| Test openCursor/openKeyCursor with raw IDBKeys. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| indexedDB = self.indexedDB || self.webkitIndexedDB || self.mozIndexedDB || self.msIndexedDB || self.OIndexedDB; |
| |
| dbname = "opencursor-key.html" |
| indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbname) |
| indexedDB.open(dbname) |
| objectStore = db.createObjectStore(objectStoreName); |
| First, add all our data to the object store. |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| request = objectStore.add(objectStoreData[i].value, objectStoreData[i].key); |
| Now create the indexes. |
| objectStore.createIndex(indexData[i].name, indexData[i].keyPath, indexData[i].options); |
| objectStore.createIndex(indexData[i].name, indexData[i].keyPath, indexData[i].options); |
| objectStore.createIndex(indexData[i].name, indexData[i].keyPath, indexData[i].options); |
| testObjectStore() |
| trans = db.transaction(objectStoreName, 'readwrite') |
| objectStore = trans.objectStore(objectStoreName) |
| request = objectStore.openCursor('237-23-7739') |
| PASS cursor.key is "237-23-7739" |
| PASS JSON.stringify(cursor.value) is JSON.stringify(objectStoreData[7].value) |
| PASS cursor.primaryKey is cursor.key |
| cursor.continue() |
| PASS cursor is null |
| trans = db.transaction(objectStoreName, 'readwrite') |
| objectStore = trans.objectStore(objectStoreName) |
| index = objectStore.index('weight') |
| request = index.openCursor(180) |
| PASS cursor.key is 180 |
| PASS JSON.stringify(cursor.value) is JSON.stringify(objectStoreData[2].value) |
| PASS cursor.primaryKey is "237-23-7734" |
| cursor.continue() |
| PASS cursor.key is 180 |
| PASS JSON.stringify(cursor.value) is JSON.stringify(objectStoreData[6].value) |
| PASS cursor.primaryKey is "237-23-7738" |
| cursor.continue() |
| PASS cursor.key is 180 |
| PASS JSON.stringify(cursor.value) is JSON.stringify(objectStoreData[10].value) |
| PASS cursor.primaryKey is "237-23-7742" |
| cursor.continue() |
| PASS cursor is null |
| trans = db.transaction(objectStoreName, 'readwrite') |
| objectStore = trans.objectStore(objectStoreName) |
| index = objectStore.index('weight') |
| request = index.openKeyCursor(180) |
| PASS cursor.key is 180 |
| PASS cursor.primaryKey is "237-23-7734" |
| cursor.continue() |
| PASS cursor.key is 180 |
| PASS cursor.primaryKey is "237-23-7738" |
| cursor.continue() |
| PASS cursor.key is 180 |
| PASS cursor.primaryKey is "237-23-7742" |
| cursor.continue() |
| PASS cursor is null |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |