blob: a306208bed8b2d1386c52a4201b375e9dd049b0e [file] [log] [blame]
[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
[% max_local = Param('maxlocalattachment') * 1024 %]
[% max_limit = Param('maxattachmentsize')> max_local ? Param('maxattachmentsize') : max_local %]
<tr class="attachment_data">
<th><label for="data">File</label>:</th>
<em>Enter the path to the file on your computer</em> (or
<a id="attachment_data_controller" href="javascript:TUI_toggle_class('attachment_text_field');
>paste text as attachment</a>).<br>
<input type="file" id="data" name="data" size="50" onchange="DataFieldHandler()">
<br><em>(File size limit: [% max_limit FILTER html %] KB)</em>
<tr class="attachment_text_field">
<th><label for="attach_text">File</label>:</th>
<em>Paste the text to be added as an attachment</em> (or
<a id="attachment_text_field_controller" href="javascript:TUI_toggle_class('attachment_text_field');
>attach a file</a>).<br>
<textarea id="attach_text" name="attach_text" cols="80" rows="15"
onkeyup="TextFieldHandler()" onblur="TextFieldHandler()"></textarea>
<th class="required"><label for="description">Description</label>:</th>
<em>Describe the attachment briefly.</em><br>
<input type="text" id="description" name="description" class="required"
size="60" maxlength="200">
<tr[% ' class="expert_fields"' UNLESS %]>
<th>Content Type:</th>
<em>If the attachment is a patch, check the box below.</em><br>
<input type="checkbox" id="ispatch" name="ispatch" value="1"
<label for="ispatch">patch</label><br><br>
[%# Reset this whenever the page loads so that the JS state is up to date %]
<script type="text/javascript">
YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {
bz_fireEvent(document.getElementById('ispatch'), 'change');
<em>Otherwise, choose a method for determining the content type.</em><br>
<input type="radio" id="autodetect"
name="contenttypemethod" value="autodetect" checked="checked">
<label for="autodetect">auto-detect</label><br>
<input type="radio" id="list"
name="contenttypemethod" value="list">
<label for="list">select from list</label>:
<select name="contenttypeselection" id="contenttypeselection"
onchange="this.form.contenttypemethod[1].checked = true;">
[% PROCESS content_types %]
<input type="radio" id="manual"
name="contenttypemethod" value="manual">
<label for="manual">enter manually</label>:
<input type="text" name="contenttypeentry" id="contenttypeentry"
size="30" maxlength="200"
onchange="if (this.value) this.form.contenttypemethod[2].checked = true;">
<tr[% ' class="expert_fields"' UNLESS %]>
<td> </td>
[% IF flag_types && flag_types.size > 0 %]
[% PROCESS "flag/list.html.tmpl" %]<br>
[% END %]
[% USE CGI %]
[% cgi_product = CGI.param('product') %]
[% PROCESS attachment/patchlegalese.html.tmpl product = cgi_product %]
[%# endif // WEBKIT_CHANGES %]
[% BLOCK content_types %]
[%# WEBKIT_CHANGES: Added XHTML source and SVG image. %]
[% mimetypes = [{type => "text/plain", desc => "plain text"},
{type => "text/html", desc => "HTML source"},
{type => "application/xhtml+xml", desc => "XHTML source"},
{type => "image/svg+xml", desc => "SVG image"},
{type => "application/xml", desc => "XML source"},
{type => "image/gif", desc => "GIF image"},
{type => "image/jpeg", desc => "JPEG image"},
{type => "image/png", desc => "PNG image"},
{type => "application/pdf", desc => "PDF document"},
{type => "application/octet-stream", desc => "binary file"}]
[% Hook.process("mimetypes", "attachment/createformcontents.html.tmpl") %]
[% FOREACH m = mimetypes %]
<option value="[% m.type FILTER html %]">[% m.desc FILTER html %] ([% m.type FILTER html %])</option>
[% END %]
[% END %]