| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2012 Igalia S.L. |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2,1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Library General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "config.h" |
| |
| #include "WebViewTest.h" |
| #include <wtf/glib/GRefPtr.h> |
| |
| static GUniquePtr<char> scriptDialogResult; |
| |
| #define INPUT_ID "input-id" |
| #define FORM_ID "form-id" |
| #define FORM2_ID "form2-id" |
| |
| #define FORM_SUBMISSION_TEST_ID "form-submission-test-id" |
| |
| static void checkTitle(WebViewTest* test, GDBusProxy* proxy, const char* expectedTitle) |
| { |
| GRefPtr<GVariant> result = adoptGRef(g_dbus_proxy_call_sync( |
| proxy, |
| "GetTitle", |
| g_variant_new("(t)", webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView)), |
| -1, 0, 0)); |
| g_assert_nonnull(result); |
| |
| const char* title; |
| g_variant_get(result.get(), "(&s)", &title); |
| g_assert_cmpstr(title, ==, expectedTitle); |
| } |
| |
| static void testWebExtensionGetTitle(WebViewTest* test, gconstpointer) |
| { |
| test->loadHtml("<html><head><title>WebKitGTK Web Extensions Test</title></head><body></body></html>", "http://bar.com"); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| |
| auto proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| checkTitle(test, proxy.get(), "WebKitGTK Web Extensions Test"); |
| } |
| |
| static gboolean inputElementIsUserEdited(GDBusProxy* proxy, uint64_t pageID, const char* elementID) |
| { |
| GRefPtr<GVariant> result = adoptGRef(g_dbus_proxy_call_sync( |
| proxy, |
| "InputElementIsUserEdited", |
| g_variant_new("(t&s)", pageID, elementID), |
| -1, nullptr, nullptr)); |
| g_assert_nonnull(result); |
| |
| gboolean retval; |
| g_variant_get(result.get(), "(b)", &retval); |
| return retval; |
| } |
| |
| static void testWebExtensionInputElementIsUserEdited(WebViewTest* test, gconstpointer) |
| { |
| test->showInWindowAndWaitUntilMapped(); |
| test->loadHtml("<html><body id='body'><input id='input'></input><textarea id='textarea'></textarea></body></html>", nullptr); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| |
| auto proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| |
| uint64_t pageID = webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView); |
| g_assert_false(inputElementIsUserEdited(proxy.get(), pageID, "input")); |
| test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFinished("document.getElementById('input').focus()", nullptr); |
| test->keyStroke(GDK_KEY_a); |
| while (gtk_events_pending()) |
| gtk_main_iteration(); |
| GUniquePtr<char> resultString; |
| do { |
| auto* result = test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFinished("document.getElementById('input').value", nullptr); |
| resultString.reset(WebViewTest::javascriptResultToCString(result)); |
| } while (g_strcmp0(resultString.get(), "a")); |
| g_assert_true(inputElementIsUserEdited(proxy.get(), pageID, "input")); |
| |
| g_assert_false(inputElementIsUserEdited(proxy.get(), pageID, "textarea")); |
| test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFinished("document.getElementById('textarea').focus()", nullptr); |
| test->keyStroke(GDK_KEY_b); |
| while (gtk_events_pending()) |
| gtk_main_iteration(); |
| do { |
| auto* result = test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFinished("document.getElementById('textarea').value", nullptr); |
| resultString.reset(WebViewTest::javascriptResultToCString(result)); |
| } while (g_strcmp0(resultString.get(), "b")); |
| g_assert_true(inputElementIsUserEdited(proxy.get(), pageID, "textarea")); |
| |
| g_assert_false(inputElementIsUserEdited(proxy.get(), pageID, "body")); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| static void documentLoadedCallback(GDBusConnection*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, GVariant*, WebViewTest* test) |
| { |
| g_main_loop_quit(test->m_mainLoop); |
| } |
| |
| static void testDocumentLoadedSignal(WebViewTest* test, gconstpointer) |
| { |
