blob: 3a3d10559f27dc277c82ad42447a691de6cab839 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script>
<title>Self-Referencing aria-labelledby</title>
<!-- Self-referencing label should be the content text. -->
<a aria-labelledby="t0 s0 s1" class="test" href="#" id="t0">X</a>
<!-- Self-referencing label should be the aria-label text. -->
<a aria-label="X" aria-labelledby="t1 s0 s1" class="test" href="#" id="t1">?</a>
<!-- Self-referencing label should be the title text. -->
<img alt="" aria-labelledby="t2 s0 s1" class="test" id="t2" src="resources/cake.png" title="X">
<!-- Self-referencing label should be the alt text. -->
<img alt="X" aria-labelledby="t3 s0 s1" class="test" id="t3" src="resources/cake.png" title="?">
<!-- Self-referencing label should be the aria-label text. -->
<img alt="?" aria-label="X" aria-labelledby="t4 s0 s1" class="test" id="t4" src="resources/cake.png" title="?">
<!-- Self-referencing label should be the value text. -->
<input aria-labelledby="t5 s0 s1" class="test" id="t5" type="text" value="X">
<!-- Self-referencing label should be the aria-label text. -->
<input aria-label="X" aria-labelledby="t6 s0 s1" class="test" id="t6" type="button" value="?">
<span id="s0">Y</span>
<span id="s1">Z</span>
<p id="description"></p>
<div id="console"></div>
description("This tests that self-referencing aria-labelledby is exposed correctly.");
if (window.accessibilityController) {
testCount = document.getElementsByClassName("test").length;
for (var i = 0; i < testCount; ++i) {
var test = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("t" + i);
shouldBe("test.description", "'AXDescription: X Y Z'");
<script src="../resources/js-test-post.js"></script>