PROGRESS'
# Backwards-compat for the old default workflow.
or $new_status->name eq 'ASSIGNED')
&& Bugzilla->params->{"usetargetmilestone"}
&& Bugzilla->params->{"musthavemilestoneonaccept"}
# musthavemilestoneonaccept applies only if at least two
# target milestones are defined for the product.
&& scalar(@{ $product->milestones }) > 1
&& $invocant->target_milestone eq $product->default_milestone)
ThrowUserError("milestone_required", { bug => $invocant });
if (!blessed $invocant) {
$params->{everconfirmed} = $new_status->name eq 'UNCONFIRMED' ? 0 : 1;
return $new_status->name;
sub _check_cc {
my ($invocant, $ccs, undef, $params) = @_;
my $component = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->component_obj
: $params->{component};
return [map {$_->id} @{$component->initial_cc}] unless $ccs;
# Allow comma-separated input as well as arrayrefs.
$ccs = [split(/[,;]+/, $ccs)] if !ref $ccs;
my %cc_ids;
foreach my $person (@$ccs) {
$person = trim($person);
next unless $person;
my $id = login_to_id($person, THROW_ERROR);
$cc_ids{$id} = 1;
# Enforce Default CC
$cc_ids{$_->id} = 1 foreach (@{$component->initial_cc});
return [keys %cc_ids];
sub _check_comment {
my ($invocant, $comment_txt, undef, $params) = @_;
# Comment can be empty. We should force it to be empty if the text is undef
if (!defined $comment_txt) {
$comment_txt = '';
# Load up some data
my $isprivate = delete $params->{comment_is_private};
my $timestamp = $params->{creation_ts};
# Create the new comment so we can check it
my $comment = {
thetext => $comment_txt,
bug_when => $timestamp,
# We don't include the "isprivate" column unless it was specified.
# This allows it to fall back to its database default.
if (defined $isprivate) {
$comment->{isprivate} = $isprivate;
# Validate comment. We have to do this special as a comment normally
# requires a bug to be already created. For a new bug, the first comment
# obviously can't get the bug if the bug is created after this
# (see bug 590334)
$comment = Bugzilla::Comment->run_create_validators($comment,
{ skip => ['bug_id'] }
return $comment;
sub _check_commenton {
my ($invocant, $new_value, $field, $params) = @_;
my $has_comment =
ref($invocant) ? $invocant->{added_comments}
: (defined $params->{comment}
and $params->{comment}->{thetext} ne '');
my $is_changing = ref($invocant) ? $invocant->$field ne $new_value
: $new_value ne '';
if ($is_changing && !$has_comment) {
my $old_value = ref($invocant) ? $invocant->$field : undef;
{ field => $field, old => $old_value, new => $new_value });
sub _check_component {
my ($invocant, $name, undef, $params) = @_;
$name = trim($name);
$name || ThrowUserError("require_component");
my $product = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->product_obj
: $params->{product};
my $old_comp = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->component : '';
my $object = Bugzilla::Component->check({ product => $product, name => $name });
if ($object->name ne $old_comp && !$object->is_active) {
ThrowUserError('value_inactive', { class => ref($object), value => $name });
return $object;
sub _check_creation_ts {
return Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)');
sub _check_deadline {
my ($invocant, $date) = @_;
# When filing bugs, we're forgiving and just return undef if
# the user isn't a timetracker. When updating bugs, check_can_change_field
# controls permissions, so we don't want to check them here.
if (!ref $invocant and !Bugzilla->user->is_timetracker) {
return undef;
# Validate entered deadline
$date = trim($date);
return undef if !$date;
|| ThrowUserError('illegal_date', { date => $date,
format => 'YYYY-MM-DD' });
return $date;
# Takes two comma/space-separated strings and returns arrayrefs
# of valid bug IDs.
sub _check_dependencies {
my ($invocant, $value, $field, $params) = @_;
return $value if $params->{_dependencies_validated};
if (!ref $invocant) {
# Only editbugs users can set dependencies on bug entry.
return ([], []) unless Bugzilla->user->in_group(
'editbugs', $params->{product}->id);
# This is done this way so that dependson and blocked can be in
# VALIDATORS, meaning that they can be in VALIDATOR_DEPENDENCIES,
# which means that they can be checked in the right order during
# bug creation.
my $opposite = $field eq 'dependson' ? 'blocked' : 'dependson';
my %deps_in = ($field => $value || '',
$opposite => $params->{$opposite} || '');
foreach my $type (qw(dependson blocked)) {
my @bug_ids = ref($deps_in{$type})
? @{$deps_in{$type}}
: split(/[\s,]+/, $deps_in{$type});
# Eliminate nulls.
@bug_ids = grep {$_} @bug_ids;
my @check_access = @bug_ids;
# When we're updating a bug, only added or removed bug_ids are
# checked for whether or not we can see/edit those bugs.
if (ref $invocant) {
my $old = $invocant->$type;
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays($old, \@bug_ids);
@check_access = (@$added, @$removed);
# Check field permissions if we've changed anything.
if (@check_access) {
my $privs;
if (!$invocant->check_can_change_field($type, 0, 1, \$privs)) {
ThrowUserError('illegal_change', { field => $type,
privs => $privs });
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
foreach my $modified_id (@check_access) {
my $delta_bug = $invocant->check($modified_id);
# Under strict isolation, you can't modify a bug if you can't
# edit it, even if you can see it.
if (Bugzilla->params->{"strict_isolation"}) {
if (!$user->can_edit_product($delta_bug->{'product_id'})) {
ThrowUserError("illegal_change_deps", {field => $type});
# Replace all aliases by their corresponding bug ID.
@bug_ids = map { $_ =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? $1 : $invocant->check($_, $type)->id } @bug_ids;
$deps_in{$type} = \@bug_ids;
# And finally, check for dependency loops.
my $bug_id = ref($invocant) ? $invocant->id : 0;
my %deps = ValidateDependencies($deps_in{dependson}, $deps_in{blocked},
$params->{$opposite} = $deps{$opposite};
$params->{_dependencies_validated} = 1;
return $deps{$field};
sub _check_dup_id {
my ($self, $dupe_of) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Store the bug ID/alias passed by the user for visibility checks.
my $orig_dupe_of = $dupe_of = trim($dupe_of);
$dupe_of || ThrowCodeError('undefined_field', { field => 'dup_id' });
# Validate the bug ID. The second argument will force check() to only
# make sure that the bug exists, and convert the alias to the bug ID
# if a string is passed. Group restrictions are checked below.
my $dupe_of_bug = $self->check($dupe_of, 'dup_id');
$dupe_of = $dupe_of_bug->id;
# If the dupe is unchanged, we have nothing more to check.
return $dupe_of if ($self->dup_id && $self->dup_id == $dupe_of);
# If we come here, then the duplicate is new. We have to make sure
# that we can view/change it (issue A on bug 96085).
# Make sure a loop isn't created when marking this bug
# as duplicate.
_resolve_ultimate_dup_id($self->id, $dupe_of, 1);
my $cur_dup = $self->dup_id || 0;
if ($cur_dup != $dupe_of && Bugzilla->params->{'commentonduplicate'}
&& !$self->{added_comments})
# Should we add the reporter to the CC list of the new bug?
# If they can see the bug...
if ($self->reporter->can_see_bug($dupe_of)) {
# We only add them if they're not the reporter of the other bug.
$self->{_add_dup_cc} = 1
if $dupe_of_bug->reporter->id != $self->reporter->id;
# What if the reporter currently can't see the new bug? In the browser
# interface, we prompt the user. In other interfaces, we default to
# not adding the user, as the safest option.
elsif (Bugzilla->usage_mode == USAGE_MODE_BROWSER) {
# If we've already confirmed whether the user should be added...
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $add_confirmed = $cgi->param('confirm_add_duplicate');
if (defined $add_confirmed) {
$self->{_add_dup_cc} = $add_confirmed;
else {
# Note that here we don't check if the user is already the reporter
# of the dupe_of bug, since we already checked if they can *see*
# the bug, above. People might have reporter_accessible turned
# off, but cclist_accessible turned on, so they might want to
# add the reporter even though they're already the reporter of the
# dup_of bug.
my $vars = {};
my $template = Bugzilla->template;
# Ask the user what they want to do about the reporter.
$vars->{'cclist_accessible'} = $dupe_of_bug->cclist_accessible;
$vars->{'original_bug_id'} = $dupe_of;
$vars->{'duplicate_bug_id'} = $self->id;
print $cgi->header();
$template->process("bug/process/confirm-duplicate.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
return $dupe_of;
sub _check_groups {
my ($invocant, $group_names, undef, $params) = @_;
my $bug_id = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->id : undef;
my $product = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->product_obj
: $params->{product};
my %add_groups;
# In email or WebServices, when the "groups" item actually
# isn't specified, then just add the default groups.
if (!defined $group_names) {
my $available = $product->groups_available;
foreach my $group (@$available) {
$add_groups{$group->id} = $group if $group->{is_default};
else {
# Allow a comma-separated list, for
$group_names = [map { trim($_) } split(',', $group_names)]
if !ref $group_names;
# First check all the groups they chose to set.
my %args = ( product => $product->name, bug_id => $bug_id, action => 'add' );
foreach my $name (@$group_names) {
my $group = Bugzilla::Group->check_no_disclose({ %args, name => $name });
if (!$product->group_is_settable($group)) {
ThrowUserError('group_restriction_not_allowed', { %args, name => $name });
$add_groups{$group->id} = $group;
# Now enforce mandatory groups.
$add_groups{$_->id} = $_ foreach @{ $product->groups_mandatory };
my @add_groups = values %add_groups;
return \@add_groups;
sub _check_keywords {
my ($invocant, $keywords_in, undef, $params) = @_;
return [] if !defined $keywords_in;
my $keyword_array = $keywords_in;
if (!ref $keyword_array) {
$keywords_in = trim($keywords_in);
$keyword_array = [split(/[\s,]+/, $keywords_in)];
my %keywords;
foreach my $keyword (@$keyword_array) {
next unless $keyword;
my $obj = Bugzilla::Keyword->check($keyword);
$keywords{$obj->id} = $obj;
return [values %keywords];
sub _check_product {
my ($invocant, $name) = @_;
$name = trim($name);
# If we're updating the bug and they haven't changed the product,
# always allow it.
if (ref $invocant && lc($invocant->product_obj->name) eq lc($name)) {
return $invocant->product_obj;
# Check that the product exists and that the user
# is allowed to enter bugs into this product.
my $product = Bugzilla->user->can_enter_product($name, THROW_ERROR);
return $product;
sub _check_priority {
my ($invocant, $priority) = @_;
if (!ref $invocant && !Bugzilla->params->{'letsubmitterchoosepriority'}) {
$priority = Bugzilla->params->{'defaultpriority'};
return $invocant->_check_select_field($priority, 'priority');
sub _check_qa_contact {
my ($invocant, $qa_contact, undef, $params) = @_;
$qa_contact = trim($qa_contact) if !ref $qa_contact;
my $component = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->component_obj
: $params->{component};
if (!ref $invocant) {
# Bugs get no QA Contact on creation if useqacontact is off.
return undef if !Bugzilla->params->{useqacontact};
# Set the default QA Contact if one isn't specified or if the
# user doesn't have editbugs.
if (!Bugzilla->user->in_group('editbugs', $component->product_id)
|| !$qa_contact)
return $component->default_qa_contact ? $component->default_qa_contact->id : undef;
# If a QA Contact was specified or if we're updating, check
# the QA Contact for validity.
my $id;
if ($qa_contact) {
$qa_contact = Bugzilla::User->check($qa_contact) if !ref $qa_contact;
$id = $qa_contact->id;
# create() checks this another way, so we don't have to run this
# check during create().
# If there is no QA contact, this check is not required.
if (ref $invocant && $id);
# "0" always means "undef", for QA Contact.
return $id || undef;
sub _check_reporter {
my $invocant = shift;
my $reporter;
if (ref $invocant) {
# You cannot change the reporter of a bug.
$reporter = $invocant->reporter->id;
else {
# On bug creation, the reporter is the logged in user
# (meaning that they must be logged in first!).
$reporter = Bugzilla->user->id;
return $reporter;
sub _check_resolution {
my ($invocant, $resolution, undef, $params) = @_;
$resolution = trim($resolution);
my $status = ref($invocant) ? $invocant->status->name
: $params->{bug_status};
my $is_open = ref($invocant) ? $invocant->status->is_open
: is_open_state($status);
# Throw a special error for resolving bugs without a resolution
# (or trying to change the resolution to '' on a closed bug without
# using clear_resolution).
ThrowUserError('missing_resolution', { status => $status })
if !$resolution && !$is_open;
# Make sure this is a valid resolution.
$resolution = $invocant->_check_select_field($resolution, 'resolution');
# Don't allow open bugs to have resolutions.
ThrowUserError('resolution_not_allowed') if $is_open;
# Check noresolveonopenblockers.
my $dependson = ref($invocant) ? $invocant->dependson
: ($params->{dependson} || []);
if (Bugzilla->params->{"noresolveonopenblockers"}
&& $resolution eq 'FIXED'
&& (!ref $invocant or !$invocant->resolution
or $resolution ne $invocant->resolution)
&& scalar @$dependson)
my $dep_bugs = Bugzilla::Bug->new_from_list($dependson);
my $count_open = grep { $_->isopened } @$dep_bugs;
if ($count_open) {
my $bug_id = ref($invocant) ? $invocant->id : undef;
{ bug_id => $bug_id, dep_count => $count_open });
# Check if they're changing the resolution and need to comment.
if (Bugzilla->params->{'commentonchange_resolution'}) {
$invocant->_check_commenton($resolution, 'resolution', $params);
return $resolution;
sub _check_short_desc {
my ($invocant, $short_desc) = @_;
# Set the parameter to itself, but cleaned up
$short_desc = clean_text($short_desc) if $short_desc;
if (!defined $short_desc || $short_desc eq '') {
if (length($short_desc) > MAX_FREETEXT_LENGTH) {
{ field => 'short_desc', text => $short_desc });
return $short_desc;
sub _check_status_whiteboard { return defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : ''; }
# Unlike other checkers, this one doesn't return anything.
sub _check_strict_isolation {
my ($invocant, $ccs, $assignee, $qa_contact, $product) = @_;
return unless Bugzilla->params->{'strict_isolation'};
if (ref $invocant) {
my $original = $invocant->new($invocant->id);
# We only check people if they've been added. This way, if
# strict_isolation is turned on when there are invalid users
# on bugs, people can still add comments and so on.
my @old_cc = map { $_->id } @{$original->cc_users};
my @new_cc = map { $_->id } @{$invocant->cc_users};
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays(\@old_cc, \@new_cc);
$ccs = Bugzilla::User->new_from_list($added);
$assignee = $invocant->assigned_to
if $invocant->assigned_to->id != $original->assigned_to->id;
if ($invocant->qa_contact
&& (!$original->qa_contact
|| $invocant->qa_contact->id != $original->qa_contact->id))
$qa_contact = $invocant->qa_contact;
$product = $invocant->product_obj;
my @related_users = @$ccs;
push(@related_users, $assignee) if $assignee;
if (Bugzilla->params->{'useqacontact'} && $qa_contact) {
push(@related_users, $qa_contact);
@related_users = @{Bugzilla::User->new_from_list(\@related_users)}
if !ref $invocant;
# For each unique user in @related_users...(assignee and qa_contact
# could be duplicates of users in the CC list)
my %unique_users = map {$_->id => $_} @related_users;
my @blocked_users;
foreach my $id (keys %unique_users) {
my $related_user = $unique_users{$id};
if (!$related_user->can_edit_product($product->id) ||
!$related_user->can_see_product($product->name)) {
push (@blocked_users, $related_user->login);
if (scalar(@blocked_users)) {
my %vars = ( users => \@blocked_users,
product => $product->name );
if (ref $invocant) {
$vars{'bug_id'} = $invocant->id;
else {
$vars{'new'} = 1;
ThrowUserError("invalid_user_group", \%vars);
# This is used by various set_ checkers, to make their code simpler.
sub _check_strict_isolation_for_user {
my ($self, $user) = @_;
return unless Bugzilla->params->{"strict_isolation"};
if (!$user->can_edit_product($self->{product_id})) {
{ users => $user->login,
product => $self->product,
bug_id => $self->id });
sub _check_tag_name {
my ($invocant, $tag) = @_;
$tag = clean_text($tag);
$tag || ThrowUserError('no_tag_to_edit');
ThrowUserError('tag_name_too_long') if length($tag) > MAX_LEN_QUERY_NAME;
# Tags are all lowercase.
return lc($tag);
sub _check_target_milestone {
my ($invocant, $target, undef, $params) = @_;
my $product = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->product_obj
: $params->{product};
my $old_target = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->target_milestone : '';
$target = trim($target);
$target = $product->default_milestone if !defined $target;
my $object = Bugzilla::Milestone->check(
{ product => $product, name => $target });
if ($old_target && $object->name ne $old_target && !$object->is_active) {
ThrowUserError('value_inactive', { class => ref($object), value => $target });
return $object->name;
sub _check_time_field {
my ($invocant, $value, $field, $params) = @_;
# When filing bugs, we're forgiving and just return 0 if
# the user isn't a timetracker. When updating bugs, check_can_change_field
# controls permissions, so we don't want to check them here.
if (!ref $invocant and !Bugzilla->user->is_timetracker) {
return 0;
# check_time is in Bugzilla::Object.
return $invocant->check_time($value, $field, $params);
sub _check_version {
my ($invocant, $version, undef, $params) = @_;
$version = trim($version);
my $product = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->product_obj
: $params->{product};
my $old_vers = blessed($invocant) ? $invocant->version : '';
my $object = Bugzilla::Version->check({ product => $product, name => $version });
if ($object->name ne $old_vers && !$object->is_active) {
ThrowUserError('value_inactive', { class => ref($object), value => $version });
return $object->name;
# Custom Field Validators
sub _check_field_is_mandatory {
my ($invocant, $value, $field, $params) = @_;
if (!blessed($field)) {
$field = Bugzilla::Field->new({ name => $field });
return if !$field;
return if !$field->is_mandatory;
return if !$field->is_visible_on_bug($params || $invocant);
return if ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT
&& scalar @{ get_legal_field_values($field->name) } == 1);
return if ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT
&& !scalar @{ get_legal_field_values($field->name) });
if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
$value = join('', @$value);
$value = trim($value);
if (!defined($value)
or $value eq ""
or ($value eq '---' and $field->type == FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT)
and $field->type == FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME))
ThrowUserError('required_field', { field => $field });
sub _check_date_field {
my ($invocant, $date) = @_;
return $invocant->_check_datetime_field($date, undef, {date_only => 1});
sub _check_datetime_field {
my ($invocant, $date_time, $field, $params) = @_;
# Empty datetimes are empty strings or strings only containing
# 0's, whitespace, and punctuation.
if ($date_time =~ /^[\s0[:punct:]]*$/) {
return undef;
$date_time = trim($date_time);
my ($date, $time) = split(' ', $date_time);
if ($date && !validate_date($date)) {
ThrowUserError('illegal_date', { date => $date,
format => 'YYYY-MM-DD' });
if ($time && $params->{date_only}) {
ThrowUserError('illegal_date', { date => $date_time,
format => 'YYYY-MM-DD' });
if ($time && !validate_time($time)) {
ThrowUserError('illegal_time', { 'time' => $time,
format => 'HH:MM:SS' });
return $date_time
sub _check_default_field { return defined $_[1] ? trim($_[1]) : ''; }
sub _check_freetext_field {
my ($invocant, $text, $field) = @_;
$text = (defined $text) ? trim($text) : '';
if (length($text) > MAX_FREETEXT_LENGTH) {
{ field => $field, text => $text });
return $text;
sub _check_multi_select_field {
my ($invocant, $values, $field) = @_;
# Allow users (mostly to specify multi-selects as
# comma-separated values.
if (defined $values and !ref $values) {
# We don't split on spaces because multi-select values can and often
# do have spaces in them. (Theoretically they can have commas in them
# too, but that's much less common and people should be able to work
# around it pretty cleanly, if they want to use
$values = [split(',', $values)];
return [] if !$values;
my @checked_values;
foreach my $value (@$values) {
push(@checked_values, $invocant->_check_select_field($value, $field));
return \@checked_values;
sub _check_select_field {
my ($invocant, $value, $field) = @_;
my $object = Bugzilla::Field::Choice->type($field)->check($value);
return $object->name;
sub _check_bugid_field {
my ($invocant, $value, $field) = @_;
return undef if !$value;
# check that the value is a valid, visible bug id
my $checked_id = $invocant->check($value, $field)->id;
# check for loop (can't have a loop if this is a new bug)
if (ref $invocant) {
_check_relationship_loop($field, $invocant->bug_id, $checked_id);
return $checked_id;
sub _check_textarea_field {
my ($invocant, $text, $field) = @_;
$text = (defined $text) ? trim($text) : '';
# Web browsers submit newlines as \r\n.
# Sanitize all input to match the web standard.
# XMLRPC input could be either \n or \r\n
$text =~ s/\r?\n/\r\n/g;
return $text;
sub _check_integer_field {
my ($invocant, $value, $field) = @_;
$value = defined($value) ? trim($value) : '';
if ($value eq '') {
return 0;
my $orig_value = $value;
if (!detaint_signed($value)) {
{field => $field, num => $orig_value});
elsif (abs($value) > MAX_INT_32) {
{field => $field, num => $orig_value, max_num => MAX_INT_32});
return $value;
sub _check_relationship_loop {
# Generates a dependency tree for a given bug. Calls itself recursively
# to generate sub-trees for the bug's dependencies.
my ($field, $bug_id, $dep_id, $ids) = @_;
# Don't do anything if this bug doesn't have any dependencies.
return unless defined($dep_id);
# Check whether we have seen this bug yet
$ids = {} unless defined $ids;
$ids->{$bug_id} = 1;
if ($ids->{$dep_id}) {
ThrowUserError("relationship_loop_single", {
'bug_id' => $bug_id,
'dep_id' => $dep_id,
'field_name' => $field});
# Get this dependency's record from the database
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $next_dep_id = $dbh->selectrow_array(
"SELECT $field FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = ?", undef, $dep_id);
_check_relationship_loop($field, $dep_id, $next_dep_id, $ids);
# Class Accessors
sub fields {
my $class = shift;
my @fields =
# Standard Fields
# Keep this ordering in sync with bugzilla.dtd.
qw(bug_id alias creation_ts short_desc delta_ts
reporter_accessible cclist_accessible
classification_id classification
product component version rep_platform op_sys
bug_status resolution dup_id see_also
bug_file_loc status_whiteboard keywords
priority bug_severity target_milestone
dependson blocked everconfirmed
reporter assigned_to cc estimated_time
remaining_time actual_time deadline),
# Conditional Fields
Bugzilla->params->{'useqacontact'} ? "qa_contact" : (),
# Custom Fields
map { $_->name } Bugzilla->active_custom_fields
Bugzilla::Hook::process('bug_fields', {'fields' => \@fields} );
return @fields;
# Mutators
# To run check_can_change_field.
sub _set_global_validator {
my ($self, $value, $field) = @_;
my $current = $self->$field;
my $privs;
if (ref $current && ref($current) ne 'ARRAY'
&& $current->isa('Bugzilla::Object')) {
$current = $current->id ;
if (ref $value && ref($value) ne 'ARRAY'
&& $value->isa('Bugzilla::Object')) {
$value = $value->id ;
my $can = $self->check_can_change_field($field, $current, $value, \$privs);
if (!$can) {
if ($field eq 'assigned_to' || $field eq 'qa_contact') {
$value = Bugzilla::User->new($value)->login;
$current = Bugzilla::User->new($current)->login;
ThrowUserError('illegal_change', { field => $field,
oldvalue => $current,
newvalue => $value,
privs => $privs });
$self->_check_field_is_mandatory($value, $field);
# "Set" Methods #
# Note that if you are changing multiple bugs at once, you must pass
# other_bugs to set_all in order for it to behave properly.
sub set_all {
my $self = shift;
my ($input_params) = @_;
# Clone the data as we are going to alter it, and this would affect
# subsequent bugs when calling set_all() again, as some fields would
# be modified or no longer defined.
my $params = {};
%$params = %$input_params;
# You cannot mark bugs as duplicate when changing several bugs at once
# (because currently there is no way to check for duplicate loops in that
# situation). You also cannot set the alias of several bugs at once.
if ($params->{other_bugs} and scalar @{ $params->{other_bugs} } > 1) {
ThrowUserError('dupe_not_allowed') if exists $params->{dup_id};
if defined $params->{alias};
# For security purposes, and because lots of other checks depend on it,
# we set the product first before anything else.
my $product_changed; # Used only for strict_isolation checks.
if (exists $params->{'product'}) {
$product_changed = $self->_set_product($params->{'product'}, $params);
# strict_isolation checks mean that we should set the groups
# immediately after changing the product.
$self->_add_remove($params, 'groups');
if (exists $params->{'dependson'} or exists $params->{'blocked'}) {
my %set_deps;
foreach my $name (qw(dependson blocked)) {
my @dep_ids = @{ $self->$name };
# If only one of the two fields was passed in, then we need to
# retain the current value for the other one.
if (!exists $params->{$name}) {
$set_deps{$name} = \@dep_ids;
# Explicitly setting them to a particular value overrides
# add/remove.
if (exists $params->{$name}->{set}) {
$set_deps{$name} = $params->{$name}->{set};
foreach my $add (@{ $params->{$name}->{add} || [] }) {
push(@dep_ids, $add) if !grep($_ == $add, @dep_ids);
foreach my $remove (@{ $params->{$name}->{remove} || [] }) {
@dep_ids = grep($_ != $remove, @dep_ids);
$set_deps{$name} = \@dep_ids;
$self->set_dependencies($set_deps{'dependson'}, $set_deps{'blocked'});
if (exists $params->{'keywords'}) {
# Sorting makes the order "add, remove, set", just like for other
# fields.
foreach my $action (sort keys %{ $params->{'keywords'} }) {
$self->modify_keywords($params->{'keywords'}->{$action}, $action);
if (exists $params->{'comment'} or exists $params->{'work_time'}) {
# Add a comment as needed to each bug. This is done early because
# there are lots of things that want to check if we added a comment.
{ isprivate => $params->{'comment'}->{'is_private'},
work_time => $params->{'work_time'} });
if (exists $params->{alias} && $params->{alias}{set}) {
my ($removed_aliases, $added_aliases) = diff_arrays(
$self->alias, $params->{alias}{set});
$params->{alias} = {
add => $added_aliases,
remove => $removed_aliases,
my %normal_set_all;
foreach my $name (keys %$params) {
# These are handled separately below.
if ($self->can("set_$name")) {
$normal_set_all{$name} = $params->{$name};
$self->reset_assigned_to if $params->{'reset_assigned_to'};
$self->reset_qa_contact if $params->{'reset_qa_contact'};
$self->_add_remove($params, 'see_also');
# And set custom fields.
my @custom_fields = Bugzilla->active_custom_fields;
foreach my $field (@custom_fields) {
my $fname = $field->name;
if (exists $params->{$fname}) {
$self->set_custom_field($field, $params->{$fname});
$self->_add_remove($params, 'cc');
$self->_add_remove($params, 'alias');
# Theoretically you could move a product without ever specifying
# a new assignee or qa_contact, or adding/removing any CCs. So,
# we have to check that the current assignee, qa, and CCs are still
# valid if we've switched products, under strict_isolation. We can only
# do that here, because if they *did* change the assignee, qa, or CC,
# then we don't want to check the original ones, only the new ones.
$self->_check_strict_isolation() if $product_changed;
# Helper for set_all that helps with fields that have an "add/remove"
# pattern instead of a "set_" pattern.
sub _add_remove {
my ($self, $params, $name) = @_;
my @add = @{ $params->{$name}->{add} || [] };
my @remove = @{ $params->{$name}->{remove} || [] };
$name =~ s/s$// if $name ne 'alias';
my $add_method = "add_$name";
my $remove_method = "remove_$name";
$self->$add_method($_) foreach @add;
$self->$remove_method($_) foreach @remove;
sub set_assigned_to {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
$self->set('assigned_to', $value);
# Store the old assignee. check_can_change_field() needs it.
$self->{'_old_assigned_to'} = $self->{'assigned_to_obj'}->id;
delete $self->{'assigned_to_obj'};
sub reset_assigned_to {
my $self = shift;
my $comp = $self->component_obj;
sub set_bug_ignored { $_[0]->set('bug_ignored', $_[1]); }
sub set_cclist_accessible { $_[0]->set('cclist_accessible', $_[1]); }
sub set_comment_is_private {
my ($self, $comments, $isprivate) = @_;
$self->{comment_isprivate} ||= [];
my $is_insider = Bugzilla->user->is_insider;
$comments = { $comments => $isprivate } unless ref $comments;
foreach my $comment (@{$self->comments}) {
# Skip unmodified comment privacy.
next unless exists $comments->{$comment->id};
my $isprivate = delete $comments->{$comment->id} ? 1 : 0;
if ($isprivate != $comment->is_private) {
ThrowUserError('user_not_insider') unless $is_insider;
push @{$self->{comment_isprivate}}, $comment;
# If there are still entries in $comments, then they are illegal.
ThrowUserError('comment_invalid_isprivate', { id => join(', ', keys %$comments) })
if scalar keys %$comments;
# If no comment privacy has been modified, remove this key.
delete $self->{comment_isprivate} unless scalar @{$self->{comment_isprivate}};
sub set_component {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
my $old_comp = $self->component_obj;
my $component = $self->_check_component($name);
if ($old_comp->id != $component->id) {
$self->{component_id} = $component->id;
$self->{component} = $component->name;
$self->{component_obj} = $component;
# For update()
$self->{_old_component_name} = $old_comp->name;
# Add in the Default CC of the new Component;
foreach my $cc (@{$component->initial_cc}) {
sub set_custom_field {
my ($self, $field, $value) = @_;
if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY' && $field->type != FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT) {
$value = $value->[0];
ThrowCodeError('field_not_custom', { field => $field }) if !$field->custom;
$self->set($field->name, $value);
sub set_deadline { $_[0]->set('deadline', $_[1]); }
sub set_dependencies {
my ($self, $dependson, $blocked) = @_;
my %extra = ( blocked => $blocked );
$dependson = $self->_check_dependencies($dependson, 'dependson', \%extra);
$blocked = $extra{blocked};
# These may already be detainted, but all setters are supposed to
# detaint their input if they've run a validator (just as though
# we had used Bugzilla::Object::set), so we do that here.
detaint_natural($_) foreach (@$dependson, @$blocked);
$self->{'dependson'} = $dependson;
$self->{'blocked'} = $blocked;
delete $self->{depends_on_obj};
delete $self->{blocks_obj};
sub _clear_dup_id { $_[0]->{dup_id} = undef; }
sub set_dup_id {
my ($self, $dup_id) = @_;
my $old = $self->dup_id || 0;
$self->set('dup_id', $dup_id);
my $new = $self->dup_id;
return if $old == $new;
# Make sure that we have the DUPLICATE resolution. This is needed
# if somebody calls set_dup_id without calling set_bug_status or
# set_resolution.
if ($self->resolution ne 'DUPLICATE') {
# Even if the current status is VERIFIED, we change it back to
# RESOLVED (or whatever the duplicate_or_move_bug_status is) here,
# because that's the same thing the UI does when you click on the
# "Mark as Duplicate" link. If people really want to retain their
# current status, they can use set_bug_status and set the DUPLICATE
# resolution before getting here.
{ resolution => 'DUPLICATE' });
# Update the other bug.
my $dupe_of = new Bugzilla::Bug($self->dup_id);
if (delete $self->{_add_dup_cc}) {
$dupe_of->add_comment("", { type => CMT_HAS_DUPE,
extra_data => $self->id });
$self->{_dup_for_update} = $dupe_of;
# Now make sure that we add a duplicate comment on *this* bug.
# (Change an existing comment into a dup comment, if there is one,
# or add an empty dup comment.)
if ($self->{added_comments}) {
my @normal = grep { !defined $_->{type} || $_->{type} == CMT_NORMAL }
@{ $self->{added_comments} };
# Turn the last one into a dup comment.
$normal[-1]->{type} = CMT_DUPE_OF;
$normal[-1]->{extra_data} = $self->dup_id;
else {
$self->add_comment('', { type => CMT_DUPE_OF,
extra_data => $self->dup_id });
sub set_estimated_time { $_[0]->set('estimated_time', $_[1]); }
sub _set_everconfirmed { $_[0]->set('everconfirmed', $_[1]); }
sub set_flags {
my ($self, $flags, $new_flags) = @_;
Bugzilla::Flag->set_flag($self, $_) foreach (@$flags, @$new_flags);
sub set_op_sys { $_[0]->set('op_sys', $_[1]); }
sub set_platform { $_[0]->set('rep_platform', $_[1]); }
sub set_priority { $_[0]->set('priority', $_[1]); }
# For security reasons, you have to use set_all to change the product.
# See the strict_isolation check in set_all for an explanation.
sub _set_product {
my ($self, $name, $params) = @_;
my $old_product = $self->product_obj;
my $product = $self->_check_product($name);
my $product_changed = 0;
if ($old_product->id != $product->id) {
$self->{product_id} = $product->id;
$self->{product} = $product->name;
$self->{product_obj} = $product;
# For update()
$self->{_old_product_name} = $old_product->name;
# Delete fields that depend upon the old Product value.
delete $self->{choices};
$product_changed = 1;
$params ||= {};
# We delete these so that they're not set again later in set_all.
my $comp_name = delete $params->{component} || $self->component;
my $vers_name = delete $params->{version} || $self->version;
my $tm_name = delete $params->{target_milestone};
# This way, if usetargetmilestone is off and we've changed products,
# set_target_milestone will reset our target_milestone to
# $product->default_milestone. But if we haven't changed products,
# we don't reset anything.
if (!defined $tm_name
&& (Bugzilla->params->{'usetargetmilestone'} || !$product_changed))
$tm_name = $self->target_milestone;
if ($product_changed && Bugzilla->usage_mode == USAGE_MODE_BROWSER) {
# Try to set each value with the new product.
# Have to set error_mode because Throw*Error calls exit() otherwise.
my $old_error_mode = Bugzilla->error_mode;
my $component_ok = eval { $self->set_component($comp_name); 1; };
my $version_ok = eval { $self->set_version($vers_name); 1; };
my $milestone_ok = 1;
# Reporters can move bugs between products but not set the TM.
if ($self->check_can_change_field('target_milestone', 0, 1)) {
$milestone_ok = eval { $self->set_target_milestone($tm_name); 1; };
else {
# Have to set this directly to bypass the validators.
$self->{target_milestone} = $product->default_milestone;
# If there were any errors thrown, make sure we don't mess up any
# other part of Bugzilla that checks $@.
undef $@;
my $verified = $params->{product_change_confirmed};
my %vars;
if (!$verified || !$component_ok || !$version_ok || !$milestone_ok) {
$vars{defaults} = {
# Note that because of the eval { set } above, these are
# already set correctly if they're valid, otherwise they're
# set to some invalid value which the template will ignore.
component => $self->component,
version => $self->version,
milestone => $milestone_ok ? $self->target_milestone
: $product->default_milestone
$vars{components} = [map { $_->name } grep($_->is_active, @{$product->components})];
$vars{milestones} = [map { $_->name } grep($_->is_active, @{$product->milestones})];
$vars{versions} = [map { $_->name } grep($_->is_active, @{$product->versions})];
if (!$verified) {
$vars{verify_bug_groups} = 1;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my @idlist = ($self->id);
push(@idlist, map {$_->id} @{ $params->{other_bugs} })
if $params->{other_bugs};
@idlist = uniq @idlist;
# Get the ID of groups which are no longer valid in the new product.
my $gids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT bgm.group_id
FROM bug_group_map AS bgm
WHERE bgm.bug_id IN (' . join(',', ('?') x @idlist) . ')
AND bgm.group_id NOT IN
(SELECT gcm.group_id
FROM group_control_map AS gcm
WHERE gcm.product_id = ?
