blob: e0eb42f04ad0d3c3ab24b676b59ed52bbd21ed82 [file] [log] [blame]
metavar x, y, z, f ::=
indexvar i, j, k, n, m ::=
td :: top_level_decl_ ::= {{com top-level declaration}}
| tx f <( tparam0 , .. , tparamk )> ( tx0 x0 , .. , txm xm ) { s0 .. sn } :: :: func_decl
| typedef x <( tparam0 , .. , tparamk )> = tx ; :: :: typedef
tparam :: type_parameter_ ::= {{com type parameter}}
| tx x :: :: constexpr
| x : y0 + .. + yn :: :: type_variable
s :: stmt_ ::= {{com statement}}
| if ( e ) s :: :: if_then {{com Desugared}}
| while ( e ) s :: :: while {{com Desugared}}
| for ( eOrVDecls ; eOrNothing ; eOrNothing' ) s :: :: for {{com Desugared}}
| tx vdecl0 , .. , vdecln ; :: :: multi_vdecls {{com partly desugared}}
| ; :: :: empty {{com Desugared}}
| if ( e ) s else s' :: :: if
| do s while ( e ) ; :: :: do_while
| switch ( e ) { sc0 : sblock0 .. scn : sblockn } :: :: switch
| break ; :: :: break
| continue ; :: :: continue
| fallthrough ; :: :: fallthrough
| return e ; :: :: return
| return ; :: :: return_void
| trap ; :: :: trap
| { blockAnnot s0 .. sn } :: :: block
| e ; :: :: effectful_expr
| tval x : sid ; :: :: resolved_vdecl {{com post-monomorphisation variable declaration}}
| Loop ( s , s' ) :: :: loop_construct {{com Special, only during execution}}
| Cases ( s0 , .. , sn ) :: :: cases_construct {{com Special, only during execution}}
| Join ( s ) :: :: join_construct {{com Special, only during execution}}
sc :: switch_case_ ::=
| case rval :: :: case
| default :: :: default
sblock :: switch_block_ ::=
| s0 .. sn :: :: statements
vdecl :: variable_declaration_ ::=
| x :: :: uninitialized
| x = e :: :: initialized
eOrVDecls :: expr_or_vdecl_ ::=
| e :: :: expr
| tx vdecl0 , .. , vdecln :: :: vdecl
| :: :: nothing
eOrNothing :: expr_or_nothing_ ::=
| e :: :: expr
| :: :: nothing
blockAnnot :: block_annotation_ ::=
| R :: :: exec_env {{tex _{[[R]]} }}
| :: :: nothing
e :: expr_ ::= {{com expression}}
| ( e ) :: :: parens
| e , e' :: :: comma
| e || e' :: :: or {{tex [[e]]\:{||}\:[[e']]}}
| e && e' :: :: and {{tex [[e]]\:{\&\&}\:[[e']]}}
| e0 ? e1 : e2 :: :: ternary {{tex [[e0]]\:{?}\:[[e1]]:[[e2]]}}
| ! e :: :: not {{tex \:![[e]]}}
| e == e' :: :: equals_operator
| e != e' :: :: not_equals_operator {{com Desugared}} {{tex [[e]]\;!\mkern-\thickmuskip=[[e']]}}
| e = e' :: :: assignment
| x :: :: variable_name
| * e :: :: ptr_deref
| & e :: :: address_taking
| @ e :: :: array_reference_making
| e [ e' stride ] :: :: array_index {{tex [[e]] [ [[e']] ]_{[[stride]]} }}
| x <( targ0 , .. , targm )> ( e0 , .. , en ) :: :: call
| fid <( rv0 , .. , rvn )> ( e0 , .. , em ) :: :: resolved_call {{com post-monomorphisation, calls are resolved, and pure type arguments are gone}}
| val :: :: val {{com only during exec, except literals}}
| Call s :: :: call_construct {{com only during exec}}
| JoinExpr ( e ) :: :: join_construct {{com only during exec}}
val :: val_ ::=
| rval :: :: rval
| LVal ( addr ) :: :: lval
stride :: stride_ ::=
| k :: :: stride {{com stride annotation added during monomorphisation}}
| :: :: nothing {{com no stride annotation}}
addr :: addr_ ::=
| addr + i * k :: :: add_multiple_stride
| sid :: :: sid
targ :: type_argument_ ::= {{com type argument}}
| x :: :: ident {{com either a type or a constexpr}}
| tx :: :: type {{com a type that is not just an identifier}}
| x . y :: :: enum_value {{com a field of an enum, for a constexpr type parameter}}
G {{tex \Gamma}} , Gglobal {{tex \Gamma_{global} }} :: env_ ::= {{com typing environment}}
| G [ x -> envMapping ] :: :: update {{com $\Gamma$ with the mapping for x replaced by envMapping}}
| { x0 -> envMapping0 , .. , xn -> envMappingn } :: :: set
envMapping :: env_mapping_ ::=
| t :: :: var {{com $x$ is of type $\tau$}}
| SyntaxTypedef ( <( tparam0 , .. , tparamn )> -> tx ) :: :: typedef_syntax {{com resolved before local typing}}
| Typedef ( <( tparam0 , .. , tparamn )> -> tval ) :: :: typedef
| Func { sig0 , .. , sign } :: :: func {{com $x$ is a function whose signatures are $sig0$ to $sign$}}
| SyntaxFunc { sigx0 , .. , sigxn } :: :: func_syntax
| Nothing :: :: nothing {{tex \emptyset}} {{com to remove $x$ from $\Gamma$}}
| Protocol namedSigs :: :: protocol
% TODO: I now believe that this is wrong, and that protocols should live in their own namespace.
% Otherwise it is impossible to refer to a protocol as both a type variable (aka Self) and as a constraint on other type variables, when defining its signatures
namedSigs :: named_signatures_ ::=
| { x0 -> sig0 , .. , xn -> sign } :: :: explicit
| U namedSigs0 .. namedSigsn :: :: union
sigx :: signature_syntax_ ::=
| <( tparamAnon0 , .. , tparamAnonm )> ( tx0 , .. , txn ) -> tx :: :: sigx
sig :: signature_ ::=
| <( tparamAnon0 , .. , tparamAnonm )> ( tval0 , .. , tvaln ) -> tval :: :: sig
% TODO: fix these tparamAnanon, they are clearly wrong.
tparamAnon :: tparam_anon_ ::=
| t :: :: constexpr
| { y0 , .. , yn } :: :: tvar
B :: behaviour_ ::= {{com statement behaviour}}
| { b0 , .. , bn } :: :: set
| B + B' :: :: union {{tex [[B]] \cup [[B']]}}
| B \ B' :: :: difference {{tex [[B]] \backslash [[B']]}}
| U B0 .. Bn :: :: big_union
| ( B ) :: :: parens
b :: single_behaviour_ ::=
| Return t :: :: return
| Break :: :: break
| Continue :: :: continue
| Fallthrough :: :: fallthrough
| Nothing :: :: Nothing
t {{tex \tau}} :: type_ ::= {{com type}}
| LVal ( tval ) :: :: lval {{com left value}}
| tval :: :: tval
tval {{tex {\tau^{val} } }} :: type_value_ ::=
| Ptr ( tval ) :: :: ptr {{com pointer}}
| Ref ( tval ) :: :: array_ref {{com array reference}}
| [ tval ] :: :: array {{com array}}
| bool :: :: bool
| uint32 :: :: uint32 {{tex \textbf{uint32} }}
| void :: :: void
| TVar tid namedSigs :: :: tvar
tx {{tex {\tau^{syntax} } }} :: type_syntactic_ ::= {{com syntactic type}}
| x <( targ0 , .. , targm )> :: :: base
| tx * addressSpace :: :: ptr
| tx [] addressSpace :: :: array_ref
| tx [ i ] :: :: array_fixed_size
addressSpace :: address_space_ ::=
| thread :: :: thread
| threadgroup :: :: threadgroup
| device :: :: device
| constant :: :: constant
tid :: type_identifier_ ::=
rval, rv :: rval_ ::=
| { x0 : rval0 ; .. ; xn : rvaln } :: :: struct
| [ rval0 , .. , rvaln ] :: :: array
| Ptr ( addr ) :: :: ptr
| Ref ( addr , j ) :: :: ref {{com Reference to array of size j}}
| null :: :: lit_null
| true :: :: lit_true
| false :: :: lit_false
| uint :: :: lit_uint {{com unsigned integer literal}}
| TrapValue :: :: trap {{com Special, represents a caught error (e.g. out-of-bounds access)}}
| Void :: :: void {{com Special, the return value of a void function call}}
R {{tex \rho}}, Rout {{tex \rho_{out} }} :: exec_env_ ::= {{com execution environment}}
| R [ x0 -> val0 , .. , xn -> valn ] :: :: update_with_vals
| Empty :: :: empty {{tex \emptyset}}
E :: memory_event_ ::= {{com memory event}}
| :: :: nothing
| addr <- rval :: :: store {{com store}}
| addr -> rval :: :: load {{com load}}
| Sequence ( E0 , .. , En ) :: :: multiple_events
fid :: function_identifier_ ::=
S :: stack_event_ ::= {{com stack event}}
| :: :: nothing
| push ( rval ) :: :: push
| pop ( ) :: :: pop
terminals :: terminals_ ::=
| U :: :: big_union {{tex \bigcup}}
| |- :: :: vdash {{tex \vdash}}
| <- :: :: load {{tex \leftarrow}}
| -> :: :: mapsto {{tex \mapsto}}
| --> :: :: desugars {{tex \leadsto}}
| <( :: :: generic_open {{tex {<} }} % For removing extraneous spaces around '<' and '>' when they are used in that position.
| )> :: :: generic_close {{tex {>} }}
| in :: :: in {{tex \in}}
| \/ :: :: math_or {{tex \vee}}
| /\ :: :: math_and {{tex \wedge}}
| <= :: :: math_lesser_equal {{tex \leq}}
| >= :: :: math_greater_equal {{tex \geq}}
formula :: formula_ ::=
| judgement :: :: judgement
| formula0 /\ .. /\ formulan :: :: several_formula
| formula \/ formula' :: :: or
| n > 0 :: :: int_positive
| x -> envMapping in G :: :: env_mapping_exists
| x not in G :: :: env_mapping_missing {{tex [[x]] \not\in [[G]]}}
| G |- isIntegerOrEnum ( t ) :: :: is_integer
| G |- sc0 .. scn fully covers t :: :: full_switch_coverage % TODO: make it explicit
| s != s' :: :: stmt_not_eq {{tex [[s]] \neq [[s']]}}
| b in B :: :: behaviour_in {{tex [[b]] \in [[B]]}}
| b not in B :: :: behaviour_not_in {{tex [[b]] \not\in [[B]]}}
| G = G' :: :: typing_env_eq
| B = B' :: :: behaviour_eq
| namedSigs = namedSigs' :: :: named_signature_eq
| sig = sig' :: :: sig_eq
| e = e' :: :: expr_eq
| e != e' :: :: expr_neq {{tex [[e]] \neq [[e']]}}
| exists i . formula :: :: exists_int
| tid = makeFresh() :: :: make_fresh_tid
| i = uint :: :: uint_to_indexvar
| i <= n :: :: indexvar_leq
| i >= n :: :: indexvar_geq
| i < n :: :: indexvar_lesser
| x -> val in R :: :: val_in_env
| fid -> <( x0 , .. , xn )> ( y0 : addr0 , .. , ym : addrm ) { s0 .. sk } :: :: fid_resolving
| E = E' :: :: event_eq
| R = R' :: :: exec_env_eq
| s = s' :: :: stmt_eq
| rv not in sc0 .. scn :: :: rval_not_in_cases % TODO: fix typesetting
| s = { sblock } :: :: block_from_switch_block
| rv = Default ( tval ) :: :: default_value
| s is a terminator :: :: stmt_is_terminator
desugaring :: '' ::=
s --> s' :: :: desugaring_stmt :: '' {{com Desugaring statements}} by
----------------------------- :: if_then
if (e) s --> if (e) s else {}
-------- :: empty_stmt
; --> {}
-------------------------------------- :: while
while (e) s --> if (e) do s while (e);
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: for_empty_cond
for (eOrVDecls ; ; eOrNothing) s --> for (eOrVDecls ; true ; eOrNothing) s
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: for_empty_incr
for (eOrVDecls ; e ; ) s --> for (eOrVDecls ; e ; null) s
------------------------------------------------ :: for_init_expr
for (e ; e' ; e'') s --> {e; while(e') {s e'';}}
------------------------------------------------ :: for_init_empty
for ( ; e' ; e'') s --> while(e') {s e'';}
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: for_init_vdecls
for (tx vdecl0 , .. , vdecln ; e' ; e'') s --> {tx vdecl0 , .. , vdecln; while(e') {s e'';}}
k > 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: multiple_vdecls
{ tx vdecl0, vdecl1, .., vdeclk; s'0..s'm} --> { tx vdecl0; tx vdecl1, .., vdeclk; s'0..s'm}
------------------------------------------------------------- :: initialized_vdecl
{ tx x = e; s'0..s'm} --> { tx x; x = e; s'0..s'm}
% TODO: replace foo(e0,..,en) by foo<>(e0,..,en)
% Both in expressions, and in top-level declarations
% TODO: also desugar syntactic types that have an addressSpace as a prefix.
% Also make it an error to have an addressSpace and neither array ref nor ptr.
e --> e' :: :: desugaring_expr :: '' {{com Desugaring expressions}} by
----------------------- :: not_equals_operator
e != e' --> ! (e == e')
%gather :: '' ::=
%G = gather ( td0 .. tdn ) :: :: gather :: '' by
% G = gather (
% x -> SyntaxFunc{sigx0, .., sigxi} in G
% G' = G[x -> SyntaxFunc{sigx0, .., sigxi, <( )>(tx0, .., txn) -> tx}]
% -------------------------------------------------------------------- :: func_overload
% G' = gather(tx x <( )> (tx0 x0, .., txn xn) {s0 .. sm}
% G = gather (
% x not in G
% G' = G[x ->SyntaxFunc{<()>(tx0, .., txn) -> tx}]
% ---------------------------------------------------------------- :: func_no_overload
% G' = gather(tx x <( )> (tx0 x0, .., txn xn) {s0 .. sm}
% G = gather (
% x not in G
% G' = G[x -> SyntaxTypedef(<()> -> tx)]
% ------------------------------------------ :: typedef
% G' = gather(typedef x <()> = tx;
% % TODO: add rules for the other kinds of top-level declaration, as well as the base case for an empty file
% % the base case needs to add typedefs for bool/uint32 at the very least
reduce_type :: '' ::=
G |- tx : tval :: :: syntax :: '' {{com Evaluating types}} {{tex [[G]] [[|-]] [[tx]] \Downarrow [[tval]]}} by
x -> Typedef (<( )> -> tval) in G
------------------------------- :: basic_typedef
G |- x <( )> : tval
G |- tx : tval
------------------------- :: array
G |- tx [i] : [tval]
G |- tx : tval
---------------------------------------- :: ref
G |- tx [] addressSpace : Ref(tval)
G |- tx : tval
--------------------------------------- :: ptr
G |- tx * addressSpace : Ptr(tval)
well_formed :: '' ::=
G |- well_formed ( td ) :: :: top_level :: '' by
G |- tx : tval
G |- {} : {Return tval}
---------------------------------- :: func_trivial
G |- well_formed(tx f<()>() {})
G |- tx0 : tval
G[x0 -> LVal(tval)] |- well_formed (tx f<()>(tx1 x1, .., txm xm) {})
-------------------------------------------------------------------- :: func_param
G |- well_formed (tx f<()>(tx0 x0, tx1 x1, .., txm xm) {})
G |- tx' : tval'
G[x -> tval'] |- well_formed (tx f<(tparam0, .., tparamk)> (tx0 x0, .., txm xm) {})
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: func_constexpr
G |- well_formed (tx f<(tx' x, tparam0, .., tparamk)> (tx0 x0, .., txm xm) {})
y0 -> Protocol namedSigs0 in G /\ .. /\ yi -> Protocol namedSigsi in G
namedSigs = U namedSigs0 .. namedSigsi
tid = makeFresh()
G[x -> TVar tid namedSigs] |- well_formed (tx f<(tparam0, .., tparamk)> (tx0 x0, .., txm xm) {})
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: func_tvar
G |- well_formed (tx f<(x : y0 + .. + yi, tparam0, .., tparamk)> (tx0 x0, .., txm xm) {})
% TODO: maybe add some check here that the different protocols are not incompatible.
% Can we even have incompatible protocols?
typing :: '' ::=
G |- s : B :: :: typing_statement :: '' {{com Validating statements' behaviours}} by
G |- e : bool
G |- s : B
G |- s' : B'
------------------------------ :: if
G |- if (e) s else s' : B + B'
G |- e : bool
G |- s : B
---------------------------------------------------------- :: do_while
G |- do s while (e); : (B \ {Break, Continue}) + {Nothing}
% Note: we could make this rule a bit more precise in the cases where we know that s always return/trap/break.. but such a piece of code is almost certainly a bug.
G |- e : t
G |- isIntegerOrEnum(t)
G |- sc0: t /\ .. /\ G |- scn: t
G |- sc0 .. scn fully covers t
G |- sblock0: B0 /\ .. /\ G |- sblockn: Bn
Nothing not in B0 /\ .. /\ Nothing not in Bn
B = U B0 .. Bn
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: switch
G |- switch (e) {sc0: sblock0 .. scn : sblockn } : B \ {Break, Fallthrough}
--------------------- :: break
G |- break; : {Break}
--------------------------- :: continue
G |- continue; : {Continue}
--------------------------------- :: fallthrough
G |- fallthrough; : {Fallthrough}
G |- e : t
--------------------------- :: return
G |- return e; : {Return t}
----------------------------- :: return_void
G |- return ; : {Return void}
----------------------- :: trap
G |- trap; : {Return t}
------------------- :: empty_block
G |- {} : {Nothing}
G[x -> Nothing] |- tx : tval
G[x -> LVal(tval)] |- {s0 .. sn} : B
s0 != tx' x; /\../\ sn != tx' x;
--------------------------------- :: variable_decl
G |- {tx x; s0 .. sn} : B
% Note: we remove x from the environment before reducing tx, to avoid a situation where x is required in the definition of tx, which gets rather weird with multiple declarations
% (see email from 20/06/2018).
% Note: there is a minor ambiguity between this rule and the next two, but it is harmless as the next two rules both fail in the next step
% if they are applied where s is a variable declaration.
% Note: the second premise prevents redeclaration of a variable in the same scope it was declared in.
% Implemented naively it takes O(n**2) to check, but can easily be optimized.
G |- s : B
------------ :: trivial_block
G |- {s} : B
G |- s : B
G |- {s1 .. sn} : B'
n > 0
Nothing in B
-------------------------------------- :: block
G |- {s s1 .. sn} : (B \ {Nothing}) + B'
% Note: the last premise forbids trivially dead code. It is optional and could be removed with no consequences on the rest of the language.
G |- e : t
------------------- :: expr
G |- e; : {Nothing}
G |- sc : t :: :: typing_switch_case :: '' by
G |- rval : t
--------------- :: case
G |- case rval : t
---------------- :: default
G |- default : t
G |- sblock : B :: :: typing_switch_block :: '' by
G |- { s0 .. sn } : B
--------------------- :: switch_block
G |- s0 .. sn : B
G |- e : t :: :: typing_expr :: '' {{com Typing expressions}} by
------------------- :: null_lit_array_ref
G |- null : Ref (tval)
------------------- :: null_lit_ptr
G |- null : Ptr (tval)
---------------- :: literal_true
G |- true : bool
----------------- :: literal_false
G |- false : bool
G |- e : t
------------ :: parens
G |- (e) : t
G |- e : t
G |- e' : t'
--------------- :: comma
G |- e, e' : t'
G |- e : bool
G |- e' : bool
------------------- :: or
G |- e || e' : bool
G |- e : bool
G |- e' : bool
------------------- :: and
G |- e && e' : bool
G |- e0 : bool
G |- e1 : t
G |- e2 : t
--------------------- :: ternary
G |- e0 ? e1 : e2 : t
G |- e : bool
-------------- :: not
G |- !e : bool
G |- e : LVal(tval)
G |- e' : tval
----------------- :: assignment
G |- e = e' : tval
x -> t in G
----------- :: variable_name
G |- x : t
G |- e : LVal(tval)
---------------- :: lval_access
G |- e : tval
G |- e : LVal(tval)
---------------- :: address_taking
G |- &e : Ptr(tval)
% can the unary operator & be overloaded?
% It seems that no
G |- e : Ptr(tval)
----------------- :: ptr_deref
G |- *e : LVal(tval)
% can the unary operator * be overloaded?
% It seems that no
% Note: We currently do not have any special interaction between pointers and array references in these rules
G |- e : LVal(tval)
---------------- :: take_ref_lval
G |- @e : Ref(tval)
% Note: in the execution rules, the behaviour depends on whether that LVal points to an array, but here we don't need to track it.
G |- e : LVal([tval])
G |- e' : uint32
-------------------- :: array_index_lval
G |- e[e'] : LVal(tval)
G |- e : [tval]
G |- e' : uint32
---------------- :: array_index_rval
G |- e[e'] : tval
% There is a choice between applying array_index_lval and then lval_access, or lval_access and then array_index_rval.
% It is not problematic, because the rules are confluent, so either choice leads to the same result.
% TODO: should we refuse during validation the case where e' is a constant that falls out of the bounds of e ?
% I think it should be an allowed behaviour but not required of the implementation.
G |- e : Ref(tval)
G |- e' : uint32
-------------------- :: array_ref_index
G |- e[e'] : LVal(tval)
G |- e0 : tval0 /\../\ G |- en : tvaln
x -> Func{sig0, .., sigk} in G
exists i . sigi = <( )> (tval0, .., tvaln) -> tval
-------------------------------------------------- :: call_no_targ
G |- x <( )> (e0, .., en) : tval
exec :: '' ::=
R |- e -> e' ; E ; S :: :: exec_expr :: '' {{com Small-step reduction on expressions}} {{tex [[R]] \vdash [[e]] \xrightarrow[ [[S]] ]{[[E]]} [[e']]}} by
------------------------------------------- :: and_true
R |- true && e -> JoinExpr(e) ;; push(true)
--------------------------- :: and_false
R |- false && e -> false ;;
R |- e0 -> e0' ; E ; S
---------------------------------- :: and_reduce
R |- e0 && e1 -> e0' && e1 ; E ; S
e != LVal(addr)
R |- e -> e' ; E ; S
--------------------------------------- :: join_expr_reduce
R |- JoinExpr(e) -> JoinExpr(e'); E ; S
---------------------------------- :: join_expr_elim
R |- JoinExpr(val) -> val; ; pop()
------------------------- :: or_true
R |- true || e -> true ;;
--------------------------------------------- :: or_false
R |- false || e -> JoinExpr(e) ;; push(false)
R |- e0 -> e0' ; E ; S
---------------------------------- :: or_reduce
R |- e0 || e1 -> e0' || e1 ; E ; S
------------------------------------------------- :: ternary_true
R |- true ? e1 : e2 -> JoinExpr(e1) ;; push(true)
--------------------------------------------------- :: ternary_false
R |- false ? e1 : e2 -> JoinExpr(e2) ;; push(false)
R |- e0 -> e0' ; E ; S
------------------------------------------ :: ternary_reduce
R |- e0 ? e1 : e2 -> e0' ? e1 : e2 ; E ; S
---------------------- :: comma_next
R |- rval, e1 -> e1 ;;
R |- e0 -> e0' ; E ; S
------------------------------ :: comma_reduce
R |- e0, e1 -> e0', e1 ; E ; S
------------------ :: parens_exec
R |- ( e ) -> e ;;
----------------------- :: not_true
R |- ! true -> false ;;
----------------------- :: not_false
R |- ! false -> true ;;
--------------------------------- :: deref_ptr
R |- * Ptr(addr) -> LVal(addr) ;;
R |- e -> e' ; E ; S
------------------------ :: deref_reduce
R |- * e -> * e' ; E ; S
e != LVal(addr)
R |- e -> e' ; E ; S
------------------------ :: take_ptr_reduce
R |- & e -> & e' ; E ; S
-------------------------------- :: take_ptr_lval
R |- & LVal(addr) -> Ptr(addr);;
% TODO: add the '@' operator. It is tricky, because the monomorphisation pass must annotate it with the resulting size of the reference, basically by rerunning the type checking.
% TODO: do we want to eliminate the next few rules, and instead put them into the definition of operator[] on the default types?
% it would allow for nicer interaction with protocols.
e0 != LVal(addr)
R |- e0 -> e0' ; E ; S
-------------------------------- :: array_left_reduce
R |- e0 [e1] -> e0' [e1] ; E ; S
e0 = LVal(addr) \/ e0 = [rval0, .., rvaln] \/ e0 = Ref(addr, j)
R |- e1 -> e1' ; E ; S
--------------------------------------------------------------- :: array_right_reduce
R |- e0 [e1] -> e0 [e1'] ; E ; S
i = uint
i <= n
------------------------------------------ :: array_lit_access
R |- [rval0, .., rvaln] [uint] -> rvali ;;
i = uint
----------------------------------------------- :: array_unchecked
R |- LVal(addr) [uint k] -> LVal(addr + i*k) ;;
% TODO: we will have to add a check either here, or in the local typechecking phase, or in the monomorphisation phase.
i = uint
i < j
------------------------------------------------- :: array_ref_access_valid
R |- Ref(addr, j) [uint k] -> LVal(addr + i*k) ;;
i = uint
i >= j
------------------------------------------ :: array_ref_access_invalid
R |- Ref(addr, j) [uint k] -> TrapValue ;;
x -> val in R
---------------- :: environment_access
R |- x -> val ;;
--------------------------------------- :: load
R |- LVal(addr) -> rval ; addr -> rval;
e0 != LVal(addr)
R |- e0 -> e0' ; E ; S
-------------------------------- :: assign_left_reduce
R |- e0 = e1 -> e0' = e1 ; E ; S
R |- e1 -> e1' ; E ; S
------------------------------------------------ :: assign_right_reduce
R |- LVal(addr) = e1 -> LVal(addr) = e1' ; E ; S
---------------------------------------------- :: assign_execute
R |- LVal(addr) = rval -> rval ; addr <- rval;
R |- e -> e' ; E ; S
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: call_reduce
R |- fid<(rv0, .., rvn)>(rv'0, .., rv'm, e, e0, .., ek) -> fid<(rv0, .., rvn)>(rv'0, .., rv'm, e', e0, .., ek) ; E ; S
fid -> <(x0, .., xn)>(y0:addr0, .., ym:addrm) {s0 .. sk}
E = Sequence(addr0 <- rv'0, .., addrm <- rv'm)
R' = R[x0 -> rv0, .., xn -> rvn]
R'' = R'[y0 -> LVal(addr0), .., ym -> LVal(addrm)]
-------------------------------------------------------------------- :: call_resolve
R |- fid<(rv0, .., rvn)>(rv'0, .., rv'm) -> Call {R'' s0 .. sk} ; E;
R |- s -> s' ; E ; S
------------------------------ :: call_construct_reduce
R |- Call s -> Call s' ; E ; S
--------------------------------- :: call_return
R |- Call return rval; -> rval ;;
---------------------------- :: call_return_void
R |- Call return; -> Void ;;
------------------------- :: call_end_function
R |- Call {R'} -> Void ;;
R |- s -> s' ; E ; S :: :: exec_stmt :: '' {{com Small-step reduction on statements}} {{tex [[R]] \vdash [[s]] \xrightarrow[ [[S]] ]{[[E]]} [[s']]}} by
----------------------------- :: block_annotate
R |- {} -> {R};;
R |- s -> s' ; E ; S
--------------------------------------------- :: block_reduce
Rout |- {R s} -> {R s'} ; E ; S
--------------------------------------- :: block_next_stmt
Rout |- {R {R'}} -> {R};;
s = break; \/ s = continue; \/ s = fallthrough; \/ s = return rval; \/ s = return; \/ s = trap;
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: block_terminator
Rout |- {R s} -> s;;
R' = R[x -> LVal(sid)]
rv = Default(tval)
------------------------------------------------------------ :: block_vdecl
Rout |- {R tval x : sid;} -> {R'} ; sid <- rv;
R |- e -> e' ; E ; S
---------------------- :: effectful_expr_reduce
R |- e; -> e'; ; E ; S
------------------- :: effectful_expr_elim
R |- rval; -> {} ;;
R |- e -> e' ; E ; S
------------------------------------ :: return_reduce
R |- return e; -> return e'; ; E ; S
R |- e -> e' ; E ; S
-------------------------------------------------- :: if_reduce
R |- if (e) s else s' -> if (e') s else s' ; E ; S
------------------------------------------------- :: if_true
R |- if (true) s else s' -> Join(s) ;; push(true)
---------------------------------------------------- :: if_false
R |- if (false) s else s' -> Join(s') ;; push(false)
R |- s -> s' ; E ; S
-------------------------------- :: join_reduce
R |- Join(s) -> Join(s') ; E ; S
s = {R'} \/ s is a terminator
----------------------------- :: join_elim
R |- Join(s) -> s ;; pop()
-------------------------------------------------------------- :: do_while_loop
R |- do s while(e); -> Loop(s, if(e) do s while(e); else {});;
R |- s1 -> s1' ; E ; S
------------------------------------------ :: loop_reduce
R |- Loop(s1, s2) -> Loop(s1', s2) ; E ; S
----------------------------- :: loop_break
R |- Loop(break;, s2) -> {};;
s1 = {R'} \/ s1 = continue;
--------------------------- :: loop_next_iteration
R |- Loop(s1, s2) -> s2;;
s1 = fallthrough; \/ s1 = return; \/ s1 = return rval; \/ s1 = trap;
-------------------------------------------------------------------- :: loop_other_terminator
R |- Loop(s1, s2) -> s1;;
R |- e -> e' ; E ; S
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: switch_reduce
R |- switch(e) {sc0:sblock0 .. scn:sblockn} -> switch(e') {sc0:sblock0 .. scn:sblockn} ; E ; S
%TODO: the next two rules don't fit on the page. I should find a way to compact them. Maybe with the </xi//i/> notation?
s = {sblock} /\ s0 = {sblock'0} /\ .. /\ sm = {sblock'm}
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: switch_case_found
R |- switch(rv) {sc0:sblock0 .. scn:sblockn case rv: sblock sc'0:sblock'0 .. sc'm:sblock'm} -> Cases(s, s0, .., sm) ;; push(rv)
rv not in sc0 .. scn
rv not in sc'0 .. sc'm
s = {sblock} /\ s0 = {sblock'0} /\ .. /\ sm = {sblock'm}
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: switch_default
R |- switch(rv) {sc0:sblock0 .. scn:sblockn default: sblock sc'0:sblock'0 .. sc'm:sblock'm} -> Cases(s, s0, .., sm) ;; push(rv)
R |- s -> s' ; E ; S
------------------------------------------------------ :: cases_reduce
R |- Cases(s, s0, .., sn) -> Cases(s', s0, .., sn) ; E ; S
----------------------------------------------------------- :: cases_fallthrough
R |- Cases(fallthrough;, s0, .., sn) -> Cases(s0, .., sn);;
--------------------------------------------- :: cases_break
R |- Cases(break;, s0, .., sn) -> {} ;; pop()
s = continue; \/ s = return; \/ s = return rval; \/ s = trap;
------------------------------------------------------------- :: cases_other_terminator
R |- Cases(s, s0, .., sn) -> s ;; pop()