blob: 733fa335e13c6ad760dacf5ad0fb1b7344badcb7 [file] [log] [blame]
<div id="t"></div>
<div id="console"></div>
function print(message, color)
var paragraph = document.createElement("div");
paragraph.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message)); = "monospace";
if (color) = color;
function run(a)
try {
} catch(e) {
function shouldBe(a, b)
var evalA;
try {
evalA = eval(a);
} catch(e) {
evalA = e;
if (evalA == b)
print("PASS: " + a + " should be " + b + " and is.", "green");
print("FAIL: " + a + " should be " + b + " but instead is " + evalA + ".", "red");
if (window.testRunner)
var t = document.getElementById('t');
run(" = '5%';");
shouldBe("", "");
shouldBe("", "5%");
shouldBe("", "");
shouldBe("", "background-position-x: 5%;");
shouldBe("t.getAttribute('style')", "background-position-x: 5%;");
run(" = '5%';");
shouldBe("", "5% 5%");
shouldBe("", "5%");
shouldBe("", "5%");
shouldBe("", "background-position: 5% 5%;");
shouldBe("t.getAttribute('style')", "background-position: 5% 5%;");
run(" = '10% 10%';");
shouldBe("", "10% 10%");
shouldBe("", "10%");
shouldBe("", "10%");
shouldBe("", "background-position: 10% 10%;");
shouldBe("t.getAttribute('style')", "background-position: 10% 10%;");
run(" = '20%';");
shouldBe("", "20% 10%");
shouldBe("", "20%");
shouldBe("", "10%");
shouldBe("", "background-position: 20% 10%;");
shouldBe("t.getAttribute('style')", "background-position: 20% 10%;");
run(" = '20%';");
shouldBe("", "20% 20%");
shouldBe("", "20%");
shouldBe("", "20%");
shouldBe("", "background-position: 20% 20%;");
shouldBe("t.getAttribute('style')", "background-position: 20% 20%;");
run("t.setAttribute('style', 'background-position: 30% 30%');");
shouldBe("", "30% 30%");
shouldBe("", "30%");
shouldBe("", "30%");
shouldBe("", "background-position: 30% 30%;");
shouldBe("t.getAttribute('style')", "background-position: 30% 30%");
run(" = '20%';");
shouldBe("", "20% 30%");
shouldBe("", "20%");
shouldBe("", "30%");
shouldBe("", "background-position: 20% 30%;");
shouldBe("t.getAttribute('style')", "background-position: 20% 30%;");
run(" = '20%';");
shouldBe("", "20% 20%");
shouldBe("", "20%");
shouldBe("", "20%");
shouldBe("", "background-position: 20% 20%;");
shouldBe("t.getAttribute('style')", "background-position: 20% 20%;");
run("t.setAttribute('style', 'background-position: 60% 60% !important;');");
shouldBe("", "60% 60%");
shouldBe("", "60%");
shouldBe("", "60%");
shouldBe("", "background-position: 60% 60% !important;");
run("t.setAttribute('style', 'background-position: 10px 15px, 20px 25px, 30px 35px');");
shouldBe("", "10px 15px, 20px 25px, 30px 35px");
shouldBe("", "10px, 20px, 30px");
shouldBe("", "15px, 25px, 35px");
shouldBe("", "background-position: 10px 15px, 20px 25px, 30px 35px;");
run("t.setAttribute('style', 'background-position: bottom 10px right 20px');");
shouldBe("", "right 20px bottom 10px");
shouldBe("window.getComputedStyle(t).backgroundPosition", "right 20px bottom 10px");
run("t.setAttribute('style', 'background-position: top 10px right 20px');");
shouldBe("", "right 20px top 10px");
shouldBe("window.getComputedStyle(t).backgroundPosition", "right 20px top 10px");
run("t.setAttribute('style', 'background-position: 50% left');"); // Invalid per spec.
shouldBe("", "");
run("t.setAttribute('style', 'background-position-x: right 20px');"); // This does not parse, but perhaps it should.
shouldBe("window.getComputedStyle(t).backgroundPositionX", "0%");
run("t.setAttribute('style', 'background-position: right 20px bottom 10px');");
shouldBe("window.getComputedStyle(t).backgroundPosition", "right 20px bottom 10px");
shouldBe("window.getComputedStyle(t).backgroundPositionX", "20px"); // This is a bug.
run("t.setAttribute('style', 'background: url(about:blank) 80% 80%;');");
run(" = '50px'");
print("style.cssText =");