AND ( (gcm.membercontrol != ?
AND gcm.group_id IN ('
. Bugzilla->user->groups_as_string . '))
OR gcm.othercontrol != ?) )',
undef, (@idlist, $product->id, CONTROLMAPNA, CONTROLMAPNA));
$vars{'old_groups'} = Bugzilla::Group->new_from_list($gids);
# Did we come here from editing multiple bugs? (affects how we
# show optional group changes)
$vars{multiple_bugs} = (@idlist > 1) ? 1 : 0;
if (%vars) {
$vars{product} = $product;
$vars{bug} = $self;
my $template = Bugzilla->template;
\%vars) || ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
else {
# When we're not in the browser (or we didn't change the product), we
# just die if any of these are invalid.
if ($product_changed
and !$self->check_can_change_field('target_milestone', 0, 1))
# Have to set this directly to bypass the validators.
$self->{target_milestone} = $product->default_milestone;
else {
if ($product_changed) {
# Remove groups that can't be set in the new product.
# We copy this array because the original array is modified while we're
# working, and that confuses "foreach".
my @current_groups = @{$self->groups_in};
foreach my $group (@current_groups) {
if (!$product->group_is_valid($group)) {
# Make sure the bug is in all the mandatory groups for the new product.
foreach my $group (@{$product->groups_mandatory}) {
return $product_changed;
sub set_qa_contact {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
$self->set('qa_contact', $value);
# Store the old QA contact. check_can_change_field() needs it.
if ($self->{'qa_contact_obj'}) {
$self->{'_old_qa_contact'} = $self->{'qa_contact_obj'}->id;
delete $self->{'qa_contact_obj'};
sub reset_qa_contact {
my $self = shift;
my $comp = $self->component_obj;
sub set_remaining_time { $_[0]->set('remaining_time', $_[1]); }
# Used only when closing a bug or moving between closed states.
sub _zero_remaining_time { $_[0]->{'remaining_time'} = 0; }
sub set_reporter_accessible { $_[0]->set('reporter_accessible', $_[1]); }
sub set_resolution {
my ($self, $value, $params) = @_;
my $old_res = $self->resolution;
$self->set('resolution', $value);
delete $self->{choices};
my $new_res = $self->resolution;
if ($new_res ne $old_res) {
# Clear the dup_id if we're leaving the dup resolution.
if ($old_res eq 'DUPLICATE') {
# Duplicates should have no remaining time left.
elsif ($new_res eq 'DUPLICATE' && $self->remaining_time != 0) {
# We don't check if we're entering or leaving the dup resolution here,
# because we could be moving from being a dup of one bug to being a dup
# of another, theoretically. Note that this code block will also run
# when going between different closed states.
if ($self->resolution eq 'DUPLICATE') {
if (my $dup_id = $params->{dup_id}) {
elsif (!$self->dup_id) {
# This method has handled dup_id, so set_all doesn't have to worry
# about it now.
delete $params->{dup_id};
sub clear_resolution {
my $self = shift;
if (!$self->status->is_open) {
ThrowUserError('resolution_cant_clear', { bug_id => $self->id });
$self->{'resolution'} = '';
sub set_severity { $_[0]->set('bug_severity', $_[1]); }
sub set_bug_status {
my ($self, $status, $params) = @_;
my $old_status = $self->status;
$self->set('bug_status', $status);
delete $self->{'status'};
delete $self->{'statuses_available'};
delete $self->{'choices'};
my $new_status = $self->status;
if ($new_status->is_open) {
# Check for the everconfirmed transition
$self->_set_everconfirmed($new_status->name eq 'UNCONFIRMED' ? 0 : 1);
# Calling clear_resolution handled the "resolution" and "dup_id"
# setting, so set_all doesn't have to worry about them.
delete $params->{resolution};
delete $params->{dup_id};
else {
# We do this here so that we can make sure closed statuses have
# resolutions.
my $resolution = $self->resolution;
# We need to check "defined" to prevent people from passing
# a blank resolution in the WebService, which would otherwise fail
# silently.
if (defined $params->{resolution}) {
$resolution = delete $params->{resolution};
$self->set_resolution($resolution, $params);
# Changing between closed statuses zeros the remaining time.
if ($new_status->id != $old_status->id && $self->remaining_time != 0) {
sub set_status_whiteboard { $_[0]->set('status_whiteboard', $_[1]); }
sub set_summary { $_[0]->set('short_desc', $_[1]); }
sub set_target_milestone { $_[0]->set('target_milestone', $_[1]); }
sub set_url { $_[0]->set('bug_file_loc', $_[1]); }
sub set_version { $_[0]->set('version', $_[1]); }
# "Add/Remove" Methods #
# These are in alphabetical order by field name.
# Accepts a User object or a username. Adds the user only if they
# don't already exist as a CC on the bug.
sub add_cc {
my ($self, $user_or_name) = @_;
return if !$user_or_name;
my $user = ref $user_or_name ? $user_or_name
: Bugzilla::User->check($user_or_name);
my $cc_users = $self->cc_users;
push(@$cc_users, $user) if !grep($_->id == $user->id, @$cc_users);
# Accepts a User object or a username. Removes the User if they exist
# in the list, but doesn't throw an error if they don't exist.
sub remove_cc {
my ($self, $user_or_name) = @_;
my $user = ref $user_or_name ? $user_or_name
: Bugzilla::User->check($user_or_name);
my $currentUser = Bugzilla->user;
if (!$self->user->{'canedit'} && $user->id != $currentUser->id) {
my $cc_users = $self->cc_users;
@$cc_users = grep { $_->id != $user->id } @$cc_users;
sub add_alias {
my ($self, $alias) = @_;
return if !$alias;
my $aliases = $self->_check_alias($alias);
$alias = $aliases->[0];
my @new_aliases;
my $found = 0;
foreach my $old_alias (@{ $self->alias }) {
if (lc($old_alias) eq lc($alias)) {
push(@new_aliases, $alias);
$found = 1;
else {
push(@new_aliases, $old_alias);
push(@new_aliases, $alias) if !$found;
$self->{alias} = \@new_aliases;
sub remove_alias {
my ($self, $alias) = @_;
my $bug_aliases = $self->alias;
@$bug_aliases = grep { $_ ne $alias } @$bug_aliases;
# $bug->add_comment("comment", {isprivate => 1, work_time => 10.5,
# type => CMT_NORMAL, extra_data => $data});
sub add_comment {
my ($self, $comment, $params) = @_;
$params ||= {};
# Fill out info that doesn't change and callers may not pass in
$params->{'bug_id'} = $self;
$params->{'thetext'} = defined($comment) ? $comment : '';
# Validate all the entered data
$params = Bugzilla::Comment->run_create_validators($params);
# This makes it so we won't create new comments when there is nothing
# to add
if ($params->{'thetext'} eq ''
&& !($params->{type} || abs($params->{work_time} || 0)))
# If the user has explicitly set remaining_time, this will be overridden
# later in set_all. But if they haven't, this keeps remaining_time
# up-to-date.
if ($params->{work_time}) {
$self->set_remaining_time(max($self->remaining_time - $params->{work_time}, 0));
$self->{added_comments} ||= [];
push(@{$self->{added_comments}}, $params);
sub modify_keywords {
my ($self, $keywords, $action) = @_;
if (!$action || !grep { $action eq $_ } qw(add remove set)) {
$action = 'set';
$keywords = $self->_check_keywords($keywords);
my @old_keywords = @{ $self->keyword_objects };
my @result;
if ($action eq 'set') {
@result = @$keywords;
else {
# We're adding or deleting specific keywords.
my %keys = map { $_->id => $_ } @old_keywords;
if ($action eq 'add') {
$keys{$_->id} = $_ foreach @$keywords;
else {
delete $keys{$_->id} foreach @$keywords;
@result = values %keys;
# Check if anything was added or removed.
my @old_ids = map { $_->id } @old_keywords;
my @new_ids = map { $_->id } @result;
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays(\@old_ids, \@new_ids);
my $any_changes = scalar @$removed || scalar @$added;
# Make sure we retain the sort order.
@result = sort {lc($a->name) cmp lc($b->name)} @result;
if ($any_changes) {
my $privs;
my $new = join(', ', (map {$_->name} @result));
my $check = $self->check_can_change_field('keywords', 0, 1, \$privs)
|| ThrowUserError('illegal_change', { field => 'keywords',
oldvalue => $self->keywords,
newvalue => $new,
privs => $privs });
$self->{'keyword_objects'} = \@result;
sub add_group {
my ($self, $group) = @_;
# If the user enters "FoO" but the DB has "Foo", $group->name would
# return "Foo" and thus revealing the existence of the group name.
# So we have to store and pass the name as entered by the user to
# the error message, if we have it.
my $group_name = blessed($group) ? $group->name : $group;
my $args = { name => $group_name, product => $self->product,
bug_id => $self->id, action => 'add' };
$group = Bugzilla::Group->check_no_disclose($args) if !blessed $group;
# If the bug is already in this group, then there is nothing to do.
return if $self->in_group($group);
# Make sure that bugs in this product can actually be restricted
# to this group by the current user.
|| ThrowUserError('group_restriction_not_allowed', $args);
# OtherControl people can add groups only during a product change,
# and only when the group is not NA for them.
if (!Bugzilla->user->in_group($group->name)) {
my $controls = $self->product_obj->group_controls->{$group->id};
if (!$self->{_old_product_name}
|| $controls->{othercontrol} == CONTROLMAPNA)
ThrowUserError('group_restriction_not_allowed', $args);
my $current_groups = $self->groups_in;
push(@$current_groups, $group);
sub remove_group {
my ($self, $group) = @_;
# See add_group() for the reason why we store the user input.
my $group_name = blessed($group) ? $group->name : $group;
my $args = { name => $group_name, product => $self->product,
bug_id => $self->id, action => 'remove' };
$group = Bugzilla::Group->check_no_disclose($args) if !blessed $group;
# If the bug isn't in this group, then either the name is misspelled,
# or the group really doesn't exist. Let the user know about this problem.
$self->in_group($group) || ThrowUserError('group_invalid_removal', $args);
# Check if this is a valid group for this product. You can *always*
# remove a group that is not valid for this product (set_product does this).
# This particularly happens when we're moving a bug to a new product.
# You still have to be a member of an inactive group to remove it.
if ($self->product_obj->group_is_valid($group)) {
my $controls = $self->product_obj->group_controls->{$group->id};
# Nobody can ever remove a Mandatory group, unless it became inactive.
if ($controls->{membercontrol} == CONTROLMAPMANDATORY && $group->is_active) {
ThrowUserError('group_invalid_removal', $args);
# OtherControl people can remove groups only during a product change,
# and only when they are non-Mandatory and non-NA.
if (!Bugzilla->user->in_group($group->name)) {
if (!$self->{_old_product_name}
|| $controls->{othercontrol} == CONTROLMAPMANDATORY
|| $controls->{othercontrol} == CONTROLMAPNA)
ThrowUserError('group_invalid_removal', $args);
my $current_groups = $self->groups_in;
@$current_groups = grep { $_->id != $group->id } @$current_groups;
sub add_see_also {
my ($self, $input, $skip_recursion) = @_;
# This is needed by xt/search.t.
$input = $input->name if blessed($input);
$input = trim($input);
return if !$input;
my ($class, $uri) = Bugzilla::BugUrl->class_for($input);
my $params = { value => $uri, bug_id => $self, class => $class };
my $field_values = $class->run_create_validators($params);
my $value = $field_values->{value}->as_string;
$field_values->{value} = $value;
# We only add the new URI if it hasn't been added yet. URIs are
# case-sensitive, but most of our DBs are case-insensitive, so we do
# this check case-insensitively.
if (!grep { lc($_->name) eq lc($value) } @{ $self->see_also }) {
my $privs;
my $can = $self->check_can_change_field('see_also', '', $value, \$privs);
if (!$can) {
ThrowUserError('illegal_change', { field => 'see_also',
newvalue => $value,
privs => $privs });
# If this is a link to a local bug then save the
# ref bug id for sending changes email.
my $ref_bug = delete $field_values->{ref_bug};
if ($class->isa('Bugzilla::BugUrl::Bugzilla::Local')
and !$skip_recursion
and $ref_bug->check_can_change_field('see_also', '', $self->id, \$privs))
$ref_bug->add_see_also($self->id, 'skip_recursion');
push @{ $self->{_update_ref_bugs} }, $ref_bug;
push @{ $self->{see_also_changes} }, $ref_bug->id;
push @{ $self->{see_also} }, bless ($field_values, $class);
sub remove_see_also {
my ($self, $url, $skip_recursion) = @_;
my $see_also = $self->see_also;
# This is needed by xt/search.t.
$url = $url->name if blessed($url);
my ($removed_bug_url, $new_see_also) =
part { lc($_->name) ne lc($url) } @$see_also;
my $privs;
my $can = $self->check_can_change_field('see_also', $see_also, $new_see_also, \$privs);
if (!$can) {
ThrowUserError('illegal_change', { field => 'see_also',
oldvalue => $url,
privs => $privs });
# Since we remove also the url from the referenced bug,
# we need to notify changes for that bug too.
$removed_bug_url = $removed_bug_url->[0];
if (!$skip_recursion and $removed_bug_url
and $removed_bug_url->isa('Bugzilla::BugUrl::Bugzilla::Local')
and $removed_bug_url->ref_bug_url)
my $ref_bug
= Bugzilla::Bug->check($removed_bug_url->ref_bug_url->bug_id);
if (Bugzilla->user->can_edit_product($ref_bug->product_id)
and $ref_bug->check_can_change_field('see_also', $self->id, '', \$privs))
my $self_url = $removed_bug_url->local_uri($self->id);
$ref_bug->remove_see_also($self_url, 'skip_recursion');
push @{ $self->{_update_ref_bugs} }, $ref_bug;
push @{ $self->{see_also_changes} }, $ref_bug->id;
$self->{see_also} = $new_see_also || [];
sub add_tag {
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
$tag = $self->_check_tag_name($tag);
my $tag_id = $user->tags->{$tag}->{id};
# If this tag doesn't exist for this user yet, create it.
if (!$tag_id) {
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO tag (user_id, name) VALUES (?, ?)',
undef, ($user->id, $tag));
$tag_id = $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT id FROM tag
WHERE name = ? AND user_id = ?',
undef, ($tag, $user->id));
# The list has changed.
delete $user->{tags};
# Do nothing if this tag is already set for this bug.
return if grep { $_ eq $tag } @{$self->tags};
# Increment the counter. Do it before the SQL call below,
# to not count the tag twice.
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO bug_tag (bug_id, tag_id) VALUES (?, ?)',
undef, ($self->id, $tag_id));
push(@{$self->{tags}}, $tag);
sub remove_tag {
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
$tag = $self->_check_tag_name($tag);
my $tag_id = exists $user->tags->{$tag} ? $user->tags->{$tag}->{id} : undef;
# Do nothing if the user doesn't use this tag, or didn't set it for this bug.
return unless ($tag_id && grep { $_ eq $tag } @{$self->tags});
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM bug_tag WHERE bug_id = ? AND tag_id = ?',
undef, ($self->id, $tag_id));
$self->{tags} = [grep { $_ ne $tag } @{$self->tags}];
# Decrement the counter, and delete the tag if no bugs are using it anymore.
if (!--$user->tags->{$tag}->{bug_count}) {
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM tag WHERE name = ? AND user_id = ?',
undef, ($tag, $user->id));
# The list has changed.
delete $user->{tags};
sub tags {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
# This method doesn't support several users using the same bug object.
if (!exists $self->{tags}) {
$self->{tags} = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT name FROM bug_tag
INNER JOIN tag ON = bug_tag.tag_id
WHERE bug_id = ? AND user_id = ?',
undef, ($self->id, $user->id));
return $self->{tags};
# Simple Accessors
# These are accessors that don't need to access the database.
# Keep them in alphabetical order.
sub bug_file_loc { return $_[0]->{bug_file_loc} }
sub bug_id { return $_[0]->{bug_id} }
sub bug_severity { return $_[0]->{bug_severity} }
sub bug_status { return $_[0]->{bug_status} }
sub cclist_accessible { return $_[0]->{cclist_accessible} }
sub component_id { return $_[0]->{component_id} }
sub creation_ts { return $_[0]->{creation_ts} }
sub estimated_time { return $_[0]->{estimated_time} }
sub deadline { return $_[0]->{deadline} }
sub delta_ts { return $_[0]->{delta_ts} }
sub error { return $_[0]->{error} }
sub everconfirmed { return $_[0]->{everconfirmed} }
sub lastdiffed { return $_[0]->{lastdiffed} }
sub op_sys { return $_[0]->{op_sys} }
sub priority { return $_[0]->{priority} }
sub product_id { return $_[0]->{product_id} }
sub remaining_time { return $_[0]->{remaining_time} }
sub reporter_accessible { return $_[0]->{reporter_accessible} }
sub rep_platform { return $_[0]->{rep_platform} }
sub resolution { return $_[0]->{resolution} }
sub short_desc { return $_[0]->{short_desc} }
sub status_whiteboard { return $_[0]->{status_whiteboard} }
sub target_milestone { return $_[0]->{target_milestone} }
sub version { return $_[0]->{version} }
# Complex Accessors
# These are accessors that have to access the database for additional
# information about a bug.
# These subs are in alphabetical order, as much as possible.
# If you add a new sub, please try to keep it in alphabetical order
# with the other ones.
# Note: If you add a new method, remember that you must check the error
# state of the bug before returning any data. If $self->{error} is
# defined, then return something empty. Otherwise you risk potential
# security holes.
sub dup_id {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'dup_id'} if exists $self->{'dup_id'};
$self->{'dup_id'} = undef;
return if $self->{'error'};
if ($self->{'resolution'} eq 'DUPLICATE') {
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$self->{'dup_id'} =
$dbh->selectrow_array(q{SELECT dupe_of
FROM duplicates
WHERE dupe = ?},
return $self->{'dup_id'};
sub _resolve_ultimate_dup_id {
my ($bug_id, $dupe_of, $loops_are_an_error) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT dupe_of FROM duplicates WHERE dupe = ?');
my $this_dup = $dupe_of || $dbh->selectrow_array($sth, undef, $bug_id);
my $last_dup = $bug_id;
my %dupes;
while ($this_dup) {
if ($this_dup == $bug_id) {
if ($loops_are_an_error) {
ThrowUserError('dupe_loop_detected', { bug_id => $bug_id,
dupe_of => $dupe_of });
else {
return $last_dup;
# If $dupes{$this_dup} is already set to 1, then a loop
# already exists which does not involve this bug.
# As the user is not responsible for this loop, do not
# prevent them from marking this bug as a duplicate.
return $last_dup if exists $dupes{$this_dup};
$dupes{$this_dup} = 1;
$last_dup = $this_dup;
$this_dup = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth, undef, $this_dup);
return $last_dup;
sub actual_time {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'actual_time'} if exists $self->{'actual_time'};
if ( $self->{'error'} || !Bugzilla->user->is_timetracker ) {
$self->{'actual_time'} = undef;
return $self->{'actual_time'};
my $sth = Bugzilla->dbh->prepare("SELECT SUM(work_time)
FROM longdescs
WHERE longdescs.bug_id=?");
$self->{'actual_time'} = $sth->fetchrow_array();
return $self->{'actual_time'};
sub alias {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'alias'} if exists $self->{'alias'};
return [] if $self->{'error'};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$self->{'alias'} = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
q{SELECT alias FROM bugs_aliases WHERE bug_id = ? ORDER BY alias},
undef, $self->bug_id);
return $self->{'alias'};
sub any_flags_requesteeble {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'any_flags_requesteeble'}
if exists $self->{'any_flags_requesteeble'};
return 0 if $self->{'error'};
my $any_flags_requesteeble =
grep { $_->is_requestable && $_->is_requesteeble } @{$self->flag_types};
# Useful in case a flagtype is no longer requestable but a requestee
# has been set before we turned off that bit.
$any_flags_requesteeble ||= grep { $_->requestee_id } @{$self->flags};
$self->{'any_flags_requesteeble'} = $any_flags_requesteeble;
return $self->{'any_flags_requesteeble'};
sub attachments {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'attachments'} if exists $self->{'attachments'};
return [] if $self->{'error'};
$self->{'attachments'} =
Bugzilla::Attachment->get_attachments_by_bug($self, {preload => 1});
$_->object_cache_set() foreach @{ $self->{'attachments'} };
return $self->{'attachments'};
sub assigned_to {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'assigned_to_obj'} if exists $self->{'assigned_to_obj'};
$self->{'assigned_to'} = 0 if $self->{'error'};
$self->{'assigned_to_obj'} ||= new Bugzilla::User({ id => $self->{'assigned_to'}, cache => 1 });
return $self->{'assigned_to_obj'};
sub blocked {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'blocked'} if exists $self->{'blocked'};
return [] if $self->{'error'};
$self->{'blocked'} = EmitDependList("dependson", "blocked", $self->bug_id);
return $self->{'blocked'};
sub blocks_obj {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{blocks_obj} ||= $self->_bugs_in_order($self->blocked);
return $self->{blocks_obj};
sub bug_group {
my ($self) = @_;
return join(', ', (map { $_->name } @{$self->groups_in}));
sub related_bugs {
my ($self, $relationship) = @_;
return [] if $self->{'error'};
my $field_name = $relationship->name;
$self->{'related_bugs'}->{$field_name} ||= $self->match({$field_name => $self->id});
return $self->{'related_bugs'}->{$field_name};
sub cc {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'cc'} if exists $self->{'cc'};
return [] if $self->{'error'};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$self->{'cc'} = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
q{SELECT profiles.login_name FROM cc, profiles
WHERE bug_id = ?
AND cc.who = profiles.userid
ORDER BY profiles.login_name},
undef, $self->bug_id);
return $self->{'cc'};
# XXX Eventually this will become the standard "cc" method used everywhere.
sub cc_users {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'cc_users'} if exists $self->{'cc_users'};
return [] if $self->{'error'};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $cc_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT who FROM cc WHERE bug_id = ?', undef, $self->id);
$self->{'cc_users'} = Bugzilla::User->new_from_list($cc_ids);
return $self->{'cc_users'};
sub component {
my ($self) = @_;
return '' if $self->{error};
$self->{component} //= $self->component_obj->name;
return $self->{component};
# XXX Eventually this will replace component()
sub component_obj {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{component_obj} if defined $self->{component_obj};
return {} if $self->{error};
$self->{component_obj} =
new Bugzilla::Component({ id => $self->{component_id}, cache => 1 });
return $self->{component_obj};
sub classification_id {
my ($self) = @_;
return 0 if $self->{error};
$self->{classification_id} //= $self->product_obj->classification_id;
return $self->{classification_id};
sub classification {
my ($self) = @_;
return '' if $self->{error};
$self->{classification} //= $self->product_obj->classification->name;
return $self->{classification};
sub default_bug_status {
my $class = shift;
# XXX This should just call new_bug_statuses when the UI accepts closed
# bug statuses instead of accepting them as a parameter.
my @statuses = @_;
my $status;
if (scalar(@statuses) == 1) {
$status = $statuses[0]->name;
else {
$status = ($statuses[0]->name ne 'UNCONFIRMED')
? $statuses[0]->name : $statuses[1]->name;
return $status;
sub dependson {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'dependson'} if exists $self->{'dependson'};
return [] if $self->{'error'};
$self->{'dependson'} =
EmitDependList("blocked", "dependson", $self->bug_id);
return $self->{'dependson'};
sub depends_on_obj {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{depends_on_obj} ||= $self->_bugs_in_order($self->dependson);
return $self->{depends_on_obj};
sub duplicates {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{duplicates} if exists $self->{duplicates};
return [] if $self->{error};
$self->{duplicates} = Bugzilla::Bug->new_from_list($self->duplicate_ids);
return $self->{duplicates};
sub duplicate_ids {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{duplicate_ids} if exists $self->{duplicate_ids};
return [] if $self->{error};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$self->{duplicate_ids} =
$dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT dupe FROM duplicates WHERE dupe_of = ?',
undef, $self->id);
return $self->{duplicate_ids};
sub flag_types {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'flag_types'} if exists $self->{'flag_types'};
return [] if $self->{'error'};
my $vars = { target_type => 'bug',
product_id => $self->{product_id},
component_id => $self->{component_id},
bug_id => $self->bug_id };
$self->{'flag_types'} = Bugzilla::Flag->_flag_types($vars);
return $self->{'flag_types'};
sub flags {
my $self = shift;
# Don't cache it as it must be in sync with ->flag_types.
$self->{flags} = [map { @{$_->{flags}} } @{$self->flag_types}];
return $self->{flags};
sub isopened {
my $self = shift;
unless (exists $self->{isopened}) {
$self->{isopened} = is_open_state($self->{bug_status}) ? 1 : 0;
return $self->{isopened};
sub keywords {
my ($self) = @_;
return join(', ', (map { $_->name } @{$self->keyword_objects}));
# XXX At some point, this should probably replace the normal "keywords" sub.
sub keyword_objects {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'keyword_objects'} if defined $self->{'keyword_objects'};
return [] if $self->{'error'};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
"SELECT keywordid FROM keywords WHERE bug_id = ?", undef, $self->id);
$self->{'keyword_objects'} = Bugzilla::Keyword->new_from_list($ids);
return $self->{'keyword_objects'};
sub comments {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
return [] if $self->{'error'};
$params ||= {};
if (!defined $self->{'comments'}) {
$self->{'comments'} = Bugzilla::Comment->match({ bug_id => $self->id });
my $count = 0;
state $is_mysql = Bugzilla->dbh->isa('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql') ? 1 : 0;
foreach my $comment (@{ $self->{'comments'} }) {
$comment->{count} = $count++;
$comment->{bug} = $self;
# XXX - hack for MySQL. Convert [U+....] back into its Unicode
# equivalent for characters above U+FFFF as MySQL older than 5.5.3
# cannot store them, see Bugzilla::Comment::_check_thetext().
if ($is_mysql) {
# Perl 5.13.8 and older complain about non-characters.
no warnings 'utf8';
$comment->{thetext} =~ s/\x{FDD0}\[U\+((?:[1-9A-F]|10)[0-9A-F]{4})\]\x{FDD1}/chr(hex $1)/eg
# Some bugs may have no comments when upgrading old installations.
Bugzilla::Comment->preload($self->{'comments'}) if $count;
my @comments = @{ $self->{'comments'} };
my $order = $params->{order}
|| Bugzilla->user->setting('comment_sort_order');
if ($order ne 'oldest_to_newest') {
@comments = reverse @comments;
if ($order eq 'newest_to_oldest_desc_first') {
unshift(@comments, pop @comments);
if ($params->{after}) {
my $from = datetime_from($params->{after});
@comments = grep { datetime_from($_->creation_ts) > $from } @comments;
if ($params->{to}) {
my $to = datetime_from($params->{to});
@comments = grep { datetime_from($_->creation_ts) <= $to } @comments;
return \@comments;
sub new_bug_statuses {
my ($class, $product) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
# Construct the list of allowable statuses.
my @statuses = @{ Bugzilla::Bug->statuses_available($product) };
# If the user has no privs...
unless ($user->in_group('editbugs', $product->id)
|| $user->in_group('canconfirm', $product->id))
# ... use UNCONFIRMED if available, else use the first status of the list.
my ($unconfirmed) = grep { $_->name eq 'UNCONFIRMED' } @statuses;
# Because of an apparent Perl bug, "$unconfirmed || $statuses[0]" doesn't
# work, so we're using an "?:" operator. See bug 603314 for details.
@statuses = ($unconfirmed ? $unconfirmed : $statuses[0]);
return \@statuses;
# This is needed by xt/search.t.
sub percentage_complete {
my $self = shift;
return undef if $self->{'error'} || !Bugzilla->user->is_timetracker;
my $remaining = $self->remaining_time;
my $actual = $self->actual_time;
my $total = $remaining + $actual;
return undef if $total == 0;
# truncates this value to an integer, so we want to as well,
# since this is mostly used in a test where its value needs to be
# identical to what the database will return.
return int(100 * ($actual / $total));
sub product {
my ($self) = @_;
return '' if $self->{error};
$self->{product} //= $self->product_obj->name;
return $self->{product};
# XXX This should eventually replace the "product" subroutine.
sub product_obj {
my $self = shift;
return {} if $self->{error};
$self->{product_obj} ||=
new Bugzilla::Product({ id => $self->{product_id}, cache => 1 });
return $self->{product_obj};
sub qa_contact {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'qa_contact_obj'} if exists $self->{'qa_contact_obj'};
return undef if $self->{'error'};
if (Bugzilla->params->{'useqacontact'} && $self->{'qa_contact'}) {
$self->{'qa_contact_obj'} = new Bugzilla::User({ id => $self->{'qa_contact'}, cache => 1 });
} else {
$self->{'qa_contact_obj'} = undef;
return $self->{'qa_contact_obj'};
sub reporter {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'reporter'} if exists $self->{'reporter'};
$self->{'reporter_id'} = 0 if $self->{'error'};
$self->{'reporter'} = new Bugzilla::User({ id => $self->{'reporter_id'}, cache => 1 });
return $self->{'reporter'};
sub see_also {
my ($self) = @_;
return [] if $self->{'error'};
if (!exists $self->{see_also}) {
my $ids = Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT id FROM bug_see_also WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, $self->id);
my $bug_urls = Bugzilla::BugUrl->new_from_list($ids);
$self->{see_also} = $bug_urls;
return $self->{see_also};
sub status {
my $self = shift;
return undef if $self->{'error'};
$self->{'status'} ||= new Bugzilla::Status({name => $self->{'bug_status'}});
return $self->{'status'};
sub statuses_available {
my ($invocant, $product) = @_;
my @statuses;
if (ref $invocant) {
return [] if $invocant->{'error'};
return $invocant->{'statuses_available'}
if defined $invocant->{'statuses_available'};
@statuses = @{ $invocant->status->can_change_to };
$product = $invocant->product_obj;
} else {
@statuses = @{ Bugzilla::Status->can_change_to };
# UNCONFIRMED is only a valid status if it is enabled in this product.
if (!$product->allows_unconfirmed) {
@statuses = grep { $_->name ne 'UNCONFIRMED' } @statuses;
if (ref $invocant) {
my $available = $invocant->_refine_available_statuses(@statuses);
$invocant->{'statuses_available'} = $available;
return $available;
return \@statuses;
sub _refine_available_statuses {
my $self = shift;
my @statuses = @_;
my @available;
foreach my $status (@statuses) {
# Make sure this is a legal status transition
next if !$self->check_can_change_field(
'bug_status', $self->status->name, $status->name);
push(@available, $status);
# If this bug has an inactive status set, it should still be in the list.
if (!grep($_->name eq $self->status->name, @available)) {
unshift(@available, $self->status);
return \@available;
sub show_attachment_flags {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'show_attachment_flags'}
if exists $self->{'show_attachment_flags'};
return 0 if $self->{'error'};
# The number of types of flags that can be set on attachments to this bug
# and the number of flags on those attachments. One of these counts must be
# greater than zero in order for the "flags" column to appear in the table
# of attachments.
my $num_attachment_flag_types = Bugzilla::FlagType::count(
{ 'target_type' => 'attachment',
'product_id' => $self->{'product_id'},
'component_id' => $self->{'component_id'} });
my $num_attachment_flags = Bugzilla::Flag->count(
{ 'target_type' => 'attachment',
'bug_id' => $self->bug_id });
$self->{'show_attachment_flags'} =
($num_attachment_flag_types || $num_attachment_flags);
return $self->{'show_attachment_flags'};
sub groups {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'groups'} if exists $self->{'groups'};
return [] if $self->{'error'};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my @groups;
# Some of this stuff needs to go into Bugzilla::User
# For every group, we need to know if there is ANY bug_group_map
# record putting the current bug in that group and if there is ANY
# user_group_map record putting the user in that group.
# The LEFT JOINs are checking for record existence.
my $grouplist = Bugzilla->user->groups_as_string;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT DISTINCT, name, description," .
" CASE WHEN bug_group_map.group_id IS NOT NULL" .
" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END," .
" CASE WHEN IN($grouplist) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END," .
" isactive, membercontrol, othercontrol" .
" FROM groups" .
" LEFT JOIN bug_group_map" .
" ON bug_group_map.group_id =" .
" AND bug_id = ?" .
" LEFT JOIN group_control_map" .
" ON group_control_map.group_id =" .
" AND group_control_map.product_id = ? " .
" WHERE isbuggroup = 1" .
" ORDER BY description");
while (my ($groupid, $name, $description, $ison, $ingroup, $isactive,
$membercontrol, $othercontrol) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$membercontrol ||= 0;
# For product groups, we only want to use the group if either
# (1) The bit is set and not required, or
# (2) The group is Shown or Default for members and
# the user is a member of the group.
if ($ison ||
($isactive && $ingroup
&& (($membercontrol == CONTROLMAPDEFAULT)
|| ($membercontrol == CONTROLMAPSHOWN))
my $ismandatory = $isactive
&& ($membercontrol == CONTROLMAPMANDATORY);
push (@groups, { "bit" => $groupid,
"name" => $name,
"ison" => $ison,
"ingroup" => $ingroup,
"mandatory" => $ismandatory,
"description" => $description });
$self->{'groups'} = \@groups;
return $self->{'groups'};
sub groups_in {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'groups_in'} if exists $self->{'groups_in'};
return [] if $self->{'error'};
my $group_ids = Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT group_id FROM bug_group_map WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, $self->id);
$self->{'groups_in'} = Bugzilla::Group->new_from_list($group_ids);
return $self->{'groups_in'};
sub in_group {
my ($self, $group) = @_;
return grep($_->id == $group->id, @{$self->groups_in}) ? 1 : 0;
sub user {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'user'} if exists $self->{'user'};
return {} if $self->{'error'};
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my $prod_id = $self->{'product_id'};
my $editbugs = $user->in_group('editbugs', $prod_id);
my $is_reporter = $user->id == $self->{reporter_id} ? 1 : 0;
my $is_assignee = $user->id == $self->{'assigned_to'} ? 1 : 0;
my $is_qa_contact = Bugzilla->params->{'useqacontact'}
&& $self->{'qa_contact'}
&& $user->id == $self->{'qa_contact'} ? 1 : 0;
my $canedit = $editbugs || $is_assignee || $is_qa_contact;
my $canconfirm = $editbugs || $user->in_group('canconfirm', $prod_id);
my $has_any_role = $is_reporter || $is_assignee || $is_qa_contact;
$self->{'user'} = {canconfirm => $canconfirm,
canedit => $canedit,
isreporter => $is_reporter,
has_any_role => $has_any_role};
return $self->{'user'};
# This is intended to get values that can be selected by the user in the
# UI. It should not be used for security or validation purposes.
sub choices {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'choices'} if exists $self->{'choices'};
return {} if $self->{'error'};
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my @products = @{ $user->get_enterable_products };
# The current product is part of the popup, even if new bugs are no longer
# allowed for that product
if (!grep($_->name eq $self->product_obj->name, @products)) {
unshift(@products, $self->product_obj);
my %class_ids = map { $_->classification_id => 1 } @products;
my $classifications =
Bugzilla::Classification->new_from_list([keys %class_ids]);
my %choices = (
bug_status => $self->statuses_available,
classification => $classifications,
product => \@products,
component => $self->product_obj->components,
version => $self->product_obj->versions,
target_milestone => $self->product_obj->milestones,
my $resolution_field = new Bugzilla::Field({ name => 'resolution' });
# Don't include the empty resolution in drop-downs.
my @resolutions = grep($_->name, @{ $resolution_field->legal_values });
$choices{'resolution'} = \@resolutions;
foreach my $key (keys %choices) {
my $value = $self->$key;
$choices{$key} = [grep { $_->is_active || $_->name eq $value } @{ $choices{$key} }];
$self->{'choices'} = \%choices;
return $self->{'choices'};
# Convenience Function. If you need speed, use this. If you need
# other Bug fields in addition to this, just create a new Bug with
# the alias.
# Queries the database for the bug with a given alias, and returns
# the ID of the bug if it exists or the undefined value if it doesn't.
sub bug_alias_to_id {
my ($alias) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
return $dbh->selectrow_array(
"SELECT bug_id FROM bugs_aliases WHERE alias = ?", undef, $alias);
# Subroutines
# Returns a list of currently active and editable bug fields,
# including multi-select fields.
sub editable_bug_fields {
my @fields = Bugzilla->dbh->bz_table_columns('bugs');
# Add multi-select fields
push(@fields, map { $_->name } @{Bugzilla->fields({obsolete => 0,
# Obsolete custom fields are not editable.
my @obsolete_fields = @{ Bugzilla->fields({obsolete => 1, custom => 1}) };
@obsolete_fields = map { $_->name } @obsolete_fields;
foreach my $remove ("bug_id", "reporter", "creation_ts", "delta_ts",
"lastdiffed", @obsolete_fields)
my $location = firstidx { $_ eq $remove } @fields;
# Ensure field exists before attempting to remove it.
splice(@fields, $location, 1) if ($location > -1);
return @fields;
# XXX - When Bug::update() will be implemented, we should make this routine
# a private method.
# Join with bug_status and bugs tables to show bugs with open statuses first,
# and then the others
sub EmitDependList {
my ($my_field, $target_field, $bug_id, $exclude_resolved) = @_;
my $cache = Bugzilla->request_cache->{bug_dependency_list} ||= {};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$exclude_resolved = $exclude_resolved ? 1 : 0;
my $is_open_clause = $exclude_resolved ? 'AND is_open = 1' : '';
$cache->{"${target_field}_sth_$exclude_resolved"} ||= $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT $target_field
FROM dependencies
INNER JOIN bugs ON dependencies.$target_field = bugs.bug_id
INNER JOIN bug_status ON bugs.bug_status = bug_status.value
WHERE $my_field = ? $is_open_clause
ORDER BY is_open DESC, $target_field");
return $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
undef, $bug_id);
# Creates a lot of bug objects in the same order as the input array.
sub _bugs_in_order {
my ($self, $bug_ids) = @_;
return [] unless @$bug_ids;
my %bug_map;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# there's no need to load bugs from the database if they are already in the
# object-cache
my @missing_ids;
foreach my $bug_id (@$bug_ids) {
if (my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->object_cache_get($bug_id)) {
$bug_map{$bug_id} = $bug;
else {
push @missing_ids, $bug_id;
if (@missing_ids) {
my $bugs = Bugzilla::Bug->new_from_list(\@missing_ids);
$bug_map{$_->id} = $_ foreach @$bugs;
# Dependencies are often displayed using their aliases instead of their
# bug ID. Load them all at once.
my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
'SELECT bug_id, alias FROM bugs_aliases WHERE ' .
$dbh->sql_in('bug_id', $bug_ids) . ' ORDER BY alias');
foreach my $row (@$rows) {
my ($bug_id, $alias) = @$row;
$bug_map{$bug_id}->{alias} ||= [];
push @{ $bug_map{$bug_id}->{alias} }, $alias;
# Make sure all bugs have their alias attribute set.
$bug_map{$_}->{alias} ||= [] foreach @$bug_ids;
return [ map { $bug_map{$_} } @$bug_ids ];
# Get the activity of a bug, starting from $starttime (if given).
# This routine assumes Bugzilla::Bug->check has been previously called.
sub get_activity {
my ($self, $attach_id, $starttime, $include_comment_tags) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
# Arguments passed to the SQL query.
my @args = ($self->id);
# Only consider changes since $starttime, if given.
my $datepart = "";
if (defined $starttime) {
push (@args, $starttime);
$datepart = "AND bug_when > ?";
my $attachpart = "";
if ($attach_id) {
push(@args, $attach_id);
$attachpart = "AND bugs_activity.attach_id = ?";
# Only includes attachments the user is allowed to see.
my $suppjoins = "";
my $suppwhere = "";
if (!$user->is_insider) {
$suppjoins = "LEFT JOIN attachments
ON attachments.attach_id = bugs_activity.attach_id";
$suppwhere = "AND COALESCE(attachments.isprivate, 0) = 0";
my $query = "SELECT, bugs_activity.attach_id, " .
$dbh->sql_date_format('bugs_activity.bug_when', '%Y.%m.%d %H:%i:%s') .
" AS bug_when, bugs_activity.removed, bugs_activity.added, profiles.login_name,
FROM bugs_activity
INNER JOIN fielddefs
ON bugs_activity.fieldid =
INNER JOIN profiles
ON profiles.userid = bugs_activity.who
WHERE bugs_activity.bug_id = ?
$suppwhere ";
if (Bugzilla->params->{'comment_taggers_group'}
&& $include_comment_tags
&& !$attach_id)
# Only includes comment tag activity for comments the user is allowed to see.
$suppjoins = "";
$suppwhere = "";
if (!Bugzilla->user->is_insider) {
$suppjoins = "INNER JOIN longdescs
ON longdescs.comment_id = longdescs_tags_activity.comment_id";
$suppwhere = "AND longdescs.isprivate = 0";
$query .= "
SELECT 'comment_tag' AS name,
NULL AS attach_id," .
$dbh->sql_date_format('longdescs_tags_activity.bug_when', '%Y.%m.%d %H:%i:%s') . " AS bug_when,
longdescs_tags_activity.comment_id as comment_id
FROM longdescs_tags_activity
INNER JOIN profiles ON profiles.userid = longdescs_tags_activity.who
WHERE longdescs_tags_activity.bug_id = ?
push @args, $self->id;
push @args, $starttime if defined $starttime;
$query .= "ORDER BY bug_when, comment_id";
my $list = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, undef, @args);
my @operations;
my $operation = {};
my $changes = [];
my $incomplete_data = 0;
foreach my $entry (@$list) {
my ($fieldname, $attachid, $when, $removed, $added, $who, $comment_id) = @$entry;
my %change;
my $activity_visible = 1;
# check if the user should see this field's activity
if (grep { $fieldname eq $_ } TIMETRACKING_FIELDS) {
$activity_visible = $user->is_timetracker;
elsif ($fieldname eq 'longdescs.isprivate'
&& !$user->is_insider && $added)
$activity_visible = 0;
else {
$activity_visible = 1;
if ($activity_visible) {
# Check for the results of an old Bugzilla data corruption bug
if (($added eq '?' && $removed eq '?')
|| ($added =~ /^\? / || $removed =~ /^\? /)) {
$incomplete_data = 1;
# An operation, done by 'who' at time 'when', has a number of
# 'changes' associated with it.
# If this is the start of a new operation, store the data from the
# previous one, and set up the new one.
if ($operation->{'who'}
&& ($who ne $operation->{'who'}
|| $when ne $operation->{'when'}))
$operation->{'changes'} = $changes;
push (@operations, $operation);
# Create new empty anonymous data structures.
$operation = {};
$changes = [];
# If this is the same field as the previous item, then concatenate
# the data into the same change.
if ($operation->{'who'} && $who eq $operation->{'who'}
&& $when eq $operation->{'when'}
&& $fieldname eq $operation->{'fieldname'}
&& ($comment_id || 0) == ($operation->{'comment_id'} || 0)
&& ($attachid || 0) == ($operation->{'attachid'} || 0))
my $old_change = pop @$changes;
$removed = join_activity_entries($fieldname, $old_change->{'removed'}, $removed);
$added = join_activity_entries($fieldname, $old_change->{'added'}, $added);
$operation->{'who'} = $who;
$operation->{'when'} = $when;
$operation->{'fieldname'} = $change{'fieldname'} = $fieldname;
$operation->{'attachid'} = $change{'attachid'} = $attachid;
$change{'removed'} = $removed;
$change{'added'} = $added;
if ($comment_id) {
$operation->{comment_id} = $change{'comment'} = Bugzilla::Comment->new($comment_id);
push (@$changes, \%change);
if ($operation->{'who'}) {
$operation->{'changes'} = $changes;
push (@operations, $operation);
return(\@operations, $incomplete_data);
# Update the bugs_activity table to reflect changes made in bugs.
sub LogActivityEntry {
my ($bug_id, $field, $removed, $added, $user_id, $timestamp, $comment_id,
$attach_id) = @_;
my $sth = Bugzilla->dbh->prepare_cached(
'INSERT INTO bugs_activity
(bug_id, who, bug_when, fieldid, removed, added, comment_id, attach_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
# in the case of CCs, deps, and keywords, there's a possibility that someone
# might try to add or remove a lot of them at once, which might take more
# space than the activity table allows. We'll solve this by splitting it
# into multiple entries if it's too long.
while ($removed || $added) {
my ($removestr, $addstr) = ($removed, $added);
if (length($removestr) > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
my $commaposition = find_wrap_point($removed, MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
$removestr = substr($removed, 0, $commaposition);
$removed = substr($removed, $commaposition);
} else {
$removed = ""; # no more entries
if (length($addstr) > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
my $commaposition = find_wrap_point($added, MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
$addstr = substr($added, 0, $commaposition);
$added = substr($added, $commaposition);
} else {
$added = ""; # no more entries
my $fieldid = get_field_id($field);
$sth->execute($bug_id, $user_id, $timestamp, $fieldid, $removestr,
$addstr, $comment_id, $attach_id);
# Update bug_user_last_visit table
sub update_user_last_visit {
my ($self, $user, $last_visit_ts) = @_;
my $lv = Bugzilla::BugUserLastVisit->match({ bug_id => $self->id,
user_id => $user->id })->[0];
if ($lv) {
$lv->set(last_visit_ts => $last_visit_ts);
else {
Bugzilla::BugUserLastVisit->create({ bug_id => $self->id,
user_id => $user->id,
last_visit_ts => $last_visit_ts });
# Convert WebService API and field names to internal DB field
# names.
sub map_fields {
my ($params, $except) = @_;
my %field_values;
foreach my $field (keys %$params) {
# Don't allow setting private fields via email_in or the WebService.
next if $field =~ /^_/;
my $field_name;
if ($except->{$field}) {
$field_name = $field;
else {
$field_name = FIELD_MAP->{$field} || $field;
$field_values{$field_name} = $params->{$field};
return \%field_values;
# check_can_change_field() defines what users are allowed to change. You
# can add code here for site-specific policy changes, according to the
# instructions given in the Bugzilla Guide and below. Note that you may also
# have to update the Bugzilla::Bug::user() function to give people access to the
# options that they are permitted to change.
# check_can_change_field() returns true if the user is allowed to change this
# field, and false if they are not.
# The parameters to this method are as follows:
# $field - name of the field in the bugs table the user is trying to change
# $oldvalue - what they are changing it from
# $newvalue - what they are changing it to
# $PrivilegesRequired - return the reason of the failure, if any
sub check_can_change_field {
my $self = shift;
my ($field, $oldvalue, $newvalue, $PrivilegesRequired) = (@_);
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
$oldvalue = defined($oldvalue) ? $oldvalue : '';
$newvalue = defined($newvalue) ? $newvalue : '';
# Return true if they haven't changed this field at all.
if ($oldvalue eq $newvalue) {
return 1;
} elsif (ref($newvalue) eq 'ARRAY' && ref($oldvalue) eq 'ARRAY') {
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays($oldvalue, $newvalue);
return 1 if !scalar(@$removed) && !scalar(@$added);
} elsif (trim($oldvalue) eq trim($newvalue)) {
return 1;
# numeric fields need to be compared using ==
} elsif (($field eq 'estimated_time' || $field eq 'remaining_time'
|| $field eq 'work_time')
&& $oldvalue == $newvalue)
return 1;
my @priv_results;
{ bug => $self, field => $field,
new_value => $newvalue, old_value => $oldvalue,
priv_results => \@priv_results });
if (my $priv_required = first { $_ > 0 } @priv_results) {
$$PrivilegesRequired = $priv_required;
return 0;
my $allow_found = first { $_ == 0 } @priv_results;
if (defined $allow_found) {
return 1;
# Allow anyone to change comments, or set flags
if ($field =~ /^longdesc/ || $field eq '') {
return 1;
# If the user isn't allowed to change a field, we must tell them who can.
# We store the required permission set into the $PrivilegesRequired
# variable which gets passed to the error template.
# $PrivilegesRequired = PRIVILEGES_REQUIRED_NONE : no privileges required;
# $PrivilegesRequired = PRIVILEGES_REQUIRED_REPORTER : the reporter, assignee or an empowered user;
# $PrivilegesRequired = PRIVILEGES_REQUIRED_ASSIGNEE : the assignee or an empowered user;
# $PrivilegesRequired = PRIVILEGES_REQUIRED_EMPOWERED : an empowered user.
# Only users in the time-tracking group can change time-tracking fields,
# including the deadline.
if (grep { $_ eq $field } (TIMETRACKING_FIELDS, 'deadline')) {
if (!$user->is_timetracker) {
return 0;
# Allow anyone with (product-specific) "editbugs" privs to change anything.
if ($user->in_group('editbugs', $self->{'product_id'})) {
return 1;
# *Only* users with (product-specific) "canconfirm" privs can confirm bugs.
if ($self->_changes_everconfirmed($field, $oldvalue, $newvalue)) {
return $user->in_group('canconfirm', $self->{'product_id'});
# Make sure that a valid bug ID has been given.
if (!$self->{'error'}) {
# Allow the assignee to change anything else.
if ($self->{'assigned_to'} == $user->id
|| $self->{'_old_assigned_to'} && $self->{'_old_assigned_to'} == $user->id)
return 1;
# Allow the QA contact to change anything else.
if (Bugzilla->params->{'useqacontact'}
&& (($self->{'qa_contact'} && $self->{'qa_contact'} == $user->id)
|| ($self->{'_old_qa_contact'} && $self->{'_old_qa_contact'} == $user->id)))
return 1;
# At this point, the user is either the reporter or an
# unprivileged user. We first check for fields the reporter
# is not allowed to change.
# The reporter may not:
# - reassign bugs, unless the bugs are assigned to them;
# in that case we will have already returned 1 above
# when checking for the assignee of the bug.
if ($field eq 'assigned_to') {
return 0;
# - change the QA contact
if ($field eq 'qa_contact') {
return 0;
# - change the target milestone
if ($field eq 'target_milestone') {
return 0;
# - change the priority (unless they could have set it originally)
if ($field eq 'priority'
&& !Bugzilla->params->{'letsubmitterchoosepriority'})
return 0;
# - unconfirm bugs (confirming them is handled above)
if ($field eq 'everconfirmed') {
return 0;
# - change the status from one open state to another
if ($field eq 'bug_status'
&& is_open_state($oldvalue) && is_open_state($newvalue))
return 0;
# The reporter is allowed to change anything else.
if (!$self->{'error'} && $self->{'reporter_id'} == $user->id) {
return 1;
# If we haven't returned by this point, then the user doesn't
# have the necessary permissions to change this field.
return 0;
# A helper for check_can_change_field
sub _changes_everconfirmed {
my ($self, $field, $old, $new) = @_;
return 1 if $field eq 'everconfirmed';
if ($field eq 'bug_status') {
if ($self->everconfirmed) {
# Moving a confirmed bug to UNCONFIRMED will change everconfirmed.
return 1 if $new eq 'UNCONFIRMED';
else {
# Moving an unconfirmed bug to an open state that isn't
# UNCONFIRMED will confirm the bug.
return 1 if (is_open_state($new) and $new ne 'UNCONFIRMED');
return 0;
# Field Validation
# Validate and return a hash of dependencies
sub ValidateDependencies {
my $fields = {};
# These can be arrayrefs or they can be strings.
$fields->{'dependson'} = shift;
$fields->{'blocked'} = shift;
my $id = shift || 0;
unless (defined($fields->{'dependson'})
|| defined($fields->{'blocked'}))
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my %deps;
my %deptree;
my %sth;
$sth{dependson} = $dbh->prepare('SELECT dependson FROM dependencies WHERE blocked = ?');
$sth{blocked} = $dbh->prepare('SELECT blocked FROM dependencies WHERE dependson = ?');
foreach my $pair (["blocked", "dependson"], ["dependson", "blocked"]) {
my ($me, $target) = @{$pair};
$deptree{$target} = [];
$deps{$target} = [];
next unless $fields->{$target};
my %seen;
my $target_array = ref($fields->{$target}) ? $fields->{$target}
: [split(/[\s,]+/, $fields->{$target})];
foreach my $i (@$target_array) {
if ($id == $i) {
if (!exists $seen{$i}) {
push(@{$deptree{$target}}, $i);
$seen{$i} = 1;
# populate $deps{$target} as first-level deps only.
# and find remainder of dependency tree in $deptree{$target}
@{$deps{$target}} = @{$deptree{$target}};
my @stack = @{$deps{$target}};
while (@stack) {
my $i = shift @stack;
my $dep_list = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sth{$target}, undef, $i);
foreach my $t (@$dep_list) {
# ignore any _current_ dependencies involving this bug,
# as they will be overwritten with data from the form.
if ($t != $id && !exists $seen{$t}) {
push(@{$deptree{$target}}, $t);
push @stack, $t;
$seen{$t} = 1;
my @deps = @{$deptree{'dependson'}};
my @blocks = @{$deptree{'blocked'}};
my %union = ();
my %isect = ();
foreach my $b (@deps, @blocks) { $union{$b}++ && $isect{$b}++ }
my @isect = keys %isect;
if (scalar(@isect) > 0) {
ThrowUserError("dependency_loop_multi", {'deps' => \@isect});
return %deps;
# Custom Field Accessors
sub _create_cf_accessors {
my ($invocant) = @_;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
return if Bugzilla->request_cache->{"${class}_cf_accessors_created"};
my $fields = Bugzilla->fields({ custom => 1 });
foreach my $field (@$fields) {
my $accessor = $class->_accessor_for($field);
my $name = "${class}::" . $field->name;
no strict 'refs';
next if defined *{$name};
*{$name} = $accessor;
Bugzilla->request_cache->{"${class}_cf_accessors_created"} = 1;
sub _accessor_for {
my ($class, $field) = @_;
if ($field->type == FIELD_TYPE_MULTI_SELECT) {
return $class->_multi_select_accessor($field->name);
return $class->_cf_accessor($field->name);
sub _cf_accessor {
my ($class, $field) = @_;
my $accessor = sub {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{$field};
return $accessor;
sub _multi_select_accessor {
my ($class, $field) = @_;
my $accessor = sub {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{$field} ||= Bugzilla->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
"SELECT value FROM bug_$field WHERE bug_id = ? ORDER BY value",
undef, $self->id);
return $self->{$field};
return $accessor;
=head1 B<Methods>
=item C<initialize>
Ensures the accessors for custom fields are always created.
=item C<add_alias($alias)>
Adds an alias to the internal respresentation of the bug. You will need to
call L<update> to make the changes permanent.
=item C<remove_alias($alias)>
Removes an alias from the internal respresentation of the bug. You will need to
call L<update> to make the changes permanent.
=item C<update_user_last_visit($user, $last_visit)>
Creates or updates a L<Bugzilla::BugUserLastVisit> for this bug and the supplied
$user, the timestamp given as $last_visit.
=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>
=item remove_cc
=item add_see_also
=item choices
=item keywords
=item blocked
=item qa_contact
=item add_comment
=item bug_severity
=item dup_id
=item set_priority
=item any_flags_requesteeble
=item set_bug_status
=item estimated_time
=item set_platform
=item statuses_available
=item set_custom_field
=item remove_see_also
=item remove_from_db
=item product_obj
=item reporter_accessible
=item set_summary
=item LogActivityEntry
=item set_assigned_to
=item add_group
=item bug_file_loc
=item set_component
=item delta_ts
=item set_resolution
=item version
=item deadline
=item fields
=item dependson
=item check_can_change_field
=item update
=item set_op_sys
=item object_cache_key
=item bug_group
=item comments
=item map_fields
=item assigned_to
=item user
=item ValidateDependencies
=item short_desc
=item duplicate_ids
=item isopened
=item remaining_time
=item set_deadline
=item preload
=item groups_in
=item clear_resolution
=item set_estimated_time
=item in_group
=item status
=item get_activity
=item reporter
=item rep_platform
=item flag_types
=item bug_status
=item attachments
=item flags
=item set_flags
=item actual_time
=item component
=item set_cclist_accessible
=item set_bug_ignored
=item product
=item show_attachment_flags
=item set_comment_is_private
=item set_severity
=item send_changes
=item add_tag
=item bug_id
=item reset_qa_contact
=item remove_group
=item set_dup_id
=item set_target_milestone
=item cc_users
=item everconfirmed
=item check_is_visible
=item check_for_edit
=item match
=item possible_duplicates
=item set_url
=item add_cc
=item blocks_obj
=item set_status_whiteboard
=item product_id
=item error
=item reset_assigned_to
=item status_whiteboard
=item create
=item set_all
=item set_reporter_accessible
=item classification_id
=item tags
=item modify_keywords
=item priority
=item keyword_objects
=item set_dependencies
=item depends_on_obj
=item cclist_accessible
=item cc
=item duplicates
=item component_obj
=item see_also
=item groups
=item default_bug_status
=item related_bugs
=item editable_bug_fields
=item resolution
=item lastdiffed
=item classification
=item alias
=item op_sys
=item remove_tag
=item percentage_complete
=item EmitDependList
=item bug_alias_to_id
=item set_qa_contact
=item creation_ts
=item set_version
=item component_id
=item new_bug_statuses
=item set_remaining_time
=item target_milestone