blob: c2b3a33858d115ce236c7234944619aa6aa45e6c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "FrameTree.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "FrameLoader.h"
#include "FrameView.h"
#include "HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "PageGroup.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include <wtf/text/CString.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringConcatenateNumbers.h>
namespace WebCore {
FrameTree::FrameTree(Frame& thisFrame, Frame* parentFrame)
: m_thisFrame(thisFrame)
, m_parent(makeWeakPtr(parentFrame))
for (Frame* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling())
void FrameTree::setName(const AtomString& name)
m_name = name;
if (!parent()) {
m_uniqueName = name;
m_uniqueName = nullAtom(); // Remove our old frame name so it's not considered in uniqueChildName.
m_uniqueName = parent()->tree().uniqueChildName(name);
void FrameTree::clearName()
m_name = nullAtom();
m_uniqueName = nullAtom();
Frame* FrameTree::parent() const
return m_parent.get();
void FrameTree::appendChild(Frame& child)
child.tree().m_parent = makeWeakPtr(m_thisFrame);
WeakPtr<Frame> oldLast = m_lastChild;
m_lastChild = makeWeakPtr(child);
if (oldLast) {
child.tree().m_previousSibling = oldLast;
oldLast->tree().m_nextSibling = &child;
} else
m_firstChild = &child;
m_scopedChildCount = invalidCount;
void FrameTree::removeChild(Frame& child)
WeakPtr<Frame>& newLocationForPrevious = m_lastChild == &child ? m_lastChild : child.tree().m_nextSibling->tree().m_previousSibling;
RefPtr<Frame>& newLocationForNext = m_firstChild == &child ? m_firstChild : child.tree().m_previousSibling->tree().m_nextSibling;
child.tree().m_parent = nullptr;
newLocationForPrevious = std::exchange(child.tree().m_previousSibling, nullptr);
newLocationForNext = WTFMove(child.tree().m_nextSibling);
m_scopedChildCount = invalidCount;
AtomString FrameTree::uniqueChildName(const AtomString& requestedName) const
// If the requested name (the frame's "name" attribute) is unique, just use that.
if (!requestedName.isEmpty() && !child(requestedName) && !equalIgnoringASCIICase(requestedName, "_blank"))
return requestedName;
// The "name" attribute was not unique or absent. Generate a name based on a counter on the main frame that gets reset
// on navigation. The name uses HTML comment syntax to avoid collisions with author names.
return generateUniqueName();
AtomString FrameTree::generateUniqueName() const
auto& top = this->top();
if (&top.tree() != this)
return top.tree().generateUniqueName();
return makeString("<!--frame", ++m_frameIDGenerator, "-->");
static bool inScope(Frame& frame, TreeScope& scope)
Document* document = frame.document();
if (!document)
return false;
HTMLFrameOwnerElement* owner = document->ownerElement();
if (!owner)
return false;
return &owner->treeScope() == &scope;
inline Frame* FrameTree::scopedChild(unsigned index, TreeScope* scope) const
if (!scope)
return nullptr;
unsigned scopedIndex = 0;
for (Frame* result = firstChild(); result; result = result->tree().nextSibling()) {
if (inScope(*result, *scope)) {
if (scopedIndex == index)
return result;
return nullptr;
inline Frame* FrameTree::scopedChild(const AtomString& name, TreeScope* scope) const
if (!scope)
return nullptr;
for (Frame* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling()) {
if (child->tree().uniqueName() == name && inScope(*child, *scope))
return child;
return nullptr;
inline unsigned FrameTree::scopedChildCount(TreeScope* scope) const
if (!scope)
return 0;
unsigned scopedCount = 0;
for (Frame* result = firstChild(); result; result = result->tree().nextSibling()) {
if (inScope(*result, *scope))
return scopedCount;
Frame* FrameTree::scopedChild(unsigned index) const
return scopedChild(index, m_thisFrame.document());
Frame* FrameTree::scopedChild(const AtomString& name) const
return scopedChild(name, m_thisFrame.document());
unsigned FrameTree::scopedChildCount() const
if (m_scopedChildCount == invalidCount)
m_scopedChildCount = scopedChildCount(m_thisFrame.document());
return m_scopedChildCount;
unsigned FrameTree::childCount() const
unsigned count = 0;
for (auto* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling())
return count;
unsigned FrameTree::descendantCount() const
unsigned count = 0;
for (auto* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling())
count += 1 + child->tree().descendantCount();
return count;
Frame* FrameTree::child(unsigned index) const
Frame* result = firstChild();
for (unsigned i = 0; result && i != index; ++i)
result = result->tree().nextSibling();
return result;
Frame* FrameTree::child(const AtomString& name) const
for (Frame* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling())
if (child->tree().uniqueName() == name)
return child;
return nullptr;
// FrameTree::find() only returns frames in pages that are related to the active
// page by an opener <-> openee relationship.
static bool isFrameFamiliarWith(Frame& frameA, Frame& frameB)
if ( ==
return true;
auto* frameAOpener = frameA.mainFrame().loader().opener();
auto* frameBOpener = frameB.mainFrame().loader().opener();
return (frameAOpener && frameAOpener->page() == || (frameBOpener && frameBOpener->page() == || (frameAOpener && frameBOpener && frameAOpener->page() == frameBOpener->page());
Frame* FrameTree::find(const AtomString& name, Frame& activeFrame) const
// FIXME: _current is not part of the HTML specification.
if (equalIgnoringASCIICase(name, "_self") || name == "_current" || name.isEmpty())
return &m_thisFrame;
if (equalIgnoringASCIICase(name, "_top"))
return &top();
if (equalIgnoringASCIICase(name, "_parent"))
return parent() ? parent() : &m_thisFrame;
// Since "_blank" should never be any frame's name, the following is only an optimization.
if (equalIgnoringASCIICase(name, "_blank"))
return nullptr;
// Search subtree starting with this frame first.
for (Frame* frame = &m_thisFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext(&m_thisFrame)) {
if (frame->tree().uniqueName() == name)
return frame;
// Then the rest of the tree.
for (Frame* frame = &m_thisFrame.mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) {
if (frame->tree().uniqueName() == name)
return frame;
// Search the entire tree of each of the other pages in this namespace.
// FIXME: Is random order OK?
Page* page =;
if (!page)
return nullptr;
for (auto& otherPage : page->group().pages()) {
if (&otherPage == page)
for (auto* frame = &otherPage.mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) {
if (frame->tree().uniqueName() == name && isFrameFamiliarWith(activeFrame, *frame))
return frame;
return nullptr;
bool FrameTree::isDescendantOf(const Frame* ancestor) const
if (!ancestor)
return false;
if ( != ancestor->page())
return false;
for (Frame* frame = &m_thisFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree().parent())
if (frame == ancestor)
return true;
return false;
Frame* FrameTree::traverseNext(const Frame* stayWithin) const
Frame* child = firstChild();
if (child) {
ASSERT(!stayWithin || child->tree().isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
return child;
if (&m_thisFrame == stayWithin)
return nullptr;
Frame* sibling = nextSibling();
if (sibling) {
ASSERT(!stayWithin || sibling->tree().isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
return sibling;
Frame* frame = &m_thisFrame;
while (!sibling && (!stayWithin || frame->tree().parent() != stayWithin)) {
frame = frame->tree().parent();
if (!frame)
return nullptr;
sibling = frame->tree().nextSibling();
if (frame) {
ASSERT(!stayWithin || !sibling || sibling->tree().isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
return sibling;
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::firstRenderedChild() const
Frame* child = firstChild();
if (!child)
return nullptr;
if (child->ownerRenderer())
return child;
while ((child = child->tree().nextSibling())) {
if (child->ownerRenderer())
return child;
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::nextRenderedSibling() const
Frame* sibling = &m_thisFrame;
while ((sibling = sibling->tree().nextSibling())) {
if (sibling->ownerRenderer())
return sibling;
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::traverseNextRendered(const Frame* stayWithin) const
Frame* child = firstRenderedChild();
if (child) {
