| first blockquote level 1 |
| second blockquote level 1 |
| sans-serif black bold text with underline |
| |
| serif blue italic text |
| |
| |
| checkbox |
| |
| |
| first heading level 1 |
| |
| second heading level 1 |
| |
| heading level 2 |
| |
| heading level 3 |
| |
| heading level 4 |
| |
| heading level 5 |
| |
| heading level 6 |
| |
| landmark |
| |
| link |
| list item |
| live region |
| |
| radio button |
| first table heading level 1 |
| first table body level 1 |
| second table heading level 1 |
| second table body level 1 |
| tree item |
| isVisible test start |
| |
| test button 1 |
| test test test test |
| test test test test |
| test test test test |
| test test test test |
| test test test test |
| test test test test |
| test test test test |
| test test test test |
| test test test test |
| test button 2 |
| test button 3 |
| This tests the ability to search for accessible elements by key or text. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXStaticText' |
| PASS resultElement.stringValue is 'AXValue: first blockquote level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: second blockquote level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: second blockquote level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: sans-serif black bold text with underline' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXCheckBox' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXCheckBox' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXStaticText' |
| PASS resultElement.stringValue is 'AXValue: first blockquote level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: serif blue italic text' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: serif blue italic text' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXImage' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: first heading level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: heading level 2' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: heading level 3' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: heading level 4' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: heading level 5' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: heading level 6' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: second heading level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: first heading level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: serif blue italic text' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.subrole is 'AXSubrole: AXLandmarkBanner' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXLink' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: link' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXList' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.stringAttributeValue('AXARIALive') is 'polite' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXOutline' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: tree item' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXStaticText' |
| PASS resultElement.stringValue is 'AXValue: first blockquote level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXRadioGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: second blockquote level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXStaticText' |
| PASS resultElement.stringValue is 'AXValue: first blockquote level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: serif blue italic text' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXTable' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: second table heading level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXTable' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: first table heading level 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXTextField' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: sans-serif black bold text with underline' |
| PASS resultElement.boolAttributeValue('AXVisited') is false |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: link' |
| PASS resultElement.boolAttributeValue('AXVisited') is true |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: link' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXStaticText' |
| PASS resultElement.stringValue is 'AXValue: sans-serif black bold text with underline' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: heading level 2' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXLink' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: link' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: heading level 2' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.title is 'AXTitle: test button 3' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading' |
| PASS resultElement.childAtIndex(0).stringValue is 'AXValue: isVisible test start' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.title is 'AXTitle: test button 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.title is 'AXTitle: test button 2' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.title is 'AXTitle: test button 3' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.title is 'AXTitle: test button 1' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.title is 'AXTitle: test button 3' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.title is 'AXTitle: test button 2' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.title is 'AXTitle: test button 3' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.title is 'AXTitle: test button 2' |
| PASS resultElement.role is 'AXRole: AXButton' |
| PASS resultElement.title is 'AXTitle: Submit' |
| PASS resultElement is undefined. |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |