blob: 8ec624c8f5d38f273768558df14bc898b45269d3 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests the htmlFor attribute and its properties.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
- Tests from
PASS String(element.htmlFor) is "x"
PASS element.htmlFor.length is 0
PASS element.htmlFor.length is 1
PASS element.htmlFor.length is 2
PASS element.htmlFor.length is 2
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is "x"
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is "x"
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is "x x"
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is "y x"
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is ""
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is ""
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is " y y "
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is "y"
- Ensure that we can handle empty form attribute correctly
PASS list.value is "x"
PASS list.value is ""
PASS element.htmlFor.contains('x') is false
PASS element.htmlFor[1] is undefined.
PASS element.htmlFor.contains('x') is true
PASS element.htmlFor[1] is undefined.
- Testing add in presence of trailing white spaces.
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is "x y"
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is "x\ty"
PASS element.htmlFor.toString() is " y"
- Test invalid tokens
PASS element.htmlFor.contains('') threw expected DOMException with code 12
PASS element.htmlFor.contains('x y') threw expected DOMException with code 5
PASS element.htmlFor.add('') threw expected DOMException with code 12
PASS element.htmlFor.add('x y') threw expected DOMException with code 5
PASS element.htmlFor.remove('') threw expected DOMException with code 12
PASS element.htmlFor.remove('x y') threw expected DOMException with code 5
PASS element.htmlFor.toggle('') threw expected DOMException with code 12
PASS element.htmlFor.toggle('x y') threw expected DOMException with code 5
- Indexing
PASS element.htmlFor[0] is "x"
PASS element.htmlFor.item(0) is "x"
PASS element.htmlFor[1] is "x"
PASS element.htmlFor.item(1) is "x"
PASS element.htmlFor[1] is "y"
PASS element.htmlFor.item(1) is "y"
PASS element.htmlFor[0] is undefined.
PASS element.htmlFor.item(0) is null
PASS element.htmlFor[4] is undefined.
PASS element.htmlFor.item(4) is null
PASS element.htmlFor[-1] is undefined.
PASS element.htmlFor.item(-1) is null
- Test case since DOMTokenList is case sensitive
PASS element.htmlFor.contains('x') is true
PASS element.htmlFor.contains('X') is false
PASS element.htmlFor[0] is "x"
PASS element.htmlFor.contains('X') is true
PASS element.htmlFor.contains('x') is false
PASS element.htmlFor[0] is "X"
- Testing whitespace
PASS element.htmlFor.length is 2
PASS element.htmlFor.length is 2
PASS element.htmlFor.length is 2
PASS element.htmlFor.length is 2
PASS element.htmlFor.length is 2
- DOMSettableTokenList presence and type
PASS 'undefined' != typeof DOMSettableTokenList is true
PASS typeof DOMSettableTokenList.prototype is "object"
PASS typeof element.htmlFor is "object"
PASS element.htmlFor.constructor is DOMSettableTokenList
PASS element.htmlFor === element.htmlFor is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true