ASSERT(!stayWithin || child->tree().isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
return child;
if (&m_thisFrame == stayWithin)
return nullptr;
Frame* sibling = nextRenderedSibling();
if (sibling) {
ASSERT(!stayWithin || sibling->tree().isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
return sibling;
Frame* frame = &m_thisFrame;
while (!sibling && (!stayWithin || frame->tree().parent() != stayWithin)) {
frame = frame->tree().parent();
if (!frame)
return nullptr;
sibling = frame->tree().nextRenderedSibling();
if (frame) {
ASSERT(!stayWithin || !sibling || sibling->tree().isDescendantOf(stayWithin));
return sibling;
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::traverseNext(CanWrap canWrap, DidWrap* didWrap) const
if (Frame* result = traverseNext())
return result;
if (canWrap == CanWrap::Yes) {
if (didWrap)
*didWrap = DidWrap::Yes;
return &m_thisFrame.mainFrame();
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::traversePrevious(CanWrap canWrap, DidWrap* didWrap) const
// FIXME: besides the wrap feature, this is just the traversePreviousNode algorithm
if (Frame* prevSibling = previousSibling())
return prevSibling->tree().deepLastChild();
if (Frame* parentFrame = parent())
return parentFrame;
// no siblings, no parent, self==top
if (canWrap == CanWrap::Yes) {
if (didWrap)
*didWrap = DidWrap::Yes;
return deepLastChild();
// top view is always the last one in this ordering, so prev is nil without wrap
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::traverseNextInPostOrder(CanWrap canWrap) const
if (m_nextSibling)
return m_nextSibling->tree().deepFirstChild();
if (m_parent)
return m_parent.get();
if (canWrap == CanWrap::Yes)
return deepFirstChild();
return nullptr;
Frame* FrameTree::deepFirstChild() const
Frame* result = &m_thisFrame;
while (auto* next = result->tree().firstChild())
result = next;
return result;
Frame* FrameTree::deepLastChild() const
Frame* result = &m_thisFrame;
for (Frame* last = lastChild(); last; last = last->tree().lastChild())
result = last;
return result;
Frame& FrameTree::top() const
Frame* frame = &m_thisFrame;
for (Frame* parent = &m_thisFrame; parent; parent = parent->tree().parent())
frame = parent;
return *frame;
} // namespace WebCore
#ifndef NDEBUG
static void printIndent(int indent)
for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i)
printf(" ");
static void printFrames(const WebCore::Frame& frame, const WebCore::Frame* targetFrame, int indent)
if (&frame == targetFrame) {
printf("--> ");
printIndent(indent - 1);
} else
WebCore::FrameView* view = frame.view();
printf("Frame %p %dx%d\n", &frame, view ? view->width() : 0, view ? view->height() : 0);
printf(" ownerElement=%p\n", frame.ownerElement());
printf(" frameView=%p (needs layout %d)\n", view, view ? view->needsLayout() : false);
printf(" renderView=%p\n", view ? view->renderView() : nullptr);
printf(" ownerRenderer=%p\n", frame.ownerRenderer());
printf(" document=%p (needs style recalc %d)\n", frame.document(), frame.document() ? frame.document()->childNeedsStyleRecalc() : false);
printf(" uri=%s\n", frame.document()->documentURI().utf8().data());
for (WebCore::Frame* child = frame.tree().firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().nextSibling())
printFrames(*child, targetFrame, indent + 1);
void showFrameTree(const WebCore::Frame* frame)
if (!frame) {
printf("Null input frame\n");
printFrames(frame->tree().top(), frame, 0);