| auto proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| |
| GDBusConnection* connection = g_dbus_proxy_get_connection(proxy.get()); |
| guint id = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe(connection, |
| nullptr, |
| "org.webkit.gtk.WebExtensionTest", |
| "DocumentLoaded", |
| "/org/webkit/gtk/WebExtensionTest", |
| nullptr, |
| reinterpret_cast<GDBusSignalCallback>(documentLoadedCallback), |
| test, |
| nullptr); |
| g_assert_cmpuint(id, !=, 0); |
| |
| test->loadHtml("<html><head><title>WebKitGTK Web Extensions Test</title></head><body></body></html>", nullptr); |
| g_main_loop_run(test->m_mainLoop); |
| g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(connection, id); |
| } |
| |
| static gboolean webProcessTerminatedCallback(WebKitWebView*, WebKitWebProcessTerminationReason reason, WebViewTest* test) |
| { |
| g_assert_cmpuint(reason, ==, WEBKIT_WEB_PROCESS_CRASHED); |
| test->quitMainLoop(); |
| |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| |
| static void testWebKitWebViewProcessCrashed(WebViewTest* test, gconstpointer) |
| { |
| test->loadHtml("<html></html>", nullptr); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| |
| g_signal_connect_after(test->m_webView, "web-process-terminated", |
| G_CALLBACK(webProcessTerminatedCallback), test); |
| |
| test->m_expectedWebProcessCrash = true; |
| |
| auto proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| GRefPtr<GVariant> result = adoptGRef(g_dbus_proxy_call_sync( |
| proxy.get(), |
| "AbortProcess", |
| 0, |
| -1, 0, 0)); |
| g_assert_null(result); |
| g_main_loop_run(test->m_mainLoop); |
| test->m_expectedWebProcessCrash = false; |
| } |
| |
| static void testWebExtensionWindowObjectCleared(WebViewTest* test, gconstpointer) |
| { |
| test->loadHtml("<html><header></header><body></body></html>", 0); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| |
| GUniqueOutPtr<GError> error; |
| WebKitJavascriptResult* javascriptResult = test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFinished("window.echo('Foo');", &error.outPtr()); |
| g_assert_nonnull(javascriptResult); |
| g_assert_no_error(error.get()); |
| GUniquePtr<char> valueString(WebViewTest::javascriptResultToCString(javascriptResult)); |
| g_assert_cmpstr(valueString.get(), ==, "Foo"); |
| |
| javascriptResult = test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFinished("var f = new GFile('.'); f.path();", &error.outPtr()); |
| g_assert_nonnull(javascriptResult); |
| g_assert_no_error(error.get()); |
| valueString.reset(WebViewTest::javascriptResultToCString(javascriptResult)); |
| GUniquePtr<char> currentDirectory(g_get_current_dir()); |
| g_assert_cmpstr(valueString.get(), ==, currentDirectory.get()); |
| } |
| |
| static gboolean scriptDialogCallback(WebKitWebView*, WebKitScriptDialog* dialog, gpointer) |
| { |
| g_assert_cmpuint(webkit_script_dialog_get_dialog_type(dialog), ==, WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_ALERT); |
| scriptDialogResult.reset(g_strdup(webkit_script_dialog_get_message(dialog))); |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| static void runJavaScriptInIsolatedWorldFinishedCallback(GDBusProxy* proxy, GAsyncResult* result, WebViewTest* test) |
| { |
| g_dbus_proxy_call_finish(proxy, result, 0); |
| g_main_loop_quit(test->m_mainLoop); |
| } |
| |
| static void testWebExtensionIsolatedWorld(WebViewTest* test, gconstpointer) |
| { |
| test->loadHtml("<html><header></header><body><div id='console'></div></body></html>", 0); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| |
| gulong scriptDialogID = g_signal_connect(test->m_webView, "script-dialog", G_CALLBACK(scriptDialogCallback), nullptr); |
| |
| static const char* mainWorldScript = |
| "top.foo = 'Foo';\n" |
| "document.getElementById('console').innerHTML = top.foo;\n" |
| "window.open = function () { alert('Main World'); }\n" |
| "window.open();"; |
| test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFinished(mainWorldScript, 0); |
| g_assert_cmpstr(scriptDialogResult.get(), ==, "Main World"); |
| |
| WebKitJavascriptResult* javascriptResult = test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFinished("document.getElementById('console').innerHTML", 0); |
| g_assert_nonnull(javascriptResult); |
| GUniquePtr<char> valueString(WebViewTest::javascriptResultToCString(javascriptResult)); |
| g_assert_cmpstr(valueString.get(), ==, "Foo"); |
| |
| static const char* isolatedWorldScript = |
| "document.getElementById('console').innerHTML = top.foo;\n" |
| "window.open = function () { alert('Isolated World'); }\n" |
| "window.open();"; |
| auto proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| g_dbus_proxy_call(proxy.get(), |
| "RunJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld", |
| g_variant_new("(t&s)", webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView), isolatedWorldScript), |
| -1, 0, |
| reinterpret_cast<GAsyncReadyCallback>(runJavaScriptInIsolatedWorldFinishedCallback), |
| test); |
| g_main_loop_run(test->m_mainLoop); |
| g_assert_cmpstr(scriptDialogResult.get(), ==, "Isolated World"); |
| |
| // Check that 'top.foo' defined in main world is not visible in isolated world. |
| javascriptResult = test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFinished("document.getElementById('console').innerHTML", 0); |
| g_assert_nonnull(javascriptResult); |
| valueString.reset(WebViewTest::javascriptResultToCString(javascriptResult)); |
| g_assert_cmpstr(valueString.get(), ==, "undefined"); |
| |
| g_signal_handler_disconnect(test->m_webView, scriptDialogID); |
| } |
| |
| static gboolean permissionRequestCallback(WebKitWebView*, WebKitPermissionRequest* request, WebViewTest* test) |
| { |
| return FALSE; |
| |
| test->assertObjectIsDeletedWhenTestFinishes(G_OBJECT(request)); |
| WebKitInstallMissingMediaPluginsPermissionRequest* missingPluginsRequest = WEBKIT_INSTALL_MISSING_MEDIA_PLUGINS_PERMISSION_REQUEST(request); |
| g_assert_nonnull(webkit_install_missing_media_plugins_permission_request_get_description(missingPluginsRequest)); |
| webkit_permission_request_deny(request); |
| test->quitMainLoop(); |
| |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| static void testInstallMissingPluginsPermissionRequest(WebViewTest* test, gconstpointer) |
| { |
| auto proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| GRefPtr<GVariant> result = adoptGRef(g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(proxy.get(), "RemoveAVPluginsFromGSTRegistry", |
| nullptr, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, nullptr, nullptr)); |
| |
| test->showInWindowAndWaitUntilMapped(); |
| |
| gulong permissionRequestSignalID = g_signal_connect(test->m_webView, "permission-request", G_CALLBACK(permissionRequestCallback), test); |
| // FIXME: the base URI needs to finish with / to work, that shouldn't happen. |
| GUniquePtr<char> baseURI(g_strconcat("file://", Test::getResourcesDir(Test::WebKit2Resources).data(), "/", nullptr)); |
| test->loadHtml("<html><body><video src=\"test.mp4\" autoplay></video></body></html>", baseURI.get()); |
| g_main_loop_run(test->m_mainLoop); |
| g_signal_handler_disconnect(test->m_webView, permissionRequestSignalID); |
| } |
| #endif // PLATFORM(GTK) |
| |
| static void didAssociateFormControlsCallback(GDBusConnection*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, GVariant* result, WebViewTest* test) |
| { |
| const char* formIds; |
| g_variant_get(result, "(&s)", &formIds); |
| g_assert_true(!g_strcmp0(formIds, FORM_ID FORM2_ID) || !g_strcmp0(formIds, FORM2_ID FORM_ID) || !g_strcmp0(formIds, INPUT_ID)); |
| |
| test->quitMainLoop(); |
| } |
| |
| static void testWebExtensionFormControlsAssociated(WebViewTest* test, gconstpointer) |
| { |
| auto proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| GDBusConnection* connection = g_dbus_proxy_get_connection(proxy.get()); |
| guint id = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe(connection, |
| nullptr, |
| "org.webkit.gtk.WebExtensionTest", |
| "FormControlsAssociated", |
| "/org/webkit/gtk/WebExtensionTest", |
| nullptr, |
| reinterpret_cast<GDBusSignalCallback>(didAssociateFormControlsCallback), |
| test, |
| nullptr); |
| g_assert_cmpuint(id, !=, 0); |
| |
| test->loadHtml("<!DOCTYPE html><head><title>WebKitGTK Web Extensions Test</title></head><div id=\"placeholder\"/>", 0); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| |
| static const char* addFormScript = |
| "var input = document.createElement(\"input\");" |
| "input.id = \"" INPUT_ID "\";" |
| "input.type = \"password\";" |
| "var form = document.createElement(\"form\");" |
| "form.id = \"" FORM_ID "\";" |
| "form.appendChild(input);" |
| "var form2 = document.createElement(\"form\");" |
| "form2.id = \"" FORM2_ID "\";" |
| "var placeholder = document.getElementById(\"placeholder\");" |
| "placeholder.appendChild(form);" |
| "placeholder.appendChild(form2);"; |
| |
| webkit_web_view_run_javascript(test->m_webView, addFormScript, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); |
| g_main_loop_run(test->m_mainLoop); |
| |
| static const char* moveFormElementScript = |
| "var form = document.getElementById(\"" FORM_ID "\");" |
| "var form2 = document.getElementById(\"" FORM2_ID "\");" |
| "var input = document.getElementById(\"" INPUT_ID "\");" |
| "form.removeChild(input);" |
| "form2.appendChild(input);"; |
| |
| webkit_web_view_run_javascript(test->m_webView, moveFormElementScript, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); |
| g_main_loop_run(test->m_mainLoop); |
| |
| g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(connection, id); |
| } |
| |
| class FormSubmissionTest : public WebViewTest { |
| public: |
| MAKE_GLIB_TEST_FIXTURE(FormSubmissionTest); |
| |
| FormSubmissionTest() |
| { |
| m_proxy = extensionProxy(); |
| GDBusConnection* connection = g_dbus_proxy_get_connection(m_proxy.get()); |
| |
| m_willSendDOMEventCallbackID = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe(connection, |
| nullptr, |
| "org.webkit.gtk.WebExtensionTest", |
| "FormSubmissionWillSendDOMEvent", |
| "/org/webkit/gtk/WebExtensionTest", |
| nullptr, |
| reinterpret_cast<GDBusSignalCallback>(willSendDOMEventCallback), |
| this, |
| nullptr); |
| g_assert_cmpuint(m_willSendDOMEventCallbackID, !=, 0); |
| |
| m_willCompleteCallbackID = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe(connection, |
| nullptr, |
| "org.webkit.gtk.WebExtensionTest", |
| "FormSubmissionWillComplete", |
| "/org/webkit/gtk/WebExtensionTest", |
| nullptr, |
| reinterpret_cast<GDBusSignalCallback>(willCompleteCallback), |
| this, |
| nullptr); |
| g_assert_cmpuint(m_willCompleteCallbackID, !=, 0); |
| } |
| |
| ~FormSubmissionTest() |
| { |
| GDBusConnection* connection = g_dbus_proxy_get_connection(m_proxy.get()); |
| g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(connection, m_willSendDOMEventCallbackID); |
| g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(connection, m_willCompleteCallbackID); |
| } |
| |
| static void testFormSubmissionResult(GVariant* result) |
| { |
| const char* formID; |
| const char* concatenatedTextFieldNames; |
| const char* concatenatedTextFieldValues; |
| gboolean targetFrameIsMainFrame; |
| gboolean sourceFrameIsMainFrame; |
| g_variant_get(result, "(&s&s&sbb)", &formID, &concatenatedTextFieldNames, &concatenatedTextFieldValues, &targetFrameIsMainFrame, &sourceFrameIsMainFrame); |
| |
| g_assert_cmpstr(formID, ==, FORM_SUBMISSION_TEST_ID); |
| g_assert_cmpstr(concatenatedTextFieldNames, ==, "foo,bar,"); |
| g_assert_cmpstr(concatenatedTextFieldValues, ==, "first,second,"); |
| g_assert_false(targetFrameIsMainFrame); |
| g_assert_true(sourceFrameIsMainFrame); |
| } |
| |
| static void willSendDOMEventCallback(GDBusConnection*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, GVariant* result, FormSubmissionTest* test) |
| { |
| test->m_willSendDOMEventCallbackExecuted = true; |
| testFormSubmissionResult(result); |
| } |
| |
| static void willCompleteCallback(GDBusConnection*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, GVariant* result, FormSubmissionTest* test) |
| { |
| test->m_willCompleteCallbackExecuted = true; |
| testFormSubmissionResult(result); |
| test->quitMainLoop(); |
| } |
| |
| void runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFormSubmitted(const char* js) |
| { |
| webkit_web_view_run_javascript(m_webView, js, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); |
| g_main_loop_run(m_mainLoop); |
| } |
| |
| GRefPtr<GDBusProxy> m_proxy; |
| guint m_willSendDOMEventCallbackID { 0 }; |
| guint m_willCompleteCallbackID { 0 }; |
| bool m_willSendDOMEventCallbackExecuted { false }; |
| bool m_willCompleteCallbackExecuted { false }; |
| }; |
| |
| static void testWebExtensionFormSubmissionSteps(FormSubmissionTest* test, gconstpointer) |
| { |
| test->loadHtml("<form id=\"" FORM_SUBMISSION_TEST_ID "\" target=\"target_frame\">" |
| "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foo\" value=\"first\">" |
| "<input type=\"text\" name=\"bar\" value=\"second\">" |
| "<input type=\"submit\" id=\"submit_button\">" |
| "</form>" |
| "<iframe name=\"target_frame\"></iframe>", nullptr); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| |
| static const char* submitFormScript = |
| "var form = document.getElementById(\"" FORM_SUBMISSION_TEST_ID "\");" |
| "form.submit();"; |
| test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFormSubmitted(submitFormScript); |
| // Submit must not be emitted when the form is submitted via JS. |
| // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLFormElement/submit |
| g_assert_false(test->m_willSendDOMEventCallbackExecuted); |
| g_assert_true(test->m_willCompleteCallbackExecuted); |
| test->m_willCompleteCallbackExecuted = false; |
| |
| static const char* manuallySubmitFormScript = |
| "var button = document.getElementById(\"submit_button\");" |
| "button.click();"; |
| test->runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFormSubmitted(manuallySubmitFormScript); |
| g_assert_true(test->m_willSendDOMEventCallbackExecuted); |
| g_assert_true(test->m_willCompleteCallbackExecuted); |
| test->m_willSendDOMEventCallbackExecuted = false; |
| test->m_willCompleteCallbackExecuted = false; |
| |
| test->loadHtml("<form id=\"" FORM_SUBMISSION_TEST_ID "\" target=\"target_frame\">" |
| "</form>" |
| "<iframe name=\"target_frame\"></iframe>", nullptr); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| } |
| |
| static void webViewPageIDChanged(WebKitWebView* webView, GParamSpec*, bool* pageIDChangedEmitted) |
| { |
| *pageIDChangedEmitted = true; |
| g_assert_nonnull(Test::s_dbusConnectionPageMap.get(webkit_web_view_get_page_id(webView))); |
| } |
| |
| static void testWebExtensionPageID(WebViewTest* test, gconstpointer) |
| { |
| auto pageID = webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView); |
| g_assert_cmpuint(pageID, >=, 1); |
| |
| bool pageIDChangedEmitted = false; |
| g_signal_connect(test->m_webView, "notify::page-id", G_CALLBACK(webViewPageIDChanged), &pageIDChangedEmitted); |
| |
| test->loadHtml("<html><head><title>Title1</title></head><body></body></html>", "http://foo.com"); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| g_assert_false(pageIDChangedEmitted); |
| g_assert_cmpuint(pageID, ==, webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView)); |
| auto proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| checkTitle(test, proxy.get(), "Title1"); |
| |
| test->loadHtml("<html><head><title>Title2</title></head><body></body></html>", "http://foo.com/bar"); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| g_assert_false(pageIDChangedEmitted); |
| g_assert_cmpuint(pageID, ==, webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView)); |
| checkTitle(test, proxy.get(), "Title2"); |
| |
| test->loadHtml("<html><head><title>Title3</title></head><body></body></html>", "http://bar.com"); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| g_assert_true(pageIDChangedEmitted); |
| pageIDChangedEmitted = false; |
| g_assert_cmpuint(pageID, <, webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView)); |
| pageID = webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView); |
| proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| checkTitle(test, proxy.get(), "Title3"); |
| |
| test->loadHtml("<html><head><title>Title4</title></head><body></body></html>", "http://bar.com/foo"); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| g_assert_false(pageIDChangedEmitted); |
| g_assert_cmpuint(pageID, ==, webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView)); |
| checkTitle(test, proxy.get(), "Title4"); |
| |
| // Register a custom URI scheme to test history navigation. |
| webkit_web_context_register_uri_scheme(test->m_webContext.get(), "foo", |
| [](WebKitURISchemeRequest* request, gpointer) { |
| SoupURI* uri = soup_uri_new(webkit_uri_scheme_request_get_uri(request)); |
| GRefPtr<GInputStream> inputStream = adoptGRef(g_memory_input_stream_new()); |
| char* html = g_strdup_printf("<html><head><title>%s</title></head><body></body></html>", !strcmp(uri->host, "host5") ? "Title5" : "Title6"); |
| soup_uri_free(uri); |
| g_memory_input_stream_add_data(G_MEMORY_INPUT_STREAM(inputStream.get()), html, strlen(html), g_free); |
| webkit_uri_scheme_request_finish(request, inputStream.get(), strlen(html), "text/html"); |
| }, nullptr, nullptr); |
| |
| test->loadURI("foo://host5/"); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| g_assert_true(pageIDChangedEmitted); |
| pageIDChangedEmitted = false; |
| g_assert_cmpuint(pageID, <, webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView)); |
| pageID = webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView); |
| proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| checkTitle(test, proxy.get(), "Title5"); |
| |
| test->loadURI("foo://host6/"); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| g_assert_true(pageIDChangedEmitted); |
| pageIDChangedEmitted = false; |
| g_assert_cmpuint(pageID, <, webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView)); |
| pageID = webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView); |
| proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| checkTitle(test, proxy.get(), "Title6"); |
| |
| test->goBack(); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| g_assert_true(pageIDChangedEmitted); |
| pageIDChangedEmitted = false; |
| g_assert_cmpuint(pageID, >, webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView)); |
| pageID = webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView); |
| proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| checkTitle(test, proxy.get(), "Title5"); |
| |
| test->goForward(); |
| test->waitUntilLoadFinished(); |
| g_assert_true(pageIDChangedEmitted); |
| pageIDChangedEmitted = false; |
| g_assert_cmpuint(pageID, <, webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView)); |
| pageID = webkit_web_view_get_page_id(test->m_webView); |
| proxy = test->extensionProxy(); |
| checkTitle(test, proxy.get(), "Title6"); |
| } |
| |
| void beforeAll() |
| { |
| WebViewTest::add("WebKitWebExtension", "dom-document-title", testWebExtensionGetTitle); |
| WebViewTest::add("WebKitWebExtension", "dom-input-element-is-user-edited", testWebExtensionInputElementIsUserEdited); |
| #endif |
| WebViewTest::add("WebKitWebExtension", "document-loaded-signal", testDocumentLoadedSignal); |
| WebViewTest::add("WebKitWebView", "web-process-crashed", testWebKitWebViewProcessCrashed); |
| WebViewTest::add("WebKitWebExtension", "window-object-cleared", testWebExtensionWindowObjectCleared); |
| WebViewTest::add("WebKitWebExtension", "isolated-world", testWebExtensionIsolatedWorld); |
| WebViewTest::add("WebKitWebView", "install-missing-plugins-permission-request", testInstallMissingPluginsPermissionRequest); |
| #endif |
| WebViewTest::add("WebKitWebExtension", "form-controls-associated-signal", testWebExtensionFormControlsAssociated); |
| FormSubmissionTest::add("WebKitWebExtension", "form-submission-steps", testWebExtensionFormSubmissionSteps); |
| WebViewTest::add("WebKitWebExtension", "page-id", testWebExtensionPageID); |
| } |
| |
| void afterAll() |
| { |
| } |