blob: 1e9b143d69e5c3eb92b2caee9e6cc416fb32e82f [file] [log] [blame]
WebGL instanceof test.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Tests that instanceof works on WebGL objects.
PASS gl instanceof WebGLRenderingContext is true
PASS gl.createBuffer() instanceof WebGLBuffer is true
PASS gl.createFramebuffer() instanceof WebGLFramebuffer is true
PASS gl.createProgram() instanceof WebGLProgram is true
PASS gl.createRenderbuffer() instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer is true
PASS gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER) instanceof WebGLShader is true
PASS gl.createTexture() instanceof WebGLTexture is true
PASS gl.getUniformLocation(program, "color") instanceof WebGLUniformLocation is true
PASS gl.getActiveAttrib(program, 0) instanceof WebGLActiveInfo is true
PASS gl.getActiveUniform(program, 0) instanceof WebGLActiveInfo is true
Tests that those WebGL objects can not be constructed through new operator
PASS new WebGLRenderingContext threw an error
PASS new WebGLActiveInfo threw an error
PASS new WebGLBuffer threw an error
PASS new WebGLFramebuffer threw an error
PASS new WebGLProgram threw an error
PASS new WebGLRenderbuffer threw an error
PASS new WebGLShader threw an error
PASS new WebGLTexture threw an error
PASS new WebGLUniformLocation threw an error
PASS new WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat threw an error
PASS successfullyParsed is true