| Test the unprefixed animation properties. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| |
| Parsing - Basic animation-name : waldo |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-name') is 'waldo' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-name') is 'waldo' |
| |
| Parsing - Multiple animation-names : waldo, wally |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-name') is 'waldo, wally' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-name') is 'waldo, wally' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'waldo' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'wally' |
| |
| Parsing - Basic animation-duration : 5s |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-duration') is '5s' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-duration') is '5s' |
| |
| Parsing - Multiple animation-durations : 10s, 20ms |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-duration') is '10s, 20ms' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-duration') is '10s, 20ms' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '10s' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '20ms' |
| |
| Parsing - Basic animation-delay : 5s |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-delay') is '5s' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-delay') is '5s' |
| |
| Parsing - Multiple animation-delays : 10s, 20ms |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-delay') is '10s, 20ms' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-delay') is '10s, 20ms' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '10s' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '20ms' |
| |
| Parsing - Basic animation-timing-function : ease-in-out |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-timing-function') is 'ease-in-out' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-timing-function') is 'ease-in-out' |
| |
| Parsing - animation-timing-function with bezier : cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-timing-function') is 'cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-timing-function') is 'cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)' |
| |
| Parsing - Multiple animation-timing-functions : ease-in, ease-out |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-timing-function') is 'ease-in, ease-out' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-timing-function') is 'ease-in, ease-out' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'ease-in' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'ease-out' |
| |
| Parsing - Basic animation-iteration-count : 4 |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-iteration-count') is '4' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-iteration-count') is '4' |
| |
| Parsing - animation-iteration-count with keyword : infinite |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-iteration-count') is 'infinite' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-iteration-count') is 'infinite' |
| |
| Parsing - Multiple animation-iteration-counts : 2, infinite, 4 |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-iteration-count') is '2, infinite, 4' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-iteration-count') is '2, infinite, 4' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '2' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'infinite' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '4' |
| |
| Parsing - Normal animation-direction : normal |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-direction') is 'normal' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-direction') is 'normal' |
| |
| Parsing - Alternate animation-direction : alternate |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-direction') is 'alternate' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-direction') is 'alternate' |
| |
| Parsing - Reverse animation-direction : reverse |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-direction') is 'reverse' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-direction') is 'reverse' |
| |
| Parsing - Alternate Reverse animation-direction : alternate-reverse |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-direction') is 'alternate-reverse' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-direction') is 'alternate-reverse' |
| |
| Parsing - Multiple animation-directions : alternate, alternate, normal |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-direction') is 'alternate, alternate, normal' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-direction') is 'alternate, alternate, normal' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'alternate' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'alternate' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'normal' |
| |
| Parsing - None animation-fill-mode : none |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-fill-mode') is 'none' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-fill-mode') is 'none' |
| |
| Parsing - Forwards animation-fill-mode : forwards |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-fill-mode') is 'forwards' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-fill-mode') is 'forwards' |
| |
| Parsing - Backwards animation-fill-mode : backwards |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-fill-mode') is 'backwards' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-fill-mode') is 'backwards' |
| |
| Parsing - Both animation-fill-mode : both |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-fill-mode') is 'both' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-fill-mode') is 'both' |
| |
| Parsing - Multiple animation-fill-modes : none, forwards, backwards, both |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 2 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-fill-mode') is 'none, forwards, backwards, both' |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-animation-fill-mode') is 'none, forwards, backwards, both' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'none' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'forwards' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'backwards' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'both' |
| |
| Invalid - duration - Bad value : 10cm |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-duration') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - duration - List with bad value : 10ms, 10cm, 10s |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-duration') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - delay - Bad value : 10cm |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-delay') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - delay - List with bad value : 10ms, 10cm, 10s |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-delay') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - timing-function - Wrong keyword parameter : egg |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-timing-function') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - timing-function - List with wrong keyword parameter : ease-in, egg, ease-out |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-timing-function') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - iteration-count - Wrong keyword parameter : banana |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-iteration-count') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - iteration-count - List with wrong keyword parameter : infinite, 10, banana |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-iteration-count') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - direction - Wrong keyword parameter : all |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-direction') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - direction - List with wrong keyword parameter : normal, alternate, none |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-direction') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - fill-mode - Wrong keyword parameter : all |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-fill-mode') is "" |
| |
| Invalid - fill-mode - List with wrong keyword parameter : none, backwards, left, alternate, forwards |
| PASS cssRule.type is 1 |
| PASS declaration.length is 0 |
| PASS declaration.getPropertyValue('animation-fill-mode') is "" |
| |
| Computed Style - Basic animation-name : waldo |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'waldo' |
| |
| Computed Style - Multiple animation-names : waldo, wally |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'waldo' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'wally' |
| |
| Computed Style - Basic animation-duration : 5s |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is '5s' |
| |
| Computed Style - Multiple animation-durations : 10s, 20ms |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '10s' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '0.02s' |
| |
| Computed Style - Basic animation-delay : 5s |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is '5s' |
| |
| Computed Style - Multiple animation-delays : 10s, 20ms |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '10s' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '0.02s' |
| |
| Computed Style - Basic animation-timing-function : ease-in-out |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'ease-in-out' |
| |
| Computed Style - animation-timing-function with bezier : cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)' |
| |
| Computed Style - Multiple animation-timing-functions : ease-in, ease-out |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'ease-in' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'ease-out' |
| |
| Computed Style - Basic animation-iteration-count : 4 |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is '4' |
| |
| Computed Style - animation-iteration-count with keyword : infinite |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'infinite' |
| |
| Computed Style - Multiple animation-iteration-counts : 2, infinite, 4 |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '2' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'infinite' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is '4' |
| |
| Computed Style - Normal animation-direction : normal |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'normal' |
| |
| Computed Style - Alternate animation-direction : alternate |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'alternate' |
| |
| Computed Style - Reverse animation-direction : reverse |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'reverse' |
| |
| Computed Style - Alternate Reverse animation-direction : alternate-reverse |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'alternate-reverse' |
| |
| Computed Style - Multiple animation-directions : alternate, alternate, normal |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'alternate' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'alternate' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'normal' |
| |
| Computed Style - None animation-fill-mode : none |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'none' |
| |
| Computed Style - Forwards animation-fill-mode : forwards |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'forwards' |
| |
| Computed Style - Backwards animation-fill-mode : backwards |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'backwards' |
| |
| Computed Style - Both animation-fill-mode : both |
| PASS animationStyle.cssText is 'both' |
| |
| Computed Style - Multiple animation-fill-modes : none, forwards, backwards, both |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'none' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'forwards' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'backwards' |
| PASS subRule.cssText is 'both' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |