| This test checks the behavior of Intl.NumberFormat as described in the ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification (ECMA-402 2.0). |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS Intl.NumberFormat is an instance of Function |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat() is an instance of Intl.NumberFormat |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.call({}) is an instance of Intl.NumberFormat |
| PASS new Intl.NumberFormat() is an instance of Intl.NumberFormat |
| PASS class DerivedNumberFormat extends Intl.NumberFormat {};(new DerivedNumberFormat) instanceof DerivedNumberFormat is true |
| PASS class DerivedNumberFormat extends Intl.NumberFormat {};(new DerivedNumberFormat) instanceof Intl.NumberFormat is true |
| PASS class DerivedNumberFormat extends Intl.NumberFormat {};new DerivedNumberFormat().format(1) === '1' is true |
| PASS class DerivedNumberFormat extends Intl.NumberFormat {};Object.getPrototypeOf(new DerivedNumberFormat) === DerivedNumberFormat.prototype is true |
| PASS class DerivedNumberFormat extends Intl.NumberFormat {};Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(new DerivedNumberFormat)) === Intl.NumberFormat.prototype is true |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.length is 0 |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Intl.NumberFormat, 'prototype').writable is false |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Intl.NumberFormat, 'prototype').enumerable is false |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Intl.NumberFormat, 'prototype').configurable is false |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf.length is 1 |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf() is an instance of Array |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf.call(null, 'en') is [ 'en' ] |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf.call({}, 'en') is [ 'en' ] |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf.call(1, 'en') is [ 'en' ] |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf(9) is [] |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('en') is [ 'en' ] |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf({ length: 4, 1: 'en', 0: 'es', 3: 'de' }) is [ 'es', 'en', 'de' ] |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf([ 'en', 'pt', 'en', 'es' ]) is [ 'en', 'pt', 'es' ] |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('En-laTn-us-variant2-variant1-1abc-U-ko-tRue-A-aa-aaa-x-RESERVED') is [ 'en-Latn-US-variant2-variant1-1abc-a-aa-aaa-u-ko-true-x-reserved' ] |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('no-bok') is [ 'nb' ] |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('x-some-thing') is [] |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf(Object.create(null, { length: { get() { throw Error('a') } } })) threw exception Error: a. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf(Object.create(null, { length: { value: 1 }, 0: { get() { throw Error('b') } } })) threw exception Error: b. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf([ { toString() { throw Error('c') } } ]) threw exception Error: c. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf([ 5 ]) threw exception TypeError: locale value must be a string or object. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: . |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('a') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: a. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('abcdefghij') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: abcdefghij. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('#$') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: #$. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('en-@-abc') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: en-@-abc. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('en-u') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: en-u. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('en-u-kn-true-u-ko-true') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: en-u-kn-true-u-ko-true. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('en-x') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: en-x. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('en-*') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: en-*. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('en-') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: en-. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf('en--US') threw exception RangeError: invalid language tag: en--US. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.constructor is Intl.NumberFormat |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format is an instance of Function |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Intl.NumberFormat.prototype, 'format').get is an instance of Function |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Intl.NumberFormat.prototype, 'format').set is undefined |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Intl.NumberFormat.prototype, 'format').enumerable is false |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Intl.NumberFormat.prototype, 'format').configurable is true |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format.length is 1 |
| PASS Object.defineProperty({}, 'format', Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Intl.NumberFormat.prototype, 'format')).format threw exception TypeError: Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format called on value that's not an object initialized as a NumberFormat. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format !== Intl.NumberFormat().format is true |
| PASS new Intl.NumberFormat().format !== new Intl.NumberFormat().format is true |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format({ valueOf() { throw Error('5') } }) threw exception Error: 5. |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format.call(null, 1.2) is Intl.NumberFormat().format(1.2) |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format.call(Intl.DateTimeFormat('ar'), 1.2) is Intl.NumberFormat().format(1.2) |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.format.call(5, 1.2) is Intl.NumberFormat().format(1.2) |
| PASS new Intl.NumberFormat().format.call(null, 1.2) is Intl.NumberFormat().format(1.2) |
| PASS new Intl.NumberFormat().format.call(Intl.DateTimeFormat('ar'), 1.2) is Intl.NumberFormat().format(1.2) |
| PASS new Intl.NumberFormat().format.call(5, 1.2) is Intl.NumberFormat().format(1.2) |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions.length is 0 |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions() is an instance of Object |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions() === Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions() is false |
| PASS Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions.call(5) threw exception TypeError: Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions called on value that's not an object initialized as a NumberFormat. |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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