| <!DOCTYPE html> |
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| <script src="../../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
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| description('Test setting the host attribute of the URL in a URL object.'); |
| |
| var a = new URL("about:blank"); |
| |
| debug("Basic test"); |
| a.href = "https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/"; |
| a.host = "www.otherdomain.com:0"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://www.otherdomain.com:0/path/'"); |
| |
| // IE8 throws "The URL is invalid" exception. |
| debug("Set host with '?' in it"); |
| try { |
| a.href = "https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/?key=value"; |
| a.host = "www.other?domain.com:8080"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://www.other/?domain.com:8080/path/?key=value'"); |
| } catch(e) { |
| debug("Exception: " + e.description); |
| } |
| |
| debug("Set default port for another protocol"); |
| a.href = "https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/"; |
| a.host = "www.otherdomain.com:80"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://www.otherdomain.com:80/path/'"); |
| |
| debug("Set default port"); |
| a.href = "https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/"; |
| a.host = "www.otherdomain.com:443"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://www.otherdomain.com/path/'"); |
| |
| // Firefox 3.5.2 rejects a port that contains non-digits. |
| debug("Set host with letters in port number"); |
| a.href = "https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/"; |
| a.host = "www.otherdomain.com:44a5"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://www.otherdomain.com:44/path/'"); |
| |
| // Firefox 3.5.2 ignores the leading space in the port, but errs on reparsing the port. |
| debug("Leading space in port number"); |
| a.href = "https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/"; |
| a.host = "www.otherdomain.com: 443"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://www.otherdomain.com:0/path/'"); |
| |
| // Firefox 3.5.2 removed the port, clearly against the spec . |
| debug("Colon without port number"); |
| a.href = "https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/"; |
| a.host = "www.otherdomain.com:"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://www.otherdomain.com:0/path/'"); |
| |
| // IE8 converts null to "null", which is not the right thing to do. |
| // Firefox 3.5.2 allows setting the host to null, which it shouldn't per |
| // http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/infrastructure.html#url-decomposition-idl-attributes . |
| debug("Set host to null"); |
| a.href = "https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/"; |
| a.host = null; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/'"); |
| |
| // Both IE8 and Firefox 3.5.2 allow setting the host to empty string, which they shouldn't, per |
| // http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/infrastructure.html#url-decomposition-idl-attributes . |
| // Since both do that in a buggy way, WebKit does not follow either one of them. |
| debug("Set host to empty string"); |
| a.href = "https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/"; |
| a.host = ""; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/'"); |
| |
| // Firefox 3.5.2 does not `set the host for file: . |
| debug("Set host to URL with file: protocol"); |
| a.href = "file:///path/"; |
| a.host = "mydomain.com"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'file://mydomain.com/path/'"); |
| |
| // IE8 throws if the host contains '/' |
| debug("Set host containing slashes in it"); |
| try { |
| a.href = "https://www.mydomain.com:8080/path/"; |
| a.host = "www.other\dom/ain.com"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://www.otherdom/ain.com/path/'"); |
| } catch(e) { |
| debug("Exception: " + e.description); |
| } |
| |
| // WebKit fails to strip the \r in the authority, and therefore treats the URL as invalid |
| // and gets a different result than Firefox or Chrome; we should probably strip it |
| debug("Set host to a malformed URL"); |
| shouldThrow('a.href = "https:/\\rww.my@domain.com:8080/path/"'); |
| a.host = "www.other!domain.com:15"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https:/\\rww.my@domain.com:8080/path/'"); |
| |
| // IE8 throws an "Object Error" exception. |
| // Firefox 3.5.2 accepts this but throws an exception later |
| // WebKit should just reject |
| debug("Set host that starts with ':'"); |
| try { |
| a.href = "https://domain.com:8080/path/"; |
| a.host = ":www.otherdomain.com:15"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://domain.com:8080/path/'"); |
| } catch(e) { |
| debug("Exception: " + e.description); |
| } |
| |
| // IE8 throws a security exception if the host contains '@' |
| debug("Set host to URL containing username and .."); |
| try { |
| a.href = "https://rwwmy@domain.com:8080/pa..th/"; |
| a.host = "www.other!domain.com:25"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'https://rwwmy@www.other!domain.com:25/pa..th/'"); |
| } catch(e) { |
| debug("Exception: " + e.description); |
| } |
| |
| // Both IE8 and Firefox append the hosts, instead of rejecting, per |
| // http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/infrastructure.html#url-decomposition-idl-attributes . |
| debug("Set host to a URL with tel: protocol"); |
| a.href = "tel:+1-816-555-1212"; |
| a.host = "+1-800-555-1212"; |
| shouldBe("a.href", "'tel:+1-816-555-1212'"); |
| |
| </script> |
| <script src="../../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |
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| </html> |